six popular algorithms (GA, ES, DE, PSO, NSGA-II,
NSGA-III) based on the impact from objective of op-
timization, sparsity presented by the evolved candi-
date solutions along the generations, diversity in hard-
ware metrics of the candidate solutions, and mono-
tonicity in convergence. All the algorithms were eval-
uated using FA design consisting of 28 transistors.
Among the single-objective runs for the same num-
ber of evaluations, GA generates the most optimized
circuit design solution and continues offering diverse
solutions along the runs. ES comes close to GA and
has a larger search space. PSO lacks diversity in so-
lutions and is influenced by the best candidate in ev-
ery generation. DE exhibits rapid initial convergence
with poor hardware metrics. One can adopt GA al-
gorithm over NSGA-II, and NSGA-III if the objectives
and their importance are defined for the circuit under
design. However, if the targeted parameter weigh-
tages are not known or equal importance is recom-
mended, then NSGA-II or NSGA-III are preferred over
single-objective functions. This work aids in optimiz-
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cells by adopting the most effective algorithm given
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thorough investigation shows that a robust optimiza-
tion of CMOS-based custom digital circuits is possi-
ble with a thorough characterization, irrespective of
the technology progression, provided PDKs and in-
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