Table 4: The distance errors estimation of recognised pears in different situations.
Pear condition Separating pears Aggregating pears
Light condition Low High Overall Low High Overall
(m) 0.013 0.020 0.017 0.012 0.023 0.018
(m) 0.016 0.013 0.015 0.011 0.028 0.021
0.834 0.884 0.896 0.848 0.812 0.832
In this paper, we proposed a method to achieve ac-
curate recognition and position estimation in com-
plex orchard environments to reduce the grasping er-
rors caused by problems such as branch occlusion and
pear aggregation, which improved the robustness of
robots working in the complex orchard. Also, we
compared the performance of different deep learning
algorithms for the recognition of separating and ag-
gregating pears under different light intensities. The
results showed that Mask R-CNN outperforms Faster
R-CNN and YOLACT in terms of recognition accu-
racy for separating and aggregating pears under both
high and low light conditions. In further experiments,
we chose Mask R-CNN as the recognition algorithm
for pear position estimation and compared the error
mean ¯x
, standard deviation σ
, and goodness-of-fit
of separating and aggregating pears at a distance
of 0.1-0.5 m. The results showed that ¯x and σ
significantly higher for aggregated pears than for sep-
arated pears in the same cases, and R
reached more
than 0.8 in different cases. Therefore, this paper ex-
hibited commendable efficacy in the precise recogni-
tion and position of pears within the range of 0.1-0.5
meters. This outcome substantially bolsters the pre-
cise recognition and position estimation of pears by
agricultural fruit-picking robots.
The authors would like to thank the Tsukuba Plant
Innovation Research Center (T-PIRC), University of
Tsukuba, for providing facilities for conducting this
research in its orchards.Also,This work was supported
by JST SPRING, Grant Number JPMJS2124.
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Recognition and Position Estimation of Pears in Complex Orchards Using Stereo Camera and Deep Learning Algorithm