Tuning the Dynamic Response of a Redundant Robotic System Using Its
Dominant Natural Frequencies
Carlos Saldarriaga
, Marcelo Fajardo-Pruna
, Carlos G. Helguero
and Jonathan Leon-Torres
Facultad de Ingenier
ıa en Mec
anica y Ciencias de la Producci
on, Escuela Superior Polit
ecnica del Litoral, ESPOL,
Campus Gustavo Galindo Km 30.5 V
ıa Perimetral, P.O. Box 09-01-5863, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Redundant Robotic System, Dynamic Response, Dominant Natural Frequencies, Fast Fourier Transform,
Robotic Manipulator.
Robotic systems often encounter challenges in achieving desired dynamic responses, especially when they
possess redundant degrees of freedom. This paper proposes a methodology to identify a redundant robotic
system’s dominant natural frequencies and tune its dynamic response through appropriate damping. The sys-
tem’s natural frequencies are accurately identified by analyzing displacement data and leveraging the power
of fast Fourier transform tools. These frequencies serve as critical parameters for modifying the response
behavior, enabling enhanced control and stability. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed methodol-
ogy, simulations are conducted on a 7-degree-of-freedom redundant Panda robotic manipulator. The results
demonstrate the methodology’s potential to optimize the dynamic performance of complex robotic systems,
opening avenues for improved efficiency, safety, and overall system performance.
Robotic systems are pivotal in various industries,
from manufacturing and automation to healthcare and
space exploration (Cen and Melkote, 2017). Achiev-
ing precise and controlled dynamic responses is es-
sential for ensuring these systems’ optimal perfor-
mance, safety, and efficiency. However, this task be-
comes more challenging in the presence of redundant
degrees of freedom, which offer increased flexibility
but also introduce complexities in controlling and tun-
ing the system’s response (Urrea and Pascal, 2017). In
this paper, we propose a methodology that utilizes the
fast Fourier transform (FFT) to identify the dominant
natural frequencies of a redundant robotic system and
subsequently tunes its dynamic response through ap-
propriate damping.
Identifying modal parameters, such as natural fre-
quencies, is crucial for understanding and character-
izing the dynamic behaviour of a robotic system. By
accurately identifying these frequencies, we can gain
insights into the system’s vibrational modes, allow-
ing us to predict and manipulate its dynamic response
(Gonul et al., 2019; Garnier and Subrin, 2022). Tra-
ditionally, identifying natural frequencies involved
experimental modal analysis techniques, which re-
quired physical measurements on the robotic system.
While these methods provide valuable information,
they can be time-consuming, expensive, and may not
always be practical for complex systems. The ad-
vent of computational tools and numerical simula-
tions has opened up new possibilities for modal pa-
rameter identification, offering faster and more cost-
effective alternatives (Chen et al., 2014).
The proposed methodology offers several advan-
tages. Firstly, it eliminates the need for extensive ex-
perimental modal analysis, saving time and resources
(Quqa et al., 2020). Secondly, computational tools
provide a more flexible and versatile approach to
modal parameter identification. Thirdly, tuning the
system’s response through damping modification en-
ables enhanced control, stability, and performance of
redundant robotic systems (
Ilman et al., 2022). It of-
fers a more efficient and cost-effective approach to
modal parameter identification by leveraging compu-
tational tools and numerical simulations. The fast
Fourier transform algorithm allows us to convert dis-
placement data from the time domain to the frequency
domain, enabling the identification of dominant peaks
Saldarriaga, C., Fajardo-Pruna, M., Helguero, C. and Leon-Torres, J.
Tuning the Dynamic Response of a Redundant Robotic System Using Its Dominant Natural Frequencies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012191000003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 2, pages 166-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that correspond to the natural frequencies of the sys-
tem. Finally, our methodology offers flexibility and
adaptability, allowing it to be applied to various re-
dundant robotic systems. The methodology presented
in this paper is particularly useful for systems that
have redundant degrees of freedom, but it is not a lim-
itation. In case of non-redundant systems the process
becomes somewhat simpler but the method still ap-
plies. In general mechanical systems (not necessarily
a robotic manipulator) the redundancy property would
be analogous to having an unconstrained system, or a
system that is not attached to inertial frames, which
cause the appearance of rigid body modes of motion
with natural frequency ω
= 0.
The Panda robotic manipulator is a suitable case
study for validating our methodology. With its 7 de-
grees of freedom and redundant kinematic structure,
the Panda manipulator exhibits complex dynamic be-
haviour, making it an ideal candidate for testing the
effectiveness of our approach. Through forward kine-
matics and dynamics simulations, we obtain displace-
ment data that accurately represents the manipulator’s
response under specific operating conditions (Fig-
ure 1).
Figure 1: Franka Emika Panda robot (Saldarriaga et al.,
Applying the fast Fourier transform to the ob-
tained displacement data. We analyze the result-
ing frequency spectrum to identify the dominant nat-
ural frequencies of the Panda robotic manipulator.
These frequencies represent the system’s inherent vi-
brational modes and provide valuable insights into its
dynamic behavior. Determining the natural frequen-
cies lays the foundation for optimizing the system’s
response through damping modification.
Once the dominant natural frequencies are identi-
fied, we proceed to tune the dynamic response of the
redundant robotic system through appropriate damp-
ing. Damping is crucial in controlling oscillations
and attenuating unwanted vibrations within a system.
By strategically introducing damping at specific fre-
quencies, we can effectively modify the system’s re-
sponse behaviour and enhance its stability and perfor-
mance (Kao and Saldarriaga, 2021).
The damping modification technique proposed in
our methodology considers the relative magnitudes
of the peaks in the frequency spectrum. By ana-
lyzing the spectral content of the system, we iden-
tify the frequencies that require additional damping to
achieve the desired response. The damping modifica-
tion can be implemented in an actual physical system
using various techniques, such as introducing passive
dampers or adjusting the control parameters of the
robotic system, largely limited by the sampling of the
system and the accuracy of the dynamic model.
Through simulations on a 7-degree-of-freedom re-
dundant Panda robotic manipulator, we validate the
effectiveness of our methodology. The results demon-
strate our approach’s potential to improve the dy-
namic performance of complex robotic systems.
In the proposed methodology, the FFT algorithm con-
verts the time-domain displacement data obtained
through simulations or physical measurements into
the frequency domain, clearly representing the sys-
tem’s spectral content. We can identify the dominant
peaks that correspond to the system’s natural frequen-
cies by analyzing the resulting frequency spectrum.
To illustrate the efficacy of our methodology, we
conduct simulations on a 7-degree-of-freedom redun-
dant Franka Emika Panda robotic manipulator.
With the obtained joint displacement data, we
perform the FFT analysis to extract the natural fre-
quencies of the Panda manipulator. The FFT algo-
rithm decomposes the displacement data into its con-
stituent frequency components, providing a spectrum
that highlights the dominant frequencies present in the
system. By identifying the peaks in the frequency
spectrum, we can precisely determine which natural
Tuning the Dynamic Response of a Redundant Robotic System Using Its Dominant Natural Frequencies
frequencies characterize the dynamic behaviour of the
Panda manipulator the most.
Our methodology proposes a damping modifica-
tion technique based on the identified natural frequen-
cies that contribute the most to the response.
Once the dominant natural frequencies are iden-
tified, we modulate the system’s dynamic response
through appropriate damping selection. Damping is a
critical parameter that affects the decay rate of oscil-
lations in a system. By strategically updating certain
damping elements that affect specific frequencies, we
can effectively control and tune the response behavior
of the robot.
The dynamic equation of motion of a robotic sys-
tem is governed by
q(t) + G(q,
q(t) + v(q) = τ
+ τ
where q contains the n joint angles, M is the mass
matrix, G the matrix that contains the gyroscopic
non-linear terms, v is the vector that compensates
for gravity, and τ
is the external torques vector.
In order to impose and establish a compliant behav-
ior (Villani and De Schutter, 2008) to the system, an
impedance controller is established by setting τ
[Kq(t) C
q(t) + v(q) + G(q,
q(t)], so that the
system becomes
q(t) + C
q(t) + Kq(t) = τ
and a multidimensional mass M, damping C and stiff-
ness K relationship is obtained for the robot, where
the stiffness and damping matrices can be mapped
from the Cartesian task space through the Jacobian
matrix J
K = J
J + K
+ K
C = J
J (4)
where K
= J
J and
An appropriate selection of the damping parame-
ters is not a very straight forward job, especially for
redundant robots. By generating the parameter study
of the elements of the damping matrix C after re-
moving or handling the redundant degree(s) of free-
dom (Saldarriaga et al., 2022), we can modulate the
contribution of each mode of vibration λ
and cor-
responding natural frequency ω
of the system, for
example, those previously identified by FFT tools re-
sults, in a sound, analytical manner.
In summary, and as illustrated in Figure 2, we in-
tend to modulate the response of the mechanical sys-
tem by the choice of the damping parameters, after the
dominating frequencies are identified from the FFT
results plots, in a systematic manner by the use of an
analytical methodology that allows us to consider the
case of unconstrained mechanical systems, or redun-
dant robots without losing generality, which would
not be possible without the analytical tool described.
data q
Improvement of
dominant λ’s
through C
For a given robotic task:
parameters and q
Figure 2: Flowchart of the methodology carried out in the
In order to collect robot joint displacements data, the
Franka Panda was modeled in Wolfram Mathematica,
where the dynamic response of the system was ob-
tained by numerically solving the differential equa-
tions. The NDSolve function was used to simulate
and obtain an impedance behavior as the one in Equa-
tion 2 imposed through stiffness and damping param-
eters that were defined in the Cartesian space, and
then mapped into the joint space through Equations 3
and 4; while the inertia mass matrix of the robot was
obtained according to the robot structure and config-
uration as in (Murray et al., 1994).
The system was handled and solved in a very sim-
ilar manner as a general case of free vibration of dis-
crete systems (Meirovitch, 2001) with respect to an
equilibrium joint configuration. An initial condition
(displacement) of approximately 10cm was imposed
to the end-effector in the Y direction for every simu-
lation, with zero initial velocity, or from rest. Only
the damping matrix C
was updated according to the
intended dynamic response of the system and the ana-
lytical tool. The simulation data consisted of joint dis-
placements with transients and steady state responses,
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
after imposing an initial displacement to the end-
effector (with corresponding joint initial conditions
through inverse kinematics) and releasing from rest.
The initial robot configura-
tion for every simulation was q
rad, the chosen Cartesian stiffness matrix was
=diag(2000, 2000, 2000, 100, 100, 100) in SI
units for both translation and rotation, respectively.
An initial arbitrarily low damping matrix C
chosen as 0.1I
to illustrate the methodology, after
that, the procedure described in the previous Section
was carried out to modulate the dynamic response
of the system through the FFT tool and the damping
parameters selection. The plot results of the most
significant joints are shown in Figure 3, we can see
how the response is underdamped with large settling
Figure 3: Joint Displacements for the arbitrarily low initial
damping matrix C
. Plots of the most significant joints.
After obtaining the joint displacements of free vibra-
tion response for the first set of parameters, the FFT
tool showed that the dominant modes λs were those
corresponding to the natural frequencies 2, 3.2, and
3.6 Hz as shown in Figure 4, which after generating
the parameter study for the starting configuration and
the system, correspond to the lowest frequencies in
the modal space, as shown in Figures 5 and 6, and that
gives us a very good understanding on how to select a
new damping matrix to improve the response.
Thanks to the information provided by both the
FFT results and the parameter study, a new damp-
ing matrix that improves the response of the system
was chosen as C
which was used to generate and obtain a new simu-
lation and FFT plots, as shown in Figure 8. Now the
(a) FFT Joint 1.
(b) FFT Joint 2.
(c) FFT Joint 3.
Figure 4: FFT results for the arbitrarily low initial damping
matrix C
. Plots of the most significant joints.
dominant natural frequencies have changed, are not as
prominent as before and depend on the intended joint
to be analyzed. This new damping matrix C
erates the following damping ratios and natural fre-
Tuning the Dynamic Response of a Redundant Robotic System Using Its Dominant Natural Frequencies
Figure 5: Parameter study of element (3,3) of the damping
matrix showing the effect on each mode.
Figure 6: Parameter study of element (2,2) of the damping
matrix showing the effect on each mode.
quencies on the system in the modal space
ζ =
; ω
Note that none of the modes are overdamped, and that
the lowest frequencies have damping ratios greater or
equal to 0.2.
Through the parameter study on the element (1,1)
of the damping matrix C
shown in Figure 9, gener-
ated after a value for element (3,3) was chosen to be
126 following the guidelines of Figure 5, and main-
taining the value for element (2,2), we were able to
modulate or damp out the response even further. Af-
ter the second parameter study a new damping matrix
was chosen as C
=diag(219;125.4;126;0.6;1; 0.1)
Figure 10 shows us the joint displacements of the
system when using the C
damping matrix. As it
Figure 7: Joint Displacements for the C
damping matrix
after a parameter study. Plots of the most significant joints.
can be seen, most of the transients have disappeared
as expected from theory.
It is also worth pointing out that due to the redun-
dancy of the system, there are zero-potential-energy
(ZP) motions that belong to the null space of the joint
stiffness matrix K, and move or make the robot go
into a new equilibrium configuration, different from
the starting one, as it can also be seen in Figures 3
and 7, and cannot be removed unless the redundancy
is taken care of for the task.
Once the responses have been damped out, the re-
sults from the FFT tool are not as visible or notori-
ous as for the case for underdamped systems, which
makes sense according to theory.
In a more practical or experimental sense, if we
compare the numerical damping values of C
, they are significantly different, but if we com-
pare the responses, the differences are small. This
may incur in an unnecessary larger control effort
when using C
that would probably generate out of
range torques, strangely slow motions, or instabili-
ties. Our theoretically sound methodology can help
us avoid all these situations.
Through simulations on a 7-degree-of-freedom re-
dundant Panda robotic manipulator, we have demon-
strated the effectiveness of our approach and achieved
the desired outcomes fulfilling the objectives of accu-
rately identifying the natural frequencies and optimiz-
ing the system’s response behavior through appropri-
ate damping modification.
By strategically introducing damping at specific
frequencies, we were able to modify the system’s re-
sponse behavior and enhance its stability and perfor-
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
(a) FFT Joint 1.
(b) FFT Joint 2.
(c) FFT Joint 3.
Figure 8: FFT results for the C
damping matrix after a
parameter study. Plots of the most significant joints.
mance. Our methodology considers the relative mag-
nitudes of the peaks in the frequency spectrum to
identify the frequencies that require additional damp-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Damping ratio
Figure 9: Second parameter study of element (2,2) of the
damping matrix showing the effect on each mode.
Figure 10: Joint Displacements for the C
damping matrix
after a second parameter study. Plots of the most significant
The significance of our methodology lies in its
practicality, efficiency, and adaptability. Using com-
putational tools and numerical simulations eliminates
the need for extensive experimental modal analysis,
saving time and resources. Moreover, the approach
can be applied to a wide range of redundant robotic
systems, offering flexibility in its implementation.
This approach can significantly contribute to the
field of robotics by enabling the optimization of dy-
namic performance in complex systems. Further
research and experimentation can build upon this
methodology to address more sophisticated robotic
applications and propel advancements in the field.
Tuning the Dynamic Response of a Redundant Robotic System Using Its Dominant Natural Frequencies
(a) FFT Joint 1.
(b) FFT Joint 2.
(c) FFT Joint 3.
Figure 11: FFT results for the C
damping matrix after a
second parameter study. Plots of the most significant joints.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics