Gas leaks are a significant problem in homes and in-
dustrial environments. The main objective of the pre-
sented work was to develop a strategy to locate gas
leak sources using swarms of robots. The solution
presented in this work was divided into three com-
ponents: swarm simulation, swarm control, and the
gas source search algorithm. These components can
be utilized in other contexts, particularly in simu-
lated ROS and RVIZ environments, opening up fur-
ther applications and research possibilities. Through
the conducted experiments, the simulation and con-
trol strategies for robot swarms were validated. Con-
trolling up to 50 robots in a simulated environment
without collisions was possible. The gas source ex-
ploration strategy’s efficacy exhibited disparate effi-
ciency levels contingent upon the variability in sys-
tem scalability. The swarm trajectory closely fol-
lowed a straight line toward the source, deviating by
only 1.24% from the optimal trajectory (a straight
line) when using only three robots. Therefore, de-
ploying three robots is sufficient for gas source de-
tection for the given environment size. However, in
larger environments, employing more robots may im-
prove search efficiency. An important finding from
the search experiment is that using three sensors for
gas sampling provides accurate gradient estimation,
enabling an efficient gas source search. An alterna-
tive strategy worth exploring is using multiple sensors
attached to a single robot, achieving a similar approxi-
mation with only three gas samples without relying on
swarm coordination. Overall, the developed strategy
and software packages demonstrated their effective-
ness in successfully simulating and controlling robot
swarms and detecting gas leakage sources. Thus, the
results of this work will allow applications in different
contexts and encourage new research in related areas.
The project is supported by National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development – CNPq
(process CNPq 407984/2022-4); Fund for Scientific
and Technological Development – FNDCT; Ministry
of Science, Technology and Innovations – MCTI of
Brazil; Araucaria Foundation; and the General Super-
intendence of Science, Technology and Higher Edu-
cation (SETI).
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics