Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An
Industrial Use Case
e Cosme
, Tatiana Pinto
, Anabela Ribeiro
, V
ıtor Filipe
1,3 a
, Eurico Vasco Amorim
1,3 b
and Rui Pinto
4 c
School of Science and Technology, University of Tr
as-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), 5000-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Continental Advanced Antenna, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda., Vila Real, Portugal
INESC Technology and Science, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
SYSTEC-ARISE, Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Industrial Information System, Manufacturing Process Control, Validation Checklist.
The Digital Model concept of factory floor equipment allows simulation, visualization and processing, and
the ability to communicate between the various workstations. The Digital Twin is the concept used for the
digital representation of equipment on the factory floor, capable of collecting a set of data about the equipment
and production, using physical sensors installed in the equipment. Within the scope of data visualization and
processing, there is a need to manage information about parameters/conditions that the assembly line equip-
ments must present to start a production order, or in a shift handover. This study proposes a paperless checklist
to manage equipment information and monitor production ramp-up. The proposed solution is validated in a
real-world industrial scenario, by comparing its suitability against the current paper-based approach to log
information. Results show that the paperless checklist presents advantages over the current approach since
it enables multi-access viewing and logging while maintaining a digital history of log changes for further
An information system is a collection of intercon-
nected components that work together to gather, pro-
cess, store, and distribute information within an or-
ganization or a specific context. These components
include people, hardware, software, data, and proce-
dures. The primary purpose of an information sys-
tem is to support the management, operations, and
decision-making processes of an organization. It en-
ables the efficient and effective collection, storage,
processing, and dissemination of data and informa-
tion to various stakeholders.
In comparison with traditional approaches to fa-
cilitate communication, collaboration, and data man-
agement, an information system is characterized
by: I) Improved Decision-Making, i.e., enables in-
formed decision-making based on data-driven in-
sights; II) Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity (au-
tomate repetitive tasks and improve workflow effi-
ciency); III) Effective Communication and Collabora-
tion; IV) Improved Data Management, i.e., efficiently
store, organize, and retrieve large volumes of data,
while ensuring data integrity, security, and accuracy.
In an industrial setting, information systems play
a vital role in optimizing operations, improving effi-
ciency, and ensuring smooth coordination across var-
ious departments. The main use cases are:
Supply Chain Management (Gunasekaran and
Ngai, 2004): Information systems are used to
manage the entire supply chain, from procure-
ment of raw materials to distribution of finished
products. They help in tracking inventory levels,
managing suppliers, optimizing procurement pro-
cesses, and monitoring logistics activities. This
ensures timely availability of materials and effi-
cient delivery of products to customers.
Production Planning and Control (Palade and
Møller, 2023): Information systems assist in pro-
Cosme, J., Pinto, T., Ribeiro, A., Filipe, V., Amorim, E. and Pinto, R.
Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0012186800003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 95-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
duction planning and control by providing real-
time data on production capacity, resource avail-
ability, and scheduling. They help in optimiz-
ing production processes, monitoring production
progress, and ensuring timely completion of or-
ders. This leads to improved productivity, reduced
lead times, and better utilization of resources.
Quality Control: Information systems are used to
monitor and control quality throughout the man-
ufacturing process. They enable real-time mon-
itoring of product quality parameters, statistical
process control, and automated inspections. This
ensures adherence to quality standards, early de-
tection of defects, and timely corrective actions,
resulting in higher product quality and customer
Human Resource Management (Nagendra and
Deshpande, 2014): Information systems are uti-
lized for managing employee information, pay-
roll, attendance, and training programs. They help
in tracking employee performance, skill develop-
ment, and workforce planning. Additionally, in-
formation systems can be used to facilitate em-
ployee self-service portals for accessing Human
Resource-related information, applying for leave,
and managing benefits.
Data Analytics and Business Intelligence: Infor-
mation systems provide data analytics capabili-
ties to analyze operational data, identify trends,
and gain insights into process efficiencies, cost
optimization, and market trends. Business in-
telligence tools can be employed to generate re-
ports, dashboards, and visualizations that aid in
decision-making at various levels of the organiza-
Environmental and Safety Compliance: Informa-
tion systems assist in managing environmental
and safety compliance in industrial settings. They
can track and monitor adherence to regulatory re-
quirements, manage hazardous materials, and en-
sure the safety of employees and the environment.
This includes systems for incident reporting, risk
assessments, and compliance audits.
Maintenance and Asset Management (Love et al.,
2016; Graf et al., 2011): Information systems fa-
cilitate the management of industrial equipment
and assets. They help in tracking equipment main-
tenance schedules, managing work orders, and
monitoring equipment performance. Predictive
maintenance techniques can be employed, where
data from sensors and machines are analyzed to
identify potential failures and schedule mainte-
nance proactively, reducing downtime and opti-
mizing asset utilization.
Information systems play a crucial role in the
maintenance and management of industrial equip-
ment and assets. They help in tracking equipment
maintenance schedules, managing work orders, and
monitoring equipment performance. Predictive main-
tenance techniques can be employed, where data from
sensors and machines are analyzed to identify po-
tential failures and schedule maintenance proactively,
reducing downtime and optimizing asset utilization.
They provide a centralized repository for maintenance
documentation, including equipment manuals, stan-
dard operating procedures, maintenance checklists,
and troubleshooting guides. This ensures that mainte-
nance personnel have easy access to the required in-
formation, reducing downtime and improving the ef-
fectiveness of maintenance activities.
Additionally, information systems can capture and
store maintenance knowledge and lessons learned, en-
abling knowledge sharing and continuous improve-
ment. Moreover, information systems can be ac-
cessed through mobile devices, allowing human op-
erators to receive work orders, update maintenance
records, and access relevant documentation while on
the shop floor. Mobile access facilitates real-time col-
laboration, communication, and data capture, improv-
ing efficiency and reducing paperwork.
This study proposes an information system ap-
proach to enable a digital checklist, used for the man-
agement of equipment maintenance and validation of
process status at the beginning of shifts or production
changes. We implement the proposed approach in a
real-world industrial scenario, which uses currently
a paper-based methodology to manage the checklist
information. By digitizing the checklists, manual pa-
perwork is eliminated, and the information is readily
accessible among employees, teams and departments.
Thus, in this study, we aim to address the following
research questions:
RQ 1. How are the information processing and the
respective ramp-up checklist management af-
fected by the implementation of paperless prac-
tices in terms of process performance with em-
phasis on the efficiency, flexibility and quality as-
RQ 2. How does a shift towards a digital checklist
impact the concepts of information processing re-
quirements and capability, information flow, and
the working processes?
The paper is organized into five more sections.
Section 2 provides a technological context and a com-
prehensive analysis of the state of the art. Section 3
describes in detail the case study to be addressed and
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the proposed approach. Section 4 describes the ex-
perimental methodology and results achieved, while
Section 5 further discusses the proposed approach.
Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper, stating final
remarks about the study performed.
In the last years, the adoption of paperless strate-
gies in industrial companies has been a hot topic in
research (Palade and Møller, 2022; M
uller, 2017;
Djassemi and Sena, 2006). Digitalization becomes
an increasingly important factor for organizations in
order to eliminate paper-based processes. One exam-
ple is regarding the requirement of documentation of
the manufacturing production and how is it possible
to produce without having the documentation in pa-
per form (Bulut et al., 2020; Mleczko et al., 2013). A
digital document-based factory organization can real-
ize potential process improvements that have an im-
pact on efficiency, quality and flexibility.
Ramp-up checklists (Christensen and Ry-
maszewska, 2016; Biffl et al., 2022) are documents
commonly used at the beginning of shifts or during
production changes to ensure a smooth transition
and optimal performance. These checklists help
operators or maintenance personnel go through
essential tasks and checks to prepare equipment,
processes, and systems for production. They are
essential to ensure that equipment, systems, and
processes are properly prepared, minimize risks,
and ensure a smooth transition into production.
They help identify potential issues early on, prevent
equipment damage, ensure safety compliance, and
maintain product quality. While the specific items
on a ramp-up checklist may vary depending on the
industry and operational requirements, here are some
common elements typically included:
Equipment Preparation: This includes tasks such
as inspecting equipment for any damage or ab-
normalities, verifying proper calibration of instru-
ments, and ensuring the availability of necessary
tools or materials.
Safety Checks: Operators may be required to per-
form safety checks to ensure compliance with
safety protocols and regulations. This can in-
volve checking safety devices, emergency stop
buttons, proper guarding, and verifying the avail-
ability and functionality of personal protective
equipment (PPE).
Start-Up Procedures: Operators follow specific
procedures for starting up equipment or systems,
including powering on machines, initiating con-
trol systems, and ensuring proper initialization
and sequencing of equipment.
Parameter Verification: Operators verify and set
the operational parameters according to the spe-
cific requirements of the production run. This can
involve checking and adjusting temperature, pres-
sure, flow rates, speed settings, or other critical
Material Verification: Operators verify the avail-
ability and quality of raw materials, ensuring that
the correct materials are ready for use in the pro-
duction process. They may also conduct material
inspections or perform sample testing if required.
System Checks: This involves verifying the func-
tionality and readiness of various systems, such as
utility systems (water, air, electricity), control sys-
tems, communication systems, or any other sys-
tems critical to the production process.
Quality Control Checks: Operators perform
checks to ensure that quality control measures are
in place. This can involve verifying the calibra-
tion of measuring instruments, conducting initial
quality checks on products or samples, or con-
firming that quality standards and procedures are
Communication and Handover: Operators com-
municate with the previous shift or relevant per-
sonnel to obtain information on any ongoing is-
sues, completed tasks, or specific instructions.
They also provide updates or handover informa-
tion to subsequent shifts or teams (Plocher et al.,
Documentation: Operators document the comple-
tion of tasks, record any observations or abnor-
malities, and maintain records for future reference
or compliance purposes.
In this context, information systems can be uti-
lized effectively for ramp-up checklists used at the be-
ginning of shifts or production changes. By integrat-
ing information systems into asset management pro-
cesses on the shop floor, organizations can enhance
maintenance efficiency, reduce costs, improve equip-
ment reliability, and optimize overall asset utilization.
Information systems allow ramp-up checklists to
be digitized and stored within the system. The check-
lists can be designed using customizable templates
that align with the specific requirements of the main-
tenance tasks or production changes. By digitizing
the checklists, manual paperwork is eliminated, and
the information is readily accessible. On the other
Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case
hand, information systems can automate the distri-
bution of checklists to the appropriate personnel or
teams at the beginning of shifts or when production
changes occur. The system can send notifications or
reminders to designated individuals, ensuring that the
checklists are promptly received and acted upon. This
streamlines the checklist distribution process and re-
duces the chances of missing or delayed checklists.
Real-time updating and tracking are also possible
with paperless checklists since operators can update
the checklist items in real-time as they perform their
tasks. They can mark completed items, record mea-
surements or readings, add comments, or indicate any
issues encountered. This real-time updating ensures
that the checklist progress is accurately tracked and
visible to relevant stakeholders. Moreover, mobile ac-
cess to the checklists allows operators to access and
update the checklists directly on handheld devices.
This enhances flexibility and enables real-time collab-
oration, as supervisors or managers can review check-
list progress, provide instructions, or address any con-
cerns remotely.
These digital checklists can also integrate with
sensors, data loggers, or equipment monitoring sys-
tems to capture relevant data directly from the equip-
ment (Gonc¸alves et al., 2014). This integration elim-
inates the need for manual data entry and ensures
accuracy. The checklist can be configured to auto-
matically retrieve equipment parameters or readings,
providing real-time data for analysis and comparison
with expected values (Doltsinis et al., 2020). This
level of integration with equipment data enables ex-
ception management, where information systems can
flag any checklist items that are not completed, fail
to meet specified criteria or require attention (Bockel-
mann et al., 2017). This alerts supervisors or mainte-
nance managers to potential issues or deviations from
standard procedures. Exception management enables
prompt action and facilitates the resolution of prob-
lems before they escalate or impact production.
Finally, digital checklists can integrate with work-
flow management tools, enabling seamless coordi-
nation of tasks related to the checklist completion
process. For example, if an issue is identified dur-
ing the checklist, the system can automatically gen-
erate work orders or trigger notifications to initiate
maintenance actions or escalate the problem to rel-
evant personnel. This is also related to documen-
tation and reporting, where information systems can
store completed checklists, maintaining a comprehen-
sive record of maintenance activities or production
changes. This historical data can be accessed and
reviewed at any time for auditing purposes, perfor-
mance analysis, or compliance requirements. The
system can also generate reports summarizing check-
list completion rates, and identified issues, or trends
over time, aiding in decision-making and continuous
improvement efforts.
An information system is proposed to enable a pa-
perless ramp-up checklist. This helps promote the
fluidity of the information flow and facilitates com-
munication between operators and supervisors when
managing ramp-up checklists. The proposed digital-
format checklist considers a specific use case in the
Portuguese industrial company Continental Advance
Antenna (CAA) (Continental, 2023).
3.1 Industrial Use Case
CAA has extensive experience in R&D activities re-
lated to new functional features in terms of connectiv-
ity for antenna systems in motor vehicles. CAA is one
of the big players in the automotive sector and one of
the most important industrial companies in Portugal,
producing 20 million antennas per year. In its shop
floor production flow, there is a final production stage
where the Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are individu-
alized and the final assembly is completed. Typically,
each type of antenna produced for specific clients has
a dedicated assembly line, which can work in multi-
ple work shifts. A paper-based ramp-up checklist is
represented in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Example of a Paper-based Ramp-up Checklist in
The ramp-up checklist in CAA is a document that
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
must be compulsorily and carefully completed at the
beginning of each shift, at each reference change, and
after prolonged maintenance/process intervention or
quality problem. This document is intended to verify
that all requirements for production are in accordance
with the criteria required for the start of production.
Currently, this checklist is a document filled in man-
ually by the operators in a paper format making it a
time-consuming process and susceptible to human er-
rors. The main checkpoints of this checklist are:
ILU: This consists of a 3-level system for measur-
ing the qualifications of production operators (I -
Basic qualification level; L - Operator who is ca-
pable of producing with quality; U
Operator who is capable of producing with quality
and at the pace defined for the assembly line on
which it is assessed).
Electric models: A binary test of the electrical
model at the end of the assembly line assessed.
The test passes if the result is OK.
Welding program: In the welding robots, the op-
erator must check if the welding program loaded
in the robot is the correct one for the reference an-
tenna being assembled.
Preventive maintenance: For preventive mainte-
nance purposes, there is an established number of
assembled pieces as a threshold. This test assesses
if the threshold number of assembled pieces for
preventive maintenance was reached.
Hot melt: The operator must know the injection
process and its adjacent equipment in order to
check the operating mode of the machine and the
state of the injection material.
Welding: To validate this point, the operator must
know the documentation and associated proce-
dure for replacing soldering nozzles, check if noz-
zle temperature is within limits, check if smoke
extractors are working, nitrogen levels, and reser-
voir of water.
Screwing: To validate this point, the operator
must know the exchange history of the screw-
driver and check the torque of semi-automatic
Ultrasounds: To validate this operation, the super-
visor must check the pressure in the ultrasound
3.2 Paperless Checklist
The developed information system is supported in
Python programming language and the Flask frame-
work (Lokhande et al., 2015; Grinberg, 2018), which
allows CAAs operators and supervisors to manage
the ramp-up checklist in a completely digital way.
They can visualize and edit the available information
in an efficient manner, while being managed and per-
sistently stored in a database. Access to the system
is made through a general login, where operators and
supervisors have different visualization perspectives.
This type of authentication allows a clear defini-
tion of the company’s hierarchy and conditioned ac-
cess to the system, depending on the type of infor-
mation that each operator is expected to access, and
presupposes the completion of the respective fields
to the email and password, previously registered in a
database associated with the system which ensures se-
curity and restricted access to the system. In this way,
operators are responsible for verifying the parameters
in the checklist, while supervisors intervene in case
of issues in the production line that do not allow the
production to start.
Regarding operators, the homepage displays the
initial parameters of the checklist, that correspond to
the pre-start scan of production operations, as repre-
sented in Fig. 2. On this page, each date-time field has
associated two queues of checkboxes, one queue for
the parameter S (Verified), and N (Unverified). The
state of these checkboxes is maintained regardless of
the update or page change, providing intuitive func-
tionality for time selection.
When the operator wishes to make an observation,
mainly when there are unverified parameters, a sepa-
rate page is displayed where he is asked to choose the
parameter and make the observation. This way, all
stakeholders can be notified, in order to resolve the
issue and verify successfully the parameter. If the pro-
duction flow follows its normal course, the operator is
also required to check operations after the start of pro-
duction. Finally, with all the parameters of the check-
list validated, the operator is required to validate the
checklist. This validation should also be performed
by the supervisor responsible in that shift.
The supervisor’s homepage includes a listing of
all daily checklists, with the respective indication if
it has been validated by the respective operator. Each
checklist is associated with a specific shift and the op-
erators working in that shift. Moreover, the supervi-
sor can edit the list of operators registered in the sys-
tem, according to his working shift and workstation
within the production line. Finally, supervisors have
access to all the parameters registered in the system,
having the possibility to edit, delete and add parame-
ters, while editing and creating new checklists as well.
Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case
Figure 2: Operator’s Checklist View.
3.3 Information Management
As mentioned before, the information system must al-
low the overall management of users, considering the
type of employee (operators and supervisors) and the
workplace within the production line. Also, the in-
formation system must manage shifts and the daily
ramp-up checklists that are associated with specific
shifts. Each ramp-up checklist contains multiple pa-
rameters to be validated. The system must allow feed-
back records when there is a problem in a productive
process and a parameter is unverified. Both operators
and supervisors have access in real-time to this feed-
back for quick reaction to solve the problem.
Considering the previously identified system re-
quirements, Fig. 3 despites the information model in
the format of system entities and their relationship.
The system entities are:
Employee: An employee can be an operator or
a supervisor, and is characterized by his name,
email and password for registration and login,
workplace and production line.
Work Role: Each employee is associated with a
role in the company.
Work Shift: A work shift is a set amount of time
that an employee is expected to work, thus it has
a start and end date-time.
Production Line and Workplace: A production
line consists of multiple workstations. Depend-
ing on the role of the employee, he can develop
his work in a specific workplace within the pro-
duction line.
Checklist: The ramp-up checklist is characterized
by start and end date times that are related to
the beginning and wrap-up of the validation pro-
cess. Each checklist is associated with a work
shift, and specific employees responsible to per-
form and manage the validation.
Parameter and Validation: Each checklist consists
of multiple parameters to be validated. Moreover,
the validation of a parameter is associated with a
The validation of the proposed solution follows a de-
scriptive approach, considering the specific use case
of CAA. To answer the research questions, we gather
detailed information on the current processes at the
shop floor level for ramp-up checklist management,
and how these are affected by implementing paperless
Most of the data to validate the proposed approach
was qualitative in nature, and it was collected through
interviews, field observations and informal field con-
versations with different employees from CAA. The
data was collected mainly through semi-structured in-
terviews, where a set of questions and topics were
prepared in advance. The interviews were conducted
with the main stakeholders, i.e., CAA employees who
were either involved in planning the implementation
of paperless practices or whose current tasks were af-
fected by the proposed approach. The set of questions
that were used in the interviews is enclosed next.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Checklist Relational Model.
Question 1. What is your role in CAA and how are
you involved in the paperless checklist?
Question 2. Have you already had experiences re-
garding a shift towards paperless practices before?
Question 3. What does the collaboration between the
different stakeholders look like when managing
the ramp-up checklist?
Question 4. What impact does the implementation of
a paperless checklist has in terms of information
flow and the respective workflow?
Question 5. What are the main challenges for a tran-
sition from a paper-based towards a paperless
Question 6. In what ways does the implementation
of a paperless checklist change your working
4.1 Analysis of Results
Most of the employees interviewed are supervisors
of assembly lines, responsible for the continuous im-
provement of manufacturing processes and project
managers. These employees are mainly associated
with production, checklist monitoring and editing.
They didn’t have experience in the past with process
digitalization and paperless practices before.
According to the interview feedback, currently,
the paper checklist is provided in the assembly line by
the supervisor to the operators working in that shift,
which will verify all the parameters. Unverified pa-
rameters are reported immediately to the supervisor,
who has to go on-site to the assembly line and, to-
gether with the operators fix the problem. Eventually,
depending on the problem verified, other employees
from maintenance or other departments must be re-
quested on-site. After the validation of all parameters
in the checklist, both operator and supervisor sign the
checklist for an archive.
The feedback received regarding the developed in-
formation system was predominantly positive. Sev-
eral positive aspects were observed, such as a re-
markable improvement in the storage and organiza-
tion of checklists, enabling more efficient retrieval
of different checklists and parameters, resulting in
time savings and increased productivity. Addition-
ally, this system allows for integrating new function-
alities, such as filtering various parameters, visual-
izing shifts and workers across different production
lines, and real-time monitoring of digital checklists.
Furthermore, it facilitates checklist validation, as in
the physical format, these must be delivered to differ-
ent employees for final approval, thus improving task
collaboration among various stakeholders.
The main impacts of a digital checklist are:
Elimination of paper;
Supervisor avoids moving around to be on-site;
Supervisor can consult updated information in
Supervisor has easy access to the history of check-
However, some challenges were observed, includ-
ing resistance to change from certain employees who
were more accustomed to the traditional method.
Transitioning to a digital checklist may require a pe-
riod of adjustment and training for employees, espe-
cially those who are not familiar with technology or
have limited computer or mobile device skills. It is
essential to address this resistance through effective
Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case
change management strategies, including clear com-
munication, training programs, and providing ongo-
ing support to employees during the transition period.
Moreover, another challenge is the prototyping stage,
where both paper and paperless checklist systems will
be used for a smoother transition. This stage requires
additional management effort.
In addition to the positive aspects mentioned,
the developed information system also offers several
other advantages. One significant benefit is the reduc-
tion of errors and inconsistencies in checklist com-
pletion. With the digital system, mandatory fields can
be implemented, ensuring that all necessary informa-
tion is entered correctly. Automated validation checks
can be performed to identify any missing or incorrect
data, reducing the likelihood of human errors, and im-
proving overall data accuracy. Furthermore, the sys-
tem provides enhanced data security and confidential-
ity. Physical checklists can be misplaced, damaged,
or accessed by unauthorized individuals, compromis-
ing sensitive information. In contrast, a digital sys-
tem can implement secure access controls, encryp-
tion measures, and regular backups to protect data in-
tegrity and confidentiality. This adds an extra layer
of security to the information and reduces the risk of
data breaches.
The system also facilitates remote access and col-
laboration. With a digital checklist system, authorized
personnel can access and work on checklists from
anywhere. This enables employees to complete tasks
and collaborate on checklists even when they are not
physically present at the workplace. Another advan-
tage is the potential for data analysis and reporting.
A digital checklist system can generate comprehen-
sive reports and provide valuable insights into pro-
ductivity, efficiency, and compliance. Analyzing data
trends and patterns can help identify areas for im-
provement, optimize processes, and make informed
decisions. The availability of historical data also en-
ables better tracking of performance over time and fa-
cilitates auditing and regulatory compliance.
Considering the qualitative validation and the results
found, we have conditions to answer the research
questions. Regarding RQ 1., the utilization of the dig-
ital checklist allowed for the measurement and analy-
sis of various parameters to assess the extent of its ef-
fects. The study’s findings suggest that the implemen-
tation of the digital checklist positively influenced in-
formation processing and ramp-up checklist manage-
ment. The digital system streamlined the data collec-
tion process, enabling real-time monitoring and anal-
ysis of key metrics. This increased efficiency was ev-
ident in the reduction of data entry errors, quicker ac-
cess to relevant information through provided filters,
and accelerated decision-making in the case of pro-
duction line errors or overall system optimization.
Moreover, the flexibility of the digital checklist fa-
cilitated prompt adjustments to the production pro-
cesses in response to changing requirements. Re-
garding quality aspects, the digital checklist exhib-
ited benefits by providing more accurate, consistent,
and practical data inputs. This resulted in improved
product quality by better tracking process parameters
and detecting anomalies at an early stage. As a result,
transitioning to a paperless approach enhanced effi-
ciency, flexibility, and process performance quality.
As for RQ 2., this research delved into the broader
implications of adopting a digital checklist system
within the context of information processing require-
ments and capabilities, information flow, and the op-
erational workflows of the production line. The intro-
duction of a digital checklist significantly redefined
the landscape of information processing requirements
and capabilities. By leveraging digital tools, the pro-
duction line gained the ability to process and ana-
lyze data in real-time, enabling rapid identification of
trends and deviations. The features introduced led to
a more proactive approach to decision-making, as in-
sights based on collected data could be promptly ap-
plied. The digital checklist also influenced the infor-
mation flow within the production lines.
Furthermore, the adoption of a digital checklist
prompted a transformation in the working processes.
Traditional paper-based tasks were replaced by digi-
tal interactions, reducing manual efforts and associ-
ated errors. Collaborative efforts were streamlined
through digital interfaces, allowing for quicker coor-
dination and problem-solving among team members
and supervisors. Consequently, the overall working
processes exhibited greater efficiency and adaptabil-
ity. In conclusion, the shift towards a digital check-
list had a profound impact on information processing
requirements and capabilities, information flow, and
working processes. These changes collectively con-
tributed to an enhanced production environment.
This study proposes a paperless checklist to manage
equipment information and monitor production ramp-
up in the CAA industrial context. The proposed so-
lution validation focused on a comparison with the
current paper-based approach, to assess system ad-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
vantages and limitations while understanding the im-
pact and challenges of the solution implementation
in terms of information flow and employee working
Overall, despite the challenges, the positive feed-
back and benefits observed in the developed informa-
tion system indicate its potential to significantly im-
prove productivity, collaboration, data integrity, and
decision-making processes within the organization. It
is important to address the challenges through effec-
tive change management strategies and provide nec-
essary training and support to employees to ensure a
successful transition to the digital checklist system.
On the contrary to supervisors, despite the work-
ing tasks of operators not being greatly impacted, in
future work, we want to extend the interviews for
the operators, since their feedback is missing in this
study. Also, from a change management perspective,
it is intended to provide the necessary hard and soft
skills training for a successful transition.
This work was supported under the Mobilizing
Agenda ”A-MOVER - Development of Products &
Systems towards an Intelligent and Green Mobility”,
supported by the PRR-Recovery and Resilience Plan
and the European NextGeneration EU Funds.
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Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case