Stochastic Estimation of Fundamental and Harmonic Signal Components
Chukwuemeka Aduba
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112, U.S.A.
Distortion, Ensemble, Harmonics, Kalman, Optimal Estimator, Power Quality, Power System, Sub-Optimal
The paper investigates the estimation of fundamental and harmonic components in power system signal using
stochastic estimator concept. The power system signal is approximated with a stochastic linear system model
where the phase and amplitude components are estimated using a Kalman filter (KF) and an Ensemble Kalman
filter (EnKF). The power system signal is modeled in both continuous and discrete form and then represented in
state-space approach. Simulation results show that EnKF estimates converge to KF estimates as the ensemble
size increases while reducing the computational complexity for highly-dimensional stochastic systems.
Power systems have continued to evolve in recent his-
tory as designers and researchers propose different
power system architecture for commercial and mili-
tary shipboard applications. In shipboard application,
an overwhelming power system architecture proposal
has been one that integrates the propulsion (mobility)
with all mission and support load to form an inte-
grated power system (IPS) (McCoy, 2015). Further,
the IPS is improved with zonal electrical distribution
(ZED) model for increase flexibility and reliability
as the system can source power from several direc-
tions without compromising performance due to un-
foreseen system faults. However, the integration of
propulsion and service or mission load still presents
power quality challenges in shipboard non-hybrid or
hybrid-based micro-grid. These micro-grids while
AC/DC in nature, are clusters of distributed genera-
tors, active and passive devices, energy storage sys-
tem and linear/nonlinear loads (Wang et al., 2019).
Similarly, the widespread utilization of power
electronics interfaces, proliferation of nonlinear loads
and power-electronics-based industrial load devices
have led to power quality concerns due to the result-
ing harmonic disturbances (Wang et al., 2014). Har-
monics are introduced in the power system as a re-
sult of nonlinear behavior of power-electronic inter-
faces and power-electronic-based industrial load to
sinusoidal current. This flow of sinusoidal current
results in eventual non-sinusoidal periodic current.
The non-sinusoidal periodic current propagates and
interacts with the system impedance resulting in non-
sinusoidal periodic load voltage otherwise referred to
as voltage harmonics.
In frequency domain, harmonics are spectral com-
ponents of a distorted periodic signal whose frequen-
cies are integral multiples of the fundamental fre-
quency. These harmonics are undesirable in power
system networks due to the immediate and long-
term detrimental effects on power quality such as
degradation of electrical equipment, overheating of
transformers and malfunction of metering devices
(Farzanehrafat and Watson, 2013). To alleviate or
mitigate or possibly eliminate harmonic distortion, it
is imperative to be able detect, identify and classify
them. In this work, harmonic parameter estimation
for a linearly modeled system is explored to gain an
understanding into possible harmonic identification
Earlier studies of power system harmonics estima-
tion were reported in (Girgis et al., 1991), (Ma and
Girgis, 1996) while the more recent studies in har-
monics analysis and estimation have been described
in (Farzanehrafat and Watson, 2013), (Medina et al.,
2013) and (Wang et al., 2014). Girgis et al. (Girgis
et al., 1991) considered harmonics in power systems
based on optimal measurement scheme while the au-
thors in (Ma and Girgis, 1996) considered the identi-
fication and tracking of harmonic sources using KF.
In (Farzanehrafat and Watson, 2013), the researchers
investigated power quality state and three-phase state
transient state estimation. The authors in (Medina
et al., 2013), presented an overview of frequency-
domain, time-domain and hybrid frequency-time har-
monic analysis. In addition, the constraints and draw-
backs were highlighted for practical power network.
Aduba, C.
Stochastic Estimation of Fundamental and Harmonic Signal Components.
DOI: 10.5220/0012183400003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 2, pages 34-40
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)