(or step) frequency (Cavanagh and Kram, 1989;
Lieberman et al., 2015). It is important to note that the
cost of transport (CoT) is considered one of the
determinants of the optimal step frequency, although
mechanical variables such as peak forces and torques
also play a role.
Modern equipment and technology enable us to
measure the energetic cost of locomotion using
experimental setups that closely mimic racing-like
conditions. Although our research is ongoing and not
yet finalized, our preliminary results have revealed
significant differences in the rate of metabolic power
increase with respect to speed between running on a
track and running on a treadmill. Additionally, we
observed a slightly better running economy on the
track compared to the treadmill, although the cost of
transport (CoT) did not exhibit a significant
difference. Furthermore, our findings provided
insights into an optimal range of step frequencies that
appear to minimize CoT.
We thanks the director of the sport facility that
include the athletic track, Mateo Arbiza. We would
like to thanks the anonymous reviewers for their
useful suggestions.
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