instances, benefiting from the roadmap construction
that facilitates navigation within and between safety
zones, even when their areas change. The shortest-
path searches conducted over the roadmap enable our
approach to identify safe locations and determine a
safe path to the goal. In contrast, the baseline planner
faces challenges in expanding the tree effectively to
satisfy the distance constraints imposed by the safety
zones. This further highlights the advantage of our
approach in handling varying safety zone radii.
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safety zones into path planning. The approach made
it possible to plan the path of a robot to reach its goal
while always being able to detour to a safety cen-
ter within the specified distance constraints in case of
emergencies. Experiments in challenging 2D and 3D
environments, involving car and blimp robot models,
demonstrated the efficacy of the approach.
This work opens up several potential research di-
rections. One direction is leveraging machine learn-
ing to predict safe locations. Another is to handle
complex tasks, including multiple goals, exploration,
and even extend the approach to multiple robots.
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