Finally, the lateral accelerations are presented. It
can be seen, the maximum value of the acceleration
reaches 3m/s
, which is an appropriate value for ev-
eryday traffic situations.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Simulation time (s)
Dynamical MPC
Kinematic MPC + UL
Figure 8: Lateral accelerations during the test scenarios.
The paper has presented a novel control design ap-
proach, which took the advantages of low computa-
tional cost MPC and error-based ultra-local model.
The proposed control algorithm was able to guarantee
a high-performance level and to take into account the
state constraints of the system. The efficiency and the
operation of the proposed method have been demon-
strated through a vehicle-oriented control problem,
trajectory tracking. The designed controller has been
compared to a high-computational cost MPC to show
the performance level of the presented algorithm. The
comparison has been carried out in the high-fidelity
simulation software, CarMaker.
The research was supported by the European Union
within the framework of the National Laboratory for
Autonomous Systems (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00002).
The paper was partially funded by the National Re-
search, Development and Innovation Office under
OTKA Grant Agreement No. K 143599. The research
was also supported by the National Research, De-
velopment and Innovation Office through the project
”Cooperative emergency trajectory design for con-
nected autonomous vehicles” (NKFIH: 2019-2.1.12-
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Lateral Control for Automated Vehicles Based on Model Predictive Control and Error-Based Ultra-Local Model