Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models
Claudia-Ioana Coste
, Anca-Mirela Andreica
and Camelia Chira
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babes
-Bolyai University, Mihail
Kogalniceanu Street, no. 1, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Malicious Web Links Detection, Machine Learning Algorithms, Ensemble Models, Web-Malware.
Malicious links are becoming the main propagating vector for web-malware. They may lead to serious se-
curity issues, such as phishing, distribution of fake news and low-quality content, drive-by-downloads, and
malicious code running. Malware link detection is a challenging domain because of the dynamics of the on-
line environment, where web links and web content are always changing. Moreover, the detection should be
fast and accurate enough that it will contribute to a better online experience. The present paper proposes to
drive an experimental analysis on machine learning algorithms used in malicious web links detection. The al-
gorithms chosen for analysis are Logistic Regression, Na
ıve Bayes, Ada Boost, Gradient Boosted Tree, Linear
Discriminant Analysis, Multi-layer Perceptron and Support Vector Machine with different kernel types. Our
purpose is twofold. First, we compare these single algorithms run individually and calibrate their parameters.
Secondly, we chose 10 models and used them in ensemble models. The results of these experiments show
that the ensemble models reach higher metric scores than the individual models, improving the maliciousness
prediction up to 96% precision.
Web applications are more and more used for data-
sensitive services such as banking, e-commerce, e-
learning, public administration, and many others. Be-
cause of this, web technology has been significantly
improved over the years in terms of security, privacy,
and development frameworks but the web security
domain remains a challenging one. Hackers are al-
ways adapting, creating new attacks, especially phish-
ing attacks with malicious links, that trick users into
clicking them and launching their malicious behav-
ior. Malware links can point to cloned websites and
can download executables without any users’ consent.
Moreover, malicious URLs can run expensive tasks
on the browser’s web workers and present spam or
fake information that can be deceiving and confusing
for users. Bad-intended JavaScript code can be in-
jected into a web page, tracking consumer’s private
information or performing malicious tasks.
Research provided by (Fortra, 2022) concludes
that employees at IT companies who click on a link
distributed in phishing emails, are more likely to
download the malicious attachment with an over-
whelming rate of 84%. Moreover, companies with
a medium number of employees are likely to click
a phishing link (18%) and download the file (12%)
(Fortra, 2022). Shortened URLs are considered
a challenging problem. Frequently, they are not
blocked by anti-viruses, because the last website des-
tination is not known. Moreover, the top-level do-
mains (TLDs) used in malware URLs do not denote
the type of link, because many attackers employ rep-
utable TLDs. Thus, the malicious web links detec-
tion problem is a topical domain, extremely relevant
for consumers and research contributions are highly
The malicious web links problem can be mathe-
matically formulated as a binary classification with
two labels: malicious and benign. The problem
can be solved from a preventive perspective, where
the detection of malicious links is more important
than the prediction of benign web sites. Thus, the
False Negative (FN) rate is more important and rel-
evant than the False Positive (FP) one. Still, hav-
ing too many FPs could involve the overuse of com-
putation resources. For our solution, the input of
the problem is defined as a set of lexical and host-
based features extracted from the URL. The output
is a number: 0 or 1, interpreted as benign and ma-
Coste, C., Andreica, A. and Chira, C.
Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012180400003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 268-275
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
licious, respectively. So, f : D
0, 1; where D
, x
, ..., x
), (x
, x
, ..., x
), ..., (x
, x
, ..., x
), n ν,
being the number of features and m ν, being the
number of records from the used dataset.
The current paper performs a comparative anal-
ysis of multiple ML algorithms, such as Adaptive
Boosting (ADA), Gradient Boosted Tree (XGB), Lo-
gistic Regression (LR), Bernoulli and Gaussian Naive
Bayes (BNB and GNB), Linear Discriminant Anal-
ysis (LDA), Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) with Radial Basis Func-
tion (RBF), linear, polynomial, and sigmoid kernel.
The algorithms are calibrated based on the empirical
methodology provided by (Coste, 2023). The best 10
configurations are chosen, and ensemble classifiers
are built as done by (Pakhare et al., 2021). Com-
putational experiments are performed for the dataset
provided by (Urcuqui et al., 2017) and results show
that the ensemble models outperform the individual
models, which is expected. The best individual algo-
rithm is XGB with 95% precision, and the best en-
semble is ADA-XGB-SVM rbf with over 96% pre-
cision. Even though our models do not outperform
literature models, we propose to investigate the ca-
pabilities of voting-majority ensembles into solving
malicious web links detection problem. Furthermore,
the experiments will be compared with two other ap-
proaches, and they will emphasize some improve-
ments we manage to achieve for MLP, LR and BNB
The present article is structured in ve sections.
In 2 we present the related work in the classification
of malicious links with multiple ML algorithms. The
next section 3 will describe the experimental method-
ology used. Then, section 4 will detail the results,
draw comparisons within our models and with other
literature models. Finally, section 5 will accentuate
our contributions and propose new ideas for improv-
ing our work.
Many research contributions to the malicious web
links detection problem are ML-based, comparing the
performance of multiple ML models. The features
used in benign / malicious links classification can be
extracted from the URL, from the web content of link,
including HTML, CSS files and JavaScript (JS) code
analysis, from public blacklists and from the graph
representation of the malware distribution network.
In some approaches, the experiments are per-
formed in a cross-dataset environment. (Naveen
et al., 2019) performs ML techniques (LR, SVM with
linear kernel, DT, RF, Categorical Boosting, KNN,
NB, K-Means, Feed Forward Neural Network) on 16
datasets. Their experiments relate that in a cross-
dataset environment, KNN outperforms all the oth-
ers. Another cross-dataset approach is developed by
(Song et al., 2020), which classifies links based on the
JS code, taking into consideration the raw code, the
obfuscated and the deobfuscated code. The proposed
model is a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
(BLSTM) and it was compared with NB, SVM, RF,
JaST and ClamAV, an anti-virus engine.
Many solutions propose a classification done for
multiple labels. (Tung et al., 2022) is proposing a
classification model for four classes: benign, spam,
malware, and phishing. By comparing DT with RF,
RF outperforms the other and the experiments were
run on an aggregation of multiple datasets. Like-
wise, regarding multi-class (spam, defacement, mal-
ware, phishing and benign) and binary classification,
(Johnson et al., 2020) will propose a ML model com-
paring: RF, DT, KNN, SVM, LR, ADA, NB, LDA,
and two deep learning models developed with
and TensorFlow-Keras. One of the purposes of the pa-
per was to analyze how the model is resilient to binary
classification and to multi-class classification. It was
observed that all models obtained 8-10% higher ac-
curacy for the binary classification than for the multi-
class detection. The best performance was achieved
by RF and the two deep learning models, but RF was
considered the most suitable option.
For a scalable binary classification, (Islam et al.,
2019) uses a dataset available in (Urcuqui et al., 2017)
and MapReduce. The approach delivers experiments
on NN, RF, DT and KNN models. Their results con-
firmed that RF and DT were the best performing algo-
rithms and the NN model was the most time consum-
ing one. Running experiments on the same dataset,
(Vundavalli et al., 2020) compares CNN, LR and NB
(Gaussian, Multinomial and Bernoulli), the best re-
sults being obtained by Bernoulli NB method. (Janet
et al., 2021) compares ML algorithms (SVM, DT, RF,
KNN, NB, LR and Stochastic Gradient Descent), the
best metrics being reached by the RF model.
(Pakhare et al., 2021) compares multiple ML ap-
proaches (LR, SVM with linear, RBF and sigmoid
kernels, KNN, DT and RF) and combines three of
them into ensembles. From running the algorithms
individually, LR performed the best. Regarding the
ensembles, KNN-DT-SVM stands out from the rest.
Similarly, (Alsaedi et al., 2022) uses three RF mod-
els, trained for a different feature category and a MLP
meta-classifier that will output the final class. RF
was chosen after experiments with other models: NB,
CNN, LR, DT and SDL (Sequential deep learning). A
Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models
more in-depth analysis on ensemble models was done
by (Subasi et al., 2021), which is using multiple clas-
sifiers (SVM, KNN, C4.5 DT, CART Tree, NB Tree)
with multiple homogeneous ensembles (Multi Boost,
Ada Boost, Bagging, Random Subspace). Likewise,
(Sajedi, 2019) comes with an ensemble approach with
features extracted from HTML and JS files. The sys-
tem developed with REP Tree and genetic algorithm
as meta-classifier is proposed as a solution. Multiple
weak classifiers are compared (NB, SVM, KNN, REP
Tree) and multiple ensemble methods (Bagging, Ada
Boost, Decorate, Rotation Forest).
The proposed approach to malicious web links detec-
tion is based on the following main steps:
1. Dataset selection;
2. Preprocessing and data normalization;
3. Divide dataset & handle data imbalancement;
4. Running individual ML models;
5. Running ensemble models & Comparisons.
3.1 Dataset Selection
The dataset used is provided by (Urcuqui et al., 2017).
It is a free dataset, with 17 host based and two lex-
ical features already extracted. From the attributes
provided by the dataset we can recall: URL char-
acters count, special characters count, server, ports
opened for connection, number of IPs connected to
the server, WHOIS registration data, WHOIS updated
date, WHOIS approximate geo-location, DNS query
time, TCP packets count, bytes count etc. The dataset
contains a total of 216 malicious samples and 1565
benign. When collecting data for the malicious links
problem, there is a recurrent problem for the im-
balancement of the dataset, because malicious links
are hardly identified in real world scenarios. An-
other problem could be the datasets containing mostly
URLs and not any other properties, extracted when
the link still performed its malicious behavior. These
related properties, mostly host based attributes, need
to be retrieved at a specific time when the link is still
active. The dataset provided by (Urcuqui et al., 2017)
was chosen because of the presence of host-based fea-
tures already extracted. Moreover, the empirical ap-
proach used in (Coste, 2023) and in the present pa-
per involve running many experiments. Therefore,
because of limited computation resources, we chose
to first experiment on small data until we properly
calibrate the algorithms. The dataset was previously
integrated in experiments developed by (Islam et al.,
2019) and (Vundavalli et al., 2020).
3.2 Preprocessing and Data
In the preprocessing step of the dataset, data was
cleared, categorical features were transformed to
numbers based on two different algorithms (super-
vised ratio algorithm and weight of evidence algo-
rithm). In total, our model had 23 attributes. The
normalization process was computed based on two
scalers, MinMax Scaler and Standard Scaler, whose
implementation is from Sklearn library (Pedregosa
et al., 2011).
3.3 Divide Dataset & Handle Data
Imbalancement Problem
When running each algorithm, the dataset was split
into 20% of data used for testing (357 samples)
and 80% of data for training (1424 records), tak-
ing into consideration the ratio between the classes
for the samples. In addition, our experiments and
the methodology specified in (Coste, 2023), includes
some other methods for data imbalancement, such as
the usage of specific metrics (precision for the un-
represented class, recall, F1 score, and ROC AUC
score), and besides the stratify argument, setting the
class weight argument to balanced for the compatible
3.4 Running the Individual ML Models
& Comparisons
Our experimental approach is based on the steps pre-
sented in (Coste, 2023), which involves mainly two
stages of experiments. In the first stage, we start the
model configuration from the configuration provided
by (Islam et al., 2019), for models RF, DT, KNN,
MLP and for the rest of the models, we take as starting
point the default configuration available in the Sklearn
(Pedregosa et al., 2011). The second stage of the ex-
periments includes the selection of relevant parame-
ters according to the results and running all the pos-
sible combinations. Lastly, a ranking is made based
on the average of the metrics used (precision, recall,
F1, ROC-AUC * 100). For the ranking we decided
to take into consideration all metrics, all of them are
important, and we computed a mean of them. The
best 20 configurations are run 100 times, each time
with a different dataset split and then these models
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: The number of configurations for each algorithm for each stage of experiments and the parameters varied.
Model First stage Second stage Parameters calibrated in the second stage
XGB 28,012 235,200 scaler, loss, learning rate, n estimators, min samples split,
min samples leaf, max leaf nodes, max depth
ADA 248 14,320 scaler, algorithm, learning rate, n estimators
GNB 210 400 scaler, var smoothing
BNB 640 80,000 scaler, alpha, binarize, fir prior
MLP 1248 21,952 scaler, solver, activation, max iter, hidden layer sizes = [i,
j, k] where i, j, k { 20, 40, ..., 140}
LDA 596 1,164,000 scaler, tol, solver, shrinkage, store covariance, n compo-
nents, store precision, assume centered
LR 194 313,600 scaler, solver, penalty, max iter, intercept scaling
SVM linear 324 365,568 scaler, max iter, shrinking, C, tol, cache size
SVM poly 269,858 1,520,000 scaler, shrinking, degree, cache size, coef0, gamma
SVM sigmoid 14,409 71,400 scaler, shrinking, gamma, cache size, coef0
SVM rbf 664 237,600 scaler, max iter, shrinking, gamma, C, cache size
are ranked again. Finally, the best parameter cali-
bration is chosen. The algorithms we chose to run
individually were: XGB, ADA, LR, NB (Bernoulli
and Gaussian), LDA and SVM (with RBF, sigmoid,
linear, and polynomial kernel). The number of run
configurations for the experimental approach and all
parameters calibrated are detailed in Table 1.
3.5 Running Ensemble Models &
Figure 1: Ensemble model.
The ensemble models are formed out of three mod-
els constructed for the best configurations found on
the previous models. We included the best configu-
ration for RF, DT and KNN algorithms as computed
in (Coste, 2023). For the rest of the algorithms, we
chose seven more configurations. Between Bernoulli
NB and Gaussian NB, we will choose just the one
achieving the highest scores. Moreover, among the
four SVM variants, there will be depicted the variant
outperforming the rest. The architecture of the ensem-
ble model is presented in Figure 1, where each classi-
fier will output a class and the final annotation is cho-
sen based on the majority of the classifiers. The devel-
oped ensemble models for malicious web links detec-
tion are based on the approach proposed in (Pakhare
et al., 2021). In total, the ensembles will be con-
structed with 10 ML models, leading to 120 combi-
nations possible.
Finally, we will draw relevant comparisons be-
tween our results and the ones obtained by (Islam
et al., 2019), (Vundavalli et al., 2020), since all three
research studies use the same dataset (Urcuqui et al.,
2017). The comparisons are made given the F1 met-
The current section will present the results for each al-
gorithm, the best configuration obtained based on the
empirical approach with two stages of experiments.
The scores for the best ensembles are presented as
well in the present section. Finally, comparisons are
drawn, and we discuss our results, placing our solu-
tion in the domain literature.
4.1 Computational Experiments
The current subsection will detail the results of each
LR manages to reach 74.98% precision score
with its best configuration which is parameterized as:
scaler = Min Max, max iter = 154, intercept scal-
ing=100, penalty = l1 and solver = liblinear.
Results for NB algorithms including the Bernoulli
and Gaussian variants can be seen in Table 2. Be-
tween these two variants, one can observe that BNB
performs better as it is in the case of (Vundavalli et al.,
2020). The best configuration from BNB includes
Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models
Table 2: Results for the algorithms run individually.
Model Precision Recall F1 score ROC AUC * 100 Avg. metric
LR - best model 74.99 91.94 82.41 98.57 86.98
BNB - best model 82.75 79.21 80.76 95.3 84.51
GNB - best model 29.49 94.06 43.24 94.72 65.38
ADA - best model 94.19 89.81 91.85 99.45 93.83
XGB - best model 95.07 89.19 91.95 99.41 93.91
LDA - best model 93.93 82.86 87.92 98.47 90.8
SVM rbf - best model 86.67 90.7 88.64 98.56 91.14
SVM linear - best model 75.15 92.55 82.82 98.31 87.21
SVM sigmoid - best model 76.27 88.89 81.97 97.02 86.04
SVM poly - best model 78.06 91.38 84.09 98.04 87.89
MLP - best model 88.73 88.6 88.46 98.62 91.1
scaler= Min Max, fir prior = True, alpha = 1.6 and
binarize = 0.42. The best configuration for GNB is
obtained with var smoothing parameter, 3.93e-09 and
Standard scaler. The GNB algorithm is the worst per-
forming algorithm considering our experiments. The
explanation for why BNB reaches a better perfor-
mance than GNB may be because BNB is suitable for
large categorical features, while GNB is not recom-
mended in this case according to (Vundavalli et al.,
Ada Boost managed to achieve over 94% preci-
sion for its best configuration, being one of the best
models (see Figure 3). The SAMME algorithm, a 1.01
learning rate and 189 estimators were included in the
best parameter configuration.
XGB model obtained the best score metrics, con-
sidering precision as it can be observed in Figure 3.
The average model is one of the best as seen in Fig-
ure 2. The best configuration is obtained with Min-
Max Scaler and the rest of the rest of the parameters
are loss=exponential, learning rate=0.82, n estima-
tors=130, subsample=1.0, criterion=friedman mse,
min samples split=17, min samples leaf=15, max
depth=5, max leaf nodes=15.
LDA algorithm manages to outperform the oth-
ers in terms of metric scores (Figure 3). The best
model was obtained for covariance estimator = Em-
piricalCovariance(store precision=False), for a tol =
0.006, the lsqr solver, None shrinkage, 0 n compo-
nents, False for store covariance and scaler = Min
For SVM, in table 2 there are all results for SVM
variants with linear, sigmoid, RBF and polynomial
kernels. Considering the best SVM models, SVM
with RBF kernel is outperforming the rest, with a 86%
precision. Its best configuration resumes to shrinking
= False, cache size = 230, max iter = 1500 reached
when normalizing the data with Standard Scaler. Be-
cause of its good score metrics, we chose to include
the SVM with RBF kernel model in the ensemble
The MLP model was the slowest model of all, but
its accuracy does not fail, achieving one of the best re-
sults. By varying its parameters we have obtained the
best configuration with max iter = 100, 3 hidden lay-
ers with 140, 120, 60 neurons, activation = identity,
solver = tanh and the rest have default values.
4.2 Comparisons and Discussion
For comparisons we chose to first compare the algo-
rithm individually and then, as ensembles. For com-
parisons, we depicted the best configurations and how
algorithms performed on average. Moreover, our re-
sults are compared with other studies that used the
same dataset such as (Islam et al., 2019) and (Vun-
davalli et al., 2020).
In Figure 2, we present the results as the mean of
all configurations run of the proposed algorithms for
the second stage of experiments, each configuration
being run only once. As can be observed in Figure 2b,
the best performing algorithm while parameters were
calibrated is ADA, with an average metric of 94.56.
ADAs performance on average is followed by SVM
with polynomial kernel, MLP, XGB and LR.
Figure 3 presents the best configurations obtained.
The metrics presented are metrics computed as an av-
erage of 100 different dataset splits. Considering the
average metric, the best configuration is reached by
ADA, XGB and RF developed in (Coste, 2023), all
three being promising algorithms. Considering preci-
sion, the most precise model is XGB, closely followed
by ADA, LDA, MLP, and the RF model from (Coste,
2023). Having a high precision means that the model
properly identifies malicious links and has a low rate
of FPs. The best recall is observed to be achieved
by GNB, considering its average performance and its
best one. Unfortunately, GNB has the lowest preci-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
(a) Average models with precision, recall, F1 score. (b) Average models with average metric.
Figure 2: All average configuration results.
(a) Best models with precision, recall, F1 score. (b) Best models with average metric.
Figure 3: All best configuration results.
sion score. Having a good recall may denote that
there is a low rate of FNs. A high recall can imply
a low precision, and this is the case for GNB. Thus,
GNB is a good algorithm for predicting benign sam-
ples. Since predicting maliciousness of links is a more
important problem, GNB is not considered a good
model. The best F1 scores were reached by RF, KNN
and DT, all models developed in (Coste, 2023). These
models are closely followed by XGB, and ADA. A
good F1 score indicates good precision and a good re-
call, by trying to maximize both. The best ROC-AUC
scores were obtained by ADA, and XGB, followed by
MLP, LR, LDA, RF and SVMs.
By comparing the average performance and the
results of the best configuration, one could observe
some discrepancies, where for some classifiers the
average performance is better than the best perfor-
mance. This may be due to our running conditions
and the way we computed the results. For the av-
erage metrics, each parameter configuration was run
once, while for the best performance, each configura-
tion was run 100 times.
From NB variants and SVMs models we chose
the ones having a better performance (i.e., BNB and
SVM with RBF) to further include them in ensem-
bles. The results for the 10 ensemble models are
presented in Figure 4. We employ a set of 10 al-
gorithms to construct the heterogeneous model, hav-
ing three models that participate in the voting system,
leading to 120 combinations. Each hybrid configura-
tion was run 100 for each of the scalers used (Min-
Max or Standard). So, the table presents an average
of 200 different data splits. The best performing en-
semble was ADA-BNB-XGB and ADA-MLP-XGB,
ADA and XGB being the best algorithms when run in-
dividually as observed before in Figure 3. In addition,
the best configuration when ensembles were run with
Standard scaler is ADA-XGB-SVM-rbf model hav-
Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models
(a) Top 10 ensemble models with precision, recall, F1 score. (b) Top 10 ensemble models with average metric.
Figure 4: Top 10 ensemble models (average performance with Min Max and Standard Scaler).
Figure 5: All best models compared with (Islam et al., 2019) and with (Vundavalli et al., 2020).
ing a 95.21 average metric score (96.31% precision,
91.39 % recall, 93.72% F1 score and 0.9941 ROC-
AUC score). Considering Min-Max Scaler, the best
average metric of 94.91 was obtained by LDA-XGB-
SVM-rbf (94.83% precision, 92.09% recall, 93.38%
F1 score, 0.9938 ROC-AUC score). For the compar-
isons, we chose to include three of the best hybrid
models: ADA-BNB-XGB, ADA-XGB-SVM-rbf and
Figure 5 presents a comparison between our mod-
els and the models proposed by (Islam et al., 2019)
and (Vundavalli et al., 2020). There is a slight im-
provement between our best model (XGB) and the
ensemble models considering the F1 score, which is
the common metric between the articles. Compar-
ing the MLP model with the MLP proposed by (Is-
lam et al., 2019), we manage to improve their MLP
algorithm with almost 3%. But, even with the best
ensemble model (ADA-XGB-SVM rbf) we could not
reach their performance for the DT and RF models.
These reach 99% F1 score in their experiments, while
our best hybrid configuration obtained just 93.73% F1
score. We think that there is more to investigate here
and further improve the performance. By comparing
our solutions with the ones presented in (Vundavalli
et al., 2020), we could observe that LR in our case
achieves a considerably higher F1 score. GNB has
27% F1 score in (Vundavalli et al., 2020), while in our
case its best configuration has 43.24% F1 score. BNB
has an outstanding F1 score of 99% in (Vundavalli
et al., 2020) and unfortunately, for our experiments
BNB has a modest score of 80.75%, but it is included
in one of the best ensembles. The reason for why we
have obtained some lower results as opposed to (Is-
lam et al., 2019) and (Vundavalli et al., 2020), may be
because we have not used undersampling or oversam-
pling techniques to further counteract the data imbal-
ancement problem. (Islam et al., 2019) implemented
k-fold cross validation.
Comparing our hybrid models with the ensembles
provided by (Pakhare et al., 2021) is not very rele-
vant since the dataset is different. For the experi-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
ments they used: LR, KNN, DT, RF and SVM (linear,
sigmoid and RBF kernels). For our experiments we
used a larger number of algorithms: LR, LDA, NB
(Bernoulli and Gaussian), LDA, XGB, MLP, SVM
(with linear, sigmoid, polynomial and RBF kernels)
and DT, KNN, RF were taken from (Coste, 2023).
Thus, we had 120 different hybrid models, while they
used 10 configurations. In their case, the best indi-
vidual algorithm is not included in the best ensemble
model. This is in contrast with our results, which con-
firm the best model is retrieved in the best ensemble
as well.
Experiments in the malicious web links detection do-
main are very challenging and complex to develop.
We employ the usage of 7 ML algorithms LR, LDA
NB (Bernoulli and Gaussian), LDA, XGB, MLP,
SVM (with linear, sigmoid, polynomial and RBF ker-
nels), which we calibrate and compare. Moreover,
we chose 10 different configurations with which we
continue to experiment with hybrid models formed
out of three of them. The best ensembles managed
to improve the metric scores compared to the single
models. Moreover, we observed that the best single
model, XGB, was included in the best performing en-
sembles ADA-BNB-XGB, ADA-XGB-SVM-rbf and
LDA-XGB-SVM-rbf. Our best solution has 96.31%
precision with ADA-XGB-SVM-rbf hybrid model. In
addition, some proposed models such as MLP, LR and
GNB manage to improve previous literature results.
Concerning future work, we plan to elaborate fur-
ther with the detection models and create stacked
models constructed from ve classifiers and a meta-
classifier. Moreover, our methodology can work with
multiple datasets, and it would be an idea to experi-
ment in a cross-dataset environment. Moreover, we
could elaborate on the data collection process by es-
tablishing a centralized dataset with real samples re-
trieved during a specific period. Additional infor-
mation regarding links, such as DNS information,
WHOIS information, properties about the web server,
should be collected in real time.
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Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models