The article emphasised the need for a MMESD to
consolidate the emerging concepts within SD. We
used five prominent SD software modelling tools to
highlight an extension of the existing MMESD,
accommodating the new concepts that are evident in
the software tools. Since the initial version of
MMESD required further evaluation, and we wanted
to include some of the newly-identified extensions to
the MMESD, we used the teacher faculty case to
construct a CLSFD in Vensim, providing an
additional demonstration of the MMESD by
instantiating some of the MMESD types. A limitation
of the study is that the teacher faculty case is fairly
simple, facilitating ease of understanding, but we
could not demonstrate the types PA ASPECT,
OUTPUT and the recursive connection “[quantity]
contains [set of quantity]”.
The teacher faculty case highlighted the need for
more case studies to help readers apply MMESD
concepts. Future work should obtain further evidence
on whether the MMESD is useful to differentiate
between concepts to construct high-quality CLSFDs.
Sterman (2000) supports participative modelling,
rather than an analyst modelling in isolation. A new
trend in modelling is to work participatively. This
article focused on tooling that supports simulation
capability. If the intention is to obtain inputs from
stakeholders in a collaborative way, future work on
participative modelling, using such tools, would add
value. A few examples include Loopy (Loopy, n.d.),
Edraw (EDraw, n.d.), and Plectica (Cabrera &
Cabrera, 2018).
Future work can also refine the MMESD by
comparing a larger set of software tools. According to
the System Dynamics Society (n.d.) the following
software tools are also commonly used: Dynaplan,
GoldSim, Berkley Madonna, Simile, Simgua, TRUE,
and Simscision. The MMESD may also be further
validated using more complex cases.
The MMESD was expressed using the graphical
and textual formalism of GOSL, contributing an
additional example of specifying a meta model, based
on the meta meta model of state space and transition
space and GOSL. For future work, we suggest
additional experimentation with GOSL, i.e. where
different conceptual modellers independently abstract
from an existing model to create a meta model,
expressed in GOSL, inspecting the similarity of their
resulting meta models.
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