lated to a state shared by multiple islands. It is also
likely more suitable for cases with limited interac-
tivity than experiences where the whole page has to
be dynamic by definition. In other words, edge-
powered islands expand the types of applications that
can be developed on top of SSG but encounter limits
in highly dynamic use cases.
We started this paper by asking the question What
are the technical opportunities and challenges of edge
computing for static website hosting? and found out
the intersection expands the usefulness of SSG by al-
lowing more dynamic use cases to be covered on top
of it. There are clear opportunities in leveraging archi-
tectures like islands architecture on top of a static site.
The performance of edge platforms seems reasonable
enough in terms of latency, and techniques, like ISR,
address problems related to SSG build speed.
Our empirical evaluation demonstrated how SSG
and edge computing can work together to enable per-
formant websites and applications to be developed, in
part yielding evidence on the efficacy of mixing web
technologies as asked for in (Veps
ainen and Vuori-
maa, 2022). That said, there are still open questions
related to techniques, their applicability in other en-
vironments, and their limitations. Furthermore, there
are questions related to the costs of the platforms in
comparison to the cloud and self-hosting. It’s undeni-
able developing a comparable infrastructure yourself
would be cost-prohibitive for many but at the same
time not all applications require the same capabilities.
On top of build and server infrastructure, there
are layers of techniques related to leveraging caching,
prefetching, and pushing work to the client. These
techniques are often orthogonal and may be used to
complement server-side optimizations. In terms of re-
search, it would be valuable to understand which op-
timizations can be done at each level how much can
they contribute towards the overall performance of a
web service, and at what cost.
There are also questions related to reproducing
the study results globally. Given edge infrastructure
operates on top of CDN, the assumption is that the
results should be fairly consistent across the globe
depending on CDN density. That starkly contrasts
traditional architecture where the server is in a spe-
cific location. Measuring the difference and repro-
ducing the study with a global scope would be worth-
while. To help with this goal, our implementation
and evaluation code are available on GitHub at https:
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies