vantages and limitations while understanding the im-
pact and challenges of the solution implementation
in terms of information flow and employee working
Overall, despite the challenges, the positive feed-
back and benefits observed in the developed informa-
tion system indicate its potential to significantly im-
prove productivity, collaboration, data integrity, and
decision-making processes within the organization. It
is important to address the challenges through effec-
tive change management strategies and provide nec-
essary training and support to employees to ensure a
successful transition to the digital checklist system.
On the contrary to supervisors, despite the work-
ing tasks of operators not being greatly impacted, in
future work, we want to extend the interviews for
the operators, since their feedback is missing in this
study. Also, from a change management perspective,
it is intended to provide the necessary hard and soft
skills training for a successful transition.
This work was supported under the Mobilizing
Agenda ”A-MOVER - Development of Products &
Systems towards an Intelligent and Green Mobility”,
supported by the PRR-Recovery and Resilience Plan
and the European NextGeneration EU Funds.
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Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case