Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a
Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century
Orlando Belo
, Bruno Silva
and Anabela Barros
ALGORITMI Research Centre/LASI, University of Minho, 4710-059 Braga, Portugal
CEHUM, Centre for Humanistic Studies, University of Minho, 4710-059 Braga, Portugal
Keywords: Ontology Learning, Knowledge Extraction, Unstructured Textual Data, Natural Language Processing,
Linguistic Ontologies, Graph Databases.
Abstract: Ontology learning is often applied to textual data sources with the aim of identifying, extracting and
representing their various data elements, as well as their semantic relationships. Ontologies are excellent
instruments for the representation of knowledge about one or more domains of knowledge, which enable us
to study in detail the knowledge of the domain they host. With this in mind, we devised and developed a semi-
automatic ontology learning system. It was specifically oriented for discovering the knowledge contained in
a set of ancient texts of culinary recipes of a monk of the 16th century. Using the system, we produced an
ontology incorporating a large diversity of culinary elements and their relationships, which offer a very rich
field of research of the culinary of the 16th century in Portugal the ontology was exposed and explored using
the native mechanisms of a graph database management system.
Over the past few years, ontologies have probably
been one of the most widely used models of
knowledge representation in real-world applications,
particularly in organizations that need to acquire and
manage knowledge about one or more application
domains (van Eijnatten, 2004). Since the emergence
of the Semantic Web (Ding et al., 2007), ontological
models have been catapulted into the spotlight,
coming to be widely used in various computational
systems (Davies et al., 2003). Since then, several
studies have been carried out in the area of ontologies,
due to the determining role they play in data
organization and in the representation of the
relationships established with it, in any area or
domain of application.
An ontology (Guarino et al., 2009) (Keet, 2018)
defines a set of concepts related to each other, with
the purpose of creating interoperability between them
and forming a semantic link to the domain in
question. The semantics illustrated by an ontology
consist of concepts, relationships, and properties.
Concepts relate to each other through the
establishment of semantic relationships that
characterize the way they can be conjugated. In this
way, it is possible to work and reason about the
context and application field of concepts that an
ontology welcomes, creating a real perception of
what the domain presents. Ontologies have a great
application level, being transversal to any existing
problem in the context of the real world. Application
areas can range from health sciences to e-commerce,
or any other area that needs to explore shareable and
reusable information within a particular knowledge
domain. In addition to being a scalable and
sustainable way of storing information, an ontology
aims at better management of the knowledge
extracted from a knowledge domain. An ontology
allows for faster analysis and under-standing of what
is exposed in the source of knowledge. The process
of conceiving an ontology often referred as ontology
learning (Cimiano et al., 2009) (Asim et al., 2018),
encompasses all the tasks we use to perform to extract
the terms, concepts, relationships, rules or axioms
from textual sources to get the structure of an
Belo, O., Silva, B. and Barros, A.
Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century.
DOI: 10.5220/0012189500003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 200-207
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ontology. Among all the proposed methods for
ontology learning on texts, the proposal of Brewster
(2006) stands out significantly, given the simplicity
of its task structure and application model. However,
the nature of an ontology learning process is quite
complex, usually requiring the application of very
sophisticated processing techniques, which involve
frequently natural language processing techniques
(Sharma, 2021) and machine learning algorithms
(Zhang et al., 2018).
In this paper, we present and discuss a semi-
automatic ontology learning system. It was conceived
specifically for extracting a culinary ontology from a
textual source of the 16th century, which were
collected by the monk José Joaquim de Santa Teresa,
recorded in the library of the Monastery of S.
Martinho de Tibães, Braga, Portugal, and published
by Barros in "As Receitas de um Frade Portuguese no
séc. XVI" (“The Recipes of a Portuguese Monk in the
16th century”) (Barros, 2013). The referred data
source hosts about three hundred recipes, in disparate
formats, their ingredients and preparation processes,
which are very important elements for the study of
Portuguese cuisine during this time. The ontology
produced incorporates a large diversity of culinary
elements and their relationships, offering a very rich
field of research for students, professors, researchers
and individual users and providing a very interesting
view of the culinary practices of 16th in Portugal.
Additionally, we will present the process of
discovering and extraction the ontology we carried
out, as well as describe all its main tasks and
techniques used, from the preparation of the texts of
the recipes to their processing and generation of the
ontology. Next, section 2 presents and discusses
several aspects related to ontology learning aspects,
section 3 introduces the book of recipes, presenting
and describing our application case, and exposes how
we extracted the ontology of recipes, and, finally,
section 4, presents some conclusions and future work.
Ontologies (Guarino et al., 2009) (Keet, 2018) have
long proven their usefulness and versatility in
knowledge acquisition and management. Currently,
its application is very widespread. We can find
ontological systems in the most varied fields of
application, such as medicine, management,
economics, or linguistics. Gruber (1995) proposed the
most consensual definition in the field of Computer
Science for an ontology, saying that it “is an explicit
specification of a conceptualization”. However, many
other authors proposed their own definitions of
ontologies, such as presented in (Borst, 1997) or
(Uschold and Gruninger, 1996). However, all of them
based their definition in a specification of a shared
conceptualization of the knowledge of one or more
specific application domains. They are very important
instruments in processes of analysis and application
of knowledge. However, contrary to the process of
exploring the knowledge of an ontology, all those
who are or have been involved in a process of
defining and characterizing an ontology know that
this is not an easy process. In order for us to be able
to successfully learn an ontology, we have to have at
our disposal credible data sources, as well as people
with the expertise and knowledge in the domain of the
knowledge involved and in the process of building the
required ontology, whether manual or automatic.
The manual construction of an ontology is often
too time-consuming for experts in the field, as it
requires a broad analysis of the context concerned and
the corresponding identification of all the elements
relevant to the ontological constitution. The research
of this theme, nowadays, falls mainly on the semi-
automatic and automatic construction, in order to
overcome the problems identified in the process of
manual construction of the ontology. The processes
of ontology learning (Mishra and Jain, 2014) aim to
represent the semantic relationships between the
various elements present in a data set. Today, it is
common to choose to carry out this work in textual,
unstructured data sources, given the enormous
richness of its content (Choudhary and Tomar, 2014)
(Belhoucine and Mourchid, 2020). In this domain,
one of the great purposes of ontologies is to identify
and characterize relevant elements in the contents of
texts, as well as to establish the relationships between
them. Then, through control and automation
mechanisms, ensure the execution of fast and
effective analysis processes of the contents addressed
and treated in these texts.
In (Brewster, 2006) it was used an image of a
“layer cake” for representing the order that an
ontology learning process must execute the extraction
tasks (Figure 1). The author ordered the extraction
tasks based on their difficulty to perform. The
Brewster’s proposal puts on the base of the cake the
most simply task, the identification of terms (task 1)
containing in the texts. In the second and third layer
appears, respectively, the tasks of synonyms (task 2)
and concept identification (task 3), which in some
cases can be performed simultaneously. Next, we
need to establish the concept hierarchies (task 4),
followed by the identification of relationships (task 5)
between concepts. Finally, at the top level, appears
Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century
Figure 1: The tasks of an ontology learning process according to (Brewster, 2006).
the task for discovering rules (task 6). As happens in
other fields, this is not an exclusive method for
organizing an ontology learning process. To note,
(Tiwari and Jain, 2014) added some value to the
proposal done in (Brewster, 2006) saying that some
of the tasks can be executed simultaneously, which
speed up the extraction process time. Later, in (Asim
et al., 2018) were added some new tasks to the
proposal made in (Tiwari and Jain, 2014). It added to
the process two very important tasks: data pre-
processing and ontology evaluation. They formally
included two tasks we really do in practice before
starting and after executing a conventional extraction
In the field of cooking, several proposals for
ontologies have been presented, some of them quite
specific. For example, we have the works of (Noy and
McGuinness, 2001) or (Graça et al., 2005), which
presented ontologies for the enology field, or
(Markantonatou et al., 2021), which modelled the
domains of dishes that figured in a large number of
menus quite diverse. In the field of cooking recipes,
we find also several interesting examples of
ontologies. For example, in (Villarías, 2004), it is
presented an ontology for cooking recipes to be used
by a Web semantic querying system, or in (Batista et
al., 2006) it was devised and implemented an
ontology for the cooking domain, involving concepts
such as actions, food, recipes, and utensils. As well,
in (Monica et al., 2014) is presented an ontology for
culinary processes defined in recipes and the authors
of (Nanba et al., 2014) created an ontology for the
establishment of hyponymy, synonymy, attributes,
and meronymy in cuisine recipes. The definition of
another ontology for cooking recipes was not the
motivation of this work, but rather the extraction
process implied from the nature of a set of texts
written in classical Portuguese of the 16th century.
We wanted to demonstrate the application of various
techniques, models and tools used today in ontology
learning, and apply them over ancient textual data
sources. In particular, on a set of very peculiar texts:
cuisine recipes. Then, we want to verify whether the
culinary processes and the ingredients used at the
time would be similar (or not) to those we use today.
In addition, the interest in carrying out this work was
reinforced by the utility that an ontology of the 16th
century cuisine has for all those who develop their
research work in the field of Food History in Portugal.
In the next section, we will present and discuss the
process of discovering ontological knowledge in
unstructured recipes of a Portuguese monk from the
16th century.
3.1 The Monk’s Recipes
The analysis and editing of a vast set of ancient
cooking recipes, from the second oldest culinary
manuscript known in Portugal (the first notebook of
codex 142 of the District Archive of Braga),
originated a source of textual data, containing very
rich and diverse information about Portuguese cuisine
in the 16th century. The manuscript contains the texts
of the recipes, referring ingredients and a diverse set
of combinations of culinary processes. A monk, José
Joaquim de Santa Teresa, collected the recipes. He
decided to gather various manuscripts scattered
throughout its congregation, and proceeded to register
them in the library of the Monastery of S. Martinho
de Tibães (Braga, Portugal). In 2013, Anabela Barros,
edited and published the recipes in the book “As
Receitas de um Frade Português no séc. XVI” (“The
Recipes of a Monk Portuguese in the century. XVI")
(Barros, 2013). This book provides a rich source for
studying the various culinary elements recipes,
ingredients, methods, processes, etc. –, included and
dispersed throughout the various unstructured texts of
the source. All these elements are very important for
studying the 16th century Portuguese cuisine. As
already referred, the creation and development of a
domain ontology, specifically oriented to the
reception of the knowledge associated with these
elements would provide a very useful instrument for
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
all who wanted to learn about the cuisine that was
taking place in that century. In a first stage of our
work, we studied the texts of the recipes, both in terms
of contextual and structural level Table 1 presents
an example of a recipe “Sopas de Vaca
Contrafeitas” (“Counterfeit Cow Soup”). The aim
was establishing a knowledge base and understanding
writing patterns, as well as characterizing the natural
language used in the texts.
Table 1: The text of a recipe in classic Portuguese.
Recipe Nr.
and Title
(Block 1)
(Block 2)
(Block 3)
Next, we defined the process of extraction of the
ontology, the way we would carry it out, taking into
account the particularities that the texts presented,
such as writing patterns, linguistic structure,
frequency of terms, and heterogeneity of the texts.
Finally, we exported the ontological structures
created to a graph database management system.
3.2 Extracting the Ontology
The process of extracting an ontology from a set of
unstructured texts is not easy to accomplish (Tiwari
and Jain, 2014). Despite the numerous computational
tools that exist today, its automation is not yet
completely automatic. Each process of development
of an ontology has its own specificities, as well as the
texts that serve as its source of knowledge. Usually,
in practice these processes use to involve a hybrid
approach, involving work performed by experts in the
domain of ontology (the manual part) and work
performed by natural language processing tools, text
mining and machine learning (the automatic part).
Although the automatic part is very attractive and
saves temporal and human resources in cases of large
textual data sources, the manual approach is always
recommended for ensuring the quality of the
ontology, which depends a lot on the complexity and
granularity of the data elements included in the texts
(Wong et al., 2012).
In the development of the ontology learning
process, we followed a supervised approach,
particularly in the initial part of the ontology
definition, leaving the automatic part of the process to
perform syntactic analysis and term extraction tasks.
In any case, we follow the approach proposed in
(Brewster, 2006), organizing our process in such a
way as to perform the tasks of extracting terms,
synonyms, concepts, hierarchies, relationships and
rules in the way he indicated. Thus, we first extracted
all the terms present in the texts of the recipes, with
the aim of creating a set of terms to be cataloged. We
then grouped each of the identified terms with all their
synonyms found in the previous set. This
significantly increased the accuracy of the concept
identification process and greatly reduced the number
of redundant terms. After having carried out the task
of grouping terms, we associated them with concepts
for establishing a concrete correspondence between
the language of the domain of knowledge and the
ontological system to be created. Then, we
established the hierarchical relationships and defined
the relationships between concepts, specifying the
domain and the scope of the relationship. However,
in order to carry out successfully all the extraction
tasks, we had to analyze preliminarily, in detail, the
texts of the recipes, in order to organize the extraction
process and facilitate the treatment of the data.
Therefore, we decided to divide each recipe into three
distinct parts (Table 1): block 1, which contains the
identifier and designation of the recipe; block 2,
which has a description of the ingredients used by the
recipe and, sporadically, some additional notes; and
block 3, which describes the recipe preparation
process. It should be noted that the information in
block 2 does not appear explicitly in the manuscript,
having been prepared previously by the author of
(Barros, 2013) during the edition of the manuscript,
who presented them in modern Portuguese.
Table 2: Some concepts identified in the recipes.
Concept Description
1 Recipe Represents each of the culinary records or texts for
the confection of a dish and its general
2 Ingredient Identifies an ingredient and some additional notes.
3 Note Represents a culinary note, made by the editor (who
removed it or deduced it from the text of the recipe)
and inserted in the block o
4 Procedure Describes all the steps (processes) of the
aration o
the reci
5 Process Represents each process identified in the recipe
preparation block.
6 Index Allows for the enumerating all the words present in
the texts o
the reci
The existence of this block greatly facilitated the
process of identifying ingredients in the recipes.
Originally, these elements figured in very variable
positions throughout the manuscript. The definition
of the most pertinent classes in culinary ontology
depends highly on the representative units that a
recipe presents. Initially, we recognized and
established six classes (concepts) to incorporate the
Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century
entities referred in each text. Table 2 presents and
describes the concepts we identified – nothing new if
we analyze some of the current cuisine recipes
ontologies. The formalization of an ontology is often
a too complex process to do through logical
definitions formally written. To overcome the need to
simplify the entire process of creation and evolution
of an ontology, several tools were developed having
the ability for expressing this formalization in an
organized. Next, we will see how the remaining tasks
of the ontology extraction process developed,
identifying whenever necessary the tools that were
being used.
Textual documents have their own characteristics
and specificities, which vary according to temporal,
external and personal factors. Just as a human being
has fingerprints, a person who writes a text somehow
incorporates his own identity into the writing of the
text. It is something like a signature. To recognize this
kind of signature, we need to study how the sentences
in the text are articulated and constructed
syntactically. To extract the syntactic and lexical
elements present in the writing of a given author, we
can define a set of specific patterns to identify
linguistic marks (terms), that have been used by the
author of the texts of the recipes. Subsequently, these
terms have to be evaluated to determine whether they
are acceptable or of interest in the context of the
ontology of cooking recipes. To establish these
patterns we relied on the study of the various recipes
we had available.
Table 3: Examples of patterns used for identifying terms.
Pattern Sentence Process
1 [^\s]+-[^\s\.]* “Deitar-se-á em um
2 [^\s,\.]+ [^\s,\.]+ “...salsa e cebola
3 [^\s,\.]+ “...e clarificado com
uma clara de ovo...”
4 [^\s,\.]+
s,\.]+ [^
“...a qual se lhe lançará
muito bem...”
5 [^\s,\.]+ com
“...e nela se frigirão com
6 [^\s,\.]+ em
“...e afogados em azeite
se lançará...”
7 [^\s,\.]+| lhe
“ fogo brando se
derreterá nela...”
8 [^\s,\.]+ [^\s,\.]+ “...havendo primeiro
sido passadas...”
In this context, we identified several patterns,
some more generic than others. We defined patterns
using specific regular expressions. For example, the
pattern '[^\s]+-[^\s\.] *' allows for identifying all
verbs with associated pronouns in a sentence. During
the process of syntactic analysis of the procedure of a
recipe, we found that, generally, a verb followed by a
post verbal pronoun is a culinary process. These cases
arise essentially at the beginning of sentences.
However, this particularity was not considered in the
expression, so that it is in some way “permissive”.
The sentence "Deitar-se-á em um tachinho..." ("It will
lie down in a pot...") was one of the phrases that may
be instantiated with the referred pattern, in which we
can easily identify the culinary process “deitar” (to
put). Another pattern we defined was '[^\s,\.] + [^\s,\.]
+', which allows the extraction of two words, one
relating to ingredients and the other relating to the
state of the ingredients. This pattern defines a state
that is interpreted as a verb in participle form.
Through this pattern, the phrase "...salsa e cebola
picados..." ("...chopped parsley and onion...")
allowed to identify the “picar” (to chop) process.
Many other processes, such as “clarificar” (to clarify),
“lançar” (to cast), or “frigir” (to fry), have been
identified by other patterns in sentences such as “...e
clarificado com uma clara de ovo...” (“... and clarified
with an egg white...”), “...a qual se lhe lançará muito
bem...” (“... which will be thrown at you very well...”,
or “...e nela se frigirão com azeite...” (“...and in it they
will be fried with olive oil...”), respectively. Other
examples of patterns can be found in Table 3.
After extracting the terms with the patterns, it was
necessary to classify syntactically the content of the
preparation (method) of a recipe. We made the
tokenization of the text of the culinary procedure
using Spacy (Honnibal and Montani, 2017). Once all
the sentences were classified, it was possible to
extract the syntactic function assigned to each word,
the tokens. This assignment is critical to shaping the
rules for acceptance of the terms, in conjunction with
the established standards. Each word was instantiated
in a given object, whose properties can be its literal
meaning, the reduction of the word to its root or its
grammatical class, that is, the attribute that allows for
identifying the verbs. After segmenting the phrases of
the texts in tokens, we associated with each identified
process the various ways in which it appeared written
in the recipes. In practice, we mapped all the variants
of a culinary process, taking into account their verbal
form, gender and number. In this way, it was easier to
identify the occurrences of a process in a given recipe.
Next, we extracted concepts and aggregated
synonyms. The attribution of concepts (or classes)
(Table 2) to the extracted terms was, to some extent,
quite evident, since their location in the text of the
recipe revealed their identity in most cases. The
elements contained in block 1 of the recipe (Table 1)
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
are integrated into the concept “Receita” (“Recipe”).
This block always contains the same elements:
number and name of the recipe. However, the same is
no longer the case in the other blocks. At least so
directly, since the extraction of the concepts
associated here depended directly on the algorithms
used for extracting terms, relationships and associated
At this point, we start the automatic part of the
ontology learning process. As we process the recipe,
we created its identity. Using the contents of block 2
of a recipe (Table 1), we can find out which entities
belong to the concept “Ingredient”. In some cases, in
block 2, may appear references to entities that belong
to the concept “Note”, since they are do not belong to
the recipe or to the list of ingredients. However, they
indirectly help the preparation of the recipe. Then, in
addition to the ingredients, extracted manually by the
text editor and placed in block 2, using contents of
block 3, we can infer the identification the most
representative elements included in the “Method”
concept description, although may arise other
processes derived from the processing of the content
of this class. Finally, we identified the representative
entities of the “Process” concept.
If no process was identified, we assumed that we
are in the presence of a poor or incomplete procedural
description of a recipe, an incomplete method. Any
process identified by the system is an abstraction of a
more specific definition, such as an action performed
by a person preparing a recipe or, simply, by a
procedure merely exclusive to the domain of cooking.
For example, it is correct to say that the “deitar”
(“throwing”) process allows for inferring an action of
the user and that the “ferver” (“boiling") process
represents an action relative to an ingredient.
However, this differentiation was not explicitly
integrated into the ontology, since the defined
patterns were not developed to make this hierarchical
To finish the process of extracting the ontology,
we needed to confirm the identity of each term, as
well as the role it will play in the semantic area.
Relationships allow for establishing chains of
knowledge and affinity between two entities, linking
them through one or more characteristics. Like the
properties of a concept, the relationship is an integral
part of the process of determining the role that a given
element plays in the ontology. When it is not possible
to ascertain the properties of a particular element, it is
possible to make the recognition of the entity
concerned if we identified a relationship. In the
recipes we analyzed, all the relationships between
concepts were created by the terms found, and all the
terms found relate to the concept “Receita”
(“Recipe”). This logic is justified by the fact that all
the elements found are a part of a recipe and by the
direct relationship between a given concept and all
the recipes introduced into the system. Each concept
found is about a recipe, in which the relationship
assumes a degree of possession and integral part.
When the domain is "Recipe", the relation is
expressed as a possessive bond, and when this is
characterized as the initial set, the relationship is
identified as a part of the recipe. Figure 2 shows a
conceptual definition of the ontology we extracted.
The ontology’s structure is simple and very similar to
the other recipe ontologies we studied before.
Concepts ::
NOTE (Description,
INDEX (Name);
Relationships ::
Figure 2: A conceptual definition of the recipe ontology.
3.3 Exploring the Ontology
After we finished the extraction process, we tried to
preserve the ontological structures created. The
preservation of these structures was carried out in a
graph database management system, the Neo4J
(Neo4J, 2023). Through it, we can perform all the
preservation operations we need, as well as explore
the stored ontology through its interrogation
language: Cypher. The registration of the extracted
entities can be done through a combination of pre-
existing data with the knowledge to be imported. If
there are no references yet, all the new information in
the ontology is inserted.
The improvement of the ontology was made after
the import of the ontological structures into the Neo4J
system, and was carried out in two different ways:
through the database system or through an OWL file.
The difference between these two ways of improving
the ontology is only in terms of semantic inference.
In Neo4j it is done using queries and in OWL using
HermiT (Glimm et al., 2014). Hermit allows
completing any information that may not have been
associated with a given concept. However, it is
extremely time-consuming, especially if the
determination of the new relationships is made after
the insertion of several records.
Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century
To allow the dissemination of results and the
experimentation of the ontological system created, we
designed and developed a specific Web platform. The
development of this platform was done through the
Flask micro framework, written in Python and
architected based on an MVC (Model-View-
Controller) pattern, not only for the organization of
the application between the logical layer and the
graphic layer that this pattern establishes, but also for
the ease it gives us to add or modify system
functionalities. The Web platform developed allows
for exposing in a simplified way all the information
of the ontology extracted. In a real application
scenario, this platform substantially facilitates the
process of study and research, both of a recipe and its
components, as well as of a component and all the
recipes linked to it. In Figure 3, we can see a small
view of the ontology in Neo4J environment.
Figure 3: A view of the ontology provided by the Neo4J
In this paper, we presented a semi-automatic ontology
learning system conceived for extracting a culinary
ontology from a large set of recipes of the 16th
century published in (Barros, 2013). The
implementation of the system covered all the stages
of an ontology extraction process, from text
preprocessing to the materialization of the structures
of ontology. In addition, it provides a Web platform
for consulting and analyzing the knowledge
incorporated in the ontological system. This platform
is a very useful tool for all those who wish to study
the Portuguese cuisine of the 16th century, through
the knowledge extracted from the cooking recipes
collected. It facilitates a lot the process of research
and analysis, whether of a recipe and its components,
or of a component and all the recipes related to it. In
semantic terms, the ontology allows for establishing
a bridge between the Portuguese culinary processes
of the 16th century and the processes of the modern
era that, curiously, in one way or another, are similar
or, sometimes, the same. An identical reasoning can
be applied to the ingredients that were used then in
recipes, but that today are already replaced by others.
This ontology, validated by the author of (Barros,
2013), also provides means to identify culinary
patterns of the 16th century and compare them with
current culinary practices, which we believe that is
valuable for researchers in the area of Food History,
which are dedicated to investigating and comparing
them over time.
The version of the ontology we have today is not
complete. However, it reflects adequately the
knowledge contained in the recipes gathered by the
Portuguese monk Jo Joaquim de Santa Teresa, in
the 16th century. One of the improvements we plan to
make in a near future involves the development of
extraction mechanisms that will allow us to
distinguish what are cooking processes and user
actions. This is because we found that some of the
verbs used in the recipes identify processes inherent
in the ingredients and others correspond to steps that
must be followed by the person who is making the
dish. This distinction will impose a more precise and
detailed syntactic analysis, since we will need to
analyze all the elements that precede or succeed a
This work has been supported by FCT Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units
Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020, and the PhD grant:
Asim, M., Wasim, M., Khan, M., Mahmood, W., Abbasi,
H. (2018). A survey of ontology learning techniques
and applications. Database, Volume 2018. DOI:
Barros, A. L. (with Seiça, M., Veloso, J. & Aguiar, M.)
(2013). As receitas de cozinha de um frade português
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
do século XVI. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de
Batista, F, Pardal, J., Mamede, N., Vaz, P., Ribeiro, R.
(2006). Ontology construction: cooking domain.
Technical Report, INESC-ID, February.
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Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century