ments they used: LR, KNN, DT, RF and SVM (linear,
sigmoid and RBF kernels). For our experiments we
used a larger number of algorithms: LR, LDA, NB
(Bernoulli and Gaussian), LDA, XGB, MLP, SVM
(with linear, sigmoid, polynomial and RBF kernels)
and DT, KNN, RF were taken from (Coste, 2023).
Thus, we had 120 different hybrid models, while they
used 10 configurations. In their case, the best indi-
vidual algorithm is not included in the best ensemble
model. This is in contrast with our results, which con-
firm the best model is retrieved in the best ensemble
as well.
Experiments in the malicious web links detection do-
main are very challenging and complex to develop.
We employ the usage of 7 ML algorithms LR, LDA
NB (Bernoulli and Gaussian), LDA, XGB, MLP,
SVM (with linear, sigmoid, polynomial and RBF ker-
nels), which we calibrate and compare. Moreover,
we chose 10 different configurations with which we
continue to experiment with hybrid models formed
out of three of them. The best ensembles managed
to improve the metric scores compared to the single
models. Moreover, we observed that the best single
model, XGB, was included in the best performing en-
sembles ADA-BNB-XGB, ADA-XGB-SVM-rbf and
LDA-XGB-SVM-rbf. Our best solution has 96.31%
precision with ADA-XGB-SVM-rbf hybrid model. In
addition, some proposed models such as MLP, LR and
GNB manage to improve previous literature results.
Concerning future work, we plan to elaborate fur-
ther with the detection models and create stacked
models constructed from five classifiers and a meta-
classifier. Moreover, our methodology can work with
multiple datasets, and it would be an idea to experi-
ment in a cross-dataset environment. Moreover, we
could elaborate on the data collection process by es-
tablishing a centralized dataset with real samples re-
trieved during a specific period. Additional infor-
mation regarding links, such as DNS information,
WHOIS information, properties about the web server,
should be collected in real time.
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Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models