Figure 10: Precision@K (K = 1, 3) and MRR scores on
the (top-3) answers achieved by AdProc and other query
processing approaches for the 1,750 test queries
and May 27, 2023. The metric P@1, P@3, and MRR
were computed based on the evaluation provided by
the 135 Facebook users on the 1,750 test cases, which
serve as the ground truth for this empirical study.
As shown in Figure 10, QuePR outperforms the
other four querying systems based on P@1, P@3,
and MRR, which verifies the effectiveness of AdProc.
The results are statistically significant based on the
Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test (p < 0.01).
Among all the five approaches, the P@1, P@3,
and MRR values for FAQFinder are the lowest, ex-
cept the Random approach, since FAQFinder uses a
simple method that does not compare numerical at-
tributes. On individual category, we observed that the
lowest scores on the three measures for AdProc occur
in the jobs category. For this category, appraisers did
not consider the answers based on their similarity to
the original query. For example, a Java programmer
job is closely related to a C++ programmer job, but
the appraisers considered the answers based on which
result is more relevant to their own expertise and ex-
perience, which is different from one user to another.
We have introduced AdProc, a closed domain natural
languagequery processing system on multiple ads do-
mains, which (i) automates the process of classifying,
extracting, and populating data from online ads to its
underlying database, (ii) relies on simple probabilistic
models to determine the domain an ad query belongs,
and (iii) generates answers that match the informa-
tion needs expressed in an ad query. Empirical stud-
ies conducted on a set of 80,000 online ads show that
AdProc is highly effective in classifying ads in mul-
tiple domains and labeling and extracting their data,
with accuracy in the ninety percentile. Furthermore,
the approaches adopted by AdProc outperform other
machine learning approaches (up to 9%) in accom-
plishing the same task. In addition, a conducted study
has verified the effectiveness of AdProc in answering
natural language queries in multiple ads domains.
For future work, we intend to further enhance
AdProc so that it can (i) automatically define the
schema of the underlying database for storing ads
from multiple domains, and (ii) handle online ads that
include multiple products within the same ad, such as
video games ads.
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