Figure 15: Visualisation of the brake predictions and the
ground truth velocity from a different dataset.
The implementation of a CNN model for vehicle
speed prediction using sequential image input
demonstrates the potential of leveraging temporal
information captured in sequential frames. The model
architecture, effectively extracts relevant spatial
features and captures high-level representations of the
input data. The model is evaluated using several
evaluation metrics, providing insights into its
accuracy and reliability. We extend our model to
provide sensorial data as input and we compare both
models with existing published work that uses
additional sensorial input. We found that our
approaches are more robust compared to other
methods that leverage additional data while using
recurrent neural networks, if the additional input
sensorial data is corrupt or erroneous. We have also
tested and evaluated our image based model to predict
brake pedal pressure given the same sequence of
input images, and the results are promising even on
un-seen data from different datasets. Further
experiments can enhance the understanding of the
model's capabilities and potentially lead to
improvements in vehicle speed prediction for real-
world applications, such as video forensics.
The research was supported by grants from the
Ministry of Research and Innovation, CNCS—
UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2021-
0247 and PN-III-P4-ID-PCE2020-1700.
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