(a) Learning rates impact (b) Population size impact
Figure 9: Performance and processing pace of GPU accel-
erated PBIL for various learning rates and population sizes.
This paper presents a comparative analysis of four bi-
nary metaheuristic techniques in the context of trade
data harmonization. The objective of this research
was to assess the effectiveness of these techniques in
achieving optimal or near-optimal solutions when rec-
onciling disparate datasets.
To model the trade data harmonization problem,
we adopt a subset sum approach, which involves
identifying subcategories from a detailed dataset that
correspond to specific categories in another dataset.
Through an extensive experimental evaluation, we
compare the performance of these techniques. Our
findings indicate that Simulated Annealing (SA)
shows great promise in consistently obtaining near-
optimal solutions, even with empirically selected pa-
rameter settings and fewer evaluations compared to
In conclusion, our study provides valuable in-
sights into the applicability of metaheuristic tech-
niques for trade data harmonization. Additionally, our
findings highlight the potential of GPU-accelerated
computations, exemplified by the Deep Scalability
Extension, which enables the harmonization of trade
data on a larger scale. Future research can focus on
enhancing existing techniques, exploring alternative
approaches, and conducting real-world case studies to
comprehensively address the challenges of trade data
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Comparative Analysis of Metaheuristics Techniques for Trade Data Harmonization