Construction of a Virtual Environment to Measure the Evolution of
Kendo Athletes
Francisco Marcelino A. de Ara
1,5,6,7 a
, Antonio Kau
e C. Ferreira
1 b
, Matheus Araujo Dantas
1 c
Halyson Itallo C. Pimentel
1 d
, Paulo Roberto A. Leal
1 e
, S
ergio Lu
ıs B. de Carvalho
2 f
N. M. Fonseca Ferreira
3,4 g
, Ant
onio Valente
3,5 h
and Salviano F. S. P. Soares
5,6,7 i
LABIRAS, Federal Institute of Piau
ı, Teresina, Brazil
LABIRAS, Federal University of Piau
ı, Teresina, Brazil
INESC-TEC, Technology and Science, Porto Portugal
ISEC, Institute of Engineering of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
University of Tr
as-os-Montes and Alto Douro, School of Sciences and Technology, Engineering Department,
Vila Real, Portugal
Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory (LASI), Portugal
Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro (IEETA), University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Reaction Time, Sports, Virtual Reality, Kendo.
The use of technology applied in sports comes each year becoming a great tool to help athletes train. Moreover,
the post-pandemic world is undergoing dramatic changes in the way of thinking and acting, with new ways of
exercising emerging, but without leaving home. Thus this paper describes the development of a platform for
training, focusing on Kendo practitioners (Japanese fencing) using virtual reality tools to allow athletes and
training the distance. Through the use of a HMD (Head Mounted Device), kend
okas will be able to practice
blows and improve their reflex by a gamified experience in a virtual environment.
The application of technology in sports is an area that
has seen constant renovation in the past few years and
has since become a great auxiliary tool in the training
of athletes. In relation to this market, some of the
technologies used include computer modeling, data
acquisition and analysis, mobile computers and in-
formation technology networks (Baca et al., 2009).
Currently, high-level athletes have adopted the use of
technological devices that collect data on their phys-
ical and mental abilities, with the aim of improving
their abilities and sports performance (Liebermann
et al., 2002) (Petri et al., 2018).
Among the technical resources used in sports
training, virtual reality (VR) is a technology capa-
ble of imitating real scenarios in a way that seems
familiar to human cognition, creating a virtual envi-
ronment. The user is inserted into this environment
and their movements are represented virtually, caus-
ing an enhanced feeling of immersion, a perfect setup
for creating training environments.
Martial arts and combat sports can also benefit
greatly from this kind of technology. Kendo, a martial
art of Japanese origin and the main style represented
in this paper, can be described as a match between
two opponents. Its setup resembles Olympic fenc-
ing, however practitioners wield bamboo swords and
wear a special set of armor and clothing that is settled
down by traditional customs. Moreover, Kendo is a
sport that has high-performance, world-class cham-
pionships, but a very small amount of research in the
West about it, mainly in the field of technology. When
compared to Football, which is an Olympic sport and
relies on generous technological investments, it is es-
timated that Kendo has a great deficit in scientific
works devoted to it. Even so, in the years 2016 to
2020, there has been a remarkable increase in experi-
A. de Araújo, F., Ferreira, A., Dantas, M., Pimentel, H., Leal, P., B. de Carvalho, S., Ferreira, N., Valente, A. and Soares, S.
Construction of a Virtual Environment to Measure the Evolution of Kendo Athletes.
DOI: 10.5220/0012189000003587
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2023), pages 162-168
ISBN: 978-989-758-673-6; ISSN: 2184-3201
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ments that employ technology to improve the training
of Kendo practitioners (also regarded as “kendoka”).
Some of the themes found were a study of the kine-
matics and dynamics of Kendo kata (Konyukhov and
Yeniavci, ), a study to determine the factors to reduce
the attack time of the men (Murase et al., 2017), the
development of a “kote” Kendo glove to analyse pa-
rameters (Jeong et al., 2018), a Kendo support system
(Takata et al., 2019), and detection of attack activity
(Torigoe et al., 2020). Most of the recent articles are
related to the field of health sciences or the study of
Kendo as a martial art in general.
In view of this, virtual reality will be used to carry
out movement execution training for Kendo athletes.
The use of this technology in sports is applied in dif-
ferent modalities, several studies have already tested
and observed whether the use of virtual reality in
sports helps the practitioner’s performance, conclud-
ing that the use of this technology in parallel with
the usual physical activity is beneficial for the practi-
tioner. (Neumann et al., 2018),(Stinson and Bowman,
2014),(Bideau et al., 2009).
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the public
was faced with an increasing need to find new ways
to exercise, since gyms were temporarily closed all
over the world. In addition to that, due to safety
precautions, a substantial portion of the population
had to stay in their homes. Ahead of this situation,
the Brazilian Kendo Confederation (Confederac¸
Brasileira de Kendo CBK) prepared a calendar of
online events for training and refereeing directed at
the Brazilian public, highlighting the ”Online Chil-
dren’s Suburi Championship” of Kendo Jidai Interna-
tional magazine, which had the participation of ath-
letes from all over the world. This event united sports
practitioners in an extremely difficult time for human-
ity. In this perspective, in the post-pandemic context,
the practice of physical exercises with Internet tools
remains a widely adopted modality, becoming a new
way of practicing exercises and sustain social contact,
albeit remotely. Thus, performing these activities in
online settings facilitates training and makes knowl-
edge in different areas of Kendo much easier to share.
Following this line of reasoning, it seems fair to
state that people in the whole world should reconsider
the conditions in which, until quite recently, many
commonplace activities, such as physical exercise,
occurred. When governing bodies of many countries
throughout the world understood that the institution
of ”lockdown” measures was necessary, it suddenly
seemed clear that health authorities needed to come
up with public health strategies that must include the
creation and implementation of interventions in pop-
ular habits and customs, with a focus on promoting
safe physical activity and reducing sedentary lifestyle.
With these measures in mind, it is possible to pre-
vent major health crises should similar extreme situa-
tions be experienced by humanity ever again (Stock-
well et al., 2021).
Given the situation, virtual reality resources, espe-
cially Head Mounted Display (HMD) devices, would
offer an immersive and realistic environment. In con-
trast to the real environment, these devices allow free
manipulation, which provides greater autonomy for
instructors and developers, in addition to creating fa-
vorable frameworks for the progress of athletes. Con-
sequently, virtual reality technology helps improve
the accuracy of strikes and reduce the reaction time of
athletes, focusing on the growth and improvement of
Kendo practitioners, preparing them for competitions.
Furthermore, it is imperative that this technology can
be distributed easily and quickly, aiming at its dissem-
ination among different dojos and isolated practition-
ers, making it an integral part of the kendokas training
3.1 Kendo
Kendo, often translated as ”way of the sword”, is a
martial art of Japanese origin in which practitioners
oka) learn to fight with bamboo swords (shinai)
while wearing traditional clothing and protective ar-
mor (kend
ogu or b
ogu) . It is also an elegant tradi-
tional combat sport that can be enjoyed from early
childhood well into late seniority. It emphasizes cor-
rect execution of techniques as well as correct de-
meanor from teachers and students alike, nurturing a
prospering environment of healthy and safe exercise
based on mutual respect and fair-play, owing much
to its martial origins and sportive leanings. Accord-
ing to the All Japan Kendo Federation (AJFK), the
concept and purpose of kendo are as follows: con-
cept - ”Kendo is way of disciplining human character
through the application of katana principles”; purpose
- ”To shape mind and body. To cultivate a vigorous
spirit and, through correct and rigorous training, to
strive to import the art of Kendo. To have esteem for
human courtesy and honor. To associate with other
in sincerity. And always seek self-cultivation. Thus
a person will be able to love his country and society;
contribute to the development of culture; and promote
Construction of a Virtual Environment to Measure the Evolution of Kendo Athletes
peace and prosperity among all peoples” (Salmon,
Futhermore, Kendo’s list of valid strikes is com-
posed of four basic attacks that can be used to score
points in a match. They are: men (attack to the top
of the head), kote (attack to the forearm), d
o (attack
to the torso) and tsuki (throat thrust). All of these at-
tacks are made on areas of the armor the competitors
wear, and are usually named after the part of the ar-
mor that is being hit. Competitors advance in a match
if they score two valid points (datotsu or ippon) that
are considered satisfactory by the three standing ref-
erees, or if they score one point and time runs out, or
yet if their adversary is disqualified for receiving two
fouls (hansoku).
Besides the competition setting, Kendo training
involves basic body exercise focused on developing
good movement and coordination, traditional exer-
cises such as suburi (swinging the sword reapeat-
edly, as if cutting the air), kirikaeshi (repeated cuts
or strikes in a set pattern against a training partner),
uchikomi keiko (training of strikes as allowed in com-
petition) and kata (predefined forms of both classical
and modern influence that represent the most signifi-
cant aspects of Japanese swordsmanship).
3.2 Virtual Reality in Training
Technology has become an amazing tool for high-
performance sports since its use in training for com-
petition comprehends much of the new methods for
improving athletes, especially in sports centered on
the constant monitoring of the evolution of their prac-
titioners (Fleming et al., 2010). Among the vari-
ous technologies used for this purpose, virtual reality
stands out for ”transporting” the athlete into the pos-
sible scenario that will be faced by him in the day of
the competition, bringing him closer to the real situa-
tion. In addition to this, there is also the possibility of
inserting unexpected variables that cannot be repro-
duced so easily in real-life training, enabling the ath-
lete to be prepared for any type of unforeseen event
that may occur during competition (Wang, 2012).
In view of this, athletes and technical committees
can take advantage of virtual scenarios and position-
ing technology as a sort of training partner, aiming at
improving and monitoring the evolution and perfor-
mance of practitioners, thus improving their skills and
allowing better performance in competitions (Craig,
Kendo, as a martial art and combat sport, requires
a constant training routine from the practitioner, as the
score depends on the execution of the strikes and the
accuracy of each blow against the opponent. In this
sense, similar to the present work, there is an article
that aims to use immersive virtual reality to improve
the training of Karate athletes, aimed at improving
their CRT. However, it seems that the way in which
the VR technology is used in that trial ends up mak-
ing it impractical for use in other Karate commissions,
as it does not use an standalone device. What that
means is that, for the project to work, it is necessary
to connect the VR device to a computer, making it de-
pendent of another component to work, reducing its
portability and ease of use (Petri et al., 2019).
The choice for the HMD for this project was deter-
mined by the immersiveness that the equipment pro-
vides to the user. It also provides movement monitor-
ing capabilites and has several integrated sensors, in
this sense bringing the virtual environment closer to
the athlete, making the experience even more immer-
sive. Besides, it is a stand-alone device, which means
it does not require a cable connection with a com-
puter. It is a virtual world mirrored in the real world,
helping with the proximity of movement and train-
ing space. According to Doctor Cathy Craig (Craig,
2013) the structure of the HMD contains an inside-
out tracking technology, using a headset and cameras
while connected to a computer, without the need to
organize external towers in the room, since the Meta
Quest 2 allows the user to define the shape and size of
the limits of his virtual space.
For the development of this work, the hardware
device used was the Meta Quest 2. For the software
part, the Unreal Engine version 4.27, together with
the HTTP Request For Blueprints Plugin, a Web API
using Express framework and a Postgresql database.
The Meta Quest 2 was chosen in this work due to the
immersiveness that it provides since it allows follow-
ing the athlete’s movements within the virtual envi-
ronment, beyond the fact it is a stand-alone device,
which results in more freedom of movement for the
athlete. Unreal Engine 4 is a 3D application develop-
ment platform designed by Epic Games that offers a
wide range of tools that enable the creation of cutting-
edge content, interactive experiences, and immersive
virtual worlds. The version 4.27 of Unreal Engine
was chosen instead it latest launched version, the Un-
real Engine 5, its due the fact that at the beginning
of project development, the Unreal Engine 5 was not
fully stable, and also presented errors at Android OS
exporting. Although this engine is geared towards
games, its application goes far beyond this area. Thus
having prominence in research and interactive proto-
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
typing. Among the options that Unreal Engine 4 al-
lows us, those that were used by the team are support
for VR, importing 3D models, remote control proto-
col and external plugins, which can be found on the
official Unreal Engine 4 website.
HTTP Request For Blueprints is a plugin devel-
oped by King Wai Mark that makes it possible to per-
form REST requests to a server efficiently, used to
communicate between the virtual environment and a
remote API. To create a project with VR interaction,
we used a template from Unreal Engine 4 called “Vir-
tual Reality.” This template provides a character who
has already implemented the movement mirrored with
With this character in the project, we created a
new map where the virtual training environment will
be created. To create the environment, we used an as-
set package from Synty Store called Samurai Pack.
We also used a shinai 3D asset model, a bamboo
sword used in Kendo, to be handled by the player,
as shown below in the figure 1.
Figure 1: Holding Shinai.
The shinai was programmed to have three col-
lision areas, as shown in the figure 2, representing
the three shinai parts: bo, satsu and sei. Depending
on the shinai area hit, the score changes. Addition-
ally, a socket has been added to the base of the shi-
nai’s skeletal mesh, to ensure that whenever the player
uses the gripping action on any part of the shinai, the
base is fixed to the player’s hand, ensuring a correct
grip. However, a double grip was not implemented,
since the player is not holding a unique equipment,
the hands movement is totally free, which could con-
fuse the player when trying to use both hands grip on
The training protocol was implemented placing
targets to be hit on a samurai 3D model, in the po-
sitions of the men, kote and do strikes, respectively,
the head, forearm and tummy positions, as shown in
Figure 2: Shinai areas.
the figure 3. As shown in the figure below, the targets
are highlighted areas over the samurai. These targets
light up one at a time, as well the samurai animation,
indicating where the athlete should hit simulating an
opening for a hit. Furthermore, a timer is shown to
indicate how much time the user is taking to hit the
Figure 3: Highlighted area in red.
For the targets to start lighting, the athlete must
maintain a distance from the target similar to the fight-
ing distance between kendokas in real life, which is
represented by a cylinder highlighted area. In Kendo,
all strikes are trained by both beginners and seniors,
with the exception of the Tsuki that only more seniors
practice because of its risk.
To ensure that the strike will be executed correctly,
we use a collider above the athlete’s head, which ver-
ifies if the athlete has raised the shinai to the cor-
rect position to execute the strike. Once the athlete
reaches that position, the message signals the possi-
bility of executing the strike. After the execution of
the strike, the highlight goes out and a short audio
track is played, representing audible feedback for the
user to know if the hit was successful or not, and the
samurai animation returns to the initial position, then
the reaction time is computed between the moment
Construction of a Virtual Environment to Measure the Evolution of Kendo Athletes
Figure 4: Initial position.
when the target lit and the end of the execution of the
strike. This process is repeated a predetermined num-
ber of times during a training session.
Figure 5: Message indicating permission to attack.
At the end of the session, we generate a JSON
with all the data acquired, storing the athlete id, the
session date, duration, score and information from all
the executed strikes, saving the shinai area hit, the
samurai part hit and the reaction time necessary for
the execution of that strike. After all that, the data of
the executed strikes are sent to a remote API through
the HTTP Blueprint plugin, to store the information
about the user training session on a database.
For the development of this API, the Node js was
used together with the Express framework and Prisma
Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to develop a sys-
tem that can work online. Using Node js, Express
framework and Prisma ORM, you can create an API
that can communicate with a database, which allow
us to create, update and read data from it. This means
that we can abstract real data in a way that the system
understands and is free to manipulate. The Prisma
ORM is responsible for designing the entities, which
Figure 6: JSON data format.
are abstracted to objects in a model. Therefore, we
can think of a training session as an object model that
has relevant data. This object would have, for exam-
ple, an identification number, the strokes given by the
student, his reaction time, among other relevant data.
Like the session, other entities need to be abstracted
before they can be stored. They also need to be related
to the aspect of athlete training. They are:
User Session
User Session Statistics
In Node, to implement this abstraction, you need
to create a model for each of these entities. With
the models created in the ’schema.prisma’ file, Prisma
ORM itself can generate the database for immediate
use, by using a tool called Prisma Migrate. Models,
like their real entities, have relationships with each
other. For example,
An athlete can do a series of training sessions. A
training session is done when an athlete performs a
series of strikes. All of these relationships must be
represented and implemented according to real cases.
These relationships can be more easily seen in the
class diagram:
Now having all the models placed and associated
as necessary, you must now create and manipulate this
data. It is at this point that Unreal’s HTTP Request for
Blueprints plugin is used to make requests to the API,
as in the representation below:
Now with the data processed and sent to the API,
it is possible to observe, based on this database, some
aspects of the athlete’s performance in each training
and its progression.
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
Figure 7: Class Diagram of API Models.
Figure 8: HTTP Blueprint Node.
The aims of this paper include the development of
a training platform focused on improving the perfor-
mance and technical improvement of Kendo athletes.
With the development of the platform and the ease
of distribution of the HMD technology (through the
Meta Quest 2 VR headset), it is possible to dissemi-
nate the use of this platform to other dojo practitioners
who are distant from the nearest teachers and schools,
providing a more accessible tool for their technical
growth and inclusion. Furthermore, during the con-
struction of the project, the team was faced with the
difficulty of representing the weight in the simulated
environment, some of the methods used do not meet
the needs of the project, leading to the conclusion that
it would be better to remove the weight simulation of
the application, and that this decision would not affect
the athlete’s practice.
In this way, once this work is concluded, it is intended
to add analysis of the athletes’ reaction time, with
the objective of following their evolution. That said,
this parameter will be used in a dashboard, composed
of several graphs aiming at monitoring the collected
information, allowing coaches to adapt training to the
needs of the athlete.
Funding: This work was also partially funded
by FCT—Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnolo-
gia (FCT) I.P., through national funds, within the
scope of the UIDB/00127/2020 project (IEETA/UA, (accessed on August 2nd 2023)).
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icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support