∈ [−π; +π]. The cells q = (i, j) of the precom-
puted offline global inspection path Q are converted
into waypoints with coordinates
i · δθ j · δz R (i · δθ, j · δz)
The path tracking performed by the robot is a
waypoint-based navigation method based on a uni-
cycle model. Thus, the robot aligns itself towards
the next waypoint by adjusting its yaw angle in the
2D plane with the angular set-point ψ
= atan2(z
· θ
− ρ
θ) using a proportional angular con-
troller. A velocity controller is then applied once the
angular error is below a small threshold. This control
logic leads to the expected correction in the 3D space
and the simulated robot model was successfully able
to track the inspection path on the surface of the air-
craft (Figure 10).
A method for planning a covering path on a curved
surface in the context of an automated inspection mis-
sion has been proposed in this paper. A 2D un-
folded model of this surface was established using
a parametrization of an input 3D model in cylindri-
cal coordinates. It was discretized to obtain two sur-
face functions, one describing the shape of the sur-
face and the other its semantics. Inspection segments
were sampled in this 2D space, taking into account
various constraints related to the robot. A method for
decomposing this discrete space into areas has been
defined to order these segments efficiently. Connec-
tion segments have been inserted between the inspec-
tion segments and calculated to pass through locations
that minimize the robot’s efforts using a weighted A∗
search procedure. This method has been tested nu-
merically on a representative aircraft 3D mesh where
the relevance of sorting the inspection path segments
by areas was demonstrated, and in a Gazebo simula-
tion with a simplified climbing robot model.
In the context of aircraft inspection, approximating
its surface with a cylindrical parametrization presents
some limitations, e.g. to exclude the wings in the
model. It would be interesting to investigate in fu-
ture work the extension of the path planning method
to surfaces of different shapes, or the possibility of di-
viding a 3D model into multiple sub-models that can
be individually approximated by a collection of geo-
metrical primitives.
This research was partially supported by DGAC
France Relance project EXAM, in the frame of the
NextGenerationEU program.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics