In this paper, a multi-head attention variational au-
toencoder (MA-VAE) for anomaly detection in auto-
motive testing is proposed. It not only features an
attention configuration that avoids the bypass phe-
nomenon but also introduces a novel method of
remapping windows to whole sequences. A num-
ber of experiments are conducted to demonstrate the
anomaly detection performance of the model, as well
as to underline the benefits of key aspects introduced
with the model.
From the results obtained, MA-VAE clearly ben-
efits from the MA mechanism, indicating the avoid-
ance of the bypass phenomenon. Moreover, the
proposed approach only requires a small train-
ing/validation subset size but fails to obtain a suit-
able threshold, as with increasing subset size only the
calibrated anomaly detection performance increases.
Training with different seeds also is shown to have
little impact on the anomaly detection metrics, pro-
vided the threshold is chosen suitably, further under-
lining the previous point. Moreover, mean-type re-
verse windowing fails to significantly outperform its
first-type and last-type counterparts, while introduc-
ing additional lag if it is applied to online anomaly
detection. Lastly, the hyperparameter optimisation re-
vealed that the MA-VAE variant with the largest latent
dimension and attention key dimension resulted in the
best anomaly detection performance. It is only 9% of
the time wrong when an anomaly is flagged and man-
ages to discover 67% of the anomalies present in the
test data set. Also, it outperforms all other competing
models it is compared with.
In the future, a method of threshold choice involv-
ing active learning will be investigated, which can use
user feedback to hone in on a better threshold. Also,
MA-VAE is set to be tested in the context of online
anomaly detection, i.e. during the driving cycle mea-
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Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
NCTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications