ergy (Yi et al., 2020; Bermeo and Ocampo-Martinez,
2019; Quinn et al., 2022). The la tter can be carried
out by apply ing control strategies, e.g. Mod el p redic-
tive control (MPC), which has been extensively uti-
lized for industrial process optimization, resulting in
highly favourable outcomes (e.g., manufacturing sys-
tems (Lanzetti et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2023), c hem-
ical industry (Shin et al., 2020; Wu et al., 2019b),
and pharmaceutical industry (Wong et al., 2018)).
Moreover, it h as been more broadly implemented for
managing ene rgy efficiency (Bermeo and Ocampo-
Martinez, 2019). As a model-based control method,
MPC requires an accurate model of the controlled
system to enha nce its p e rformance. Wh e n it comes to
performance, MPC can outperform other control tech-
niques since predictions of the process permit control
actions to be calcu la te d based on future evolutions,
and it allows for preview information about references
and disturbances to be considered. Consequently, the
prediction model is a critical compon e nt of MPC (Ca-
macho, 2013).
Given the importance of an accurate mo del for
the perfo rmance of MPCs, most of the research in
learning-based MPC is focusing on improving the
model quality (Hewing et al., 2020; Narciso an d Mar-
tins, 2020). However the co mputation load required
to equate the prediction model ca n m ake the applica-
tion of the MPC in real time infeasible, e.g. compu-
tation fluid dynamics (CFD) is a powerful modelling
tool, but its computation cost is large, making it pro-
hibitive for a rea l-time optimisation application ( Jeon
et al., 2019). Therefore, recent research has been fo-
cused on developing acc urate data-driven models suit-
able to be applied in real-time by a n MPC. These
methods include modeling the system’s dynamics
with machining learning (ML) technique s such as ge-
netic algorithms (GA) (e.g. (Huang et al., 2023)),
Gaussian process r egression (GPR) (e.g. (Park et al.,
2015; Maiworm et al., 2021)), decision trees, deci-
sion forests, logistic regression, support vector ma-
chine (SVM), neural network (NN) (e.g. (Shin et al.,
2020; Lanzetti et al., 2019; Wu e t al., 2019a)), and
Bayesian classifiers (Jordan and Mitchell, 2015).
In (Shin et al., 2020), an MPC framework using a
NN to model the system’s dynamics was developed.
The aim was to increase the speed of optimization
and accuracy of the model. The adoptio n of the NN
model instead of using the existing linearized model
enhances the operational efficiency o f the process in-
dustry. In (Wu et al., 2019a), a machine learning-
based pre dictive contro l system was deve loped for
nonlinear processes using an e nsemble of rec urrent
neural network (RNN) models. Their Lyapunov-MPC
formu lation employs ma c hine learning ensemble re-
gression modelling tools to improve the prediction ac-
curacy of RNN models and overall closed-loop per-
formance while parallel computing is utilized to re-
duce computation time. In (Lanzetti et al., 20 19), a
tailored RNN model for system identification is pre-
sented. It is scalable a nd flexible for handling com-
plex systems encountered in industrial applications.
The proposed framework is applied in an industrial
simulation case study, showing good performa nce in
dealing with challeng ing prac tica l conditions such as
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) co ntrol, non-
linearities, noise, and time delays. Which makes this
method scalable to machining pro cesses.
Degradation of mach ines and dynamic production
environments can result in variations of energy con-
sumption. In these uncertain situations, it is proposed
that optimizing the machining process using real-time
data is the most appropriate method. To achieve on-
line optimization, it is necessary to have an accurate
energy model that can cope with uncertainty relate d to
changes in machine componen ts and production pro-
cesses. Developing a new real-time predictive model
or digital twin using ML techniques can address this
challenge since it has the potential to capture inher-
ent dynamics and update parameters co ntinually dur-
ing operation . Unlike traditional system identification
methods, most of which are suitable for offline pro-
cesses, this technology allows for real-time operation.
In (Hewing et al., 2020), the ad vantages of learning-
based MPC were explored, e. g. in c luding the ability
to ex ploit the abundance of data in a reliable m a n-
ner, particularly while taking safety constraints into
account. The proposed method addressed the auto-
mated and data-driven generation or adaptation of el-
ements of the MPC formulation such th a t the control
performance with respect to the desired clo sed-loop
system behavior is improved. The setup in which
this learning takes place can be diverse. For instance,
offline learning considers the adap ta tion of the con-
troller between different trials or episodes of a control
task, during which data are collected. In methods that
learn online, the c ontroller is adjusted during closed-
loop operation or using the data collected d uring one
task execution.
In (Park et al., 2015), energy prediction models
are developed for different subprocesses of a CNC
milling machine using a GPR model. The study in-
vestigates the effects of machining parameters on en-
ergy consumption and identifies the optimum inp ut
features for the mode l of each different subprocess.
An uncertainty analysis is also presented to develop
confidence boun ds for the prediction model. In ad-
dition, GPR can refine the mod el online during op-
eration. GPR models are capable of efficient on-