DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A
Comparative Study
Adrian Sterca
, Oana Nourescu, Adriana Guran
and Camelia Serban
Department of Computer Science, “Babes¸-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Clustering, Web Page Segmentation, DOM.
Web page segmentation plays a crucial role in analyzing and understanding the content of web pages, enabling
various web-related tasks. The approaches based on computer vision and machine learning have limitations
determined by the need of large datasets for training and validation. In this paper, we propose a Document
Object Model (DOM) based approach that uses clustering algorithms for web page segmentation. By lever-
aging the hierarchical structure of the DOM, our approach aims to achieve accurate and reliable segmentation
results. We conduct an empirical study, using a custom built dataset to compare the performance of differ-
ent clustering algorithms for web segmentation. Our research objectives focus on dataset creation, features
identification, distance metrics definition, and appropriate clustering algorithms selection. The findings pro-
vide insights into the effectiveness and limitations of our approach, enabling informed decision-making in
real-world applications.
The increasing in size and complexity of the WWW
have led to a growing demand for effective techniques
to analyze and understand web page content. Web
page segmentation, the process of partitioning a web
page into meaningful and semantically coherent re-
gions, plays a crucial role in various web-related tasks
such as information extraction, content classification,
and layout analysis. Accurate segmentation can en-
hance the efficiency and effectiveness of these tasks,
and improve the user experience.
The web page segmentation approaches based
on computer vision have the drawback of needing
large datasets of web pages widgets in order to ac-
curately identify them on other web pages. In re-
cent years, researchers have explored alternative ap-
proaches [Zhang et al., 2020] based on the Document
Object Model (DOM), which represents the hierarchi-
cal structure of a web page. DOM-based segmen-
tation offers several advantages, including improved
robustness and interpretability.
In this paper, we evaluate several clustering tech-
niques for partitioning a web page into cohesive re-
gions based on the DOM tree structure. We se-
lected a set of DOM-based features and proposed
(dis)similarity metrics by considering the inherent
structure and relationships between DOM elements,
with the aim of achieving accurate and reliable seg-
mentation results.
The main goal of this study is to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of clustering algorithms on DOM features
for web page segmentation. We conduct an empiri-
cal investigation and report our findings based on a
comprehensive set of experiments using a set of di-
verse web pages. We focus our research objectives
on three main directions: create the dataset contain-
ing 10 web pages and the ground truth correspond-
ing to them, identify features and define appropriate
distance metrics, and design the experiments by cre-
ating different combinations of clustering algorithms,
features and metrics in order to determine an optimal
partition of objects.
Our findings provide insights into the effective-
ness, robustness, and limitations of our approach,
allowing researchers and practitioners to make in-
formed decisions when applying web page segmen-
tation techniques in real-world applications.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides the related work in web page
segmentation based on clustering approaches. Sec-
tion 3 details our proposed DOM-based clustering ap-
Sterca, A., Nourescu, O., Guran, A. and Serban, C.
DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A Comparative Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012184000003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 302-309
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
proach. Section 4 presents our experimental setup and
methodology and discusses the results and analysis of
our empirical study. Section 5 discusses the threats
to validity, while Section 6 concludes the paper and
highlights future research directions.
Web page segmentation aims to break a page into
smaller blocks, in which contents with coherent se-
mantics are kept together. Web segmentation can
be useful for advertisement identification, informa-
tion retrieval, archiving, adaptive web content deliv-
ery, topic distillation, focused crawling, and improv-
ing the accessibility of web content in non-visual en-
There are multiple approaches to the segmentation
of web pages. Two main approaches have been iden-
tified in addressing this problem: a computer-vision
based approach and a DOM-based approach, with dif-
ferent results in different contexts of use. Hybrid
methods have also been developed to take advantage
of the results obtained by each of them.
If we dive deeper into the scientific literature, we
find that each of the two aforementioned approaches
can be further divided into other sub directions. The
structure based approach refers to the use of the
HTML tags, the DOM elements and their hierarchi-
cal relationships to detect blocks. The layout based
approach focuses on the repetitive elements found in
web sites to lead page partitioning. The hybrid ap-
proach uses both the structure and the layout of the
page to create a hierarchy of blocks through block
extraction and recursive refinement. The text based
approach retrieves segments from web pages based
on the properties of text such as paragraph similar-
ity, clustering, among others. All the above directions
are part of the large DOM-based approach to web seg-
The computer vision based approach takes an im-
age of a web page (also called snapshot) and ap-
plies image processing techniques and usually ma-
chine learning to detect blocks.
The paper [Cai et al., 2003] presents the VIPS
(VIsion-based Page Segmentation) algorithm to ex-
tract the content structure from a web page. To ob-
tain the vision-based content structure of a page, the
DOM structure and the visual cues (determined in a
heuristic manner) are used.
The authors in [Chen et al., 2001] present an auto-
matic approach to detect the functional properties and
categories of objects in websites for FOM (Function-
based Object Model) generation. FOM includes two
complementary parts: Basic FOM and Specific FOM.
Basic FOM represents an Object by its basic func-
tional properties and Specific FOM represents an Ob-
ject by its category. The function of an object can be
of presentation, navigation, interaction or decoration.
In [Mantratzis and Cassidy, 2005] an approach
to identify important structures (“table-like” or “list-
like” structures of hyperlinks) in a web page by op-
erating at various levels within the DOM tree is pre-
Authors in [Andrew et al., 2019] consider web
page segmentation as a clustering problem of visual
elements, where all visual elements must be clus-
tered, a fixed number of clusters must be discovered,
and the elements of a cluster should be visually con-
nected. For the web segmentation process, the authors
rely strictly on the visual elements of a web page.
DOM elements are enriched with calculated CSS fea-
tures, and the basic visual elements correspond to the
last block elements in each branch of the DOM tree.
Three clustering algorithms are considered: K-means,
F-K-means and Guided Expansion (GE).
Block-O-Matic [Sanoja and Ganc¸arski, 2014] is
a framework for web page segmentation consisting
in three steps: segmentation analysis, understanding
and reconstruction. Three corresponding structures
are involved: DOM tree, content structure and logi-
cal structure. The result is a tree, which contains the
structures enriched with the flow.
In [Jayashree et al., 2022b] a multi-objective clus-
tering technique called MCS that relies on K-means is
presented. The method uses visual, logical, and text
cues and an evolutionary process automatically dis-
covers the optimal number of clusters (segments) as
well as the correct positioning of seeds.
In relation to existing approaches that use cluster-
ing methods for web page segmentation, our approach
offers a comparison of clustering algorithms and var-
ious DOM-based features in order to determine the
optimal configuration of HTML objects features, dis-
tance metrics and clustering algorithms to gain effi-
ciency and effectiveness in the web page segmenta-
tion process.
In our approach, in order to provide a semantic mean-
ing to the web page blocks, the clustering method is
used to group similar objects based on three feature
categories: visual, positional and DOM hierarchy re-
DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A Comparative Study
3.1 DOM-Based Features
For an HTML document, let X = {O
, O
, ..., O
} be
the set of objects representing all DOM objects repre-
senting HTML tags from this document that are visi-
ble in the browser, are leaf nodes in the DOM struc-
ture and also have a textual inner content (but have no
node-type children). The set X does not include tags
like < script > and < style > which are not visible
in the browser or tags like < img > and < input >
which have no textual inner content or tags that do
not have textual inner content, but have direct chil-
dren which contain textual content. We ignored tags
that do not contain inner textual content like < img >
and < input >, because we specifically wanted to seg-
ment only the textual content of the HTML document.
For each object in the set X, we define a set of features
, F
, ..., F
that characterize all objects in X.
The features F
, F
, ..., F
defined for the objects
in the set X are the following:
visual features: background-color, font-color,
font-size, font-family, font-width, border-width,
and border-color;
positional features: left, top, width, height;
DOM feature: based on the XPATH distance (see
Section 3.3) to the closest common ancestor from
the DOM hierarchy.
3.2 Clustering Based Web Page
Clustering is the division of a data set into groups
(clusters) such that, similar objects belong to the same
cluster and dis-similar objects to different clusters.
One well-known example of a dissimilarity measure
is the Euclidean distance.
In what follows we formalize the problem of
clustering based web page segmentation. Let X =
, O
, ..., O
} be the set of n objects to be clus-
tered. The objects considered to be clustered are the
elements from the DOM model extracted as described
in Section 3.1. Using the vector space model, each ob-
ject is measured with respect to a set of m initial fea-
tures F
, F
, ..., F
(a set of relevant attributes of the
analyzed objects) and is therefore described by an m-
dimensional vector O
= (O
, O
, ..., O
), O
1 i n; 1 l m.
Our aim is to find a partition that best represents
the cluster substructure of the data set X. Objects of
the same class should be as similar as possible, and
objects of different classes should be as dissimilar as
Definition 1. Partition of the set X corresponding to
a DOM object d.
The set C = {C
, ...C
} is called a partition of X if
and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
X, C
0 ,1 i k
0, 1 i < j k
= X.
In the following we will refer to C
as the i-th clus-
ter of C and to C as a set of clusters. A typical cluster-
ing algorithm uses the number of clusters as input pa-
rameter of the algorithm. A possible solution to this
drawback is the use of hierarchical clustering algo-
rithms, which produces not only the optimal number
of classes (based on the needed granularity), but also
a binary hierarchy that shows the existing relation-
ships between the classes. The result of a hierarchical
clustering algorithm can be graphically displayed as
a tree, called a dendogram. This tree graphically dis-
plays the clustering process.
There are two basic approaches to generating a hi-
erarchical clustering:
Agglomerative: Start with the points as individual
clusters and, at each step, merge the most similar
or closest pair of clusters.
Divisive: Start with one, all-inclusive cluster and,
at each step, splits a cluster until only singleton
clusters of individual points remain.
3.3 Proposed Distance Metrics
We propose the use of three types of distance func-
tions for each of the three types of features (visual,
positioning, xpath). The clustering algorithms use
the distance metrics individually and then combine
all three distance values into one single final distance
The dissimilarity distance function, visualDissim,
between visual features vectors v
and v
, v
) =
where v
and v
are feature vectors and each of
these vectors has 7 visual features: background-color,
font-size, font-color, font-family, font-weight, border-
width, border-color; v
represents the i-th element of
the vector v
; the function
returns 1 if v
= v
and 0 otherwise.
The dissimilarity distance function, positionalD-
issim, between positional features vectors is:
, v
) = bbd (2)
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
where v
and v
are feature vectors and each of
these vectors has 4 feature values defining the bound-
ing box of a DOM element: left, top, width, height
and bbd represents Border-to-border distance defined
in [Jayashree et al., 2022a].
The dissimilarity distance function is defined by
the XPath distance. The XPath distance is computed
as the sum of the distances from each element to their
last common ancestor. We have defined a function
that extracts the common ancestor index by compar-
ing the reversed lists of XPath nodes and finding the
last index where they differ.
4.1 Research Questions
Considering the proposed investigated problem our
aim is to find a partition that best represents the clus-
ter substructure of the set of HTML objects from the
web page.
The proposed approach aims to determine the
clustering algorithms that increase the accuracy in the
web page segmentation problem, and to explore the
most relevant attributes associated with the DOM el-
ements. Another important aspect in this investiga-
tion is the definition of a distance metric that quantify
objects’ dissimilarity. Therefore, we formulated the
following research questions:
RQ1: What DOM elements features would be
most suitable for applying clustering in the problem
of web page segmentation?
RQ2: What kind of clustering algorithms give
better results for web page segmentation?
4.2 Data Set Creation
To verify our approach we have used a custom data
set created for this purpose, similar to other stud-
ies like [Cai et al., 2003, Chen et al., 2001, Sanoja
and Ganc¸arski, 2014]. Initially, we have used sim-
ple web pages that are easy to be verified by a hu-
man expert. Then, we have increased the complex-
ity of the web pages used for our study. Our custom
data set contains 10 web pages from different domains
to ensure a variety of information layout and struc-
ture. The web pages have been downloaded together
with their external resources such that in the future
they can be used by other authors without difficul-
ties (images and other resources that become unavail-
able). We tried initially to use a publicly available
dataset for web segmentation [Kiesel et al., 2020], but
we encountered difficulties related to establishing the
ground truth (i.e. the ground truth labeling depended
on the screen resolution which was not specified in
the dataset) and various resources of the HTML pages
from the dataset were missing (i.e. they were not in-
cluded in the dataset, but were referenced remotely
and were not available anymore at test time). From
the selected pages, we have extracted the non-empty,
textual HTML leaf nodes. The data extraction is per-
formed after opening the webpage in the browser, by
running a JavaScript script in the developer tools con-
sole. The JavaScript identifies the DOM elements
within the body of the HTML DOM, then iterates
through each element and applies certain conditions
to filter out non-textual elements (e.g., ignoring script
tags etc.) and checks if the element is visible on the
Each selected HTML element from a web page is
described with a total of twenty three attributes (fea-
tures) which are in a CSV file. These attributes re-
fer to the visual, positional and hierarchical features
of each element as they are described in Section 3.1.
The CSV files will serve as input for the clustering
The selected web pages used for clustering are de-
scribed in Table 1.
To validate the proposed approach regarding web
segmentation using clustering, we also built the
ground truth for the selected pages. This is a chal-
lenge often encountered in the field of web segmen-
tation regarding the decision of what can be consid-
ered the ground truth in the clustering problem. For
smaller web pages (eg: fitting in the viewport with-
out requiring scrolling, fewer HTML elements, etc.),
it may be easier to agree on the result of manual web
segmentation, but this process is still a subjective task
and may vary depending on the person performing the
manual grouping due to one’s own understanding of
UI and previous experiences. One of the team mem-
bers who participated in building the ground truth has
Human Computer Interaction as main research field.
Unlike some image segmentation tasks, where the
ground truth can be easily obtained by manual anno-
tation, web page segmentation has no definitive stan-
dards or universally accepted segmentation rules and
guidelines. To avoid subjectivity as much as possible,
three authors of this paper have independently labeled
the ground truth clusters on the selected web pages
and after that they reached a consensus which formed
the final ground truth.
4.3 Research Method
To answer the research questions we have designed
17 experiments as described in Table 3. Each exper-
DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A Comparative Study
Table 1: The data set used for clustering.
Web page URL No. of
No. of
1 Azure 997 23
2 Baeldung 122 15
3 CSUBB 119 22
4 Jira installed locally 264 13
5 Maven 114 6
6 CityHall 554 13
7 ScienceDirect 177 11
8 Smurd 68 9
9 UAIC 65 11
10 W3Schools 918 26
iment is characterized by three aspects: the features
used for the DOM elements, the distance metric, and
the algorithm used for clustering. Table 2 describes
the mapping of the attributes/features that character-
ize the DOM objects with the distance metrics se-
lected for the clustering algorithms.
The three clustering algorithms have been used
with 3 types of features and 3 distance metrics. Out
of the seventeen designed experiments, three of them
have been designed using the K-Means algorithm, six
experiments using the Agglomerative clustering algo-
rithm, and six experiments using the Optics algorithm
[Ankerst et al., 1999, Breunig et al., 1999]. For the
KMeans algorithm, we have used only the Euclidean
distance with visual features, positional features, and
all features (visual and positional); because we could
use only the Euclidean metric with KMeans, we also
could not use the XPath features with this clustering
algorithm. The Python library we used for running
the KMeans algorithm does not provide the option of
having the distance metric as input parameter. This
limitation reduced the number of experiments for the
KMeans algorithm.
The Agglomerative algorithm has been used with
the custom metrics (visual, positional, xpath and their
combination) and has benefited of the number of clus-
ters as input parameter. The Optics algorithm auto-
matically determines the optimal number of clusters.
In the case of the 6 experiments designed by us, the
Optics algorithm determined 5 clusters for 3 of the
experiments, using the Euclidean metric, and 12 clus-
ters for the other 3 experiments using the proposed
positional and visual metrics.
4.4 Results Analysis
In order to validate our proposed approach we se-
lected two clustering performance evaluation metrics
named: Random Index (RI) and Adjusted Random In-
dex (ARI).
4.4.1 Clustering Performance Evaluation
Given the knowledge of the ground truth class assign-
ments labels true and our clustering algorithm assign-
ments of the same samples labels pred, the (adjusted
or unadjusted) Rand index [Saaty, 1980] is a function
that measures the similarity of the two assignments,
ignoring permutations. If C is a ground truth class as-
signment and K the clustering one, let us define as: a,
the number of pairs of elements that are in the same
set in C and in the same set in K and b, the number of
pairs of elements that are in different sets in C and in
different sets in K.
Random Index. The Unadjusted Rand Index is
then given by:
RI =
a + b
is the total number of possible pairs in
the dataset.
Adjusted Random Index. To better understand
the results of our research we have computed the
Adjusted Random Index [Hubert and Arabie, 1985,
on and Rastrojo, 2023], which adjusts for a
chance the raw RI. The formula for ARI is:
RI Expected RI
max(RI) Expected RI
where max(RI) = 1 and Expected RI is the expected
value of the RI index when the partitions are made at
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Selected distance metrics.
Features/ Distance Metric Euclidean
Visual Similar-
ity (VSM)
Positional Dissimilarity
XPath (XM)
Visual (VF) X X
Positional (PF) X X
XPath (XP) X X
All (AF) X
Table 3: Performed Experiments.
Exp Clustering
Features Metric
1 K-Means VF EM
2 K-Means PF EM
3 K-Means AF EM
4 Agglomerative VF EM
5 Agglomerative VF VSM
6 Agglomerative PF EM
7 Agglomerative PF PDM
8 Agglomerative XF XM
9 Agglomerative AF EM
10 Agglomerative AF VSM +
11 Optics VF EM
12 Optics VF VSM
13 Optics PF EM
14 Optics PF PDM
15 Optics XF XM
16 Optics AF EM
17 Optics AF VSM +
The obtained results for our experiments are de-
picted in Table 4.
4.4.2 Response to Research Questions
Analyzing the above results for the 10 previously de-
scribed web pages, we can observe the following:
For the Azure page, experiments 5, 7, 8, 10 gave
the best results, respectively for the Agglomera-
tive clustering algorithm, the RI and ARI values
being 0.863 and 0.682. The features implied in
these experiments are: VF, PF, XP, All with EM,
XM, VSM+PDM distance metrics.
Considering the Baeldung page, the same exper-
iments as in the Azure page, 5, 7, 8, 10 gave the
best results, the RI and ARI values being 0.499
and 0.499.
The Experiments 5,7,8,10 gave the best results in
case of CSUBB page also, the RI and ARI values
being 0.86 and 0.639.
For the JIRA page, the best results are obtaind
with the experiments 4,6,9 respectively for the
Agglomerative clustering algorithm, the RI and
ARI values being 0.772 and 0.506 for the VF, PF
and AF features, and the distance metric being the
Euclidean metric.
For the Maven page, the results are very similar
to JIRA. Experiments 4,6,9 gave the best results,
respectively for the Agglomerative clustering al-
For the CityHall, ScienceDirect, SMURD, UAIC
and W3Schools pages, the best results are ob-
tained for experiments 5,7,8,10, respectively for
the Agglomerative clustering algorithm. Analyz-
ing these pages in comparison Azure, Baeldung
and CSUBB the experiments with the best results
are the same, only the AI and ARI values differ.
Concluding the analysis of the results, we can
answer the two research questions stated previously,
Response to RQ1: What DOM elements features
would be most suitable for applying clustering in the
problem of web page segmentation?
All selected features conducted to the best cluster-
ing results, both individual or combined together.
Response to RQ2: What kind of clustering algo-
rithms give better results for web page segmentation?
The best results are obtained for the Agglomera-
tive clustering algorithm for all analyzed pages. Still,
the KMeans and Optics algorithms give similar re-
sults to the Agglomerative algorithm, excepting two
of the analyzed pages: Azure and CityHall. Addi-
tionally, analyzing the distance metrics used during
the experiments, we observe that for Jira and Maven
pages the best results are obtained with the Euclidean
metric, while for the rest of the pages the custom met-
rics provide the best results. As a conclusion, for 8 of
10 pages the best results are obtained using our pro-
posed distance metrics.
Our reported results are based on an empirical study,
thus being subject to certain threats to validity. In
DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A Comparative Study
Table 4: IR and AIR results for experiments.
Azure Baeldung CS Jira Maven CityHall ScienceDirect SMURD UAIC W3schools
1 0.55 0.245 0.886 0.303 0.952 0.532 0.767 0.495 0.783 0.484 0.627 0.343 0.852 0.188 0.8 0.268 0.946 0.78 0.679 0.294
2 0.55 0.245 0.886 0.303 0.952 0.532 0.767 0.495 0.783 0.484 0.627 0.343 0.852 0.188 0.8 0.268 0.946 0.78 0.679 0.294
3 0.55 0.245 0.886 0.303 0.952 0.532 0.767 0.495 0.783 0.484 0.627 0.343 0.852 0.188 0.8 0.268 0.946 0.78 0.679 0.294
4 0.55 0.245 0.884 0.298 0.949 0.506 0.772 0.506 0.808 0.531 0.622 0.336 0.853 0.198 0.8 0.268 0.945 0.779 0.68 0.297
5 0.863 0.682 0.905 0.499 0.96 0.639 0.72 0.393 0.742 0.333 0.925 0.833 0.854 0.339 0.841 0.415 0.954 0.812 0.701 0.349
6 0.55 0.245 0.884 0.298 0.949 0.506 0.772 0.506 0.808 0.531 0.622 0.336 0.853 0.198 0.8 0.268 0.945 0.779 0.68 0.297
7 0.863 0.682 0.905 0.499 0.96 0.639 0.72 0.393 0.742 0.333 0.925 0.833 0.854 0.339 0.841 0.415 0.954 0.812 0.701 0.349
8 0.863 0.682 0.905 0.499 0.96 0.639 0.72 0.393 0.742 0.333 0.925 0.833 0.854 0.339 0.841 0.415 0.954 0.812 0.701 0.349
9 0.55 0.245 0.884 0.298 0.949 0.506 0.772 0.506 0.808 0.531 0.622 0.336 0.853 0.198 0.8 0.268 0.945 0.779 0.68 0.297
10 0.863 0.682 0.905 0.499 0.96 0.639 0.72 0.393 0.742 0.333 0.925 0.833 0.854 0.339 0.841 0.415 0.954 0.812 0.701 0.349
11 0.454 0.156 0.824 0.187 0.94 0.528 0.702 0.352 0.71 0.209 0.616 0.328 0.761 0.08 0.732 0.209 0.935 0.763 0.656 0.241
12 0.454 0.155 0.891 0.355 0.934 0.51 0.728 0.405 0.684 0.135 0.615 0.327 0.835 0.2 0.769 0.287 0.931 0.751 0.661 0.253
13 0.454 0.156 0.824 0.187 0.94 0.528 0.702 0.352 0.71 0.209 0.616 0.328 0.761 0.08 0.732 0.209 0.935 0.763 0.656 0.241
14 0.454 0.155 0.891 0.355 0.934 0.51 0.728 0.405 0.684 0.135 0.615 0.327 0.835 0.2 0.769 0.287 0.931 0.751 0.661 0.253
15 0.454 0.155 0.891 0.355 0.934 0.51 0.728 0.405 0.684 0.135 0.615 0.327 0.835 0.2 0.769 0.287 0.931 0.751 0.661 0.253
16 0.454 0.156 0.824 0.187 0.94 0.528 0.702 0.352 0.71 0.209 0.616 0.328 0.761 0.08 0.732 0.209 0.935 0.763 0.656 0.241
17 0.454 0.155 0.891 0.355 0.934 0.51 0.728 0.405 0.684 0.135 0.615 0.327 0.835 0.2 0.769 0.287 0.931 0.751 0.661 0.253
what follows, we present the major threats to the va-
lidity of our research and we also explain our actions
to mitigate them.
Internal Validity refers to factors that could have
influenced the obtained results.
Features: The selection of features used for web
page segmentation could impact the results. We care-
fully identified relevant features based on established
practices in the field.
Distance Metrics: The choice of evaluation met-
rics for assessing the quality of segmentation plays
a crucial role. We selected metrics commonly used
in the literature and we defined new custom distance
metrics, which we believe are appropriate for evaluat-
ing the effectiveness of our approach.
Algorithms Selected: We employed the KMeans
clustering algorithm as it is a well-known and widely
used algorithm in the literature for clustering tasks.
Additionally, we explored the OPTICS algorithm as
an alternative. However, we encountered difficul-
ties in determining the appropriate epsilon parameter
for DBSCAN, leading us to opt for OPTICS instead.
Although these algorithms are commonly employed,
there could be other clustering algorithms that might
yield different segmentation results.
To mitigate these threats, we conducted extensive
literature reviews, consulted with experts in the field,
and performed preliminary experiments to ensure the
robustness of our choices regarding features, metrics,
and algorithms.
External Validity concerns the generalization of
our findings.
The following factors could potentially affect the
external validity of our research:
HTML Code Structure: The manner in which
HTML code is structured, including the usage of div
tags and spaces for alignment, may impact the web
page segmentation process.
Dataset Size: The size of the dataset used for
training and evaluation might affect the generaliza-
tion of our findings. Although we collected a diverse
and representative dataset, variations in dataset size or
composition in other contexts could potentially lead
to different segmentation outcomes.
Content of the Dataset: The content of the dataset
we used for experimentation might not capture the en-
tire range of web page structures and layouts. Differ-
ent domains or types of websites may exhibit distinct
characteristics that could impact the segmentation re-
sults. Consequently, generalizing our findings to web
pages with dissimilar structures should be done with
To address these concerns, we made efforts to col-
lect a varied dataset with a sufficient number of web
pages from diverse sources. However, we acknowl-
edge that there might still be variations and complex-
ities in real-world web pages that could influence the
generalizability of our findings.
In this paper, we presented a comparative study on
web page segmentation using DOM-based clustering.
This approach leverages the hierarchical structure of
the DOM to partition web pages into cohesive and se-
mantically meaningful regions. We have considered
various features categories: visual, positional, and
XPath and predefined (Euclidean) and custom met-
rics to identify the most appropriate approach. From
the experiments developed, we have discovered that
the Agglomerative clustering algorithm applied with
custom metrics like positional similarity and XPath
metric return the best results for the set of web pages
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
we have explored.
In conclusion, our research contributes to the
field of web page segmentation by comparing vari-
ous DOM-based clustering algorithms. The empirical
study evaluates the effectiveness of the studied clus-
tering algorithms for web segmentation and provides
valuable insights for its application in real-world sce-
narios. Future research directions include refining the
approach to handle more complex web page layouts,
investigating the scalability of the approach for large-
scale web page datasets, and exploring additional fea-
tures and clustering techniques for further improve-
The present work has received financial support through
the project: Integrated system for automating business pro-
cesses using artificial intelligence, POC/163/1/3/121075 -
a Project Cofinanced by the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness Opera-
tional Programme 2014-2020.
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DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A Comparative Study