predictions. Figure 2 shows the prediction error rate
of each filtering approaches and their combinations.
As shown in Figure 2, the combined item-based,
content-based and user-based CF approach, denoted
ICU, outperforms individual and other combined
prediction models in terms of obtaining the lowest
prediction error rates among all the models. ICU
achieves the highest prediction accuracy, which is
only half a rating (out of 10) away from the actual
rating, since the item-based and content-based fil-
tering approach compensates the user-based CF ap-
proach when user ratings are sparse and vice versa.
The prediction error rate, i.e., accuracy ratio, achieved
by ICU is statistically significant (p < 0.04) over
the ones based on the combined content-based and
item-based CF approach and the combination of the
content-based and user-based approaches, the next
two models with prediction error rate lower than one,
which are determined using the Wilcoxon test signed-
ranked test. The experimental results have verified
that ICU is the most accurate recommendation tool
in predicting ratings on books for adults, which is the
most suitable choice for making book recommenda-
tions for adults based on the rating prediction.
4.4 Comparing Book Recommenders
We compared our recommender with exiting book
recommenders that achieve high accuracy in recom-
mendations on books based on their respective model.
• MF. Yu et al. (Yu et al., 2009) and Singh et
al. (Singh and Gordon, 2008) predict ratings
on books and movies based on matrix factor-
ization (MF), which can be adopted for solving
large-scale collaborative filtering problems. Yu et
al. develop a non-parametric matrix factorization
(NPMF) method, which exploits data sparsity ef-
fectively and achieves predicted rankings on items
comparable to or even superior than the perfor-
mance of the state-of-the-art low-rank matrix fac-
torization methods. Singh et al. introduce a col-
lective matrix factorization (CMF) approach based
on relational learning, which predicts user ratings
on items based on the items’ genres and role play-
ers, which are treated as unknown values of a rela-
tion between entities of a certain item using a given
database of entities and observed relations among
entities. Singh et al. propose different stochas-
tic optimization methods to handle and work effi-
ciently on large and sparse data sets with relational
schemes. They have demonstrated that their model
is practical to process relational domains with hun-
dreds of thousands of entities.
• ML. Besides the matrix factorization methods,
probabilistic frameworks have been introduced for
rating predictions. Shi et al. (Shi et al., 2010) pro-
pose a joint matrix factorization model for making
context-aware item recommendations
. Similar to
ours, the matrix factorization model developed by
Shi et al. relies not only on factorizing the user-item
rating matrix but also considers contextual informa-
tion of items. The model is capable of learning from
user-item matrix, as in conventional collaborative
filtering model, and simultaneously uses contex-
tual information during the recommendation pro-
cess. However, a significant difference between Shi
et al.’s matrix factorization model and ours is that
the contextual information of the former is based on
mood, whereas ours makes recommendations ac-
cording to the contextual information on books.
• MudRecS (Qumsiyeh and Ng, 2012) makes recom-
mendations on books, movies, music, and paintings
similar in content to other books, movies, music,
and paintings, respectively that a MudRecS user is
interested in. MudRecS does not rely on users’ ac-
cess patterns/histories, connection information ex-
tracted from social networking sites, collaborated
filtering methods, or user personal attributes (such
as gender and age) to perform the recommendation
task. It simply considers the users’ ratings, gen-
res, role players (authors or artists), and reviews of
different multimedia items. MudRecS predicts the
ratings of multimedia items that match the interests
of a user to make recommendations.
Figure 3 shows the Mean Absolute Error (MAE)
and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) scores of our
and other recommender systems on the BKC DS
dataset. MAE and RMSE are two performance met-
rics widely-used for evaluating rating predictions on
multimedia data. Both MAE and RMSE measure the
average magnitude of error, i.e., the average predic-
tion error, on incorrectly assigned ratings. The er-
ror values computed by MAE are linear scores, i.e.,
the absolute values of individual differences in incor-
rect assignments are weighted equally in the average,
whereas the error rates of RMSE are squared before
they are summed and averaged, which yield a rela-
tively high weight to errors of large magnitude.
| f (x
|, RMSE=
( f (x
) − y
where n is the number of items with ratings to be eval-
uated, f (x
) is the rating predicted by a system on item
The system was originally designed to predict rat-
ings on movies but was implemented by Qumsiyeh and Ng
(Qumsiyeh and Ng, 2012) for comparisons on books too.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval