the flexibility to choose inputs and outputs, result-
ing in more versatile applications. In this respect,
the Codex framework has generally been proven valu-
able. However, experience has shown that the barrier
to using the Codex framework is currently too high
for widespread adoption by scientists. To broaden
the accessibility of technological solutions to a larger
user group, a decision was made to develop a web-
based application using the current framework. This
application offers a collaborative user interface that
enables non-experts in SWT to engage in effective
knowledge collaboration.
The platform concept, as discussed in Section 3.1,
and its implementation (covered in Section 3.2), serve
as a foundation for a wide range of applications.
While the usability of the platform is demonstrated
through the implementation of the web application for
knowledge modeling in Section 3.3, it is yet to be de-
termined whether the goal of achieving widespread
adoption can be realized. This depends on the effort
required for modeling domain knowledge on the plat-
form, and whether the Return on Investment (ROI)
justifies this effort. The answer to this question can
only be provided once additional KBE features and
domain-specific interfaces for engineering are devel-
oped and tested. Therefore, after finalizing the publi-
cation of models, the KBE related services will be ad-
dressed and additional user interfaces are going to be
developed. Meanwhile, even in the absence of those
specific KBE features, the platform will be utilized
for knowledge capturing and integration tasks. This
way, it aims to prevent corporate amnesia and instead
foster a robust corporate memory.
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