KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases
Simone D’Amico
1 a
, Lorenzo Malandri
2,3 b
, Fabio Mercorio
2,3 c
and Mario Mezzanzanica
2,3 d
Department of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
CRISP Research Centre, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Keyphrases Extraction, Keyphrases Evaluation, Keyphrases Benchmark Evaluation, Word Embeddings,
Natural Language Processing.
A research area of NLP is known as keyphrases extraction, which aims to identify words and expressions in a
text that comprehensively represent the content of the text itself. In this study, we introduce a new approach
called KRAKEN (Keyphrease extRAction maKing use of EmbeddiNgs). Our method takes advantage of widely
used NLP techniques to extract keyphrases from a text in an unsupervised manner and we compare the results
with well-known benchmark datasets in the literature. The main contribution of this work is developing a novel
approach for keyphrase extraction. Both natural language text preprocessing techniques and distributional
semantics techniques, such as word embeddings, are used to obtain a vector representation of the texts that
maintains their semantic meaning. Through KRAKEN, we propose and design a new method that exploits word
embedding for identifying keyphrases, considering the relationship among words in the text. To evaluate
KRAKEN, we employ benchmark datasets and compare our approach with state-of-the-art methods. Another
contribution of this work is the introduction of a metric to rank the identified keyphrases, considering the
relatedness of both the words within the phrases and all the extracted phrases from the same text.
Keyphrases refer to a set of relevant terms that pro-
vide a high-level description of a textual document.
The Keyphrases Extraction task (KPE) defines a range
of approaches and techniques that aim to identify
keyphrases. The extraction of key phrases is of sig-
nificant importance in the field of natural language
processing (NLP), particularly in text summarization,
content recommendation or topic modeling tasks.
The KPE task differs in Keyphrases Assignment,
in which the most relevant phrases are identified
based on a predefined dictionary of words or expres-
sions, and Keyphrases Extraction involves directly
identifying and extracting directly from the analyzed
corpus. In this study, we define a new approach for
extracting keyphrases directly from the text.
In the Keyphrases Extraction tasks context, we
provide a formal definition of keyphrases: let D =
} the corpus consisting of n documents,
= ht
i a single document of length m con-
sisting of a sequence of term t
in the order of how
they appear in the document itself. A keyphrases
for a document d
is a subsequence of terms in d
= ht
: 1 l,l r mi, so in this
context a keyphrase can also consist of only a single
The typical keyphrase extraction pipeline typi-
cally involves two steps:
1. Keyphrases extraction: In this step, specific algo-
rithms are used to identify and extract a set of can-
didate keyphrases for a text.
2. Keyphrases ranking: Following the extraction
step, a rank is applied to determine the best
keyphrases among those extracted. This ranking
can be used for evaluation purposes or to perform
a specific task.
This paper presents KRAKEN (Keyphrease
extRAction maKing use of EmbeddiNgs) a new
approach for identifying and extracting keyphrases
D’Amico, S., Malandri, L., Mercorio, F. and Mezzanzanica, M.
KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012179500003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 289-297
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
from text as they appear in the text itself. A two-
step evaluation process is also defined to rank the
extracted keyphrases with the aim of identifying
the most relevant ones. The results obtained are
compared with other approaches for extracting
keyphrases on five different datasets.
We provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art
techniques in keyphrase extraction, highlighting their
main characteristics. The works mentioned here will
then be used as a term of comparison in evaluating the
proposed method.
Keyphrase extraction techniques can be cate-
gorized into three main categories: Deep Learn-
ing Techniques, Supervised Techniques and Unsuper-
vised Techniques keyphrase extraction. In these ap-
proaches, a keyphrase is treated as a sequence of
tokens and incorporates information from previous
ones (Merrouni et al., 2020). Supervised techniques
involve training a classifier to identify keyphrases us-
ing labeled data. On the other hand, there are sev-
eral unsupervised approaches, which can be cate-
gorized based on the selection of keyphrases: text
construction-based or relationship-based approaches.
In text construction-based approaches use statistical
features such as TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse
Document Frequency), weighted co-occurrence ma-
trices, or the semantic features of the text itself to
identify keyphrases.
In relationship-based approaches, we still dis-
tinguish between graph-based or topic-based ap-
proaches, in these algorithms, it is assumed that the
words that co-occur within a certain window in the
text have some relationship. In graph-based ap-
proaches, graphs are created with words as nodes and
two nodes are connected if the associated words co-
occur within a fixed-size window. These graphs are
then weighted, and node ranks are calculated using
different algorithms like TextRank or PageRank. The
highest-scoring word sequences are identified from
these ranks to construct keyphrases. In topic-based
approaches, words are assigned to topics, assuming
that words within the same topic are related. Tech-
niques such as Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or
clustering techniques are commonly used in these
methods. Typically, keyphrase identification begins
by selecting words of specific parts of speech, in par-
ticular nouns and adjectives are taken as candidate
sentences because they contain succinctly the key in-
formation (Kathait et al., 2017).
The selection of an appropriate approach for
weighing and identifying keyphrases depends on the
specific context and corpus being analyzed. For in-
stance, in their work on a large corpus, Knittel et
al. (Knittel et al., 2021) introduce a method called
ELSKE. ELSKE efficiently extracts descriptive but
potentially long sentences that occur unusually fre-
quently. They extend the concept of TF-IDF and
adapt it for large document collections. A stabi-
lized version of TF-IDF is proposed to prevent the
divergence of TF and IDF values for overly common
Chi et al. (Chi and Hu, 2021) propose ISKE, a
PageRank-like method that weighs relationships be-
tween sentences by assuming strong causality be-
tween adjacent sentences. Rather than iterating
through individual words, ISKE employs a graph-
based method to weigh sentences based on the words
within them. This approach reduces computational
and temporal complexity.
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2010) combine graph-based
and non-graph-based algorithms, introducing Top-
icPageRank (TPR) that combines topic-based and
graph-based ideas. TPR constructs a graph for each
document using word co-occurrence statistics within
a fixed window size, PageRank is then applied to the
document’s various topics to weigh words based on
their importance within those topics.
Boudin (Boudin, 2018) introduces an approach
that uses a multipartite graph structure (MUL) to en-
code topical information and keyphrase candidates.
In this graph, nodes represent various keyphrase can-
didates, and edges connect nodes if the corresponding
keyphrases belong to different topics. The edges are
weighted based on keyphrase co-occurrence statistics.
The TextRank algorithm ranks the nodes and identi-
fies the most relevant keyphrases.
Campos et al. (Campos et al., 2018) propose
YAKE, a feature-based method for keyphrase extrac-
tion. YAKE considers multiple features for each can-
didate keyphrase, such as its position or frequency
within the text, whether it is capitalized, and the num-
ber of distinct words occurring before or after the
term. These features are combined using a heuristic
scoring approach to determine the best keyphrases.
Despite the widespread use of more recent mod-
els based on transformer architectures, such as
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), in NLP tasks, it was de-
cided not to employ them in this specific work. The
first reason is the intention to solely utilize the infor-
mation present in the considered corpora. This led
us to exclude all pre-trained models. A second moti-
vation lies in the way the proposed approach identi-
fies a keyphrase; it focuses on individual words dur-
ing the keyphrase extraction without providing con-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: The keyphrases extraction task workflow.
textualization. Thus, the input for the model is not
a sequence of tokens but a single token. In this re-
gard, the use of the fastText word embeddings model
proves to be more suitable. This is due to its training
speed on the corpus and its efficiency in obtaining a
vector representation of a single word.
KRAKEN introduces a novel approach for keyphrase ex-
traction that leverages word embedding techniques.
The method begins with preprocessing the text and
removing stop words. The focus is then placed on
nouns and adjectives, which are taken as candidate
phrases because they succinctly contain the key in-
formation (Kathait et al., 2017). These words play
a crucial role in defining the keyphrases. The ap-
proach operates iteratively by constructing a window
around each noun or adjective. This window includes
the preceding and succeeding words, forming poten-
tial keyphrases. In this context, a keyphrase corre-
sponds to the window constructed around a specific
word. To determine the construction of the window,
KRAKEN utilizes a word embeddings model. It evalu-
ates the proximity between the vectors of the current
window and the words that can be added to the win-
dow. This proximity analysis aids in determining the
relevant words for the keyphrase construction.
As shown in figure 1, the keyphrase extraction
task implementation follows a two-step process: the
initial step involves identifying and extracting can-
didate keyphrases from the text, while the subse-
quent phase focuses on selecting the most suitable
keyphrases using specific metrics for evaluation pur-
poses, comparing them with the baseline.
We provide two versions of KRAKEN: one employ-
ing the Pearson correlation index for constructing and
evaluating the windows, and another version utiliz-
ing the Cosine similarity. Both versions are compared
with state-of-the-art results in the baseline section.
3.1 Step 1: Phrases Identification and
In the keyphrase extraction phase, two main objec-
tives have been identified: (i) performing preprocess-
ing to reduce the noise present in the texts and provide
a clean corpus for the word embedding model, and (ii)
actually extracting the keyphrases.
We apply state-of-the-art preprocessing steps.
Firstly, all letters in the text are converted to lower-
case. Then, stop words, numbers, punctuation, accent
marks, diacritics, and HTML tags are removed. Ad-
ditionally, lemmatization is performed on the corpus
to obtain the base form of each word by removing in-
flectional endings. As the last preprocessing step, to
increase the capacity of the word embedding model,
n-gramms have been identified in the text, in particu-
lar uni-grams, bi-grams and tri-grams. By applying
these preprocessing steps, KRAKEN aims to enhance
the quality of the corpus and improve the keyphrase
extraction process (Mezzanzanica et al., 2015; Mez-
zanzanica et al., 2012; Boselli et al., 2014).
Once the corpus has been cleaned, a word embed-
ding model is trained, which will be utilized for cre-
ating the windows. Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is
applied to identify nouns and adjectives, referred to
as anchor words, that are used for keyphrases identi-
The algorithm starts by analyzing the preceding
part of the text before the anchor, forming phrases
around it. Then, the same procedure is applied to the
subsequent part of the text. This iterative process ex-
tends to the words preceding and following the cur-
rent window. In the base case, when the window con-
sists only of the anchor, the relatedness between the
vectors of the two words is calculated. If the relat-
edness exceeds a fixed threshold, the first word is in-
cluded in the window. However, if the relatedness is
less than the threshold, the process stops.
For the words following the first one, the window
constructed thus far is taken into consideration. For
each new word encountered, the relatedness between
its vector and that of the current window is calcu-
lated. If the relatedness is greater than the value ob-
tained in the previous iteration, the word candidate
is added to the window, and the process continues
to the next word. By iteratively incorporating rele-
vant words based on their relatedness to the window,
KRAKEN aims to construct meaningful phrases around
the anchor words identified through POS tagging.
Let ~v
the embedding representation of the
keyphrase kp
constructed in iteration i 1, ~v
KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases Extraction
the embedding representation of a word w
ered in iteration i, and α
represent the measure of
relatedness between k p
and w
. At i-th iteration,
the keyphrase is constructed as follows:
1. Calculate the relatedness α
between ~v
2. If α
is greater than the relatedness obtained in the
previous iteration α
, proceed to the next step.
Otherwise, stop constructing the keyphrase.
3. Add w
to the keyphrase.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the subsequent words, con-
sidering the updated keyphrase at each iteration.
5. Stop constructing the keyphrase when a word
is encountered that decreases the relatedness or
when there are no more new words to add to the
By following these steps, the algorithm constructs the
keyphrases iteratively, incorporating words that in-
crease the relatedness and stopping when the related-
ness decreases or the desired length is reached. The
definition of the relatedness α depends on the version
of KRAKEN used: in the case of Pearson’s correlation
then α is equal to the coefficient ρ
and in the
case of the cosine similarity α is the cosine of the an-
gle between these vectors.
Data: a document d
Result: the set of keyphrases for the input
for word in d do
if word is nouns or word is adjective then
extract kp(word, d);
// Extract kp on the left
extract kp(word, d);
// Extract kp on the right
word kp
return k p
Algorithm 1: Extract kps for a text.
There are two stopping criteria for the construc-
tion of the windows: (i) if the new relatedness is be-
low a certain threshold t no first word is added to the
window at the beginning and it remains composed
of only the anchor, and (ii) if the new relatedness is
lower than the previous iteration. In this second sce-
nario, this means that when a word w is encountered
that decreases the relatedness, the construction of the
phrase is halted, even if adding subsequent words af-
ter w could result in a higher relatedness. To account
for this, the stop condition (ii) has been modified:
even if the relatedness between a word w
and the
current window is lower than the relatedness in the
previous iteration, w
is still included in the windows
and the process continues. However, if another sub-
sequent word with lower relatedness is encountered,
the process is stopped. Therefore, only one word is
allowed which does not increase the closeness dur-
ing the construction process of the phrase. The al-
gorithm 1 shows how the keyphrases are extracted
from a text: for each noun or adjective in the text, the
keyphrase is built around it iterating first on the pre-
vious part of the text and then on the next one. The
result kp
is the set of keyphrases for the document
d in input. Figure 2 shows the result of identifying
keyphrases from a text.
Figure 2: An example of keyphrases extracted from a text.
3.2 Step 2: Phrases Evaluation
After the keyphrase extraction step, a set of candidate
phrases is obtained for each examined text. The next
step involves evaluating each individual window and
assigning it a score. Only the phrases with the highest
scores are selected for evaluation with the baseline.
The scoring process utilizes the same word embed-
ding model that was used to create the windows.
The candidate phrases are divided into two cate-
gories: short keyphrases composed of a single word
and long keyphrases composed of multiple words.
Different measures are applied depending on the
type of keyphrase, namely within-window score and
between-window score.
The within-window score (WW) is applied only
to windows longer than one word to avoid consider-
ing windows too long. The average of the relatedness
between all the pairs of words in the window is calcu-
lated, if this average is higher than a fixed threshold,
the keyphrase proceeds to the next evaluation step;
otherwise, it is discarded. The within-window score
measures the internal cohesion of phrases in terms
of the coherence among their words. The threshold
value also determines the number of long keyphrases
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Details of datasets.
Dataset # doc Avg. text words Avg. keyphrases Avg. single word KP Avg. multiple word KP
Inspec 2000 124.36 14.11 2.32 11.79
KDD 755 190.7 4.1 1.04 3.05
SemEval2010 243 8032.55 15.58 3.12 12.45
Nguyen2007 209 5121.67 12.01 3.31 8.69
WWW 1330 82.04 4.82 1.65 3.16
that will be filtered out: the higher the threshold the
more keyphrases will be eliminated. This is an advan-
tage in that it reduces the number of keyphrases with
terms with low relatedness, but it may also exclude
some windows present in the baseline. The within-
window score for a keyphrase i is defined as:
) (1)
Where kp
is the set of all two-word combina-
tions obtained from the set of words that make up kp
α can be either the Cosine similarity or the Pearson’s
correlation index and w
and w
are two words be-
longing to kp
The long keyphrases that have passed the within-
window score (WW) evaluation are combined with the
single-word phrases. These merged phrases are then
evaluated using the between-window score (BW). For
each candidate keyphrase in a specific document, the
average correlation with all other windows in the
same document is calculated. This allows assigning
a score to each window and selecting the most rele-
vant ones.
The between-window score (BW), denoted as
, represents the ability of a keyphrase i to have
a similar meaning to all other keyphrases extracted
from the same text. A higher BW score indicates that
the keyphrase effectively captures the essence of the
text from which it is extracted. The BW score for a
keyphrase i is defined as:
| 1
) (2)
Where kp
is the set of all candidates keyphrases
for the document d and, again, α can be the Cosine
similarity or the Pearson’s correlation index.
The algorithm 2 shows how to order the
keyphrases by the between-window score, after filter-
ing the long keyphrases with a within-window score
lower than the threshold th
The obtained results from applying the two versions
of KRAKEN to the benchmark datasets are presented
and compared with the results of other approaches
proposed in the literature for keyphrase extraction.
The baseline datasets used for evaluation are
widely used in the NLP literature for assessing var-
ious NLP tasks. Specifically, five English datasets
were considered, which are available on GitHub
Each dataset contains a set of documents, and for each
document, a list of keyphrases, manually identified by
human annotators, is provided. Table 1 presents some
information about each dataset.
Data: a list ok keyphrases kp
for a
document d, the threshold th
filter multiple words keyphrases
Result: the ranking of keyphrases based on
between-window score;
for kp in kp
if kp is a multi-words keyphrases then
Compute Eq. (1);
if WW
Compute Eq. (2);
Compute Eq. (2)
// Ordered according to BW score
for each kp;
sorted kp oreder(kp
) ;
return sorted kp
Algorithm 2: Calculation of the score for each
SemEval2010 (Kim et al., 2010) consists of 244
scientific papers extracted from the ACM Digital Li-
brary. The papers belong to four different computer
science research areas: distributed systems; infor-
mation search and retrieval; distributed artificial in-
See at
KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases Extraction
telligence and social and behavioral sciences. The
keyphrases were provided by the authors or by the ed-
itors themselves. The KDD (Gollapalli and Caragea,
2014) collection is based on the abstracts of papers
collected from the ACM Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) published dur-
ing the period 2004-2014, with a total of 757 doc-
uments. The keywords of these papers are author-
labeled terms. The Nguyen2007 (Nguyen and Kan,
2007) is a dataset composed of 211 scientific con-
ference papers. The gold keywords were manu-
ally assigned by student volunteers who were each
given three papers to read. Similarly to the KDD,
the WWW (Gollapalli and Caragea, 2014) collection
of 1330 documents based on the abstracts of pa-
pers collected from the World Wide Web Confer-
ence (WWW) published during the period 2004-2014.
The Inspec (Hulth, 2003) dataset consists of 2000 ab-
stracts of scientific journal papers in computer science
collected between the years 1998 and 2002. The key-
words in this dataset are of two types: keywords that
appear in the Inspec thesaurus but may not appear in
the document and keywords that are freely assigned
by the editors. Table 1 shows some characteristics of
the datasets such as the average length of texts and the
average number of keyphrases per text.
For the evaluation, the performance measures con-
sidered are precision@k, recall@k, F
where k indicates the number of best keyphrases con-
sidered, we use k = 5,10. precision measures the
accuracy of the system in identifying keyphrases, re-
call indicates how complete the system is in extract-
ing known keyphrases, and F
-measure is the har-
monic mean of precision and recall. Two variants of
KRAKEN are proposed: KRAKEN
, which utilizes Co-
sine similarity for extracting and ranking phrases, and
, which uses the Pearson correlation index.
4.1 Thresholds Optimization
KRAKEN relies on several values that impact its out-
comes, including the training parameters of the word
embedding models used for constructing windows.
The proposed architecture utilizes fastText (Bo-
janowski et al., 2017) with the CBOW algorithm, a
learning rate of 0.1, 300 as vector size and 100 train
epochs. These parameter choices are based on the
findings of (Giabelli et al., 2020; Giabelli et al., 2022),
where job advertisements were processed to identify
occupations and job skills. Although the scenario dif-
fers, as we focus on generic key phrases instead of
skills, the similarity in the nature of the tasks justifies
the selection of these parameters.
Other parameters that have a direct impact on per-
formance are the threshold values for window con-
struction (th
) and within-window threshold for se-
lecting the long keyphrases (th
). The various
datasets were divided into two portions: a valida-
tion set containing 15% of the texts from the original
dataset was used to optimize the values of the thresh-
olds, and the remainder was used for the final com-
parison. To identify the optimal threshold values, a
grid search was performed, considering values from
0 to 0.9 with a step of 0.1 for both thresholds. The
evaluation metrics used for this search were F
@5 and
@10. The results of the grid search are presented in
Table 2. For each dataset and value of k, the threshold
values that produce the highest F
-scores are identi-
fied. These parameters are then used to compare with
other state-of-the-art methods. The performances of
both versions are very similar, both in terms of F
scores and optimal threshold values. It can be ob-
served that in all datasets, except for WWW, the best
value of th
is very low. This implies that it will
be easier to create keyphrases that contain more than
one word. On the other hand, for the WWW dataset,
the best threshold value is 0.9, indicating that many
Table 2: Results of the grid search with the best threshold values and their corresponding F1@k.
best th
best th
@k best th
best th
Inspec 0.1 0.1 11.92 0.1 0.1 11.9
KDD 0.1 0.2 17.30 0.1 0.2 17.44
Nguyen2007 0.1 0.9 7.2 0.1 0.9 7.16
SemEval2010 0.1 0.9 3.93 0.1 0.9 3.93
WWW 0.9 0.1 27.2 0.9 0.1 27.5
Inspec 0.1 0.1 18.72 0.1 0.1 18.69
KDD 0.1 0.1 23.1 0.1 0.1 23.65
Nguyen2007 0.1 0.9 8.97 0.1 0.9 9.16
SemEval2010 0.1 0.9 5.1 0.1 0.9 5.04
WWW 0.9 0.1 29.3 0.9 0.1 29.3
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Performance@5 on datasets.
P@k 3.9 2.7 4 1.4 13.2 13.2
R@k 4.9 3.7 5.3 2 9.3 9.3
F1@k 4.1 2.9 4.2 1.5 10.5 10.5
P@k 10.1 8.1 12 3.1 15.0 15.3
R@k 12.2 9.7 14.3 4 15.0 15.2
F1@k 10.7 8.5 12.3 3.4 15.0 15.3
P@k 14.1 10.2 12.2 10.1 11.9 11.9
R@k 17.7 12.8 15 12.6 7.3 7.3
F1@k 15.3 11 13.1 10.9 8.7 8.7
P@k 8.7 5.9 7.9 4.3 7.1 7.1
R@k 11.9 8.4 11.3 6.1 3.5 3.5
F1@k 9.7 6.7 9 4.9 4.6 4.6
P@k 12.2 9.4 12.8 4.4 24.3 24.4
R@k 12.9 10.2 13.9 5 24.3 24.4
F1@k 12 9.3 12.7 4.5 24.3 24.4
keyphrases will be composed of a single word. Re-
garding the threshold value th
, in the case of In-
spec, KDD, and WWW, it is low. Therefore, in the
ranking of keyphrases, more keyphrases composed
of multiple words will be considered. On the other
hand, for Nguyen2007 and SemEval2010, the thresh-
old value is high, resulting in a larger number of these
keyphrases being filtered out. In summary, the choice
of threshold values has an impact on the composition
and ranking of keyphrases. Lower values favor the in-
clusion of multi-word keyphrases, while higher values
result in the filtering of more keyphrases. However, it
is important to note that the optimal threshold values
vary across datasets, indicating the need for dataset-
specific parameter tuning.
The results indicate that there is a relationship be-
tween the best threshold values of th
and the aver-
age number of words in each document. Specifically,
the analysis reveals a direct proportional relationship
between these two variables. This relationship is sup-
ported by the calculation of Spearman’s rank corre-
lation coefficient. For F
@5, the coefficient yielded
a value of ρ = 0.94 with a p-value of 0.01. This in-
dicates a strong positive correlation between the vari-
ables, suggesting that as the average number of words
in a document increases, the best threshold value for
achieving optimal performance also tends to increase.
These findings allow us to reject the null hypothesis
) of non-correlation with a 95% confidence level.
In the case of F
@10, the coefficient was ρ = 0.86
with a p-value of 0.057. Although the value of ρ is
high, it is important to note that the p-value is still
greater than 0.05.
The use of a high threshold, in this case, allows
having very cohesive phrases, that are formed by
terms that are very correlated with each other; in this
way, it is possible to better filter the noise produced
by the numerous non-relevant phrases. On the con-
trary, in short texts, the relevant expressions are lim-
ited and therefore having a lower threshold avoids dis-
carding those phrases with low within-window corre-
lation. The formal analysis of the correlation between
average document length and th
values provides
further support for the logical explanation of this phe-
nomenon. It is observed that as the length of the text
increases, the possibility of having a lower number of
relevant terms compared to the total number of words
also increases. This implies that the document con-
tains more noise.
In such cases, using a higher threshold value
for th
allows for the formation of very cohe-
sive phrases. These phrases are composed of terms
that have high relatedness to each other. Using a
high threshold, it becomes possible to effectively fil-
ter out the noise generated by numerous non-relevant
phrases. On the other hand, in shorter texts, the num-
ber of relevant expressions is limited. Therefore, us-
ing a lower threshold value prevents the exclusion
of phrases with low within-window relatedness. In
conclusion, the analysis suggests that the character-
istics of the datasets, specifically the average num-
ber of words, play a role in determining the optimal
threshold values for achieving high performance in
keyphrase extraction.
KRAKEN, with both its versions and the optimal val-
ues for the thresholds, was compared with four other
State-of-the-Art approaches presented in section 2:
MUL, TPR and ESKE, three graph-based methods
KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases Extraction
Table 4: Performance@10 on datasets.
P@k 2.9 2.6 3.3 1.3 16.2 16.2
R@k 7.1 6.5 8 3.5 15.4 15.3
F1@k 3.9 3.6 4.4 1.8 15.7 15.7
P@k 7.4 7.4 9.1 3.5 21.6 21.9
R@k 16.8 16.4 22 8.8 21.6 21.9
F1@k 9.7 9.7 12.2 4.8 21.6 21.9
P@k 9.3 8.4 10.8 9.4 11.4 11.5
R@k 23.4 20.5 25.4 23.5 10.4 10.5
F1@k 13.1 11.7 14.9 18 10.8 10.8
P@k 5.9 5.7 6.1 3.7 6.6 6.5
R@k 15.7 14.9 15.7 10.7 5.8 5.7
F1@k 8.4 8 8.6 5.4 6.2 6.0
P@k 8.7 8.5 10.2 3.9 28.6 28.6
R@k 17.1 16.7 19.8 8.6 28.6 28.6
F1@k 10.8 10.5 12.6 5.1 28.6 28.6
and Yake, a feature-based method.
Based on the evaluation of performance@5, as
shown in Table 3, the version of KRAKEN using Pear-
son’s correlation index performs the best overall for
the Inspec, KDD, and WWW datasets, while the ver-
sion using cosine similarity is the second best in terms
of performance. However, for the other two datasets,
the precision of KRAKEN is in line with the other ap-
proaches but fails to achieve the results of MUL.
Moving on to performance@10, shown in Table 4
the values improve further. For the Inspec, KDD,
and WWW datasets, the performance of KRAKEN is
clearly superior to the other approaches. In the case of
the Nguyen2007 and SemEval2010 datasets, KRAKEN
achieves the highest precision, and this improvement
in precision also leads to an increase in the F1-
measure for these two cases.
In summary, based on performance@5, KRAKEN
using Pearson’s correlation index emerges as the best
option for the Inspec, KDD, and WWW datasets,
while cosine similarity performs well as the second-
best choice. For performance@10, KRAKEN ex-
cels in the Inspec, KDD, and WWW datasets, and
achieves the highest precision in the Nguyen2007
and SemEval2010 datasets, resulting in improved F1-
measure as well.
In this work, we presented KRAKEN, a novel approach
for keyphrase extraction from texts. We propose and
design a new method that exploits word embeddings
to identify keyphrases, taking into account the rela-
tionship among words in the text. We have intro-
duced two different versions, namely KRAKEN
, which use cosine similarity and Pearson
correlation index, respectively, to identify and evalu-
ate the key phrases.
For the evaluation, we utilize benchmark datasets
and compare our approach with the other four meth-
ods using performance@k metrics. Additionally, we
introduce a metric to rank the keyphrases, consider-
ing the correlation of words within the phrases and
among all the extracted phrases from the same text.
By combining word embeddings and correlation mea-
sures, our approach aims to improve the accuracy and
effectiveness of keyphrase extraction, offering a com-
prehensive and robust method for extracting meaning-
ful keyphrases from texts.
One of the key features of KRAKEN is the separa-
tion of the keyphrase extraction step from the rank-
ing step. Unlike other approaches, where the rank-
ing of phrases is determined at the time of extraction,
KRAKEN allows for modularity and interchangeability,
in KRAKEN the weighing process is independent of the
extraction phase. This means that you can identify
phrases using window techniques and their correla-
tion, and then weigh them using co-occurrence statis-
tics of the words within the phrases. Alternatively,
you can first identify phrases using other methods and
then weigh them using the two correlation measures
defined in KRAKEN.
From the evaluation, both proposed versions of
KRAKEN achieve similar performance, with the ver-
sion utilizing Pearson’s correlation index being the
best in some cases. KRAKEN in both its versions at-
tains the highest performance on the Inspec, KDD,
and WWW datasets. Additionally, it achieves the
best precision@10 on the remaining two datasets.
These findings highlight the effectiveness of KRAKEN
in keyphrase extraction tasks across various datasets.
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KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases Extraction