User-Centered Design and Iterative Refinement: Promoting Student
Learning with an Interactive Dashboard
Gilbert Drzyzga
and Thorleif Harder
Institute for Interactive Systems, Technische Hochschule Lübeck, Germany
Keywords: Usability, User Experience User-Centered Design, Interaction Principles, Design Study, Learner Dashboards.
Abstract: The study uses a user-centered design methodology to develop a prototype for an interactive student dash-
board that focuses on user needs. This includes iterative testing and integration of user feedback to develop a
usable interface that presents academic data in a more understandable and intuitive manner. Key features of
the dashboard include academic progress tracking and personalized recommendations based on machine
learning. The primary target audience is online students who may study in isolation and have less physical
contact with their peers. The learner dashboard (LD) will be developed as a plug-in to the university's learning
management system. The study presents the results of a workshop with students experienced in human-com-
puter interaction. They evaluated a prototype of the LD using established interaction principles. The research
provides critical insights for future advancements in educational technology and drives the creation of more
interactive, personalized, and easy-to-use tools in the academic landscape.
In recent years, digital study offerings have become
increasingly important, which is partly due to the fact
that students can individually organize their learning
process (Getto et al., 2018). This gives students the
opportunity to learn largely independent of time and
place, thus offering them more flexibility (Wannema-
cher et al., 2016). The digital nature of online learning
and the delivery of learning content via the Internet
creates a physical distance. As a result, students often
do not have the opportunity to learn with other peers
or to contact instructors in person to discuss learning
outcomes (Koi-Akrofi et al., 2020; Kaufmann and
Vallade, 2021) for example. This paper presents a
user-centered design (UCD) approach to a learner
dashboard (LD) that is being developed as a plug-in
to a learning management system (LMS) of a higher
education network to support online students in their
learning process (Janneck et al., 2021). It highlights
the benefits of research that involves students in iden-
tifying and solving problems related to its functional-
ity and interaction. In the field of educational technol-
ogy, the terms "learner dashboard" and "learning
ISO 9241-110:2020 (en) Ergonomics of human-system
interaction — Part 110: Interaction principles, https://www., accessed June 20, 2023
dashboard" are often used synonymously. However,
there are some subtle differences in terminology. The
term "learner dashboard" focuses more on the per-
spective of the individual learner. It is an individual-
ized tool that allows students to monitor their own
progress, set goals, and adjust their learning strategy.
This supports, for example, self-regulated learning
(Matcha et al., 2019; Viberg et al., 2020). In contrast,
the term "learning dashboard" is commonly used to
describe digital tools for visualizing data about learn-
ing. It is used by educators to track, understand, and
improve student learning. It can display data about
student performance, engagement, and learning pro-
gress (Siemens and Baker, 2012, Verbert et al., 2014).
We will use the first definition in this paper as the
dashboard we are developing takes more of a learner's
- in our case, student's - perspective by, among other
things, providing opportunities for self-regulation
(Lehmann et al., 2014; Barnard-Brak et al., 2010).
In the study, students were asked to evaluate an
interactive prototype of the LD based on wireframes
according to the design and interaction principles out-
lined in EN ISO 9241-110:20201. The principles are
Drzyzga, G. and Harder, T.
User-Centered Design and Iterative Refinement: Promoting Student Learning with an Interactive Dashboard.
DOI: 10.5220/0012191300003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 340-346
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
established heuristics and are described as the "Ergo-
nomics of human-system interaction - Part 110: Inter-
action principles". It is a standard that describes prin-
ciples of interaction between a user and a system that
are formulated in general terms, independent of situ-
ations of use, application, environment or technology.
The seven interaction principles are: Suitability for
the user’s tasks, Self-descriptiveness, Conformity
with user expectations, Learnability, Controllability,
Use error robustness and User engagement. The study
is part of a multi-stage UCD design approach with
evaluations ranging from traditional design principles
to eye-tracking studies of cognitive requirements in
the area of usability and user experience (UX) testing
and analysis (Drzyzga & Harder, 2022). The aim of
the study was to encourage students to participate in
the development of the LD and to improve its acces-
sibility and intuitiveness by taking into account their
expertise. By involving students early on, interaction
issues can be identified and discussed, ensuring that
the usability of the LD can be effectively optimized
at an early stage. As argued in the workshop by Ver-
bert et al. 2020, it is important to use an iterative, user-
centered approach, focusing first on UX and then on
impact evaluation, to avoid biasing the results. In this
phase of our design study, we focused on an interac-
tive UX exploration. We wanted to identify potential
problem areas, points of failure that could prevent a
smooth interaction between the user and the LD.
These could range from functionality issues to inter-
face design challenges, from cognitive or information
overload (Chen et al., 2011; Shrivastav and Hiltz
2013) to lack of intuitive navigation. We wanted to
find ways to make the LD more intuitive, more acces-
sible and to enhance the usability. This analysis was
a thorough and iterative process that involved active
student participation, continuous feedback. The data
collected was then processed and turned into deliver-
ables. These insights formed the basis of our recom-
mendations for the development and improvement of
the LD, ensuring that it is aligned with user needs and
The methodological approach included a four-step
process consisting of the definition of the scope of
prototype evaluation, pre-evaluation preparation ses-
sions, the evaluation and careful analysis of feedback
to identify the interaction with the prototype on the
seven interaction principles. The research in this
study focused on the interactions with the prototype.
The prototype itself was developed as a clickable pro-
totype based on literature research, expert interviews
and subsequent evaluation of wireframes.
2.1 Definition of the Scope of the
Evaluation of the Prototype
To evaluate the validity and effectiveness of our in-
teractive design, we made the prototype (Figure 1)
available to 24 students enrolled in a human-com-
puter interaction (HCI) module. We chose this course
for our study because the target group - online stu-
dents, in mixed age and gender groups - applied for
it. The students who participated in the workshop
were undergraduate students in the university's online
Media Informatics program. They were asked to
solve the following problem:
"Evaluate the prototype on the basis of the interaction
principles (dialog principles) according to DIN EN
ISO 9241-110. Using concrete examples, explain to
what extent a principle has been implemented posi-
tively or negatively. In case of negative aspects, give
suggestions for improvement".
Figure 1: LD's wireframe used in the workshop with three
cards (calendar, learning activity analysis, study progress).
User-Centered Design and Iterative Refinement: Promoting Student Learning with an Interactive Dashboard
The results of the evaluation were copied by the stu-
dents as text into a submission field in the LMS of the
university. This was followed by a group discussion.
Under the guidance of a university instructor, they
were prepared for the workshop topics by reviewing
the course script and participating in weekly one-hour
web conferences to discuss related topics (e.g., Usa-
bility, HCI). Successful completion of the half day
workshop was required to register for the final exam
of the course. This assignment was specially designed
and delivered via a four-hour online workshop using
an Internet browser. To ensure academic rigor and
maintain the integrity of the evaluation process, the
entire process was supervised and monitored by three
studied faculty members.
2.2 Pre-Evaluation Preparation
The pre-evaluation phase was designed to prepare
students for the upcoming evaluation process. The
workshop was scheduled so that the students would
have acquired the necessary expertise. The faculty
members made sure that the students understood
these principles well and knew how to apply them
during the evaluation process.
2.3 Evaluation Process
The evaluation process itself consists of two parts.
The first part was the students' interaction with the
prototype and exploration of its various features. The
second part was their evaluation of the prototype on
the basis of the seven interaction principles.
2.4 Post-Evaluation Analysis
In the post-evaluation analysis, two of the three qual-
ified faculty members in Media Informatics, experi-
enced in usability and UX, analyzed the students'
feedback. They looked for any patterns or recurring
themes that the students found during their interaction
with the prototype. The feedback was thoroughly an-
alyzed. On completion of the study, the necessary
changes were made to the prototype based on the re-
sults of the feedback. However, the analysis went fur-
ther to uncover the underlying factors that influence
user interaction, engagement, and overall satisfaction.
In our study, we took a similar approach, carefully
examining each aspect of the LD's functionality.
2, accessed June 20, 2023
The LD has been carefully designed with a focus on
key interaction elements. We will describe the key in-
teraction elements, the collaborative design tool used,
and the positive impact of iterative testing on the
overall design process.
3.1 Interaction Elements of the LD
The LD interface, and in particular the cards offered,
are driven by interaction elements such as the ques-
tion mark icon, the zoom-in / zoom-out-icons, the
pencil icon, and the menu. In order to provide an en-
gaging and interactive UX, these elements have been
well selected and designed with clickable functional-
ity. The question mark icon was added to provide im-
mediate help and guidance when needed, while the
zoom-in / zoom-out-icons allows the user to easily
examine data and details in more detail. The pencil
icon at the top of the LD was added to allow users to
add or delete cards, and the menu was designed to en-
sure easy navigation through the LD.
3.2 The Collaborative Design Tool
In order to create these interactive elements, we used
a tool for the collaborative design of interfaces
. This
tool, with its ability to generate interactive prototypes,
is well known in the digital design community. We
used this tool because it allowed us to implement the
ideas and developments so far in a collaborative way,
both synchronously and asynchronously.
3.3 Iterative Testing and Its Impact
The iterative testing feature of the design tool was im-
portant for our design process. It allowed us to test
prototypes in real time, gather feedback, make neces-
sary adjustments, and retest, thus promoting an envi-
ronment of continuous improvement.
UX analysis was an important part of our study. It
provided critical insights for the redesign process.
The value of such an analysis, as highlighted in our
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
study, reinforces that UX analysis is a necessary part
of design (Vlasenko et al., 2022; Luther et al., 2020).
4.1 The Role of Wireframing in User
Interface Development
Conceptualizing and refining a wireframe is an essen-
tial step in the development of an interactive user in-
terface. According to Hampshire et al. (2022),
wireframes provide representations of the design, it’s
a representation of how the structure, layout, content
and function of the product could be. The developed
wireframe served as a basic structure for the subse-
quent development stages of the LD, and also as a vis-
ual guide that represented the basic structure of the
LD. It allowed us to plan the upcoming layout and
interaction patterns in detail.
4.2 Development of an Interactive
The creation of a low-fidelity, interactive proto-type
was the next step after the wireframe refinement. The
final prototype of the LD at this stage of our develop-
ment process was featured with 14 different views,
each of which was designed with a specific purpose
in mind to enhance the user's learning process. These
views were complemented by a series of modal dialog
boxes, each of which prompted the user for specific
input or provided critical information.
A summary of the results is given in Table 1 and is
explained in detail in the following chapters. In total,
a comprehensive 54-page ISO 216 A4 report care-
fully summarizes the anonymized results of the stu-
dent evaluations. It presents what the students found
and suggests possible further improvements. It should
be noted that not all students wrote something on each
of the 7 interaction principles, which may be due to
the limited time available.
5.1 Suitability for the User's Tasks
The interaction principle "suitability for the user's
tasks" was evaluated differently by 5 of the students.
Some described the evaluation as positive, while oth-
ers found the system inappropriate. It seems that the
system tries to collect user data mainly through infor-
mation input. This can lead to a high workload for us-
ers who spend a lot of time with the material. Some
Table 1: Summary of the results.
Interaction Princi-
Suitability for the us-
er's tasks
reducing nested information,
measuring workload (e.g., of-
fline learning), user data/analy-
sis of learning activities (e.g.,
optional data logging by own in-
puts), calendar view (see Fig. 2,
not easy to understand (the bar
was interpreted as remaining
time – what it was not in-
clear understanding (e.g. of pre-
dictions), navigation line (e.g.,
breadcrumb), prominent recom-
mendation, unique headings,
confusion (e.g., position vs.
functionality: close button and
enlargement of the content, see
Fig. 1 icon in top right corner of
card), intuitive icon (e.g., zoom-
in/zoom-out icon vs. maximiz-
ing), drop-down list (labeling),
semester/module Information,
accurate predictions need refine-
ment, improved clarity and usa-
bility, small bar at top of details
Conformity with
user expectations
back button, consistent place-
ment, layout confusion (e.g.
close-button vs „enlarged“-icon,
see Fig. 1 top right corner)
intuitive delete function (calen-
dar view or edit card function
(not clear where to add new
card)), inconsistent information
(e.g. interaction elements vs
info-elements), text to long (lim-
its the overview, see Fi
. 3
automatic logout, clear naviga-
tion, undo option, controllability
of addin
and deletin
Use error robustness
date format, spell checker,
prompting whether an action is
to be performed, option to reset
to ori
inal state
User Engagement
learning progress (e.g. infor-
mation-based vs diagrams), clar-
of interface
students have suggested improvements, such as auto-
matically disconnecting from the system after a cer-
tain amount of time, or the ability to control the col-
lection of relevant information when the material is
used offline as a PDF or the misinterpretation of the
calendar view where the bar was interpreted as re-
maining time – what it was not intended (Figure 2).
User-Centered Design and Iterative Refinement: Promoting Student Learning with an Interactive Dashboard
Figure 2: Calendar view (LD-Card).
Others have commented positively on the calendar
view of the dashboard, which provides relevant infor-
mation, and the analysis of learning activities, which
can help improve learning progress. It seems that stu-
dents value different aspects of the interaction princi-
ple, resulting in a mixed evaluation.
5.2 Self-Descriptiveness
The interaction principle "self-descriptiveness" was
evaluated differently by 17 of the students. It was
stated that the icons needed more textual labels for a
clearer understanding of the functionalities. A "return
to start" button and a navigation line indicating the
user's current location would improve system orien-
tation. The recommendation section should be more
prominent to improve UX. Distinguishing different
views with unique headings would eliminate confu-
sion. The maximize arrows should be replaced with a
more intuitive icon. Semester/module selection
should be more highlighted. The learning activity
analysis graph needs refinement for accurate predic-
tions. More information on individual semester/mod-
ule tiles and an improved calendar feature to detect
completed dates would improve clarity and usability.
Finally, a small bar at the top of the details pane
would improve functionality by allowing view selec-
tion when details take up the entire screen.
5.3 Conformity with User Expectations
The interaction principle "conformity with user ex-
pectations" was evaluated differently by 16 of the stu-
dents. Several areas for improvement were identified
from student feedback on the usability of a prototype.
One issue that the students found inconsistent and
confusing was the positioning of the back button.
They suggested that consistent placement of the back
button could significantly improve the UX. The visi-
bility of fields was also a concern. The students felt
that their interaction with the prototype was hindered
by the fact that important fields were not easily acces-
sible. They recommended a design change to make
these fields more accessible. The icon selection and
calendar view were also criticized by the students.
They found the icons unclear, which made it difficult
to understand their functions. Meanwhile, the calen-
dar view was considered inadequate and the students
suggested improvements to make it more user-
friendly. Students also noted problems with naviga-
tion and closing. Navigating was found to be mislead-
ing and closing was found to be less intuitive. Stu-
dents felt that the usability of the prototype could be
greatly improved with better navigation design and a
more straightforward close function. Problems were
also found with the detail view and certain featureless
functions. The students felt that the detail view could
be improved to provide more relevant information,
and the non-functional features were seen as unnec-
essary and confusing.
5.4 Learnability
The interaction principle "learnability" was evaluated
differently by 21 of the students. They provided feed-
back on the learnability of the prototype was insight-
ful and highlighted several areas for improvement.
One notable concern was the lack of an intuitive de-
lete function, which caused some confusion. The in-
terface layout was also found to be confusing, and in-
consistencies in module information added to the con-
fusion. In order to address these issues, the students
have suggested a number of improvements. They sug-
gest introducing short help texts to guide users
through the interface and better illustrate the features.
Some graphics are explained in full-screen mode, and
long texts open up again, making it difficult to keep
track. They also recommend moving the detailed ex-
planations of the graphs to a more logical and user-
friendly layout. Another popular suggestion was to
provide more prominent access to progress recom-
mendations. This would improve the transparency of
the tool. In addition, students suggested adding a se-
mester or module selection feature, which could
greatly improve the tool's usability. The ability to ma-
nipulate tiles was also mentioned, as was the need for
clear instructions on how to use the system. Students
felt that these changes, along with the addition of vis-
ual cues, could help users navigate the tool more eas-
ily. The idea of an introductory tutorial was also
raised. This could guide new users through the tool,
explaining its features and how to use them. Mouse
hover assistance was also suggested as a way to im-
prove learnability.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
5.5 Controllability
The interaction principle "controllability" was evalu-
ated differently by 7 of the students. In terms of con-
trollability, students noted that that an automatic log-
out feature should be implemented to ensure that us-
ers do not accidentally leave the application open and
waste resources. They suggested that there should be
a clear way for users to return to the default setting,
such as allowing them to move tiles back to their orig-
inal position. Ensure that all buttons can be used for
control purposes, including providing an "escape"
button to allow users to navigate back to the previous
page. They also noted to consider adding a "back"
button or arrow on the page, especially when using a
smartphone, as it provides a clear way for users to
navigate back in their browsing history. Providing a
direct undo option to restore removed tiles, rather
than requiring users to go through an editing and dia-
log process. Feedback indicates that they would like
to remove individual influencing variables from the
grading or change the percentage grading as this may
be useful for certain modules where users are not us-
ing the learning material. However, this would not be
indicative of the student's actual learning progress if
the student were to make extensive use of the instruc-
tor's tutorials and weekly web conferences. It was
noted that the controllability of adding and deleting
cards in the LD could be increased by allowing users
to navigate out of edit mode without having to pre-
cisely click the pencil icon in the top right corner
again, as this can be frustrating for users who may ac-
cidentally exit edit mode.
5.6 Use Error Robustness
The interaction principle "use error robustness" was
evaluated differently by 4 of the students. The stu-
dents noted that the prototype has room for improve-
ment in terms of error robustness, since the user can
make different entries in the calendar and there is a
possibility of errors in the date format. A logical date
format should be used and a spell checker should be
implemented to avoid errors. Regarding the editing of
the LD's cards, it is judged that deleting a card is easy,
but an additional prompt such as "Are you sure you
want to remove the calendar card?" could be added to
ensure that the user's intent is clear. The prototype has
no way to enter custom tasks, which limits the robust-
ness of the input masks. A feature like "Reset to orig-
inal state" could improve this significantly by allow-
ing the user to reset all items individually if they are
accidentally deleted.
5.7 User Engagement
The interaction principle "user engagement" was
evaluated differently by 13 of the students. Based on
the individual statements, it can be concluded that the
interaction principle of "user engagement" has been
implemented to varying degrees, both positively and
negatively. Some students appreciate the potential of
the prototype to increase motivation and engagement
through concrete examples such as the display of
learning progress and recommendations for improve-
ment. Others express concerns about the clarity of the
interface, the need for further explanation of how cer-
tain information is calculated, and the potential for
distraction from the learning content. Overall, there
seems to be a mixed response to the implementation
of this interaction principle.
The aim of the study was to examine an LD at an early
stage of development for possible interaction incon-
sistencies. To do this, we gave the developed LD to
24 online students, who could also be the later users,
when the LD is integrated into one or more of their
courses. They had to evaluate the LD in a half-day
workshop based on the seven interaction principles of
EN ISO 9241-110:2020. The students' feedback high-
lights the importance of applying a UCD approach to
the development of an LD. This is consistent with the
findings of Vesin et al. (2018), who emphasised the
importance of UCD in creating adaptive learning sys-
tems. These findings helped us to conduct an UX
analysis and provided us with valuable insights,
which we were able to use to refine the prototype. The
issues identified suggest that the prototype can bene-
fit significantly from refinement of its user interface
and functionality. In summary, it is clear from this
evaluation that there is great value in having a tool
evaluated user-centered by students, for students, as
only they know the challenges of student life. In ad-
dition, due to the course's focus on fundamental HCI
topics, participants had background knowledge that,
combined with their student-centered perspective, en-
abled them to evaluate the UX of the LD and provide
informed feedback. The results show that the research
could be repeated in the same way as part of the de-
sign study, but it has to be taken into account that the
time available was not sufficient for all students, as
shown by the different number and partly reduced
length of feedbacks on the individual interaction prin-
ciples. Also, the population may not be generalizable
to all online students.
User-Centered Design and Iterative Refinement: Promoting Student Learning with an Interactive Dashboard
Through the feedback received, we are able to imple-
ment optimizations that could significantly improve
the user interface, help features, and result in an over-
all improved UX to better meet user expectations.
Taken together, these improvements could signifi-
cantly increase usability, intuitiveness, and intelligi-
bility to provide a tool that does not overwhelm the
user. Furthermore, it would help them to reflect on
and gain insight into their own learning process in the
isolated environment in which online students often
find themselves. As we move forward, it is important
to continue to engage with students and iteratively re-
fine the tool based on their feedback. After the opti-
mization and subsequent further development of the
LD, we will take a look at the cognitive demands of
using the LD to also question the psychological as-
This work was funded by the German Federal Minis-
try of Education, grant No. 01PX21001B.
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