In the construction sector, seamless collaboration be-
tween stakeholders, such as architects, engineers, and
builders, is essential to avoid miscommunications
arising from different terminologies. Classification
systems address this by offering a standardized lan-
guage throughout the project life-cycle, from concep-
tion to maintenance. This process involves assigning
unique codes to each object within a BIM model, thus
facilitating accurate quantity evaluations, cost estima-
tions and comprehensive project planning. In this pa-
per, an automated approach for classifying building
objects at a specific type level has been presented, uti-
lizing machine learning algorithms such as Random
Forest, Gradient Boosting, and K-Nearest Neighbors.
The effectiveness of this classification technique was
verified with a real-world data set, showing encour-
aging results. The proposed system, although promis-
ing, has limitations including data quality dependency
and possible inaccuracies due to algorithm assump-
tions. Its scalability and adaptability to other projects
or classification schemes are yet to be confirmed, with
its current evaluation limited to a specific project.
Future research should focus on improving data
quality and feature selection, experimenting with var-
ious machine learning algorithms, optimizing system
scalability and conducting assessments across a range
of projects and classification schemes.
We sincerely thank Jan Buthke and the team at LINK
Arkitektur for their significant contribution to this pa-
per, providing real data set that greatly enriched the
quality and relevance of our research.
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KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval