Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a
Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements
Colin Daly
1,2 a
and Lucy Hederman
1,2 b
ADAPT Centre, Ireland
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Enterprise Search, Learning to Rank, Relevance Judgements, Click-Through Data.
Learning to Rank (LTR) has traditionally made use of relevance judgements (i.e. human annotations) to create
training data for ranking models. But, gathering feedback in the form of relevance judgements is expensive,
time-consuming and may be subject to annotator bias. Much research has been carried out by commercial web
search providers into harnessing click-through data and using it as a surrogate for relevance judgements. Its
use in Enterprise Search (ES), however, has not been explored. If click-through data relevance feedback corre-
lates with that of the human relevance judgements, we could dispense with small relevance judgement training
data and rely entirely on abundant quantities of click-through data. We performed a correlation analysis and
compared the ranking performance of a ‘real world’ ES service of a large organisation using both relevance
judgements and click-through data. We introduce and publish the ENTRP-SRCH dataset specifically for ES.
We calculated a correlation coefficient of ρ = 0.704 (p<0.01). Additionally, the nDCG@3 ranking perfor-
mance using relevance judgements is just 1.6% higher than when click-through data is used. Subsequently,
we discuss ES implementation trade-offs between relevance judgements and implicit feedback and highlight
potential preferences and biases of both end-users and expert annotators.
Enterprise Search is a federated store of workplace in-
formation with data gathered from multiple sources,
such as intranets, document management systems, e-
mail and social media (Kruschwitz and Hull, 2017;
Craswell et al., 2005) and may also include the organ-
isation’s external-facing HTTP web servers (Hawk-
ing, 2004; Abrol et al., 2001).
Learning to Rank (LTR) is the application of su-
pervised machine learning techniques for training a
model to provide the best ranking order of documents
for a given query (Li, 2011; Xu et al., 2020).
As with web search (WS), optimal ranking is also
the major challenge for deployments of ES (Molnar,
2016; Craswell et al., 2005; Kruschwitz and Hull,
Krushwitz and Hull, in their 2017 book ‘Search-
ing the Enterprise’ write that ‘Search has become
ubiquitous but that does not mean that search has
been solved’ (Kruschwitz and Hull, 2017). According
to (Bentley, 2011), managers in the US, UK, Germany
and France say that their internal enterprise search
service falls short of expectations and that over half
(52%) of surveyed users “cannot find the information
they seek within an acceptable amount of time, using
their own enterprise search applications”.
ES differs from WS insofar as the content may be
indexed from multiple databases (e.g. corporate di-
rectories) and intranet document repositories. ES may
also feature alphanumeric searches for usernames,
course codes, tracking numbers, purchasing codes or
any datum specific to the organisation. In terms of
ranking, this means that the determination of a ‘good
answer’ for internet search is quite different than on
the internet” (Molnar, 2016; Fagin et al., 2003). With
ES, searches are often for known documents (such as
this year’s college calendar), or other well-structured
objects (such as a person’s contact details). This
is sometimes referred to as a ‘lookup search’ (Mar-
chionini, 2006) and is dependent on users ‘recall and
recognition’ (Lykke et al., 2021). This is different to
internet search, where a query is more likely to be
‘exploratory’ and complex (White and Roth, 2008).
Although most organizations are expected to de-
Daly, C. and Hederman, L.
Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements.
DOI: 10.5220/0012170200003598
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 240-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ploy an ES service, few have relevance judges (anno-
tators) lined up to create training data. Consequently,
the search service may operate somewhat ‘relevance-
blind’ (Turnbull and Berryman, 2016). This scarcity
motivates our investigation into the application of im-
plicit feedback methods designed to replace annota-
A click model is used to record end-user prefer-
ences on search results. In the field of WS, click
models are considered as an effective approach to
infer search relevance to a document for a given
query (Wang et al., 2010).
An issue that the LTR community has not ad-
dressed is the extent to which click-through data,
used as standard in WS, is also a good choice for
ES. Specifically, we will test the hypothesis that the
click-through rate is correlated with human relevance
judgements and whether the correlation is statistically
As the world around us changes, the relevance
of a document for a given query also changes over
time, leading to relevance drift (Moon et al., 2010).
For example, the relevance of the term ‘Ukraine’
has changed dramatically over the past year. Enter-
prises cannot simply ‘deploy and forget’. Periodic
re-training of Learning to Rank models is required
regardless of whether explicit or implicit feedback is
used. An advantage of the implicit feedback approach
is that it is not necessary to re-solicit judgements from
expert annotators.
The contribution of this paper is to find out
whether organizations, with an ES service, can safely
dispense with expensive relevance judgements and
rely instead on abundant log data. This is a question
of particular significance for ES deployment projects
with limited resources. A secondary contribution is
the publication of a new LTR-formatted ES dataset
that includes both human relevance judgements and
corresponding click-through rates.
Since its introduction in 2005, Learning to Rank has
become a hot research topic (Li, 2011) and has been
used/promoted by commercial Web Search engine
providers (Sculley, 2009; Qin and Liu, 2013). This
growth was likely influenced firstly by Google mak-
ing Learning to Rank more accessible with frame-
works such as TensorFlow-Ranking (Wang and Ben-
dersky, 2018), and secondly by Microsoft and Ya-
hoo releasing datasets specifically designed to foster
improvements for Learning to Rank algorithms (Liu
et al., 2007; Chapelle, 2011).
An additional boost for Learning to Rank research
was the publication of the Microsoft LETOR bench-
mark datasets that provide a basis for training and
evaluating machine learning-based models (Qin et al.,
2010). Much of current research on Learning to Rank
pertains to comparing and evaluating the numerous
ranking algorithms using the LETOR datasets, which
are based on amorphous web content, fundamen-
tally different from the multiple repositories, domain-
specific nature of enterprise content (Mukherjee and
Mao, 2004).
LTR involves supervised machine learning, and
therefore a ground truth is needed to train the data.
Much research has been carried out by commercial
web search providers into harnessing click-through
data and using it as a surrogate for relevance judge-
ments (Kelly and Teevan, 2003; Joachims, 2002;
Wang et al., 2010; Radlinski and Joachims, 2005;
Jawaheer et al., 2010).
The general scarcity of academic studies on En-
terprise Search environments stems from the difficul-
ties of researchers gaining access to corporate envi-
ronments (Cleverley and Burnett, 2019). A test col-
lection based on Enterprise Search is hard to come
by. An enterprise is not inclined to open its intranet to
public distribution, even for research (Craswell et al.,
2005). Furthermore, the corporation may decline per-
mission to publish the results of any research car-
ried out on Enterprise Search (Cleverley and Bur-
nett, 2019; Craswell et al., 2005; Kruschwitz and
Hull, 2017). Jawaheer has analysed the distinguishing
characteristics between the various types of implicit
and explicit feedback (Jawaheer et al., 2010). Ta-
ble 1 outlines the specific differences between click-
through log data and human relevance judgements,
as applied to ES. The table shows how click-though
feedback captures only positive user-preferences. Hu-
man judgements ought to have a greater accuracy as
they also include negative feedback (e.g. via a Likert
The literature pays scant attention to the amount
of effort and expense involved in generating training
data via the explicit feedback method. In the case of
Enterprise Search, the annotators are likely to come
from within the organization. This is because organi-
zations are unlikely to release restricted intranet data
to crowd-sourcing platforms such as Amazon Me-
chanical Turk (AMT). Moreover, the subject matter of
the documents is specific to the enterprise and there-
fore only individuals with domain knowledge are well
placed to volunteer relevance judgements.
A practical complicating factor for researchers of
implicit feedback is that LTR-formatted datasets (see
Figure 2 for an example) are generally published sep-
Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements
Table 1: Characteristics of human relevance judgements
and click-through data as feedback for Enterprise Search.
Characteristic Human click-through
Accuracy High Lower
Abundance Low High
User preferences +ve and -ve +ve only
Domain knowledge High Low
Measurement relevance Absolute Relative
Principled Approach Bureaucratic Democratic
arately from associated click-through data. So while
the ‘Gov’ corpus of Microsoft’s LETOR 3.0 dataset
identifies 64 features per document (Qin et al., 2010),
no implicit feedback data is included.
According to a 2014 Google organic desktop
search study, it was found that just 6% of end-users
navigated to pages two and three. This contributes
to a dramatic drop off in clicks for documents dis-
played on page 2 and inevitably leads to position
bias (Petrescu, 2015). Position bias poses a well-
known challenge to the integrity of implicit feedback
and means that a direct correlation of click/non-click
signals with positive/negative feedback respectively is
confounded (Ai et al., 2018).
Similarly, explicit annotation may also be subject
to bias. For example, ‘organizational bias’ occurs
when factors such as strategic focus and team organi-
zation influence data selection to a point where selec-
tion is no longer based on individual merit (Dowsett,
2018; Zhang et al., 2019). This kind of bias can im-
pact the relevance judgements of the organization’s
expert annotators.
For the reasons outlined in §2, we could find no pub-
licly available ES dataset that include both explicit
and implicit feedback data that could be used for a
correlation analysis and comparison. This research
introduces a new learning to rank dataset, which has
been extracted from the corpus of an enterprise web-
site of a large third-level academic institution.
Firstly, we use the dataset to correlate explicit and
implicit feedback methods. We then evaluate ranking
performance using alternative ‘ground truths’ as input
for the learning to rank method.
3.1 Data Collection
3.1.1 Enterprise Corpus
We have chosen the website of a large third-level edu-
cation institution to build our corpus. Figure 1 shows
a typical page from which we can identify and extract
values from several example fields. The fields are sig-
nals of relevance, which are then coded to become
ML features. For example, a combination of URL
length, page hits and linkrank score can be an indica-
tor that a document is a homepage (introductory page
for the query term).
The corpus comprises about 67,000 documents
(web pages, pdf documents, exam papers, invoice
codes, people directory listings) crawled from a third-
level educational institution’s intranet and internet
website. It includes fields such as URL, title, pub-
lication date and content (body), as shown in Figure
1. Apache Solr (Białecki et al., 2012) is the tech-
nology used to host and index the corpus, which was
populated using the Apache Nutch crawler (pages on
the site were crawled June 12th 2022). The site in-
cludes an ES service that receives about 7,000 queries
daily. In addition to features extracted from the page
itself, further features (such as hitcount and query-
dependent click-through rate) are extracted from 180
days worth of the Apache web server’s log files.
3.1.2 Dataset
From this corpus, we develop a small-scale dataset
that consists of 20 queries and 2544 Query-Document
(Q-D) pairs, with manually annotated relevance
judgements. The queries were selected to be rep-
resentative of typical search requests (or clusters of
requests) as extracted from Apache Solr log data.
The dataset is presented in the LETOR format,
which includes relevance judgements in the first col-
umn and an associated feature vector array. We
name our anonymized dataset ‘ENTRP-SRCH’. Ta-
ble 2 compares its properties against popular LTR
datasets. ENTRP-SRCH is publicly available for
download at https://github.com/colindaly75/ES-LTR-
Table 2: Comparison of the properties of popular LTR
datasets and our ENTRP-SRCH dataset.
Microsoft Yahoo! ENTRP-SRCH
Pub. Year 2010 2010 2022
Docs 3771K 883K 2544
Queries 31531 36251 20
Doc/Query 119 24 127
Features 136 700 8
No. of click-through
values recorded None avail. None 375
Corpus Type WS WS ES
3.1.3 Human Relevance Judgements
Web authors and domain experts were asked to judge
the relevance of a document for a given query. Fif-
teen university staff members, who each maintain a
sub-section of the university website were engaged
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: The relationship between Enterprise Search on a typical university website and retrieved fields used to construct
features for a learning to rank dataset.
for this purpose. The annotators have great familiar-
ity with the content as they are the individuals tasked
with publishing on behalf of their department or fac-
Annotators were asked to limit the number of ‘5’s
awarded. A smaller number of highly relevant doc-
uments are offered for users’ attention, thereby miti-
gating the effects of position bias (Wang et al., 2018).
Since the number of ‘highly relevant’ documents is
smaller than the number of ‘moderately relevant’ doc-
uments, the judgements scores do not follow a normal
distribution (Table 3).
Table 3: Distribution of human relevance judgements in the
ENTRP-SRCH dataset.
Relevance Label Interpretation Number Percentage
5 highly relevant 147 5.78%
4 relevant 184 7.23%
3 moderately relevant 359 14.17%
2 irrelevant 1639 64.45%
1 utterly irrelevant 214 8.42%
3.1.4 Click-Through Data
The click-through rate (CTR) is defined as the per-
centage of the number of clicks to the number of im-
pressions (Chapelle, 2011). When our end-user sub-
mits a query to our search engine, he/she is presented
with a list of documents. Our click model simply
records the ordered list and which result is clicked.
A high CTR is a good indication that users find
the document within the search results as helpful and
relevant for the given query.
3.1.5 Learning to Rank Features
A Learning to Rank can be scaled to include any num-
ber of features. Features implemented in our ENTRP-
SRCH dataset include BM25 (Robertson et al., 1995),
documentRecency (last modification date), rawHits (a
measure of document popularity), urlLength (number
of terms in url path hierarchy), linkRank (Kim et al.,
2010) (based on a web graph, this link analysis algo-
rithm is similar to Google’s PageRank) and clickThru
(CTR score).
The relevance judgements per query are then com-
bined with the feature vector matrix to create our
dataset. Figure 2 shows our dataset features presented
in the LETOR format (Qin et al., 2010).
3.2 Experiments
3.2.1 Correlation
We plot the correlation between the explicit human
relevance judgements and the calculated CTR score.
We examine the causes of any disparity between the
annotator’s judgements and the click-through data as
recorded by end-user search preferences.
Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements
Figure 2: The learning to rank dataset. Each row represents a query-document pair. This dataset contains both explicit
relevance judgements (first column) as well as the calculated click-through rate (in red). In the example, the query with id ‘3’
includes a value of ‘8:0.26’ for the first document, meaning that feature 8 has CTR of 26%.
3.2.2 Ranking Performance
A ranking model is generated using the XGBoost
implementation of the LambdaMART list-wise rank-
ing algorithm (code on GitHub). Since version 6.5,
Lucene Solr has a built-in contrib module called
Learning to Rank (LTR) which can be used to re-rank
the top-N retrieved documents using trained machine
learning models. Hence our experience of integrating
the trained model was relatively straightforward.
To compare ranking performance, we applied two
different ‘ground truths’ to the training, test and val-
idation datasets and calculated the nDCG score for
each: -
Explicit feedback (i.e. human relevance judge-
ments) is the first ground truth to be tested and
is the one traditionally associated with learning to
Secondly, we use implicit feedback (CTR score)
as an alternative (surrogate) ground truth.
In the field of ranking performance, the Normalized
Discounted Cumulative Gain(nDCG) metric is typ-
ically used (Tax et al., 2015). nDCG is often de-
scribed as a rank-aware metric (it credits the fact that
some documents are quantitatively ‘more’ relevant
than others).
4.1 Correlation
The first step of the evaluation is to establish to what
degree of accuracy do clicks correspond to explicit
judgments of a document for a given query. Figure 3
is a strip plot that suggests a correlation between the
human relevance judgements and the CTR. We see
that those documents, that have been labelled with a
higher relevance score by the expert human annota-
tors for a given query, also tend to be more clicked by
end users.
Figure 3: A strip scatter plot showing points of correla-
tion between click-through rate (CTR) on the y-axis and
human relevance judgements on the x-axis. Those docu-
ments that received a higher relevance judgement tend to
have recorded more click-through activity.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
As per the hypothesis outlined in §1, we calcu-
late the correlation coefficient as a measure of the
strength of the relationship between CTR and ordi-
nal human relevance judgements. Since the human
relevance variable is ordinal in nature (a Likert scale)
with a non-normal distribution of judgements, Spear-
man’s rho is the appropriate correlation metric. Using
the same data that was used to plot figure 3, we cal-
culate a correlation score of ρ = 0.704. Most statis-
ticians consider a score of 0.7 or above as a ‘strong
correlation’ (Akoglu, 2018). A significance test us-
ing the paired t-test gives a p-value of less than 0.01,
proving that the Spearman correlation is statistically
4.2 Correlation Analysis
Figure 3 shows a slight divergence from a linear cor-
relation plot (i.e. a straight line), insofar as there
seems to be an excess of points ‘under the line’. For
example, where the human relevance judgement score
is 4 (‘relevant’, but not ‘highly relevant’), there are
many points with a low CTR rate. Analysis of the
respective documents suggests that this non-linearity
may be caused by the fact that few end users ever nav-
igate to pages 2 or 3 of the search results (the ranking
model displays a preponderance of ‘highly relevant’
documents on Page 1). This is in line with the ‘po-
sition bias’ confounding problem outlined in §2 (i.e.
reports that less than 6% of end users navigate beyond
Page 1 of the Search Engine Results Page).
End users are not the only feedback party subject
to bias. ‘Organizational bias’ occurs when factors
such as strategic focus and team organization influ-
ence data selection to a point where selection is no
longer based on individual merit. We see some in-
stances of disagreement over pages judged to be ‘ir-
relevant’ by expert annotators but nonetheless have
been awarded a high click-through rate by end users.
For example, the homepage of a VIP / celebrity in-
dividual in the organization has been annotated as ‘ir-
relevant’ (for the given query). This judgement damp-
ens favouritism and diminishes the democratic prefer-
ences of end users. In this case, the experts are sub-
ject to organizational bias, where they overlook an in-
dividual’s popularity in favour of a bureaucratic ap-
A further example of a pronounced contradiction
between annotators and end-users was detected. One
of the query terms in our training dataset is ‘english’.
The annotator for the english query is employed by
the department of english and therefore assigned pref-
erential judgements based on his department’s per-
spective. The end-users, many of whom are prospec-
tive students from non-English speaking countries,
were less interested in literature and instead wanted
to ascertain minimum English language requirements
for entry to the student register.
4.3 Comparing Fit of Features
If we alternate the ground truth in our LTR model,
such that either CTR scores or human relevance
scores are used to train the data, there will be a re-
sultant change to how well the features combine to
The nDCG values for both feedback methods are
shown in Table 4 and graphically represented in Fig-
ure 4. This shows that LTR model’s custom features,
as listed in section 3, are better at matching explicit
rather than implicit feedback. This is to be expected,
as the features were initially engineered to match the
requirements of human relevance judgements.
Table 4: Comparison of ranking performance (nDCG) for
relevance judgements (explicit annotator feedback) versus
query preferences extracted from click-through (implicit
Cutoff Relevance Judgements Click-through
ndcg@1 1 0.997
ndcg@3 0.987 0.970
ndcg@5 0.941 0.964
ndcg@10 0.787 0.963
ndcg@20 0.567 0.853
ndcg@100 0.335 0.271
ndcg@200 0.313 0.061
This paper evaluated using two approaches to feed-
back as training data for generating ranking models
in the domain of Enterprise Search.
A new learning to rank dataset, ENTRP-SRCH,
was generated from the intranet and internet-facing
parts of a large third-level institution.
We plotted the correlation between the human rel-
evance judgments and respective click-through rates
for a given query. Outliers and irregularities on the
correlation plots are explained by end-user ‘position
bias’ and annotator ‘organizational bias’. We hypoth-
esized and proved that there was a strong correlation
between implicit and explicit feedback.
Furthermore, by alternating implicit and explicit
feedback as ground-truth in our LTR model, we
achieved similar nDCG scores for our ranking model
based on our custom features.
Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements
Figure 4: A bar chart showing the performance differences
between explicit and implicit feedback for various nDCG
cutoffs. For nDCG@3, the human relevance judgements are
just 1.6% higher than those recorded using click-through
feedback. For nDCG@5, nDCG@10 and nDCG@20, the
use of CTR as ground truth achieves higher scores than hu-
man judgements.
Future work may include mitigation of the identi-
fied bias in both approaches, e.g. by applying an in-
verse propensity score or introducing more diversity
to annotator selection.
Enterprise content is diverse and different for ev-
ery organisation. The generalisability of the ENTRP-
SRCH dataset is therefore limited. However, since
click-through feedback is cheap and abundant com-
pared to human relevance judgements, our (correla-
tion and ranking performance) findings for our organ-
isation may present a crucial cost-saving opportunity
to other organisations considering which type of feed-
back approach they should adopt for learning to rank
in the context of Enterprise Search.
This research was conducted with the financial sup-
port of Science Foundation Ireland under Grant
Agreement No. 13/RC/2106 P2 at the ADAPT SFI
Research Centre at Trinity College Dublin. ADAPT,
the SFI Research Centre for AI-Driven Digital Con-
tent Technology, is funded by Science Foundation Ire-
land through the SFI Research Centres Programme.
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Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements