effector, regardless of the intended circular path for
the impedance task.
As counterintuitive as it may sound, using higher
damping parameters does not necessarily mean that
the resulting damping ratios become higher as well.
This is clearly one of the main advantages of using the
proposed methodology to determine exactly which el-
ement needs to be increased to modulate the damping
behavior of the system.
One of the assumptions made in the analysis and
implementation is that the changes in the Jacobian
matrix J are relatively small, which to some extent
and for the experiments performed here it might work
relatively fine, but once the displacements become
larger, as expected from theory, the damping matrix
can no longer be kept constant for a given task. The
feature of an analytically obtained, time and configu-
ration dependent damping matrix tackling this limita-
tion is part of our current work.
The apparent stiffness term, K
in the stiffness
transformation equation (18), involving the damping
matrix has a stabilizing effect in the response of the
robot performing impedance control, as it contains in-
formation on how the Jacobian matrix with configu-
ration changes over time.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Damping ratio
mode 1-2
Figure 7: Parameter study of the (3,5) element of C
Damping ratio in the modal space as a function of the el-
ement (3,5) of the Cartesian damping matrix C
In the present study we have found an unexpected
drift in the experimental results for the Z direction,
which given the relatively large stiffness value in that
Cartesian direction, should not be there. We saw that
the drift is larger and more evident in the cases that do
not consider the coupling term, further investigation
and considerations must be given to this result, and it
is also part of our future work.
In this paper, we derived the equations to transform
stiffness and damping matrices in impedance control
between the Cartesian and joint spaces and show ex-
perimentally the effectiveness of the proposed theory,
in comparison with the incomplete classic transfor-
mation. We also demonstrated that the stiffness ma-
trix term, K
, derived mathematically due to the ap-
parent velocity from the change in Jacobian matrix
in manipulation under impedance control, is very im-
portant and has a stabilizing effect in manipulation
and motion for the robotic manipulator. In addition,
the solution methodology based on the linear system
theory allows us to modulate the dynamic response
of the system by increasing the damping ratios in
the modal space, through the change of symmetric
and non-symmetric elements of the damping matrix
in impedance control.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics