ipants place on trust in the context of e-government
services. It reinforces the notion that trust is a criti-
cal factor for the success of e-government initiatives.
While the feedback from participants regarding the
trust scale is positive, it is expected that this scale
would have a higher mean value compared to the
other scales. This discrepancy suggests that there may
be specific areas or aspects within the e-government
form where trustworthiness needs to be further em-
phasized and strengthened. By addressing any short-
comings and focusing on enhancing trust in the e-
government forms, it is possible to elevate the overall
UX and promote greater confidence among users.
Trust in e-government services is a critical factor
that significantly influences the adoption and success
of such initiatives. It refers to citizens’ belief in the
reliability and security of the offered e-government
services (Lallmahomed et al., 2017). The impor-
tance of trust in e-government has been widely rec-
ognized worldwide, as citizens are concerned about
the use and security of their personal information.
Numerous studies have emphasized the significance
of trust in driving citizens’ adoption behavior toward
e-government services. Researchers have found that
when users trust the government agency to safeguard
their data, it increases their likelihood of adopting and
using e-government services (Alharbi, 2015; Chohan
and Hu, 2020). Trust has been identified as a direct
determinant of adoption behavior in various studies.
For instance, (Chatzoglou et al., 2015) developed a
framework to identify critical factors influencing the
adoption of e-government services. They highlighted
that trust in the government’s ability to secure citi-
zens’ data plays a crucial role in promoting adoption.
Similarly, (Lee et al., 2019) investigated the factors
influencing citizens’ intention to use e-government
services and found that trust in e-government is a sig-
nificant determinant of adoption behavior.
To enhance citizens’ trust and promote adoption,
it is essential for e-government agencies to implement
secure systems and ensure accurate and trustworthy
interactions with users. The graphical user interface
(GUI) of e-government services plays a crucial role
in establishing citizens’ trust. The design and pre-
sentation of information within these services have a
significant impact on the level of trust users place in
the services and ultimately enhance their overall ex-
perience. By utilizing the UEQ+ questionnaire, it be-
comes possible to gain insights into users’ initial ex-
periences with the designed interface of e-government
forms. The findings, particularly in relation to the
trust scale, raise important considerations for future
research. Specifically, it highlights the need for fur-
ther investigation into the trustworthiness of the de-
sign interface of e-government services in the US,
particularly when applying the USWDS guidelines.
Future studies should delve deeper into the impact
of the USWDS guidelines on the trust factor and ex-
plore how adherence to these guidelines influences
users’ trust in e-government services. By conduct-
ing more extensive investigations, researchers can un-
cover valuable insights that will inform the develop-
ment of trustworthy and user-centric e-government
interfaces, ultimately enhancing citizens’ experiences
and fostering greater trust in the services provided.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies