ecosystem, and how can they be characterized in
terms of functionality and features while considering
their pros and cons? by conducting a technical review
of frameworks that comply with the definition of dis-
appearing frameworks by aiming to delivery zero or
near zero JavaScript to the client. We observe that
many approaches rely on a compiler while also con-
sidering the state in which client-side JavaScript has
been completely disabled. Several options also sup-
port static output, allowing easy hosting. In addition,
solutions such as Astro provide limited interoperabil-
ity with earlier UI libraries.
In this article, we addressed one of the questions
proposed by (Veps
ainen et al., 2023) and gained
a further understanding of the space of disappearing
web frameworks. Additional research is needed to un-
derstand how the frameworks perform relative to the
mainstream frameworks and each other. Performance
studies should not be limited only to the performance
experienced by the client, as developer experience can
also significantly influence the adoption of new tech-
nologies, as hinted by (Ferreira et al., 2022). In ad-
dition, it would be worthwhile to evaluate the code
authored using the frameworks in detail to understand
differences in understandability, complexity, and the
number of lines of code, for example.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies