(RQ3): Does increasing the number of base
learners affect the classification performance of
the proposed ensembles?
The results indicate that the classification
performance is significantly influenced by the
number of base learners utilized to build the
ensembles. The ensembles created using 2 or 3 base
learners were actually ranked last for the three
datasets, in contrast to the ensembles created using 7
or 6 base learners. As a result, the classification
performance is improved by increasing the number of
base learners utilized to create the ensembles.
(RQ4): Out of the two combination rules,
which one is the best performing?
The results show that the combination rule used
to create the ensembles has an impact on the
classification performance, since the ensembles
created using the weighted voting are ranked first
over the three datasets.
Ongoing works intend to develop new approaches
for detecting DR by combining deep learning with
different ensemble learning strategies.
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