possibility: only 9,2% in 2023 and 8,8 % in 2017.
Last, most of the participants would contribute by
sending feedback to the Public Advocate: 61,8% vs
47,1% in 2017, while 25% do not consider
themselves able to do it, respect 29,4% in 2017.
This study investigates the experience of people with
disabilities when accessing PA websites in Italy.
Results show that, although user awareness is
significantly increased and more users with disability
are able to benefit from PA digital services, user
satisfaction is only very slightly increased over the
last 6 years, effectiveness has slightly decreased, and
interaction seems more difficult, e.g., due to the
increased security and authentication constraints (as
the multi-factor authentication mechanisms)
introduced in the last years.
Furthermore, while the increasing number of
services offered through the PA websites is generally
a positive aspect for all users, often this implies
complex user interfaces that, if not suitably
structured, are more difficult to understand and
navigate via screen readers. Clearly, both the current
authentication processes and the user interfaces need
further design simplification efforts to make users
with disabilities able to successfully access the PA
services, asking for urgent improvement of usability
such as ease of use of the user interfaces that should
be logically organized for easier navigation, offering
more help and a simplified interaction (also for
authentication purposes).
The path for a truly accessible PA is still in
progress and needs considerable endeavour. New
initiatives inside the National Recovery and
Resilience Plan, which is part of the Next Generation
EU program, can place crucial resources and
accelerate this process in Europe, but it is important
to involve users with disabilities in these efforts since
their feedback must be at the heart of a truly inclusive
design process.
As future work, we intend to expand our survey
in two directions: a) involving a more significant and
balanced sample of users, especially with regard to
the types of disability; b) investigating why some
people do not use the internet (or just very rarely) in
order to understand if it is due to specific barriers
(technological, cultural, accessibility, etc.), or
personal issues (privacy concerns, lack of interest,
etc.) or other causes such a psychological technology
We thank all the study participants for their valuable
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