Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker
Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
Y. H. P. P. Priyadarshana
, Zilu Liang
and Ian Piumarta
Kyoto University of Advanced Science (KUAS), Kyoto, Japan
Keywords: Multi-Party Written Discourse Analysis, Speaker Identification, Natural Language Processing.
Abstract: Multi-party conversation (MPC) analysis is a growing and challenging research area which involves multiple
interlocutors and complex discourse structures among multiple utterances. Even though most of the existing
methods consider implicit complicated structures in MPC modelling, much work remains to be done for
speaker-centric written discourse parsing under MPC analysis. On the other hand, pre-trained language
models (PLM) have achieved a significant success in utterance-interlocutor semantic modelling. In this study,
we propose Who Says What (WSW), a novel PLM which models who says what in an MPC to understand
equipping discourse parsing in deep semantic structures and contextualized representations of utterances and
interlocutors. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use the relative semantic distance of utterances in
MPCs to design self-supervised tasks for MPC utterance structure modelling and MPC utterance semantic
modelling. Experiments on four public benchmark datasets show that our model outperforms the existing
state-of-the-art MPC understanding baselines by considerable margins and achieves the new state-of-the-art
performance in response utterance selection and speaker identification downstream tasks.
Written discourse analysis is important to identify
social, political, historical, and cultural backgrounds
of dialog systems (Hoey, 2001). This helps to achieve
valuable insights such as semantic closeness and
written discourse structure of the relevance of text-
based conversations. Natural language conversational
understanding has received an increasing attention
due to its potential value for generation and retrieval-
based modelling mechanisms in discourse analysis
(Wu, S et al., 2011). Human conversational
understanding can be identified as two-party
conversations (TPCs) (Wu et al., 2016; Zhou et al.,
2018) where two interlocutors are engaged in
conversations and multi-party conversations (MPCs)
(Traum, 2004; Uthus and Aha, 2013) involving more
than two interlocutors. Even though most of the
existing methods focus on TPC-based understanding,
substantial work has been carried out recently for
MPC-based understanding (Hu et al., 2019; Gu et al.,
2021). Figure 1 shows the graphical informational
flow in an MPC. Sequential-based TPCs learn
interlocuter embeddings and map with utterances
while graphical-based MPCs build implicit
relationships between multiple interlocuter speaker
embeddings with respective utterances to identify the
dynamic informational flow (Hu et al., 2019). A
sample MPC is shown in Table 1.
Figure 1: Graphical informational flow of an MPC.
Priyadarshana, Y., Liang, Z. and Piumarta, I.
Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012164400003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 26-36
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Table 1: Sample of an MPC.
Interlocutors Utterances
Speaker 1 How are you?
Speaker 2 I’m fine, at least now I’m ok.
Speaker 3 What happened to you?
Speaker 2 I nearly survived, it’s shocking.
Speaker 3 What?
The above complicated informational flow
between multiple interlocutors (I
, I
and I
) and
multiple utterances (U
, U
, U
, etc.) generates
various tasks for MPCs such as identifying the correct
speaker of a particular utterance and understanding
the discourse structure of the communication flow.
Various downstream tasks such as modelling the next
speaker, predicting the most appropriate reply, and
identifying the addressee of a particular utterance can
be identified as core functional units under graphical-
based MPCs understanding (Meng et al., 2018; Le et
al., 2019). Even though multiple work has been
conducted under MPCs analysis to model
interlocutor-utterance semantics, a satisfactory study
has not been done for speaker-centric discourse
parsing under graphical-based MPC analysis (Gu et
al., 2022).
Considering the above-mentioned issues, we
propose an approach, WSW, which models who says
what in graphical-based MPCs. Our goal is to design
self-supervised tasks on top of pre-trained language
models (PLMs) to enhance the PLM’s ability to
understand MPCs. Here, we introduce a novel
approach to equip the discourse parsing considering
the relative semantic distance of utterances when
designing self-supervised tasks for PLMs. To our
knowledge, this is the first attempt to use the relative
semantic distance of utterances in MPCs for
designing self-supervised tasks for graphical-based
MPC understanding. These self-supervised tasks are
used to train a Bidirectional Encoder Representations
from Transformer (BERT) PLM in a multi-task
framework, to model contextual representations of
utterances and interlocutors of an MPC. The model is
tested on two downstream tasks including
speaker/addressee identification and response
utterance selection, to evaluate the generalization and
robustness of the model. The main contributions of
this study are: (1) A novel PLM on WSW is proposed
to model contextual representations of utterances and
interlocutors of an MPC considering the relative
semantic distance of utterances in MPCs. (2) Two
downstream tasks are employed to extensively
evaluate the generalization and robustness of the
proposed model. We will show in the results section
that our model outperforms the SOTA MPC
understanding models on the above-mentioned
downstream tasks with four benchmarks datasets.
The overall organization of the paper is as follows:
Section 2 critically reviews related work in this area
while Section 3 explains the overall architecture and
methodology. Experimental results are presented in
Section 4 and then discussed in Section 5.
Existing approaches on modelling user utterances and
interlocutors’ identification for MPC understanding
can be categorized into MPC-based utterance-aware
speaker identification and retrieval-based utterance
modelling. Utterance-aware speaker identification
identifies the speaker of a specific utterance. Multiple
studies have been carried out on speaker
identification based on implicit hidden and explicit
information of different MPCs utterances. Glass and
Bangay introduced a rule-based approach for speaker
identification in fictions (Glass and Bangay, 2007). A
sequence labelling approach (O’Keefe et al., 2012)
and a statistical approach (Elson and McKeown,
2010) were invented for speaker identification of
quoted speech in stories to determine who says which
line in the extracted text conversations. Meng et al.,
2017 proposed the first approach to text-based
speaker segmentation considering speaker change
detection in a conversation. The speaker change
detection is important to identify change of speaker
points in a series of utterances. The same approach
was modified to segment an MPC based on multiple
speakers to classify each speaker for the utterances
(Meng et al., 2018). Chen et al., 2021 improved their
rule-based approach to identify speakers in novels
(Chen et al., 2019), by reformulating it as a BERT-
based modelling approach. Although much work has
been performed, relative semantic discourse level
utterance-aware speaker identification in MPC is yet
to be achieved.
The prime objective of retrieval-based utterance
modelling is to select the optimal utterance out of all
candidates considering the semantic closeness of an
MPC. Ouchi and Tsuboi, 2016 proposed a modelling
framework for response and addressee selection to
identify what has been said to whom in an MPC.
Zhang et al., 2018 improved this framework by
adding interlocutor embeddings to capture speaker
understanding in an MPC but failed to capture the
semantic closeness. Wang et al., 2020 were able to
achieve significant results in response selection using
Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
the concept of dynamic topic tracking without
considering the discourse-level semantic distance of
each utterance in an MPC. Recently, Gu et al., 2021
introduced a unified multi-task framework for
response selection in an MPC but limited to
modelling utterances and interlocutor structures
without considering the discourse nature of context.
Taking advantage of rapid advancement of PLMs,
graphical-based MPCs understanding was further
improved. There are studies which proposed
integrating topic and interlocutor details into PLMs
(Wang et al., 2020) to improve the performance of
utterance-interlocutor semantic modelling in MPCs.
The utterance-interlocutor semantic modelling is
essential to model speaker identification in MPCs for
different utterance semantics. Understanding deep
semantic structures and contextualized
representations of utterances and interlocutors is
essential to performing utterance-aware speaker
identification in MPCs. Modifying the above-
mentioned PLMs considering utterance-interlocutor
discourse modelling concepts may produce state-of-
the-art (SOTA) results in speaker-aware MPC
understanding but is neglected in most studies.
To our knowledge, the present study is the first
attempt to use the relative semantic distance of
utterances in an MPC to identify WSW in a
conversation. Relative semantic distance measures
the contextual closeness of concepts which is
essential in MPCs understanding. Two downstream
tasks are used to evaluate the performance of our
novel model considering four benchmark datasets.
In this section, we present the overall architecture,
self-supervised tasks formation for utterance-aware
speaker identification along with utterance semantic
modelling and downstream tasks formation of our
3.1 Architecture
Figure 2 shows the overall architecture of our model:
WSW. Although BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) is used
as the cornerstone PLM for our model, considering its
capability of processing multiple contextualized
representations of an MPC, the proposed self-
supervised tasks can be modelled with other types of
PLMs such as RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019) for various
other fine-tuning purposes.
The structure of an MPC instance consists of three
sequential components such as speaker, utterance,
and addressee (Gu et al., 2021). Out of these triplets,
our model focusses only on modelling a respective
speaker (S) with its’ utterance/s (U). Once the real
MPC data which consist of speaker and utterance
details are exposed to the model, those should be
encoded to generate input embeddings. These input
embeddings can be identified as token embeddings,
segment embeddings, speaker embeddings and
position embeddings as shown in Figure 2. Token
embeddings are essential in understanding utterance
level contextual representations while position and
segment embeddings are important for feeding the
sequential nature and order of input to BERT, since
transformers are not aware of the sequential nature as
recurrent neural networks (RNN) (Vaswani et al.,
2017). Positional and segment-based embeddings are
generated randomly considering the inconsistent
nature of utterances in an MPC. Speaker embeddings
are essential for making BERT aware in identifying
related speaker changing information in an MPC (Gu
et al., 2020) and are obtained using a context-speaker
matching pairs embedding list. This list is updated
throughout the model training period considering all
utterances of multiple text-based conversations in the
Once a particular text conversation is picked up
during a pre-training cycle, it is processed through
two main tasks such as predicting next utterances and
predicting masked language inputs. These are
important for obtaining parametric values for
satisfying BERT pre-training tasks such as next
sentence prediction (NSP) and masked language
modelling (MLM) (Devlin et al., 2019). First, a [CLS]
token is concatenated at the beginning of each
utterance of the chosen conversation to denote the
context-level representations and then all utterances
are concatenated. The task of predicting next
utterances is employed to generate the semantic
closeness of each concatenated utterance using
segment embeddings for comparing two subsequent
utterances in the same conversation. A flag called
IS_NEXT is set to True or False depending on the
obtained semantic closeness value of two subsequent
utterances according to Algorithm 1. A [SEP] token
is added after processing all concatenated utterances.
These tokens are then used for the task of predicting
masked language inputs. The logic predicting next
utterances in Algorithm 1 can be identified as the first
part of our contribution. Finally, all the obtained
response tokens are integrated with context related
tokens and then used for self-supervised tasks
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Overall model architecture and self-supervised tasks formation of WSW.
Algorithm 1: Obtaining semantic closeness of utterances.
Semantic Closeness of Utterances
Input: segment_embeddings, utterance_first,
Output: Is_Next
for utterance_first: utterance_last do
if segment_embeddings[utterance_first] >
segment_embeddings[utterance_last] then
for i in (utterance_first, utterance_last) do
if segment_embeddings(i) <
segment_embeddings(i+1) then
Is_Next <- True;
Is_Next <- False;
end if
end for
end if
end for
3.2 Self-Supervised Tasks Formation
This process can be identified as utterance structure
modelling and utterance semantic modelling.
Utterance structure modelling consists of two self-
supervised tasks: Speaker Utterance Identification
(SUI) and Exact Speaker Recognition (ESR).
3.2.1 Speaker Utterance Identification (SUI)
This task is proposed to model specific current and
preceding utterances of the same speaker in a
particular conversation C. The encoded tokens for the
respective utterances in pre-training cycles are
encoded by BERT and are then used to extract the
contextualized representations representing those
respective utterances. These encoded representations
are then processed by applying a non-linear
transformation for preserving the linear contextual
relationship between current and preceding
utterances. A Dense layer is then employed to further
define relationships of the encoded representations
(Ba et al., 2016). A matrix multiplication is performed
to generate matching probability scores (S) of the
contextual representations considering encoded
values of a specific current utterance U
and preceding
utterances U
and can be calculated as follows.
𝑒𝑥𝑝 (𝑈
𝑒𝑥𝑝 (𝑈
The calculated value defines the matching probability
of U
with its U
which then is used to minimize the
overall loss value of this task. The loss function can
be determined as
𝑙𝑜𝑔 (𝑆(𝑈)
, (2)
Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
Where 𝑆′(𝑈)
denotes the ground truth value for a
specific current utterance U
and preceding utterances
3.2.2 Exact Speaker Recognition (ESR)
The objective of this task is to predict the speaker of
a given utterance using masked speaker embeddings
of the pre-training stage.
First, the logic identifies masked speaker positions
and masked speaker labels using the positional
embeddings of multiple utterances. The positional
embeddings represent the relative semantic distance
between multiple utterances. After the logic picks
utterances that are semantically close, the respective
speakers of those selected utterances are determined.
The logic in Algorithm 2 can be identified as the
second part of our contribution. This novelty
addresses the research gap of discourse level speaker
identification of each utterance of an MPC.
Algorithm 2: Discourse level speaker identification of an
Discourse Level Speaker Identification
Input: position_embeddings,
speaker_embeddings, context_utterances
Output: masked_speaker_positions,
masked_speaker_positions <- []
masked_speaker_labels <- []
for i, j in context_utterances do
masked_utterances[j] <- [i];
for i in context_utterances do
if position_embeddings(i) <
position_embeddings(i+1) then
masked_speaker_positions <-
masked_speaker_labels <-
start <-
end <-
position_embeddings[masked_utterances + 1];
for index in (start, end)
speaker_embeddings(index) <- 0;
end for
end if
end for
end for
The identified speaker embeddings are further
processed by BERT during model training cycles and
then used to extract speaker related contextualized
representations. These encoded representations are
further processed as in SUI, by applying a non-linear
transformation and layer normalization. The
matching probability scores (S) for ESR considering
a specific current utterance U
and preceding
utterances U
which share the same speaker, are
calculated using the same formula Eq. (1). The
overall loss value of this task is determined similarly,
Eq. (2).
The next self-supervised task, Root Utterance
Node Detection (RUND) is designed to accomplish
the utterance semantic modelling.
3.2.3 Root Utterance Node Detection
MPC utterances can be identified as root-level
utterances and sub-level utterances. As illustrated in
Figure 1, U
and U
are sub-level utterances of the U
root-level utterance. According to the nature of
discourse structure, root-level utterances and sub-
level utterances are semantically relevant (Joty et al.,
2012). Considering this nature and SUI, we design
another self-supervised task, RUND, to determine the
discourse semantic relevance of sub-level utterances.
To accomplish the pre-training process, token
level embeddings are prepended considering root-
level and sub-level utterances. Once the root-level
nodes are identified in multiple utterances, a [CLS]
token is concatenated to the beginning of token
prepending process while a [SEP] token is used to
separate each sub-level utterances. These
representations are further encoded by BERT to
obtain contextual representation for [CLS]. A
SoftMax activation (Sharma et al., 2017) is applied to
determine matching probability scores of sub-level
utterances representations. Given two sub-level
utterances U
and U
, the matching probability scores
) are determined similarly to Eq. (1). The loss
function which is to minimize the overall loss value
of RUND can be obtained as
𝑙𝑜𝑔 (1 − 𝑈
where U
becomes exactly 1 depending on sharing the
same root-level utterance between respective sub-
level utterances.
3.3 Downstream Tasks Formation
Two downstream tasks such as Reply Utterance
Selection (RUS) and Speaker Identification (SI) are
performed based on the three self-supervised tasks.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.3.1 Reply Utterance Selection (RUS)
This downstream task maps with the self-supervised
task of SUI. The objective of RUS is to determine the
semantic relevance of the context and a given reply-
to utterance. The context can be modelled as
where S
denotes all speakers and U
denotes all
utterances. The obtained contextual representations
from SUI are then processed through a non-linear
transformation layer applying a dropout layer, and
matching probability scores are obtained for the
context and the reply-to utterance. A sigmoid
activation function (Marreiros et al., 2008) facilitates
the entire process. The mean loss is calculated
considering the cross-entropy loss of RUS relates to
the obtained matching probability scores U
ground truth labels as follows
where y becomes exactly 1 depending on semantic
relevance of the context c and a given reply-to
utterance r. Finally, accuracy is measured for RUS
using reported predictions for probability scores and
correct predictions for ground truth values.
3.3.2 Speaker Identification (SI)
This downstream task maps with the self-supervised
task of ESR determining the exact speaker of any
given utterance of an MPC. Firstly, extracted
positional embeddings are used to gather indexes of
contextualized representations of ESR using a BERT
classifying model. These representations are then
processed through a non-liner transformation layer
following layer normalization. The matching
probability scores U
considering masked speakers
of all utterances are generated using a SoftMax
activation function. The loss value can be obtained
considering matching probability scores U
ground truth values as
ℒ = −𝑦
where 𝑦
becomes exactly 1 if both U
and U
the exact same speaker. Finally, accuracy is measured
for SI using reported predictions for probability
scores and correct predictions for ground truth values.
Available at https://www.irit.fr/STAC/corpus.html
Available at https://github.com/hiroki13/response-rank
In this section, we present experiments showing the
significance of the established self-supervised tasks
and downstream tasks of our model.
4.1 Datasets
Our methods are evaluated on four open-access
datasets which have been established for
benchmarking MPC models. Table 2 presents the
sizes of the training, validation, and test sets of the
four benchmark datasets used for the experiments.
Table 2: Statistical summary of four benchmark datasets.
Benchmarks Train
STAC Corpus
(Asher et al., 2016)
30,468 1,000 1,000
461,120 28,570 32,668
495,226 30,974 35,638
489,812 30,815 35,385
GSN Corpus
(Hu et al., 2019)
311,725 5,000 5,000
Molweni Corpus
(Li et al., 2020)
79,487 4,386 4,430
ARS corpus, GSN corpus and Molweni corpus were
constructed based on large-scale Ubuntu multi-party
chat conversations (Lowe et al., 2015). STAC corpus
is the first dataset which provides a detailed discourse
structural representation for an MPC which has been
constructed collecting dialogues from online games,
and this corpus is essential for evaluating RUS. ARS
corpus (which is separated into categories such as
Len-5, Len-10 and Len-15 based on the session length
of a MPC) and GSN corpus are used for evaluating
RUS and SI while Molweni corpus is essential in
evaluating discourse structures in MPCs.
4.2 Baselines
The adopted baseline models can be identified as non-
pre-trained baseline models and pre-trained baseline
models. For the evaluations of RUS, we used DRNN
Available at https://github.com/morning-dews/GSN-
Available at https://github.com/HIT-SCIR/Molweni/tree/
Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
(Ouchi and Tsuboi, 2016) and SIRNN (Zhang et al.,
2018) as non-pre-trained baseline models and BERT
(Devlin et al., 2019), RoBERTa (Liu et al. 2019), SA-
BERT (Gu et al., 2020) and MPC-BERT (Gu et al.,
2021) as pre-trained baseline models. These baselines
are recognized as SOTA models for RUS
understanding in utterance-interlocutor modelling.
For the evaluations of SI, we used SMN (Wu et al.
2016), DAM (Zhou et al. 2018), DUA (Zhang et al.
2018) and IoI (Tao et al. 2019) as non-pre-trained
baseline models while BERT (Devlin et al. 2019),
RoBERTa (Liu et al. 2019), ELECTRA (Clark et al.
2020), SA-BERT (Gu et al., 2020), MDFN (Liu et al.,
2021) and MPC-BERT (Gu et al., 2021) were adopted
as pre-trained baseline models. These models have
been identified as the SOTA models for identifying
the exact speaker of any given utterance of an MPC.
Certain models were reconfigured in accordance with
the pre-training settings and corpora to make
fundamentals equal with each other.
4.3 Implementation Details
Python 3.8 was used as the main programming
language and TensorFlow 2.10 (Abadi et al., 2016)
was used as the machine learning framework. The
GSN corpus (Hu et al., 2019) and Molweni Corpus
(Li et al., 2020) were used for pre-training. The
maximum sequence length and the maximum
utterance number was set to 230 and 7, respectively.
The warmup proportion and the learning rate was set
to 0.1 and 0.0005, respectively. GELU (Hendrycks
and Gimpel, 2016) was used as the activation function
for non-linear transformations while Adam
methodology (Kingma and Ba, 2014) was used for
optimization purposes. BERT was pre-trained for 10
epochs using a GeForce RTX 3090 Ti 24G GPU by
setting the batch size to 8. The code is published for
replicating the results for further research purposes
4.4 Evaluation Metrics and Results
We can determine respective metrics for evaluating
two downstream tasks, Reply Utterance Selection
(RUS) and Speaker Identification (SI).
4.4.1 RUS
Recall was used as the main metric for evaluating
RUS since R
@k was adopted in most of the SOTA
models (DRNN (Ouchi and Tsuboi, 2016) and
SIRNN (Zhang et al., 2018)) for identifying reply-to
selection. R
@k is an enhanced version of recall
considering k best-matched reply-to utterances out of
n available candidates. The setup was performed by
setting k to 1 and n to 2 or 10, respectively
. This was
to set the optimal fundamentals for modelling specific
current and preceding utterances of the same speaker
in a particular conversation C. Table 3 shows the
evaluation results of RUS compared to the SOTA
models. Ablation tests were also performed
considering the self-supervised tasks of our proposed
model for performance comparison.
4.4.2 SI
Precision@1, recall (R
@k) and, F
score were used
as the evaluation metrics for evaluating the SI task.
Precision@1 (P@1) is identified as the highest
ranked precision which is the most natural way of
evaluating the performance of a task determining the
exact speaker of any given utterance of an MPC with
respect to ground truth (Le et al., 2019). P@1 was
employed for evaluations with SOTA models using
GSN Corpus (Hu et al., 2019) and ARS Corpus
(Ouchi and Tsuboi. 2016). Table 4 shows the
evaluation results of SI in terms of P@1. Our model
performed well at a significant margin even when the
length of a session was increased, and this is a unique
achievement in SI where other SOTA models
performed in the opposite way. Additionally, ablation
tests were also performed considering the self-
supervised tasks of our proposed model for
performance comparison.
@k was adopted as the evaluation metric for the
SI task using GSN Corpus (Hu et al., 2019) and STAC
Corpus (Asher et al., 2016). The setup was performed
by setting k to 1, 2 and 5 and n to 2 or 10, respectively.
This was to set the optimal fundamentals for
determining the exact speaker of any given utterance
of an MPC. Table 5 shows the evaluation results of SI
in terms of R
score was used for SI evaluations with SOTA
models (SA-BERT (Gu et al., 2020), MDFN (Liu et
al., 2021), and Ma et al., 2021) using GSN corpus (Hu
et al., 2019) and Molweni Corpus (Li et al., 2020). F
score was employed since it was used by most of the
previous SOTA models for SI recognition in MPC
analysis. Table 6 show the evaluation results of SI in
terms of F
score. The results show that our proposed
enhancements for SI in MPCs outperformed the
SOTA models by a significant margin.
These settings were used in previous studies.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 3: Evaluation results of RUS in terms of R
@k. Non-pre-trained models and pre-trained models are shown in the 1
and 2
row, respectively while ablation results are shown in the last row.
GSN Corpus ARS Corpus
Len-5 Len-10 Len-15
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
DRNN (Ouchi and Tsuboi, 2016)
- - 76.23 33.89 78.72 36.58 79.13 37.21
SIRNN (Zhang et al., 2018a) - - 78.52 36.82 80.48 39.67 81.28 41.27
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) 93.24 73.83 85.83 54.31 87.27 57.82 87.58 59.21
RoBERTa (Liu et al. 2019) 93.28 74.92 86.26 55.57 88.16 58.34 88.37 60.24
SA-BERT (Gu et al., 2020) 93.36 75.62 86.83 55.51 88.21 59.68 88.64 60.73
MPC-BERT (Gu et al., 2021) 94.95 79.13 87.81 58.21 89.52 62.21 89.83 63.83
WSW (Ours) 96.53 84.27 89.34 79.28 91.38 78.24 92.43 80.63
WSW w/o. SUI 96.21 84.17 89.14 78.83 91.16 77.86 91.47 80.24
WSW w/o. ESR 96.38 84.21 89.27 79.18 91.25 78.06 92.29 80.51
WSW w/o. RUND 95.53 82.49 87.46 78.53 90.83 77.21 90.76 79.62
Table 4: Evaluation results of SI in terms of P@1. Pre-trained models are shown in the 1
row while ablation results are
shown in the last row.
GSN Corpus ARS Corpus
Len-5 Len-10 Len-15
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) 71.81 62.24 53.17 51.58
RoBERTa (Liu et al. 2019) 73.46 63.85 55.24 53.72
SA-BERT (Gu et al., 2020) 75.88 64.96 57.62 54.28
MPC-BERT (Gu et al., 2021) 83.54 67.56 61.00 58.52
WSW (Ours) 85.67 68.94 69.32 70.36
WSW w/o. SUI 84.53 68.37 68.58 69.54
WSW w/o. ESR 82.37 66.94 65.52 65.39
WSW w/o. RUND 85.38 68.62 68.93 69.85
Table 5: Evaluation results of SI in terms of R
@k. Non-pre-trained models and pre-trained models are shown in the 1
row, respectively while ablation results are shown in the last row.
GSN Corpus STAC Corpus
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
@1 R
@2 R
SMN (Wu et al. 2017) - - 62.62 58.61 61.76 66.24
DAM (Zhou et al. 2018) - - 64.51 59.82 63.72 68.28
DUA (Zhang et al. 2018) - - - 59.24 64.83 68.61
IoI (Tao et al. 2019) - - 65.53 62.38 64.26 69.34
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) 81.54 72.43 70.64 65.24 68.31 72.16
RoBERTa (Liu et al. 2019) 82.38 73.29 71.81 64.35 68.24 73.42
ELECTRA (Clark et al. 2020) - - 72.38 66.41 69.62 74.81
SA-BERT (Gu et al., 2020) 85.52 76.28 73.54 67.28 70.34 76.11
MDFN (Liu et al., 2021) - - 74.25 68.31 70.95 76.61
MPC-BERT (Gu et al., 2021) 87.75 80.83 77.92 69.46 73.62 78.26
WSW (Ours) 89.67 82.67 80.24 71.67 77.69 82.38
WSW w/o. SUI 85.68 79.56 77.92 68.61 76.27 81.52
WSW w/o. ESR 83.51 76.18 75.33 64.88 73.66 79.61
WSW w/o. RUND 86.62 81.74 79.81 70.72 76.82 81.78
Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
Table 6: Evaluation results of speaker identification in
terms of F
GSN Corpus Molweni Corpus
BERT (2019)
79.54 60.62
RoBERTa (2019)
81.62 60.92
SA-BERT (2020)
82.46 62.48
MDFN (2021)
84.67 64.27
Ma et al. (2021)
85.31 65.83
WSW (Ours)
87.56 69.47
In this work, we present a novel PLM called WSW to
model contextual representations of utterances and
interlocutors of an MPC considering the relative
semantic distance of utterances. To our knowledge,
this is the first significant work which was done for
modelling speaker-centric discourse parsing under
graphical-based MPC analysis. Three self-supervised
tasks were designed for MPC utterance structure
modelling and MPC utterance semantic modelling.
Two downstream tasks were employed to extensively
evaluate the generalization and robustness of the
novel PLM. Ablation results on RUS and SI showed
that each self-supervised task is essentially necessary
for the model performance. Four public benchmark
datasets were used for SOTA model evaluations.
Experiments on RUS showed that our model
performed better by a significant margin compared to
the SOTA PLM and non-PLM models. Table 3 shows
that WSW outperformed the existing top-performer,
MPC-BERT by considerable margins of 5.64%,
21.07%, 16.03% and 16.8% in terms of R
@1. Our
PLM performed even better when the length of a
session was increased which can be identified as a
significant observation in overall MPC analysis. The
reason for this observation is that our WSW considers
the discourse structure of utterance-interlocutor
modelling which was neglected in other SOTA
models. Ablation results under RUS evaluations
showed that RUND self- supervised task contributed
more to reply-to utterance selection in MPC. In other
words, removing SUI or ESR from the main logic
would not make a significant impact on the
performance of RUS modelling.
Experiments on SI were conducted employing
Precision@1, Recall (R
@k), and F
score as
experimental metrics. According to Table 4, our
model outperformed MPC-BERT by considerable
margins of 2.13%, 1.38%, 8.32% and 11.84% in
terms of P@1. Again, our PLM performed even better
when the length of a session was increased which can
be identified as a significant observation in overall
speaker modelling in MPC analysis. Ablation results
under SI evaluations showed that the ESR self-
supervised task contributed more to speaker
identification in MPC. According to Table 5, our
model outperformed MPC-BERT by margins of
1.84% and 2.21% in terms of R
@1. Ablation results
confirmed that ESR self- supervised task contributed
more to speaker identification in MPC. Evaluation
results in Table 6 show that WSW performed
significantly well in F
score by margins of 2.25% and
3.64%, respectively, in the GSN corpus (Hu et al.,
2019) and Molweni Corpus (Li et al., 2020). In
summary, we can conclude that our novel PLM
outperformed the existing SOTA models for speaker-
interlocutor modelling in MPC analysis.
Although our model focuses only on modelling a
respective speaker (S) with its’ utterance/s (U), few
other MPC understanding SOTA solutions modelled
all components of an MPC such as speaker,
utterance, and addressee. This can be identified as a
limitation as well as a potential future enhancement.
Our novelties in utterance-interlocutor discourse
modelling using relative semantic distance of
utterances can be further enhanced to address all
components of an MPC. Considering the dynamics of
MPC analysis, the minimum number of participants
and the maximum number of participants of a given
conversation was set to 3 and 7, respectively. Further
experiments can be conducted for possible different
combinations of minimum/maximum participants
while enhancing the overall MPC structure and
semantic modelling.
The universal MPC understanding can be
identified as a future direction for designing better
self-supervised tasks considering the MPC discourse
parsing. This will eventually lead to constructing
more specialized downstream tasks such as opinion
mining of the speakers of an MPC structure. Adopting
prompt-learning can be identified as another potential
direction where sentence-level prompt-learning can
be used to enhance the contextualized MPC NSP
logic in PLMs (Ding et al., 2021). Another future
enhancement will be applying MPC modelling to
low- or zero-resource modelling, which has not been
investigated much to date (Gu et al., 2022).
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
comments and suggestions.
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