image (in this one all were looking to the front mainly
because of desk position). For this opportunity we
had the hypothesis that the accuracy was going to be
good due to the fact students are closer and there are
less objects that obstruct their faces. The results fi-
nally confirms our thoughts with an accuracy of 100%
in all pictures and no errors of mistaken recognitions.
This results shows that our work is better in an envi-
ronment where people is closer, looking to the front
and with less objects that obstruct the picture taken.
We can conclude that we have successfully devel-
oped a user-friendly and straightforward application
for teachers to efficiently record classroom attendance
tracking. Through the algorithm testing, we observed
that it is highly effective, although image size reduc-
tion can impact image quality while accelerating the
recognition process. Furthermore, based on our ex-
perimentation with regular classrooms and laboratory
classrooms, we can infer that the algorithm performs
better in regular classrooms, benefiting from its opti-
mal viewing angle and fewer obstructions caused by
To achieve this accuracy the image needs to loose
the minimum of its original size and quality, that is
the main reason the image reduction is to its 50% and
not less. If the image is reduced lower it can affect its
quality downgrade and have more errors in the recog-
nition. The objective would be to not loose quality
or size at all but this takes a long quantity of time
(11 minutes per image) for the program to process.
This work is deployed in heroku because of its lower
prices for deployment, but this gives a low quantity of
ram memory and time for the program to run. When
the image reduction is set to its 50% it crashes due
to time. For this reason, we reduce the images to a
15% of their original size. It was demonstrated in the
section of results that the algorithm has good results
depending on the quality an size of the image.
For future works it would be centered mainly in
the upgrade of this run time issue, to be able of putting
images to its 50% size or even its original size, simi-
lar to (Rodriguez-Meza et al., 2022; Rodr
ıguez et al.,
2021). Also, it would analyse to see if theres a better
way to speed the process of analysis and not reducing
the image quality and size (Leon-Urbano and Ugarte,
2020). Also, the algorithm can be upgrade using other
tecnologies to be able of recognising people that is
farther away, this by using another program that that
polishes the image to have better quality.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies