Figure 12: Comparisson with MOEA/D. K = 5,N = 100,
top 5 objectives, bottom 6 objectives.
the performance of the proposed algorithm at the
2,000th generation is already better than MOEA/D at
the 10,000th generation.
In this study, we focused on the ε-Sampling part of
Adaptiveε-Sampling and ε-Hood (AεSεH) algorithm,
and confirmed through experiments that AεSεH per-
forms better solution search with the improved pro-
posed method. This performance improvement was
more pronounced as the number of objectives in-
creased. This is attributed to the increased impor-
tance of a search process that emphasizes solution
uniformity in response to the expansion of the objec-
tive space as the number of fitness functions increase.
Since AεSεH is an algorithm developed for multi-
and many-objective optimization, this improvement
reinforces its many-objective characteristics. We also
found that improving solution uniformity leads to
the generation of solution distributions that are more
prone to ε-Sampling with high accuracy. In addition,
we showed that AεSεH scales up well with the di-
mension of the search space and complexity of the
In the future, we would like to explore dynamic
schedules for the amplification factor in the proposed
scheme, reflecting, for example, the size of the tar-
get population and the number of target individuals,
which would not only further reduce randomness but
also reduce the number of calculations.
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