There are numerous challenges to be addressed in
the future for the work. Especially, following thr ee
points can be mentioned. The first is to clarify the re -
lationship between controllability and the char a cteris-
tics of pedestrian’s decision making to verify the hy-
pothesis proposed in th is pa per. The second is a im-
provement of the mode l accura cy by reconsideration
of the model structure and its explanatory variables.
The third is to exp lore an application of the proposed
evaluation index. How to make a decision and/or mo-
tion of the robots can be developed in the future by
utilizing the motion planning and the control meth od
based on the controllability of the human behavior.
This work is supported by Toyota Motor Corporation ,
1 Toyota-Ch o, Toyota City, Aichi Prefe cture 471-
8571, Japan
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