Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a
Production Forecasting Problem
Nouf Alkaabi
, Sid Shakya
and Rabeb Mizouni
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
EBTIC, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Computer Engineering Dept., Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Time Series Analysis, LSTM, Forecasting, Sequential Features, Non-Sequential Features.
Forecasting the production of essential items such as food is one of the issues that many retail authorities
encounter frequently. A well-planned supply chain will prevent an under- and an oversupply. By forecasting
behaviors and trends using historical data and other accessible parameters, AI-driven demand forecasting
techniques can address this problem. Earlier work has focused on the traditional Machine Learning (ML)
models, such as Auto-Regression (AR), Auto-regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), and Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) for forecasting production. A thorough experimental analysis demonstrates that
various models can perform better in various datasets. However, with additional hyper-parameters that may
be further tweaked to increase accuracy, the LSTM technique is typically the most adaptable. In this work,
we explore the possibility of incorporating additional non-sequential features with the view of increasing the
accuracy of the forecast. For this, the month of production, temperature, and the number of rainy days are
considered as additional static non-sequential features. There are various ways such static features can be
incorporated in a sequential model such as LSTM. In this work, two variants are built, and their performances
for the problem of food production forecasting are compared.
Forecasting the production of essential items such
as food is a crucial problem that decision-makers at
many private and public authorities find challenging.
The ability to accurately estimate expected produc-
tion is crucial for supply chain planning, which avoids
waste by regulating expected production against ex-
pected import.
time series forecasting techniques are being used for
demand forecasting to predict behaviors and trends
reliably. Particularly, regression techniques such as
AR (Ullrich, 2021) and ARIMA (Shumway and Stof-
fer, 2017) are the simplest techniques and usually the
fastest to execute. However, they might result in low
prediction accuracy. Machine Learning (ML) and
Deep Learning (DL) techniques, on the other hand,
can perform better but may require higher computa-
tion time and also require a proper setup of hyperpa-
rameters to fine-tune models. One of the famous DL
techniques used to represent sequential data is the Re-
current Neural Networks (RNNs) (Salehinejad et al.,
2017). RNNs are Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
(Burden and Winkler, 2009) with recurrent connec-
tions made up of nonlinear hidden states with high
dimensions. The network’s memory comprises hid-
den state structures, and each hidden layer’s current
state depends on its previous state. The three layers
of RNN are the input, recurrent hidden, and output.
Nonlinear state equations that can be repeatedly iter-
ated make up the RNN. The hidden states provide an
output layer prediction depending on the input vec-
tor at each timestep. A set of values known as an
RNN’s hidden state contains all the necessary infor-
mation about the network’s earlier states over many
timesteps, irrespective of any outside influences. The
network’s future behavior can be predicted using the
combined data, which allows the output layer to make
precise predictions.
A unique variant of RNNs called LSTM (Hochre-
iter and Schmidhuber, 1997) can learn long-term de-
pendencies and deal with the vanishing gradient prob-
lem (Van Houdt et al., 2020) that RNNs suffer from
and is considered a powerful tool in dealing with
complex time series forecasting problems. A typical
LSTM has three gates: a forget gate, an input gate,
Alkaabi, N., Shakya, S. and Mizouni, R.
Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a Production Forecasting Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0012186100003595
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2023), pages 524-531
ISBN: 978-989-758-674-3; ISSN: 2184-3236
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and an output gate. These gates can be thought of as
filters. More details about RNN and LSTM can be
found in (Salehinejad et al., 2017) and (Van Houdt
et al., 2020).
In this paper, we study real-world data from
our partner organization and investigate the effect of
adding non-sequential features to the model. The ob-
jective is to increase the forecast accuracy. For this,
we use three static features, the production month,
the temperature, and the number of rainy days, as
additional static features and study different ways to
incorporate them in a sequential LSTM framework.
Notably, the production month was derived from the
DateTime information in the dataset. In fact, food
production has a seasonal effect and is influenced by
the month of its production, and thus, we have in-
corporated it as a parameter to emphasize its impor-
tance. Additionally, we augmented the dataset by
integrating other static features, temperature and the
number of rainy days, from different sources to cap-
ture the influence of weather conditions on productiv-
ity. By considering these factors, we expect to gain
a deeper understanding of the complex interplay be-
tween weather and food production, resulting in more
accurate forecast.
We investigate two ways of incorporating those static
features into the sequential model.
1. By replicating the static feature in the sequence as
a fixed temporal parameter
2. By designing a multi-headed network with an ad-
ditional feed-forward layer to consider the fixed
parameter input.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the background of the applied LSTM
model and reviews some of the previous work done in
this area. Section 3 presents the methodology, where
two proposed approach of incorporating static fea-
tures in the sequential model is described. Section
4 describes experimental setups and presents the re-
sults. Finally, section 5 summarizes the paper and
highlights future work.
Time series are generally affected by four essential
components: trend, seasonal, cyclical, and irregular
components. When a time series exhibits an upward
or downward movement in the long run, it can be
asserted that the series has a general trend. Gener-
ally, the trend is a Long-term increase or decrease
in the data over time. When a series is affected by
seasonal factors, a seasonality pattern exists, such as
quarterly, yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily patterns.
The cyclic occurs when data rises and falls, which
means it is not a fixed period. The cycle duration is
over a long period, which may be two years or more.
The irregular component, sometimes known as the
residual, refers to the variation that exists because of
unpredictable factors. More details about the time se-
ries and its components can be found in (Jose, 2022).
Many different ML techniques are used to solve dif-
ferent time series forecasting problems. The authors
of (Mahmud and Mohammed, 2021) conduct a survey
that studies and compares the efficacy of time series
models to make predictions of real data. According
to the authors, LSTMs have proven to perform well
and are relatively easy to train. Therefore, LSTMs
have become the baseline architecture for tasks where
it is necessary to process sequential data with tempo-
ral information. An application of forecasting finan-
cial data was reported with two tested models, LSTM
and ARIMA, where the results show that LSTM was
a better predictor than ARIMA. LSTM was the best
approach for another reported application by Fischer
and Krauss (Fischer and Krauss, 2018) for stock pre-
diction. LSTM was compared to memory-free algo-
rithms such as Random Forest (Liu et al., 2012), Lo-
gistic Regression Classifier (Peng et al., 2002), and
Deep Neural Network (Burden and Winkler, 2009).
Some approaches have also been proposed in litera-
ture targeting food production forecasting. One ex-
ample can be found in (Kamran et al., 2019), where
the authors predict Wheat Production in Pakistan us-
ing LSTM. Their proposed mechanism was compared
with a few existing models in the literature, such as
ARIMA and RNN. They concluded that the proposed
LSTM model achieves better performance in terms
of forecasting. Another approach was proposed in
(Livieris et al., 2020) for predicting the future prices
of gold using a combination of Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks (CNN) and LSTM networks. The CNN
component of the model is responsible for extract-
ing relevant features from the input data, while The
LSTM component takes the sequential nature of the
time series into account and captures long-term de-
pendencies by learning from past data. The experi-
mental results show that the CNN-LSTM model out-
performs the other models in terms of forecasting ac-
curacy. It demonstrates the ability to capture both lo-
cal and global patterns in the gold price time series,
leading to more accurate predictions. Moreover, a
novel approach was proposed in (Sagheer and Kotb,
2019), where a method for predicting petroleum pro-
duction using deep LSTM (DLSTM) was presented.
The proposed architecture could capture the complex
patterns and dynamics present in petroleum produc-
Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a Production Forecasting Problem
tion time series data. A genetic algorithm was applied
in order to optimally configure DLSTM’s optimum
architecture. Experimental results demonstrate that
the deep LSTM network achieves superior forecast-
ing accuracy compared to traditional methods such
as ARIMA and single-layer LSTM networks. In
(Alkaabi and Shakya, 2022), an LSTM was tested
against classical machine learning time series analy-
sis models, such as AR (Ullrich, 2021) and ARIMA
(Shumway and Stoffer, 2017), for production fore-
casting, which conclude that the LSTM approach is
generally the most flexible approach, with more hy-
perparameters that can be further tuned to improve
We investigate the effect of static non-sequential fea-
tures together with sequential production data, with
the view of improving the overall accuracy. By con-
sidering these static variables alongside the sequen-
tial data, we anticipate discovering novel patterns and
relationships that might have been overlooked pre-
viously. By incorporating static non-sequential fea-
tures, we introduce a new dimension to the model’s
analysis. This addition allows us to capture contex-
tual information that can potentially enhance the ac-
curacy and effectiveness of the sequential model. We
believe that by examining the interplay between the
static and sequential features, we can gain deeper in-
sights into the underlying dynamics of the system un-
der investigation. However, static data cannot be nat-
urally added to the LSTM model due to it being a
sequential model; hence we investigate two different
ways to achieve this.
A multiyear time series dataset was used. This
dataset consists of a single column representing the
monthly production values of various food items. The
dataset was enriched by combining it with another
dataset that contains the monthly temperature and
rainy days to create a multivariate dataset. We sep-
arate the data into training and testing sets, with the
testing set being the dataset’s most recent 12 months
of production. For the purpose of this paper, we
choose six sample products (referenced as p1, p2,
..,p6 for anonymity), representing typical products in
the full dataset, consisting of different distributions.
We device four different topologies of LSTM with
the above dataset and compare their performance.
The first model, M1, consists of a simple univariate
LSTM model that only includes the sequential histor-
ical production data but excludes the additional non-
sequential data, such as the month of production and
the temperatures. The second model, M2, consists of
a multivariate LSTM model where the static values
were replicated for each time series period to emulate
the sequential representation required by LSTM. The
third and fourth models, M3 and M4, respectively,
consist of two different configurations of a multi-
headed approach where an LSTM was combined with
a traditional Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFN).
Here, LSTM was used for sequential production data,
and the FFN was used for static data. In particular,
the outputs of LSTM cells were combined with static
input data and passed to FFN to produce the final pre-
The models’ parameters were tuned empirically,
where we performed multiple experiments with many
settings for the hyperparameters and chose the set-
tings that resulted in the best accuracy. However,
some hyperparameters were set to be the same for all
models as to provide a fair comparison, such as the
sequence size for LSTM (aka lag parameter), the op-
timizer, and the number of epochs. The lag param-
eter was set to 12 to use the past 12 months to pre-
dict 13
month, the optimizer was set to Adam op-
timizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014), and the number of
epochs was set to 100, with early stopping criteria im-
plemented to prevent overfitting.
3.1 M1: Univariate LSTM
The first model tested was a univariate LSTM model.
The model consists of a single LSTM layer, with eight
units, that takes as an input a sequence of 12 months’
production values and predicts the 13
month. The
input of the LSTM is represented in Figure 4. The
output of the LSTM layer is then passed to a Dense
layer with one neuron to produce one final output.
Figure 1 represents the model at the timestep where
the production P at time t will be predicted.
Figure 1: M1: Univariate LSTM model.
3.2 M2: Multivariate LSTM
The topology of M2 is similar to the topology of
M1, except that it has an additional parameter that
represents the prediction month. Since the predic-
tion month is fixed, this parameter has to be repli-
cated 12 times for each timestep in order to produce
a fixed temporal parameter. Hence, each input sam-
ple received by the LSTM layer consisted of two fea-
NCTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
tures. The first is the production value at the time t i,
where i = [1,2, ..., 12], along with a constant param-
eter M
representing the month to be predicted. Also,
the month’s value is preprocessed using a one-hot en-
coding before passing it to the LSTM layer. The in-
put of the model is represented in Figure 5. Figure 2
shows the model when the production P at time t is to
be predicted.
Figure 2: M2: Multivariate LSTM model.
3.3 M3 and M4: Multi-Headed LSTM
These two models combine LSTM with FNN to create
a multi-headed model. Instead of repeatedly passing
the value of the predicted month to the LSTM net-
work, we add the predicted month as an additional
categorical static feature to the output of a univari-
ate LSTM layer that takes a sequence of the past 12
months. The combination of those two is passed to
FNN with two Dense layers. Here, FNN also acts as
the final layer. Similar to M2, the predicted month
here is one-hot encoded. Figure 6 shows the input of
M4 further extends this approach and investigates the
effect of two more static features on the overall accu-
racy, namely, the temperature and the number of rainy
days of the predicted month. Figure 7 shows the in-
put of the network, where T
is the predicted month’s
temperature and R
is its total number of rainy days.
Figure 3 shows the architecture of the network, where
the static variables include the predicted month (for
M3) and the predicted month, along with its tempera-
ture and rainy days (for M4).
Figure 3: M3 and M4: LSTM with FNN model.
3.4 Evaluation Metrics
In this study, we choose three error matrices to as-
sess the accuracy of our forecasting models. These
matrices serve as robust performance measures, pro-
viding valuable insights into the predictive capabil-
ities of our models. The chosen error matrices in-
clude the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) (Chai and
Draxler, 2014), the Weighted Average Percentage Er-
ror (WAPE) (Louhichi et al., 2012), and the Pearson
correlation coefficient (Schober et al., 2018).
RMSE is a widely used metric for evaluating fore-
casting models. It calculates the square root of the av-
erage squared differences between the predicted val-
ues and the actual values. By considering both the
magnitude and direction of the errors, RMSE pro-
vides a comprehensive assessment of the overall ac-
curacy of the model’s predictions. WAPE accounts
for the relative magnitude of errors by calculating the
average percentage difference between the predicted
and actual values, weighted by the actual values. This
metric offers valuable insights into the accuracy of the
model’s predictions, particularly in scenarios where
the magnitude of errors needs to be evaluated in re-
lation to the true values. Additionally, the Pearson
correlation coefficient is a statistical measure that as-
sesses the similarity between the predicted output and
the actual output. The Pearson correlation coefficient
quantifies the linear relationship between two vari-
ables and provides a value between -1 and 1, where
a value closer to 1 indicates a strong positive correla-
tion, while a value closer to -1 suggests a strong neg-
ative correlation. By analyzing the correlation coeffi-
cient, we can evaluate how much the predicted output
aligns with the actual output, providing insights into
the model’s ability to capture the underlying patterns
and trends in the data.
By considering these three distinct error matrices, we
ensure a comprehensive evaluation of our forecast-
ing models. Each matrix offers a unique perspective
on the model’s performance, shedding light on dif-
ferent aspects of accuracy, magnitude, and similarity
between the predicted and actual values. This mul-
tifaceted approach allows us to gain a deeper under-
standing of the strengths and weaknesses of our mod-
els and facilitates a more robust assessment of their
predictive capabilities.
Each model was trained against the dataset for the six
products, and the test accuracy was recorded. Tables
1, 2, and 3 show the results for each algorithm on
six products and their average accuracy. The best re-
sult of each product is highlighted in bold. Note that
WAPE accuracy was calculated as (1- WAPE) and
multiplied by 100. The goal is to decrease RMSE and
increase both the WAPE accuracy and positive corre-
Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a Production Forecasting Problem
Figure 4: M1: LSTM input of the Univariate LSTM model.
Figure 5: M2: LSTM input of the Multivariate LSTM model.
Figure 6: M3: The input to the LSTM with FNN model.
lation. Looking at the RMSE results in Table 1, we
can see that different models perform differently in
different instances. However, M3 and M4 were bet-
ter in most of the cases, and M4 had the best overall
average accuracy over the six products tested.
Table 1: RMSE performance evaluation of the three LSTM
M1 M2 M3 M4
P1 2.51 2.4 2.08 2.06
P2 2.01 1.95 1.82 2.03
P3 2.28 2.23 2.17 2.21
P4 0.96 0.47 0.59 0.44
P5 1.2 1.14 1.13 0.44
P6 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Average 1.5 1.37 1.3 1.20
A similar trend can be observed for WAPE accu-
racy results in Table 2, where we can see that M3 and
M4 were better in most of the instances, and overall
average accuracy was the best in M4.
For the correlation results, in Table 3, we can see
that the prediction produced by M3 and M4 are highly
and positively correlated with the actuals in most of
the cases, and the average correlation for M4 was the
best. Finally, Table 4 shows the linear combination
of WAPE accuracy with the correlation to produce a
composite accuracy number to give an indication of
the overall accuracy. We can see that, on average, M4
Table 2: WAPE performance evaluation of the three LSTM
M1 M2 M3 M4
P1 75.77% 77.80% 82.18% 83.31%
P2 72.82% 70.95% 72.60% 69.33%
P3 90.74% 89.65% 89.91% 89.81%
P4 66.51% 81.89% 79.93% 84.07%
P5 82.67% 82.81% 82.93% 93.69%
P6 81.82% 86.62% 83.13% 80.67%
Average 78.39% 81.62% 81.78% 83.48%
has the best result, followed by M3 and then M2.
Table 3: Correlation performance evaluation of the three
LSTM models.
M1 M2 M3 M4
P1 0.46 0.57 0.81 0.82
P2 0.52 1.00 1.00 0.98
P3 0.81 1.00 1.00 0.99
P4 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.98
P5 0.13 1.00 0.96 0.95
P6 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98
Average 0.64 0.92 0.95 0.95
These results clearly show the benefit of adding
additional static features to the model. We can ob-
serve that by adding the predicted month as an ex-
tra feature, the simple LSTM results were enhanced
so that the model could capture both the trend and
NCTA 2023 - 15th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 7: M4: The input to the LSTM with FNN model.
Table 4: Combining the correlation results with the WAPE
M1 M2 M3 M4
P1 0.61 0.68 0.82 0.83
P2 0.63 0.85 0.86 0.84
P3 0.86 0.95 0.95 0.94
P4 0.81 0.90 0.88 0.91
P5 0.48 0.91 0.89 0.94
P6 0.91 0.93 0.91 0.89
Average 0.71 0.87 0.88 0.89
seasonality aspects of the data. Also, adding the pre-
dicted month’s temperature and the number of rainy
days increased the accuracy further. It is also notice-
able that the multi-headed network approach in M3
(and M4) is generally better than fixing the static pa-
rameter in temporal form, as in M#2. This can be seen
by the average accuracy reported in all 4 Tables.
We find it also interesting to analyze the results
visually. For this, we use P1 as an example as it had a
typical production pattern and plot its actual against
prediction data for the four tested models.
Figures 8-11 show the training, validation, and
testing results of P1. The solid line represents the
actual production, the dashed line represents the
validation results, and the dotted line represents the
future production forecasting.
Figure 8 show the univariate LSTM testing and
forecasting results and the past data points for P1. We
can notice a smoothed prediction, and the predicted
validation line deviates from the actual one. Figure 9
show the Multivariate LSTM testing and forecasting
results for P1. The validation and forecasting results
are better than M1. Figure 10 show the model that
combines LSTM with FNN that takes as a static
variable the value of the month to be predicted. The
results are closer to M2 with some improvements.
The results are better in terms of accuracy metrics,
and the visual output of the forecasted production
looks more convincing. Figure 11 shows the results
of including the temperature and the rainy days of
the predicted month to the prediction. The plot
demonstrates the significant impact of incorporating
those variables. It reveals a clear capture of the trend
and seasonality.
In this study, we conducted an extensive analysis uti-
lizing four different configurations of Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) networks to predict the pro-
duction of essential items based on historical pro-
duction data. Our primary objective was to iden-
tify a reliable model that can be effectively employed
in practical settings for accurate product forecasting.
Upon examination, we observed that the Univariate
LSTM model demonstrated certain limitations, par-
ticularly because it lagged the seasonality informa-
tion. This deficiency became apparent as the pre-
dicted values deviated significantly from the actual
values, a trend observed in multiple locations on the
plot. We introduce additional categorical features,
including the predicted month, temperature, and the
number of rainy days for subsequent models. This re-
sulted in a noticeable improvement in the accuracy of
the LSTM network. And further, by enhancing the
complexity of the model, we achieved a stronger cor-
relation between the predicted and actual values while
maintaining reasonable accuracy.
Furthermore, we explored the integration of the pre-
dicted month as a static feature, combined with the
sequential output of the LSTM in an FNN. This fu-
sion resulted in a more robust forecasting model with
improved performance. There is a room for addi-
tional work to further enhance the accuracy. One
avenue for improvement lies in the intelligent tun-
ing of LSTM hyperparameters, which could be ac-
complished through heuristic-based search and op-
timization techniques. By systematically exploring
and fine-tuning the hyperparameters, we can poten-
tially optimize the model’s performance and enhance
its forecasting accuracy. Moreover, alternative se-
quential forecasting techniques, such as Transform-
ers (Vaswani et al., 2017), have demonstrated promis-
ing capabilities in various domains, and their applica-
tion to our specific problem of production forecasting
would be an interesting research work.
Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a Production Forecasting Problem
Figure 8: M1 results on product P1.
Figure 9: M2 results on P1.
Figure 10: M3 results on P1.
Figure 11: M4 results on P1.
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Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a Production Forecasting Problem