Table 6: Learning Time .
TPG100 1m38s±8s 45s±3s 3m38s±11s
TPG1K 33m28s±3m 12m46s±1m 59m2s±6m
TPGE 2m1s±1s 1m5s±1s 6m7s±9s
BD 1m20s±8s 1m25s±3s 2m43s±4s
BDE 2h40m±2m 2h46m±54s 4h30m±2m
BDEO 1h25m±2m 1h14m±16s 2h58m±1m
BDGA 1h53m±6m 1h16m±15s 3h4m±3m
TPG100 13s±1s 26s±2s 24s±4s
TPG1K 3m25s±25s 6m34s±30s 6m59s±52s
TPGE 16s 38s±1s 25s
BD 7s±1s 12s±1s 19s±2s
BDE 10m40s±10s 25m2s±39s 32m56s±25s
BDEO 5m29s±6s 10m14s±10s 22m38s±20s
BDGA 5m35s±6s 10m52s±11s 25m4s±1m
TPG100 3m12s±20s 25s±1s 3m31s±16s
TPG1K 56m4s±7m 6m8s±16s 51m8s±5m
TPGE 3m22s±4s 0m30s 4m5s±2s
BD 2m6s±9s 16s±1s 2m22s±3s
BDE 3h52m±2m 24m24s±8s 4h28m±3m
BDEO 2h19m±1m 14m11s±12s 2h42m±2m
BDGA 4h56m±19m 12m11s±3m 2h53m±3m
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In this paper, we used a basic genetic algorithm to
optimize subset of voters in the ensemble of widgets
for each class pair. Intuitively, finding the best subset
of voters in an assembly seems to be a difficult prob-
lem. To confirm this, in this section we show that this
problem is NP-hard in the case of binary choice. To
show that a problem is NP-hard, all we need to do is
find a polynomial reduction from a problem known to
belong to this class to our problem. To do this, we’ll
proceed step by step:
we’ll transform 3-SAT, an NP-hard problem, into
a problem we’ll call 3to5-SAT ;
we’ll transform 3to5-SAT into our problem of se-
lecting the best binary voting subset in an assembly
considering two classes.
In this way, it will be possible to transform 3-SAT into
our problem in polynomial time, thus proving that the
problem of selecting the best subset of voters is NP-
hard, and justifying the use of metaheuristics to solve
3-SAT to 3to5-SAT
Let’s start with the first step, and introduce 3-SAT
and 3to5-SAT. These are logical problems, consist-
ing of Boolean variables and clauses composed of a
number of literals. A literal is either a variable or its
negation. The first problem is 3-SAT: an instance is
characterized by a set of
Boolean variables and
clauses, each clause consisting of 3 literals. A clause
is said to be satisfied if at least one of its literals is
true. A 3-SAT instance is considered satisfied if all
A One-Vs-One Approach to Improve Tangled Program Graph Performance on Classification Tasks