Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study
Manuela Andreea Petrescu
, Adrian Sterca
and Ioan Badarinza
Department of Computer Science, Babes-Bolyai University, Str. M. Kogalniceanu, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Learning, Educational Study, Web, Mobile, Students, Interest, Challenge.
We explore in this paper the interests and challenges of students regarding web and mobile technologies. Our
study is based on a survey among undergraduate students, students that attend a Web Programming course. In
particular, we study the challenges students have in following a successful career in web or mobile develop-
ment and we have found that the most important one is the large effort required for keeping up to date with
the fast changing web and mobile technologies. Overall, the attitude of the surveyed undergraduate students
towards web development and mobile development is rather positive, as more than 60% of them said that they
are interested in a career in web or mobile development. We also found out that most of them prefer working
on back-end web technologies. As for the specific web technologies students are interested on, they are highly
varied. Overall, our study provides valuable insights into the interests and challenges of students regarding
web and mobile technologies, which can guide the development of effective teaching and learning approaches
in this area.
Web and mobile development are essential compo-
nents of modern business, as they enable companies
to connect with their customers through digital plat-
forms. In today’s world, the global population stands
at 7.91 billion (KEMP, 2022), and is expected to reach
8 billion by mid-2023, given the annual growth rate of
1.0 percent. More than half of it, specifically 57.00%
of the world’s population resides in urban regions ac-
cording to the same report. The technology got into
urban areas, as into the most remote and inaccessible
locations. As a result, even the populations in under-
developed countries have access to technology so the
number of persons that are using the internet grew.
According to (KEMP, 2022), in the first months of
2022, the number of global internet users has risen
to 4.95 billion, which is equivalent to 62.5% of the
world’s population. it is important to notice the sharp
internet penetration trend, as data indicates that there
has been a 4.0% increase, or 192 million new users,
in the past year. Some of the new users connected to
the internet using specific devices (laptops, comput-
ers, tablets), and mobile phones; mobile phone usage
increased sharply globally. More than two-thirds of
the global population, 67.1% of the world’s popula-
tion now uses a mobile phone. The mobile phone
adoption trend is increasing because technology be-
comes more accessible in terms of price and perfor-
mance. Over the past year, the total number of mobile
users has increased by 1.8%, in fact, there are 95 mil-
lion new users compared to the same period last year
(KEMP, 2022).
Web and mobile development are essential com-
ponents of modern business, as they use the infras-
tructure and huge numbers of potential clients, thus
enabling companies to connect with their customers
through digital platforms. In today’s world, where
most people are using smartphones and other digi-
tal devices, web, and mobile presence are essential to
reach a broader audience. The market trends demand
for designing and creating websites for the internet is
increasing. Mobile development for applications for
mobile devices is also on an ascending trend. Both
web and mobile development play a crucial role in
promoting products, services, and brands online, en-
abling businesses to increase their target population
by increasing their online presence. Web and mobile
can provide a personalized experience for users, using
advanced technologies such as AI and machine learn-
ing, and can find and adjust to the specific needs and
preferences of their customers. Subsequently, com-
panies can target their customers with specific adver-
Petrescu, M., Sterca, A. and Badarinza, I.
Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012174900003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 242-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tising campaigns, increasing their sales. This helps to
build a loyal customer base and improve customer sat-
isfaction, which ultimately leads to increased revenue
and profits.
According to market trends, web and mobile de-
velopment are crucial components of modern busi-
ness as more and more potential clients can be found
online, especially from mobile. Mobile usage over-
took other devices, as in 2020, 55% of website traffic
came from mobile devices (Statista, 2022). The size
of information passed through the internet grew from
around 50 exabytes (1 exabyte equals 1 billion giga-
bytes) to more than 300 exabytes in 2022 according
to the global internet traffic reports made by Statista
(Statista, 2022). The traffic was mainly generated by
different applications usage, applications that offer a
range of benefits, including personalized experiences
for customers, valuable data insights, and provide a
competitive advantage. The companies will continue
to invest in developing web and mobile applications,
providing a demand for specialized workforce pro-
grammers to develop the applications.
With this setup in mind, we wanted to find out if
(1) the second year university students in computer
science are interested to have a career path in web or
mobile development and which technologies would
they like to work with, (2) what are the challenges
they are confronted with, and (3) what are the reasons
for which they choose to work or not in these fields.
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2
examines recent studies on related topics, Section 3
provides a comprehensive overview of the methodol-
ogy used for the experiment for data collection and
interpretation, as well as the set of participants. Sec-
tion 4 describes the data collection and analysis of
the research questions. Sections 5, 6 and 7 present
our findings after analyzing the collected responses to
our research questions. Section 5 describes the most
important challenges students have in following a ca-
reer path in web or mobile development, Section 6
analyzes the students’ interests in such a career and
Section 7 discusses their preferred technologies in
these fields. Possible threats to validity are discussed
in Section 8. Finally, Section 9 presents the conclud-
ing remarks.
The industry of building web and mobile applica-
tions is growing every day and it has a huge demand
for skilled developers. Teaching students how to de-
velop web applications is a very important part of
their study years. There were multiple attempts done
by professors to structure the curriculum in such a
way so that the students understand the variety of
technologies and environments for web development.
For example, in (Jevremovic et al., 2018), the au-
thors present a centralized and collaborative approach
to teaching Web development. During their study,
they noticed that students have a lot of issues under-
standing and troubleshooting the environments used
for web applications and they have tried to build a
centralized solution for web development as a teach-
ing process. They noticed that students had a bet-
ter understanding of the web environments after this
Many studies recommend adding team project
work to university courses as requirements for stu-
dents in order to better prepare the students for the fol-
lowing stage in their career as a junior software devel-
oper in a company (Iacob and Faily, 2019), (Heberle
et al., 2018).
Still, one of the biggest challenges that computer
science students are facing when learning how to
build a web application is the constantly changing
technologies (Park and Wiedenbeck, 2011). Despite
these challenges that students have learning the tech-
nologies, recent studies have shown that graduates are
well-prepared for the job market. They still need to go
through a training process at the beginning after they
are hired, but this is more for understanding the com-
pany’s culture and the way that their employees work
(Lundberg et al., 2021).
Previous studies have shown that IT industry is in-
terested in a few skills when they are hiring new em-
ployees. Among these skills, problem-solving skill
is the most important one (Radermacher et al., 2014).
The other very important ones are communication and
teamwork (Clokie and Fourie, 2016), (Begel and Si-
mon, 2008).
To find out the response to the paper’s research ques-
tions, we performed an online survey. The partici-
pant set was formed by second-year computer science
students enrolled in the Web Programming course.
The main purpose of the Web Programming course
is to teach the students how to build a web applica-
tion using front-end and back-end technologies. It
has an extended syllabus including more than a dozen
languages. On the front-end side, the course in-
cludes information about HTML and XML languages
for the web (e.g. XHTML, XSLT), CSS, Javascript,
Javascript libraries like jQuery and some Javascript
frameworks like Angular, and on the back-end side,
Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study
it provides foundations on how to use PHP, Java, and
.Net to build the back-end of an application. The stu-
dents have to work on a lot of assignments to get
some experience in all of these technologies so that
they can fully understand what they like and what
path they want to pursue. The course also focuses
on popular design patterns for web applications like
the Model-View-Controller and popular architectures
for web applications like the REST API architecture.
Another focus of the course if on the security of web
applications which is ever so challenging nowadays.
So the Web Programming course is quite abundant
in technologies. it is also one of the most dynamic
courses as the web technologies change at a very rapid
As a research method, we used the survey research
method, defined in ACM Sigsoft Empirical Standards
for Software Engineering Research (Ralph, 2021).
We had open questions, to allow students to express
themselves and to be able to get a clearer in-site into
their interests. We also had closed questions, to be
able to check exactly (and measure with accuracy)
some aspects of their stated interests. We paid atten-
tion to the order of the questions in the survey, for ex-
ample, we asked them first what technologies are they
interested in (the last questions were not visible on the
page), and only after they completed the answer and
get to the last questions we provided them with a list
of technologies to choose from (to mark which tech-
nology are they particularly interested in). We chose
this approach to find out what are they interested in
without influencing their answers, and only at the end
of the survey after they mentioned their technology
interests, we suggested other possible options.
We send the survey link to the students during the
laboratory and asked them to complete it at their own
will, during or after the laboratory. Around 47% of
the responses were completed after the lab was over.
When we sent the link, we also mentioned the anony-
mous and optional character of the survey as the pur-
pose of collecting the data.
3.1 Participants
The target participant set that took part in this sur-
vey was formed by second-year university students
enrolled in the Web Programming course; the students
were aleatory allocated to have laboratories with two
of the authors of the study. The allocation process was
formed by two steps, in the first one, the students were
alphabetically sorted after the last name, and based on
this list, they were allocated to a group. In the second
step, the groups were aleatory allocated to the authors
of this study by third parties (when the timetable was
created). The total number of students that were asked
to participate in the study and got the survey link was
85. The number of answers was 61, we considered
it was a good percentage that allows us to have valid
results, results that correctly reflect their perceptions,
ideas, and interests. When deciding to pursue analyz-
ing the responses, we validate their number against
the number of answers in other published studies (Pe-
trescu and Motogna, 2023; Motogna et al., 2021) in
computer science (with less or a similar number of
participants). We concluded that the participant set is
large enough and representative to have a valid study.
Data was collected using Google Forms. We opt for
this tool due to its usability, friendliness, and because
it was most probably already used by students. Stu-
dents trust the tool to provide anonymity. For us, it
was useful as we could see responses in real-time.
The survey remained open for ten days. This period
allowed us to send it to the students from different
groups (that had classes at different times during the
week); so they would have a three days grace period
after the last laboratory to answer the survey (if they
wanted to do it).
For this research, we used quantitative methods,
and more specifically questionnaire surveys as they
were defined by community standards (Ralph, 2021),
and for interpreting the test we used thematic anal-
ysis as defined by (Braun et al., 2019). This re-
search survey method, where collected data was inter-
preted using thematic analysis, was previously used
in other computer science-related papers (Motogna
et al., 2021; Redmond et al., 2013). The standard
mentioned a procedure that implies steps that should
be followed, so one author performed the following
activities when analyzing the data:
collected the data
performed a brief analysis of the open answers
with the purpose to reallocate them to other survey
questions (if they were better fitted elsewhere)
determined the keywords and grouped them into
the other author verified the keywords classifica-
the other authors performed some observations
the observations were analyzed by all authors and
the decisions were incorporated into the results.
The opened answers sometimes contained more than
one keyword, some answers contained one keyword
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and we had questions for which we did not get an an-
swer. Due to this aspect, the number of identified key-
words is larger than the number of answers. To have a
clear idea about the key items’ prevalence, the results
are expressed as a percentage between the number of
key items and the number of answers. Due to this
fact, the sum of percentages will exceed 100%. The
questions asked in the survey can be visualized in Ta-
ble 1.
Table 1: Survey Questions.
Q1. Would you like to pursue a career in web develop-
ment? (Choose from Yes or No options)
Q2. Please mention your reasons.
Q3. What technologies/topics do you want to learn?
Q4. Which technology do you think is best in a long
run (if you choose between web and mobile)?
Q5. Which are in your opinion the main challenges for
a web/mobile software developer?
Q6. What type of web technologies do you want to pur-
sue in a future career: front-end technologies or back-
end technologies? (Choose front-end or back-end op-
Q7. Which technologies are you interested in? Multi-
ple choice of PHP, JS, React, Ajax, jsp/servlets, Angu-
lar, .NET, Client-server architecture, Site performance,
Site reliability, Site security, Python flask, node.js,
Java Springboot, Real-time communication over web
(WebRTC), Micro-service architecture for web applica-
tions, REST API web servers.
By far, as can be visualized in Figure 1, the highest
challenge reported by students was the rapid change
of technologies and the need to adapt to them.
Figure 1: Reported challenges.
The largest group of students 32.79% reported this
aspect: ”Constantly adapting to newer and newer
versions of everything”, or ”Keeping up with the
evolving technology”. It seems that even for the
younger generation, perpetual adaptation is perceived
as a stress factor. The next reported challenge is
tightly connected with the industry: client needs/ is-
sues ”Understanding what the client needs.”, ”Deal-
ing with customers”, or ”Agreeing with the client
on the project”. Writing clean, consistent code and
maintaining the quality of delivered code are other
challenges reported by a rather large group of stu-
dents: 11.48%. There are mentioned challenges
tightly related to soft skills: teamwork and com-
munication appear in 11.47% of the total answers:
”working on a team and communication”. Other two
challenges are related: stressful/burn-out mentioned
by 8.20% and time constraints mentioned by 4.92%:
”Time pressure. ”Checklist” things (for example - do
5 tickets per week)”, ”Communication and the fight
to show results but do not burn out.”, ”Overcoming
the burnout”. Students seem to be confronted with a
lack of experience, and 8.20% of them perceive it as a
challenge: ”Having experience”, they also mentioned
the difficulty to work on ”other’s people code”. The
documentation proved to be a difficult to use tool,
some students mentioned that is hard to look for a so-
lution in thick and too overwhelming documentation.
Other emerging technologies are perceived as direct
competitors, a fight between men and machines, be-
tween programmers and AI. AI is perceived as a com-
petitor by 3.27% of them: ”Also - at this moment, a
huge challenge especially for juniors are the develop-
ments of AI technologies (for example, at this moment,
ChatGPT is better than me)”.
In conclusion, the main challenge is the fact that
they have to keep up with rapidly changing technolo-
gies, and the soft skills challenges represent an impor-
tant part (even if it is for communication, teamwork,
or understanding client needs). Time constraints and
burnout are other main challenges. AI concurrence,
learning process, lack of documentation, or too thick
documentation are other challenges mentioned by stu-
To find out the students’ interest in following a career
path in web or mobile development, we analyzed the
answers provided to three questions: the stated inten-
tion (first question), their reasons (answers from the
second question), and if they prefer working on front-
end side or back-end side of web applications.
Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study
More than half of the students (around 60.7%
from the participant set) mentioned that they would
like to have a career path in web or mobile develop-
ment as can be visualized in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Stated web-related work intention.
When we asked the students if they prefer work-
ing with front-end technologies or with back-end, we
allowed them to select one option, both options, or
neither one of them. Almost all the students (93.20%)
would like to work in the back-end, around half of
them (44.20%) mentioned they would like to work
in the front-end and 3.94% did not answer this ques-
tion - Figure 3. Based on their answers, the students
do not want to work in front-end in a large percent-
age, some of the reasons being detailed as answers
to the second question: ”I do not like frontend” or
”Not particularly in web development because you
need to pay attention to small stuff like the proper
margin/alignment, I prefer to make things work (back-
Figure 3: Students’ preferences.
Students’ Reasons for Choosing/Not Choosing
Web or Mobile Development
The most prevalent reason for choosing a web/mobile
related career path is related to its trendiness 16.39%,
web technologies, and their usage are perceived as
worth learning because they represent: ”A continuing
growing industry” and ”Everyone wants a website”.
Students are well connected to the market trends,
their replies suggest a positive correlation between
their working intention in a specific field and market
demand. The interest in technology (14.74%) and
passion (6.55%) are other reasons that attract students
to web/mobile development: ”I guess it’s cool”,
”Yes, but I’m not sure, for a moment I am a mobile
developer but I had an Internship on web dev which
was very engaging”. In the front-end back-end
comparison, students prefer to work on the back-end
(their preference is enforced by detailed explana-
tions), and the back-end appreciations are positive: ”I
like back-end more I don’t like the front-end part of
it, but the back-end is alright”. 9.83% of the students
mentioned specifically that they like front-end ”I
don’t like frontend” and other 11.47% stated they like
back-end: ”You need to pay attention to small stuff
like the proper margin/alignment, I prefer to make
things work (back-end).. As opinions are divided,
there was a percent of 9.83% of students who clearly
stated they like front-end: ”I grew way more fond of
front-end development than back-end because I find
it more entertaining ”, ”I like colors, shapes, and
animations and designing things”, ”I like designing
pages and it doesn’t seem that stressful”. Other stu-
dents just wanted something else, and they specified
it: AI was the most mentioned option. ”Other areas
of programming are more interesting.”, ”I am more
interested in different topics such as AI”, ”AI is more
interesting to me.
In conclusion, students are relatively interested in
a career path in web or mobile development, but they
would prefer to work mainly in the back end. Front-
end is perceived to require a lot of attention to detail
and to be ease replaceable by new technologies such
as AI. Some students prefer the front end because it
is more entertaining, it implies page design, and is
perceived as less stressful.
6.1 Job Taxonomy/Market Demand
To gain insights into the job market, we look into
studies referred to computer science literature and
technical reports, including (Gallagher et al., 2022),
and (Djumalieva1 and Sleeman, 2018), which evalu-
ated job requirements based on job postings. A web
developer or mobile developer job position is usually
at the top when it comes to the market needs.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics prospects that
the market demand on web developers in the US is
projected to increase by 23% in the 2021-2031 period,
much faster than the average increase of all other oc-
A general taxonomy of career paths in web devel-
opment would be the following:
front-end developer
back-end developer
full-stack developer
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
UX designer
web designer
mobile web developer
DevOps engineer
security engineer
But each of the above career paths can further be
specialized into more specific paths, especially the
first three of them (e.g. a back-end web developer
can be a Python web developer, a Java web developer,
a C# web developer etc.).
To find out what is student’s genuine interest in tech-
nologies, but also to take into account their current
knowledge, we used the answers provided by students
to the questions ”What type of web technologies do
you want to pursue in a future career”, ”Which tech-
nologies are you interested in”, and, ”Which technol-
ogy do you think is best in a long run”. The last ques-
tion was the simplest one from this set, 37.70% of the
students mentioned that mobile is the best in a long
run, as the greater percent 62.29% appreciated that
web is best in long run. All the students answered
this question. However, when we asked them to write
which technologies are they interested in, the results
were variate, and the percentages quite different com-
pared to the answers when they had to choose a tech-
nology from a predefined set. For example, for React,
only 18.03% mentioned it compared to 54.10% of stu-
dents that choose it from the predefined set. We con-
sider for the web course we should take into account
the predefined set, but their answers (no predefined
answers) are more accurate to find out their overall in-
terests in computer science technologies. It was also
interesting to notice that when students were asked to
mention themselves technologies, 9.83% did not an-
swer, but in the case when the technologies list was
predefined, all of them answered by selecting more
than one technology. A comparison of the percent-
ages for each technology is displayed in Figure 4.
Except for the technologies mentioned above,
when asked to answer by themselves, a very small
percentage of students’ answers contained specific
technologies ”Kafka”, ”Google services”, ”Vue.js”,
and ”Java”. A larger group of students, 13.11% pro-
vided generic answers: ”Web” without specifying ex-
actly what technology, ”Backend” was mentioned by
9.83%, and ”Game Development” by 6.55%. ”Server
development” appeared only in 3.27% of the an-
swers, as ’mobile” in 1.63%. ”AI” was mentioned
Figure 4: Students’ interest in technologies.
by a larger percentage, 16.39%, but in this case, we
got generic answers like ”AI” and very specific an-
swers ”AI, Inverse Kinematics, procedural genera-
tion, marching cubes algorithm, Perlin noise”, ”Deep
learning, machine learning”. Some students do not
want a specific technology as long as it could pro-
vide good growing options: ”Whatever is used in the
present in the industry..
In conclusion, the students can be grouped into
two categories: well prepared and documented stu-
dents, which know exactly what they want to study,
and a group of students that want to study but prefer to
be told what to learn (they selected a lot of predefined
options). In general, students have a large interest in
AI; regarding web/mobile related technologies they
are interested in REST APIs, .Net, Java SpringBoot,
React, JS, Angular, site performance, and security.
During the elaboration of our study, we carefully con-
sidered the guidelines and recommendations for sur-
vey research outlined in (Ralph, 2021). We identi-
fied several potential threats to validity that we tried
to mitigate the risk associated with them. We paid at-
tention to the target population and participant selec-
tion, drop-out rates, authors’ subjective approach, and
research ethics. To address the concerns related to the
target population and participant set, we sent the sur-
vey to all the second-year, computer science students
enrolled in the web course that were randomly allo-
cated to specific teachers (authors of this paper). Due
to this aspect, we did not engage in any participant se-
lection, as everyone was automatically involved. All
students were given the opportunity to participate if
they so chose. The target participant set was randomly
allocated, and the teachers did not have any involve-
ment in the allocation process. We also took steps to
mitigate drop-out rates by limiting the survey to one
Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study
online questionnaire and keeping the number of ques-
tions manageable to enable participants to complete it
quickly. We also considered the participant set size,
and compared to the size from other computer sci-
ence published studies (Motogna et al., 2021; Gerster
et al., 2020), our conclusion was that we have a suffi-
cient number of participants to generate valid results.
We recognized the possible bias that the students re-
sponded positive, and in order to mitigate the risks we
announced them that all the responses are anonymous,
validate them (we had answers stating they they do
not like WEB, or want to work in AI). We also com-
pared to similar study (same university, similar partic-
ipant set - second years students from computer sci-
ence aleatory selected), in which students stated that
are not interested in database and SQL related jobs
(Pop and Petrescu, 2023) (congruent with our results).
Based in these facts, we concluded that the students
replied honestly regarding their intentions.
We recognized the potential for subjectivity in
our approach and we mitigated this risk by following
recommended research procedures and guidelines for
text interpretation. To ensure ethical research prac-
tices, we informed students that participation was vol-
untary, and we made it clear about the anonymous
nature of the survey. We also provided information
on the purpose of the data collection and how we in-
tended to use the information gathered.
This study was performed with the purpose to find
out if second-year computer science students are in-
terested in a career in web or mobile development, in
technologies, and what are their main challenges. The
participant set was randomly selected, the research
method was a survey questionnaire and we applied
thematic analysis to interpret the open questions. We
took into consideration the scientific guidelines for
this type of research mentioned in (Ralph, 2021), and
we took measures to eliminate possible author subjec-
tivity. We found out that students are interested in a
career in web or mobile, even if when they were asked
to specify exactly which technologies are they inter-
ested in, the larger set of technologies was not web
or mobile-related. However, when students were pro-
vided with a fixed set of technologies, they selected
much more technologies compared to the questions
when they were asked to answer by themselves. This
proves that they were not exactly sure, but are willing
to learn. The main reason for pursuing a web/mobile
related career was related to the ”trendiness” and per-
ceived market requirements ”Everyone wants a web-
site”. This aspect is correlated to the fact that the sec-
ond option related to career path (except web) is AI,
another technology perceived to be ”in trend”. Specif-
ically, some answers mentioned the financial aspects
and the fact that students expect to find well-paid jobs
in this domain. In terms of working on the back-end
or front-end, the larger majority preferred back-end.
Even if it was not the purpose of this study, we
found out that the students that already work (having
part-time or full-time jobs) stated they feel stressed,
they are fighting with time and pressure to deliver and
they experience burnout or they fear they would get
in that state. Moreover, they feel it is hard to cope
with the rapid changes in the computer science do-
main, with changing technologies.
Other studies should be performed to find out the
degree of correlation between the ”trendlines” of a
domain with the student’s stated intention to have a
career in that domain.
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Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study