while a significant proportion of Emergency Act vis-
its come from married patients. Notably, the clus-
ter exhibits a clear preference for visits during the
winter season, particularly in November and Decem-
ber. Considering these characteristics, Cluster 3 can
be named the ”Mixed Acuity with Seasonal Prefer-
ence Cluster,” as it encompasses a mix of pediatric
and emergency visits, demonstrates distinct age and
seasonal patterns, and showcases variations in marital
Regarding external factors like precipitation and
temperature, no discernible patterns were discovered
that had an impact on the utilization of the emergency
In conclusion, this analysis contributes to the iden-
tification of distinct groups with unique needs, facil-
itating the development of tailored approaches to op-
timize resource allocation, improve patient care, and
enhance the overall efficiency of the emergency de-
partment. The comprehensive characterization of the
clusters, including their underlying variables and the
impact of emergency consultations, enhances the un-
derstanding of the diverse patient profiles within the
emergency department.
This information serves as a powerful tool for im-
proving patient care, enhancing resource allocation,
and addressing challenges such as overcrowding and
sub-optimal patient flow.
Future work in this context could explore alter-
native clustering algorithms or techniques to validate
and compare the results obtained using the k-means
algorithm. Such as hierarchical clustering, density-
based clustering, or model-based clustering to assess
their effectiveness in capturing the underlying pat-
terns in the data.
This work has been supported by national funds
through FCT – Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e Tecnolo-
gia through project UIDB/04728/2020. The authors
thank the hospital for providing the real data used in
this study.
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KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval