Energetic Cost of Running in Track and Treadmill
Carlo M. Biancardi
, Leonardo Lagos-Hausheer
1,2 b
, Germán Pequera
1,3 c
, Enzo Castroman
Federico Cazot
, Enzo Martinez
and Renata L. Bona
LIBiAM, Department of Biological Sciences, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay
Movement Physiology Research Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Concepcion,
Concepcion, Chile
Ingeniería Biológica, CENUR Litoral Norte, Universidad de la República, Paysandú, Uruguay
Keywords: Metabolic Power, Running Economy, Step Frequency, GPS, Auditory Feedback.
Abstract: The metabolic power and cost of running per unit distance on a track have been estimated and compared with
data collected indoor, in a laboratory on a treadmill. Oxygen uptake have been collected using a portable
device, while speed was regulated by auditory feedback (metronome) and verified using GPS. Speed
fluctuations remained within an acceptable range. Metabolic power increased linearly with speed, with a slope
significantly lower on the track than on the treadmill (p = 0.017). However, statistical comparisons at the
same speed did not yield significant differences between the two conditions. The average cost of transport
was slightly, but not significantly, lower on the track (4.20 J/kg/m) than on the treadmill (4.35 J/kg/m), and it
remained nearly independent of speed over a wide range. Nevertheless, in the lower and higher speed ranges
on the track, the cost of transport tended to increase. A similar non-linear trend was observed in the cost of
transport in relation to step frequency, with the minimum values falling within a range of 160 to 180 steps per
minute. These preliminary results are encouraging and warrant further research to explore the differences
between running on a treadmill and on a track.
Motorized treadmills are widespread tools in research
laboratories specialized in exercise physiology and
biomechanics of locomotion. They are also widely
used on a professional level in rehabilitation and
sport, by runners, coaches and practitioners. One
question that arises pertains to the reliability of
information collected in the laboratory when it is
applied to real outdoor conditions (Jones and Doust,
1996). Lindsay et al. (2014) demonstrated that
quantifying gait parameters during treadmill running
can yield different results compared to overground
While it is not a novel topic, the energetic cost of
human running is worthy of further investigation,
especially under racing-like conditions, such as those
found on an athletic track. The metabolic power and
the metabolic cost of running per unit distance are
determined by analyzing oxygen uptake in relation to
speed. (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1972).
The speed control in track is a challenge that have
been met in different ways: with a human guide
(Jones and Doust, 1996; Tam et al., 2012), with a laser
or light guide (Minetti et al., 2013; Pind et al., 2019),
with an auditory feedback (Lagos et al., 2023).
Minetti et al. (2013) demonstrated that smooth
fluctuations of the running speed does not affect the
metabolic cost, allowing for less strict control of
The effect of air resistance, which is absent while
running “in place” on a treadmill, have been
Biancardi, C., Lagos-Hausheer, L., Pequera, G., Castroman, E., Cazot, F., Martinez, E. and Bona, R.
Energetic Cost of Running in Track and Treadmill.
DOI: 10.5220/0012202300003587
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2023), pages 173-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-673-6; ISSN: 2184-3201
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
addressed by Pugh (1970; 1971), that produced
equations to estimate the extra-cost to win air
resistance in track. Other researchers followed the
suggestion of Jones and Doust (1996) of adding a 1%
gradient to the treadmill trials, in order to compensate
the lack of air resistance on treadmill, but with
controversial results (Mooses et al., 2015; Pind et al.,
Initial comparisons between treadmill and track
results were conducted using Douglas bags for gas
analysis (Pugh, 1970; Basset et al., 1985; Jones and
Doust, 1996). However, the use of these cumbersome
tools adversely affected running performance and
yielded questionable results (Mooses et al., 2015).
More recently, with the availability of portable
metabolic devices, other research projects have
tackled this question by analyzing the metabolic cost
of running outdoors (Tam et al., 2012), or by
comparing the cost between treadmill and track
settings (Mooses et al., 2015; Pind et al., 2019). These
recent studies have indicated better running economy
(lower metabolic cost) on a track compared to
treadmill conditions. It is important to note that both
Mooses et al. (2015) and Pind et al. (2019) involved
endurance runners as participants. The findings of
Tam et al. (2012) were consistent, and they were also
obtained through an analysis of elite marathon
The objective of this ongoing project was to
analyse the energetic cost of running on a track using
a portable metabolic device, GPS, and auditory
feedback for speed control. The study involved a
diverse sample of athletes from various sports
disciplines and aimed to compare the results with data
collected indoors on a treadmill.
A total of 56 healthy men participate in this research,
they were measured and weighed in the lab, prior to
the trials (Age 28 ± 10 years; Weight 74.9 ± 11.2 kg;
Height 177 ± 7 cm). All participant were runners with
weekly volume of 5 to 25 km, with at least 1 year of
continuous practice.
2.1 Data Collection
Part of the treadmill metabolic data used in this
research have been collected by the authors during a
period from 2016 and 2022, and published in previous
works and/or available in public repositories (Lagos
et al., 2022; Lagos et al., 2023; Pequera et al., 2020;
Pequera et al., 2023). New treadmill (3 subjects) and
track (22 subjects) metabolic data have been collected
in 2023 at the Biomechanics and Movement Analysis
Research Laboratory (LIBiAM) of the Universidad
de la República in Paysandú, (Uruguay) at a
controlled temperature of 22°C, and at the athletic
track in the Polideportivo Paysandú (certified by the
International Association of Athletics Federations), at
an average temperature of 22 ± 2 °C with almost no
wind. All procedures were in accordance with the
latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki (2013).
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics
Committee of the CENUR Litoral Norte
Universidad de la República (Exp. #311170-000921-
Metabolic data were collected breath by breath by
a wearable metabolic system (K5, Cosmed, Italy).
Reference resting values of each participant were
assessed by a first record of 5 minutes in a quiet
orthostatic position. Trials, performed according to
the protocol described below, lasted 5 minutes each,
but only the last minute of each trial, when a steady
state oxygen flow was reached, was considered for
energetic analyses.
Cosmed K5 includes an integrated GPS (position
accuracy within 2.5 m and speed accuracy within 0.1
m/s) (De Blois et al., 2021).
2.2 Treadmill Protocol
After a session of familiarization with the treadmill,
they realised between three and six running trials on
a treadmill (T2100, General Electric, USA) at
controlled constant speeds, in a range between 1.67
and 3.61 m/s. Further details in Pequera et al. (2023).
2.3 Track Protocol
The preparation was performed directly in the track
(200 m from the lab location). Data collection was
performed during mild uruguayan autumn days, with
comfortable temperatures and wind almost absent. A
10 m speed trap was positioned along the straight
stretch, were the performance was recorded with a
portable device mounted on a tripod for afterwords
In the first trial, participants were asked to
perform a 5-minutes run, maintaining a constant pace
at their comfortable running speed, in the lane 6 of the
track. The step frequency maintained during the trial
was measured thrice, and the average value was
recorded as the preferred step frequency (Psf, beats
per minute) and was used to compute the rules for the
following trials.
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
During the second and third trials, participants
were asked to wear a headset connected to a
smartphone. Auditive feedbacks of a metronome
performing a beat frequency were provided
(Metronome.com, click sound, ¼ time), and runners
were asked to adapt their step frequency to the sound
(one heel strike every click, minding that two steps
corresponds to one stride). During the second trials
the beat frequency was 15% slower than the Psf,
while during the third trial it was 15% faster than the
Psf. A resting period of 3-5 minutes was observed
between two trials.
2.4 Data Analysis
The net oxygen uptake was computed by subtracting
the average resting value from the average oxygen
flow rate (𝑉
measured during the last minute of
each trial. Respiratory quotient (RQ), the ratio
between CO
and O
flow rates, was also averaged
during the last minute of the trial, and used to convert
to Joules (di Prampero 2015). The net metabolic
power (MetP; W/kg) so obtained was divided by the
forward speed (m/s) in order to achieve the running
economy, or cost of transport (CoT; J/kg/m), the
metabolic energy needed to move one unit mass one
unit distance (Schmidt Nielsen, 1972).
When running outdoors we need to consider an
extra-cost, which would account for the energy
required to overcome the air resistance, absent during
indoor treadmill exercises (Jones and Doust, 1996).
The resulted values of oxygen uptake in track were
corrected using the equation (1) provided by Pugh
(1971), assuming a wind speed equal to the forward
speed (calm or absent wind):
= 0.00354
where Δ𝑉
is the fraction of 𝑉
necessary to win
the air resistance, in L/min; A
is the body surface
projected area, which was assumed constant at the
value of 0.436 m
(Pugh, 1970); and v is the wind
speed in m/s.
Videos collected during the track protocol were
analysed to check the forward speed and the observed
step frequency (Osf).
ANOVA and Student t-test, or the equivalent non-
parametric Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-
test were applied, depending on the results of
normality test. Alpha was set to 0.05, effect size was
expressed as Cohen’s d. Linear or quadratic
regression was applied to fit the data. Magnitude of
association (Pearson’s r) and coefficient of
determination (r
) were showed.
3.1 Speed in Track
GPS speed was compared with the speed obtained by
video analyses, with a difference < 2%, within the
speed accuracy declared by Cosmed.
The participants were able to maintain an almost
constant speed during the track trials, at least after a
first part of “speed adaptation”, which occurred
during the first minute of each trial. The 5 minutes
duration of each exercise protects our data from
possible negative effects of the first adaptation
stretch, as the steady-state of oxygen flow rate during
running is attained within 2 minutes at constant speed
(Carter et al., 2000).
The energetic cost of running is not affected by
cycles of acceleration/deceleration (Minetti et al.,
2013). However, our purpose was to compare track
and treadmill under similar conditions. The speed in
track was recorded by GPS simultaneously with
physiological parameters, therefore breath-by-breath
and not at a constant rate. We computed the standard
deviation (SD) of the speed along the period used for
the energetic cost calculation. We obtained an
average SD of 0.13 m/s during the first trial, at
comfortable speed, and an average SD of 0.11 m/s
during the trials supported by auditory feedback,
which helped to maintain a constant pace (Lagos et
al., 2023).
3.2 Metabolic Power
In both conditions the MetP linearly increased with
speed (Figure 1). Both regressions lines were
statistically significants (p < 0.001). On the treadmill
the slope resulted 4.56, r = 0.87, r
= 0.75. On the
track the slope resulted 3.65, r = 0.85, r
= 0.72. Both,
magnitude of association and coefficient of
determination indicate a strong relationship (Thomas
and Nelson, 2001). The slope difference was
statistically significant (F = 5.77; p = 0.017).
The trend of the treadmill results is in agreement
with previous works, where the slope of the MetP vs.
speed relationship was > 4 (Tam et al., 2012; Kipp et
al., 2018; Pind et al., 2019), while in an analysis of
half-marathon and marathon runners the MetP
increased with a slope of about 3 with respect to speed
(Di Prampero et al., 1986). The slope of the
regression in track was slightly less than that obtained
in previous works with a similar protocol (Tam et al.,
2012; Pind et al., 2019).
Energetic Cost of Running in Track and Treadmill
Figure 1: Metabolic power vs. speed. Grey circles: treadmill
experiments; Black circles: track experiments. Regression
lines are displayed accordingly.
3.3 Cost of Transport
The CoT was obtained by dividing the MetP for the
forward speed. Therefore, assuming that the intercept
of MetP at rest should be nearly zero, we would
expect an almost constant (speed independent) CoT
in a range from 3.5 to 4.5 J/kg/m. The overall mean
CoT in treadmill (4.35 ± 0.55) was not significantly
different from the overall mean CoT in track (4.20 ±
0.45): U Mann Whitney = 3325, p = 0.09, d = -0.16.
When the number of observations allowed to compare
treadmill and track at the same speed, no significant
difference were found in both CoT and MetP (Table
1). Differently from our results, Mooses et al. (2015)
and Pind et al. (2019) found a significantly lower CoT
overground than on a treadmill. However, they
analysed high level endurance runners on a narrower
range of speeds.
Table 1: Results of a t-test between treadmill and track re-
sults at different speeds. Speeds in m/s; df = degrees of free-
dom; d = Cohen’s d (effect size).
CoT t-test MetP t-test
2.64 (df = 5)
p = 0.173; d =1.22 p = 0.162; d =1.25
2.78 (df = 9)
p = 0.100; d =-1.12 p = 0.141; d=-0.98
3.06 (df = 20)
p = 0.998; d =-0.01 p = 0.997; d =0.01
3.19 (df = 7)
p = 0.162; d =-1.05 p = 0.197; d=-0.96
3.61 (df = 8)
p = 0.358; d =-0.62 p = 0.308; d=-0.69
The speed-independent behaviour of the cost of
transport (CoT) has been documented in various
studies (Kram and Taylor, 1990; Minetti et al., 2013;
Arellano and Kram, 2014; Pavei et al., 2015; Pequera
et al., 2023). However, there is some evidence
suggesting that the cost of running may not be entirely
independent of running speed, particularly among
elite runners and at speeds beyond the average range
(Batliner et al., 2018). Our results regarding CoT vs.
speed are summarized in Figure 2. On the treadmill,
the coefficient of determination for the linear model
was = 0.11. On the track, where a wider range of
speeds was achieved, a non-linear pattern appears to
emerge, with higher CoT values observed at very low
or very high forward speeds (Degree 2 polynomial: r²
= 0.24).
Figure 2: Cost of transport vs. speed. Grey circles: treadmill
experiments; Black circles: track experiments. Best fit
curves are displayed accordingly.
3.4 CoT and Step Frequency
In figure 3 the CoT was plotted versus the step
frequency (Spm: steps per minute). Both treadmill
and track distributions displayed a quadratic fit line:
treadmill r
= 0.14; track r
= 0.34. The minimum of
both trend lines corresponds to a range of step
frequencies between 160 and 180 Spm.
Figure 3: Cost of transport vs. step frequency. Grey circles:
treadmill experiments; Black circles: track experiments.
Best fit curves are displayed accordingly.
These results align with the preferred and optimal
step frequencies identified by Snyder and Farley
(2011) and Lieberman et al. (2015), which were
approximately 170 steps per minute (Spm) in both
cases. In running, variations in speed are primarily
attributed to changes in stride length rather than stride
icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
(or step) frequency (Cavanagh and Kram, 1989;
Lieberman et al., 2015). It is important to note that the
cost of transport (CoT) is considered one of the
determinants of the optimal step frequency, although
mechanical variables such as peak forces and torques
also play a role.
Modern equipment and technology enable us to
measure the energetic cost of locomotion using
experimental setups that closely mimic racing-like
conditions. Although our research is ongoing and not
yet finalized, our preliminary results have revealed
significant differences in the rate of metabolic power
increase with respect to speed between running on a
track and running on a treadmill. Additionally, we
observed a slightly better running economy on the
track compared to the treadmill, although the cost of
transport (CoT) did not exhibit a significant
difference. Furthermore, our findings provided
insights into an optimal range of step frequencies that
appear to minimize CoT.
We thanks the director of the sport facility that
include the athletic track, Mateo Arbiza. We would
like to thanks the anonymous reviewers for their
useful suggestions.
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icSPORTS 2023 - 11th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support