Table 1: Mapping rules.
#Rule Property Relation CIDOC-CRM Triple
1 whomBorn ?Born1 whomBorn ?Person1 ?Born1 cidoc:P98 brought into life ?Person1 .
2 bornFrom ?Born1 bornFrom ?Person1 ({?Born1 cidoc:P97 from father ?Person1}
{?Born1 cidoc:P96 by mother ?Person1})
3 child Of ?Person1 child of ?Person2 {?newBirth1 cidoc:P97 from father ?Person2 .}
{?newBirth1 cidoc:P96 by mother ?Person2 .}
?newBirth1 cidoc:P98 brought into life ?Person1 .
representation on the Query ontology. With this strat-
egy, each question can have many interpretations, and
the choice of the best solution is resolved as a multi-
objective problem, where the objective values are ob-
tained for each solution using lexical, syntactic and
semantic information. The evaluation of the proposed
approach is still ongoing and includes the extension of
the Query Ontology with more classes and properties
to cover the DBpedia information and with new mi-
gration rules to a new target ontology, DBpedia, with
the purpose of using the publicly available datasets in
the evaluation of the system. This question-answering
system is language-independent, except for the an-
notations on the query ontology that are language-
dependent. To adapt this system to a new domain,
the Query Ontology must be designed to represent the
new domain questions concepts. A new set of migra-
tion rules must be written to transform the classes and
properties of the solution into classes and properties
of the target ontology of the new domain.
This work is financed by National Funds through FCT
- Foundation for Science and Technology I.P., within
the scope of the project UIDP/04516/2020 (NOVA
Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics).
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An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to SPARQL Query