In conclusion, the use of a classifier to identify the
type of damage of an image and, consequently, calling
pre-trained models to restore the damage type found
in the image, shows very good results. Knowing what
kind of damage the image has avoids having to call
overly complex and time-consuming models to re-
store minor damage to an image. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to train a very good classifier model. Thus, the
use of the transfer learning technique has been shown
to have very good results in the creation of image clas-
sifiers, in addition, requiring less training time and
data for it. Since generative models are applied to
more domains (Pautrat-Lertora et al., 2022).
Furthermore, it has been shown that when an im-
age has several types of damage, it is necessary to
know in what order to use the different models re-
sponsible for restoring the different types of damage,
since the incorrect order of the use of these models
leads to a lower quality in the restored image. Thus,
to know which model to use first in case the image has
several types of damage, the PSNR and SSIM metrics
can be used.
While a classifier is a good first choice for restor-
ing an image based on the type of damage, our clas-
sifier only classifies if an image is blurry, has cracks,
or both types of damage. Therefore, as future work,
more types of damage could be established for the
classifier, such as lack of color, missing parts of an
image, water damage, among others. Also, you could
create a restore model that is capable of restoring all
kinds of damage from an image, although this might
cause a very high execution time, which might not
be very convenient if you plan to use the model in
some application for people’s daily use, similar to
(Ysique-Neciosup et al., 2022; Castillo-Arredondo
et al., 2023).
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PhotoRestorer: Restoration of Old or Damaged Portraits with Deep Learning