Table 3: Experiments: sensitivity to tangential force with
respect to taxel shapes.
along x [V/N] along y [V/N]
Parallelepiped 0.0342 0.0314
Spherical 0.00271 0.00276
Hemispheric 0.00668 0.00569
Table 4: Experiments: nonlinearity with respect to taxel
Nonlinearity e
Parallelepiped 3.18
Spherical 5.38
Hemispheric 11.7
ing the considered optoelectronic-based tactile sen-
sor: the photoreflector and the deformable layer. The
simulation has been used to determine how differ-
ent shapes of the reflective cells influence the per-
formance of the sensor. In particular, four different
shapes have been considered: parallelepiped, cylin-
drical, spherical, and hemispheric. Some tests have
been carried out to check the response of the simu-
lated model to different stimuli. Then, similar tests
have been repeated in a real setup in order to compare
the evaluated taxel shapes. Data from both the simu-
lation results and the measurements from the real sen-
sor have been used to discuss the best choice for the
taxel shape, also by considering the limitations due
to manufacturing processes. The results for proper-
ties such as linearity and sensitivity show differences
between simulations and experiments probably due
to the following reasons: in the simulation, the con-
sidered walls are completely reflective or absorbent,
while the real pads have white and black walls that are
not totally reflective or absorbent; the molds used for
realizing the silicone pads, being 3D printed, present
imperfections (i.e., grooves, small steps) that make
the actual walls not smooth, differently from those
in the simulation model, particularly for hemispheric
and spherical cases. The consequence of this lack of
smoothness is that, in the real case, the ray reflections
are locally quite different from the simulated case.
Future studies will be devoted to enhancing the sim-
ulation model by taking into account the aforemen-
tioned imperfections, e.g., by modifying the mechani-
cal model of the deformable layer taking into account
the non-smooth surfaces due to the production pro-
cess, or by investigating the possibility to consider
different reflection modalities in the ray tracing tech-
This work was partially supported by the European
Commission under the Horizon Europe research grant
INTELLIMAN, project ID: 101070136
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