an increased modeling depth equally leads to an
improvement of the estimation quality. In addition,
the described weighting function enables a detection
of acceleration and braking phases. This allows an
ideal correction by subtracting the actual motor
torque in the detected range. Main advantage of the
presented command value-based approach is
asignificantly lower noise of the artificial acceleration
signal. Furthermore, the approach operates
independently of any additional external loads that
may act during acceleration phases (e.g. process
forces). By comparing all variants for a wide range of
acceleration and braking situations using extensive
experimental tests, a performance evaluation of all
approaches is carried out. Hence, the results of the
paper may be used to select suitable approaches for
specific application scenarios.
Future work should examine the influence of
superimposed external load torques on the
acceleration correction. Additionally, an adequate
reconstruction of external load forces requires the
estimation of further operation-related effects in the
motor torque signal. Besides already corrected
frictional torques, periodic disturbances caused by
motor poles and notches should be compensated.
Furthermore, conducted experiments have shown that
motor torque does not drop to zero in case of axis
standstill. Main cause are effects in the current control
loop. However, these sections in the motor torque
signal must be detected and corrected. Eventually, an
inverse transfer function between the initiation point
of an external load torque at the end of the mechanical
chain and the measured motor torque must be
modeled. Therefore, it should be examined to what
extent the discrete method presented needs to be
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