This paper introduces a context model based on on-
tologies, which includes an upper ontology defining
fundamental context concepts, as well as several on-
tologies that describe specific aspects of the context
such as environment, service, and user. It highlights
the significance of incorporating the socio-cultural
and socio-professional attributes of users into the con-
text model.
This contribution is still in progress. In future
works, the intention is to utilize the context ontology
and demonstrate its applicability in a real-world ap-
plication, showcasing its adaptability based on cap-
tured context. Additionally, an important objective is
to assist handicraft women in the Maghreb region by
enabling them to adopt and adapt ICT technologies
to meet their specific service requirements within di-
verse contextual scenarios.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies