Apache Spark Based Deep Learning for Social Transaction Analysis
Raouf Jmal
1 a
, Mariam Masmoudi
2,4 b
, Ikram Amous
1 c
, Corinne Amel Zayani
3 d
and Florence S
4 e
MIRACL, Enet’Com, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
MIRACL, FSEGS, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
MIRACL, FSS, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
IRIT, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
Social Network, Social transaction, Trust-attacks, Apache Spark, Spark Streaming, Deep Learning, Elephas.
In an attempt to cope with the increasing number of trust-related attacks, a system that analyzes the whole
social transaction in real-time becomes a necessity. Traditional systems cannot analyze transactions in real-
time and most of them use machine learning approaches, which are not suitable for the real-time processing
of social transactions in the big data environment. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel deep learning
detection system based on Apache Spark that is capable of handling huge transactions and streaming batches.
Our model is made up of two main phases: the first phase builds a supervised deep learning model to classify
transactions (either benign transactions or malicious transactions). The second phase aims to analyze transac-
tion streams using spark streaming, which transforms the model to batches of data in order to make predictions
in real-time. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed system, we implement this system and we perform
several comparison experiments. The obtained results show that our approach has achieved more satisfactory
efficiency and accuracy, compared to other works in the literature. Thus, it is very suitable for real-time detec-
tion of malicious transactions with large capacity and high speed.
Nowadays, due to the rapid development of network
technologies, social networks have been growing at
an incredible rate based on online networking sites
(Chun et al., 2008). These networks have become
part of people’s social lives instead of their real so-
cial ways, in which humans make friends, commu-
nicate with each other or share data such as video
games, movies, pictures and songs (Boyd and Ellison,
2007). On these social sites, users also can comment
on other profiles and send private messages. Thus,
communication can be defined as a social transaction
(Masmoudi et al., 2021), which means the interaction
between two users resulting in a change of states or
relationships between these users.
Furthermore, many users always search for ways
to establish virtual relationships without meeting peo-
ple. Thus, they accept the associated risks against the
possible benefits that they are convinced to obtain.
In this respect, making new relationships and trans-
actions can generate benefits despite their risks. This
equality is a fundamental consideration for users’ per-
sonal safety. However, to trustworthy transactions and
interactions between users become a necessity to en-
sure users’ safety and security and identify malicious
users. Hence, transactions must be evaluated in or-
der to distinguish malicious transactions from benev-
olent ones. These malicious transactions are known as
trust attacks based on the literature (Masmoudi et al.,
In fact, myriad works in the literature have been
proposed to deal with these attacks. Yet, most of these
works (Rajesh et al., 2016), (Jayasinghe et al., 2018),
(Marche and Nitti, 2020), (Zheng et al., 2021) and
(Lee and Jun, 2018) have focused on non-real-time
trust attack detection in order to remove the nodes that
provide malicious behaviors from the network. With-
Jmal, R., Masmoudi, M., Amous, I., Zayani, C. and Sèdes, F.
Apache Spark Based Deep Learning for Social Transaction Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012202600003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 365-372
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
out real-time detection, malicious transactions will be
passed to the next peer before being detected by the
model. These works have applied statistical models
and machine learning techniques to detect malicious
nodes. Thus, these techniques have several disadvan-
tages, such as mass data processing and feature engi-
neering that requires human intervention as well as a
dynamic update system.
Hence, in this paper, we use social network trans-
action analysis in order to distinguish real-time ma-
licious transactions from benevolent ones. For this
reason, we propose a deep learning model based on
Apache Spark and spark streaming to process and an-
alyze stream transactions. This model: (i) can pro-
cess huge transactions efficiently so that we can an-
alyze and bock each transaction in real-time, (ii) is
robust enough so that failure will not abort the whole
streaming process and (iii) is able to classify trans-
actions into two different classes (either benevolent
transactions or malicious transactions).
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: In section 2, we analyze and compare related-
works on attacks and intrusion detection systems us-
ing Apache Spark. In section 3, we not only describe
our architecture and its phases, but also define the
features that will be used to train and create the DL
model. In section 4, we show the performance of the
proposed approach and experimental results. In Sec-
tion 5, we discuss the outcomes and implications of
our research while emphasizing the importance of fu-
ture studies. We identify and highlight key directions
for further exploration and advancement within the
field, opening up opportunities for future researchers
to build upon our findings. In Section 6, we summa-
rize the key outcomes and implications of our work.
Several works, (Abderrahim et al., 2017), (Ekbatan-
ifard and Yousefi, 2019), (Talbi and Bouabdallah,
2020), (Chen et al., 2015), (Meena Kowshalya and
Valarmathi, 2017) and (Jafarian et al., 2020), have
been suggested to detect trust attacks by evaluating
trust associated with transactions. Besides, these
models could not detect attacks in real-time, which
reflect their inefficiency. However, most works have
identified attacks from past transactions (after valida-
In (Abdelghani et al., 2018), authors put forward
a machine learning-based trust evaluation model in
order to detect malicious nodes by classifying past
transactions into two major classes (attacks and none-
attacks) using some features related to the four types
of trust-related attacks (SPA, BMA, BSA, DA).
(Masmoudi et al., 2019) set forth a trust-related
attack detection model based on deep learning to
identify the four types of trust-related attacks (BMA,
SPA, BSA and DA). This model has performed bet-
ter results with high Recall (94.4%) and accuracy
(95.68%), compared to the work proposed by (Ab-
delghani et al., 2018), but there was no real-time de-
In order to prevent all types of trust-related attacks
(BMA, BSA, SPA, DA, OSA and OOA) authors, in
(Masmoudi et al., 2021), offered a consensus protocol
named “PoTA” for the blockchain technology. This
protocol is based on a classification technique; named
Support Vector Machine. The latter is able not only
to determine whether the completed transaction is an
attack or not, but also to decide whether to accept or
reject a transaction. The model recorded better results
with F-measures of 5.22%, compared to the study car-
ried out by (Masmoudi et al., 2019).
In contrast, for real-time attack detection, (Azer-
oual and Nikiforova, 2022), presented a prototype in-
trusion detection system that aims to detect anomalies
in data through machine learning techniques by using
the k-means algorithm for Spark MLlib based cluster
analysis. Also, they provided an example of how big
data technologies and the above-mentioned services
can be used not only for everyday tasks, but also for
the protection of all the data produced, collected, pro-
cessed and transferred.
In (Awan et al., 2021), authors applied two ma-
chine learning approaches, namely Random Forest
(RF) and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) through the
Scikit-ML and the Spark-ML libraries for the de-
tection of DOS attacks. In terms of accuracy, they
achieved similar mean accuracy in both approaches.
However, in terms of training time and testing time,
the big data approach outperforms the non-big data
approach since Spark computations in memory hap-
pen in a distributed manner.
(Khan and Kim, 2020) developed an Intrusion de-
tection system using Spark and Convolutional-auto
encoder (Conv-AE) based deep learning approach.
Thus, the conventional ML classifier used Spark ML-
lib to detect data anomalies, while the Conv-AE deep
learning approach is used for misuse detection. The
evaluation showed that their system is better than ad-
vanced approaches in terms of attack detection accu-
racy. Whereas the proposed approach did not perform
detection in real time. It detected intrusions over a
long period of time, as it passed by both anomaly de-
tection and misuse detection.
Several other inherent streaming engines, such
as Apache Storm and S4, support native streaming
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
that immediately process data as it arrives. On the
other hand, native streaming systems generally have
lower throughput. Furthermore, fault tolerance and
load balancing for native streaming are more expen-
sive than micro-batching systems, (Singh et al., 2016)
and (Hirzel et al., 2014). However, various studies
used spark streaming to detect malicious attacks in
real time. (Zhang et al., 2018) recommended a real-
time detection system using a Random Forest algo-
rithm based on the Apache Spark framework to de-
tect intrusions in high-speed networks. The model
used Apache Kafka to continuously send data to spark
streaming for processing.
In this study (Zhou et al., 2018), the authors
compared three machines-learning algorithms (Naıve
Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression) based
on the online DDoS attack detection system using
spark streaming. However, the authors did not use
Spark MLlib with Spark streaming to build ML al-
gorithms which decrease the speed of the detection
(Abid and Jemili, 2020) suggested a graph-based
real-time Intrusion-Detection System (IDS) to de-
tect and classify intrusions using the Spark Machine
Learning library and Spark Structured Streaming.
Their system achieved great results with good pro-
cessing speed using only a small cluster. Nonetheless,
this approach was not compared to other works.
According to these works and comparisons re-
ported in table 1, we notice that most works used ma-
chine learning techniques based on Apache Spark to
detect either attacks or intrusions. Nonetheless, deep
learning can be used to reconcile complex nonlinear
relationships between variables and build up complex
behavioral patterns more successfully than machine
learning and statistical techniques (Yue et al., 2021).
Then, we will use deep learning based on Apache
Spark to detect malicious transactions (trust-related
attacks) in real-time.
In our system, we have incorporated a deep learning
model on top of Apache Spark. However, it should
be noted that Apache Spark does not inherently in-
clude a deep learning library, which can complicate
the deployment of such models. To overcome this
challenge, we utilized the Elephas extension
, which
enables the deployment of deep learning models with
Spark. This approach has allowed us to create a
system with reduced latency for classifying transac-
tions, ensuring efficient and timely processing. Fig-
ure 1 depicts our architecture, which comprises two
phases. In the first phase, the Spark-based deep learn-
ing model creation, we begin by preprocessing the
dataset. Subsequently, a deep learning model is gen-
erated and trained. This phase yields a classification
model based on Deep Learning capable of produc-
ing two transaction labels: malicious and benevolent.
Moving to the second phase, spark streaming for so-
cial transaction analysis, we read data from a transac-
tion stream and apply specific transformations. Ulti-
mately, the trained model is employed to classify and
assign labels to the transaction stream.
In the following sub-section, we will present the
features used to train the model and provide a detailed
overview of the two proposed phases.
3.1 Spark-Based Deep Learning Model
Creation Phase
In this phase, we leverage the deep learning model
based on Spark to aggregate transaction elements and
detect malicious transactions. Transaction elements
play a crucial role in distinguishing between mali-
cious and benign transactions. These elements serve
as features in training our model. Previous studies in
the literature have explored various transaction fea-
tures to detect trust-related attacks. However, for
our approach, we will utilize the features proposed
in (Masmoudi et al., 2021) as a basis for our analysis.
These features are defined as follows:
Quality of provider: refers to the Quality of Ser-
vice (QoS) provided by a user whatever good or
bad services.
User Similarity: refers to the similarity between
two users.
Rating-Frequency: represents the frequency of
rating attributed by one user to another.
Rating-trend: This feature aims to reveal if a user
is rather optimistic or pessimistic.
Vote: Means that a user gives a voting value to the
service of another user.
Trust value: The overall trust value of user U in a
social network.
Vote similarity: refers to the similarity between a
user vote in such service and other users’ votes.
The features utilized in our approach are detailed
in (Masmoudi et al., 2021), (Masmoudi et al., 2019)
and (Abdelghani et al., 2018). Once we have defined
Apache Spark Based Deep Learning for Social Transaction Analysis
Table 1: A Comparison of attacks detection approaches.
Authors Objectives Algorithms Techniques/libraries Real-time
(Awan et al., 2021)
DDoS attack
detection system
Perceptron (MLP)
Random Forest (RF)
Spark MLlib
Scikit ML
(Azeroual and Nikiforova, 2022)
Intrusion detection
system (IDS)
K-means Spark MLlib X
(Khan and Kim, 2020) IDS
and conv AE
(without Spark)
Spark MLlib X
(Patil et al., 2022)
Distributed classification
system for DDoS attacks
DecisionTree (DT),
NaiveBayes (NB),
Multinomial Logistic
and Random Forest(RF)
Spark MLlib
spark streaming
Apache kafka
(Zhou et al., 2018)
DDoS attack detection
NB, DT and Logistic
Spark streaming
Apache kafka Jpcap
(an open-source
Java library)
(Abid and Jemili, 2020) Real-time IDS
K2 algorithm
Spark MLlib
spark streaming
(Zhang et al., 2018) Real-time IDS
Random Forest
Spark MLlib
spark streaming
Apache kafka
(Masmoudi et al., 2019)
Trust-attack detection
system (BMA, SPA,
(Abdelghani et al., 2018)
Trust evaluation model
(No specified attacks)
MLP, Naive Bayes,
and Random Tree
- X
(Masmoudi et al., 2021)
Consensus protocol to
prevent trust-related attacks
SVM Blockchain X
these features and constructed our dataset, we initiate
a Spark application, which grants us access to pow-
erful libraries. For example, Spark ML offers various
functions to train our dataset, while Spark SQL aids
in creating a Spark context, reading the dataset as a
dataframe, and facilitating visualizations of transfor-
mations. Using the Keras library, we generate a deep
learning model by constructing a series of consecu-
tive Dense layers with Dropout and activation func-
tions. To integrate this Keras model with Spark, we
define an estimator on top of it. We use the Elephas
estimator, an extension of Keras, which enables dis-
tributed deep learning models to be executed at scale
using Spark. Elephas aims to maintain the simplicity
and availability of Keras, facilitating the rapid pro-
totyping of distributed models that can handle large
3.2 Spark Streaming for Social
Transaction Analysis Phase
During this phase, we utilized the Spark Streaming li-
brary to predict transaction labels in real-time. The
initial step involved preparing multiple new transac-
tions, with each transaction stored in a separate file
for testing the model. We started by launching a
Spark session and creating a schema to ensure that
the streaming data adheres to the correct data types in
the transaction files. Next, we configured the stream
reading parameters, including the maximum number
of new files to consider in each trigger and the file
path and formats. Once the stream started, each new
file in the specified directory was automatically pro-
cessed. We then applied the same pipeline used in
the data preprocessing phase to the data stream using
the transform function. With the prepared data frame
stream, we were able to make predictions using the
trained model.
To regulate the stream processing, we set trigger
parameters to determine the maximum time interval
for triggering processing. We also incorporated a
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Spark-based deep learning architecture for transaction analysis.
threading function, where the written stream activated
the thread and then entered a sleep mode for a short
time. This threading mechanism allowed for concur-
rent execution of multiple tasks, suspending the call-
ing thread for a few seconds. To ensure the streaming
query runs and waits for the prediction of each trig-
ger, we utilized a function. After making real-time
predictions, each classified transaction was added to
the training data, and the model was re-fitted to incor-
porate the updated information.
This section aims to validate the performance of the
spark streaming based deep learning model and to
compare it with other models available in literature.
4.1 Simulation Setup
This part provides an overview of the dataset that will
be used in experimentation and the evaluation metrics
that will be applied to evaluate the performance of our
In fact, the realization of the proposed system and
all different simulations was carried out using an
”ASUS” laptop with specific properties. The laptop is
equipped with an Intel Core i5 processor and has 8GB
of RAM memory. It operates with a clock frequency
of up to 3.1 GHz and runs on the Windows 10 oper-
ating system. These hardware specifications were in-
strumental in conducting the various simulations and
implementing the proposed system effectively. Addi-
tionally, the simulation was built upon Apache Spark,
an open-source unified analytics engine designed for
large-scale data processing. For the development pro-
cess, Visual Studio Code (Vscode) served as the code
editor of choice. Python was the primary program-
ming language used for the development of our deep
learning model within this environment.
4.1.1 Data-Set
In order to test our approach, we need a large dataset
social transaction elements. To this end, we made
use of simulations applied to a real dataset named
”. The latter comprises 76 users, 364
services, 300 devices, 711 users’ interests, 531 so-
cial relationships between users, 32000 transactions
between users and 285788 proximities. Using this
dataset, we performed some simulations in order to
generate different instances. These instances are com-
posed of various features related to malicious trans-
actions and benevolent transactions. Based on these
simulations, we created a CSV file based on 3200
4.1.2 Evaluation Metrics
In this section, we define the evaluation metrics used
to test the proposed approach. However, we aim to
classify each transaction stream in real-time based on
spark streaming. In fact, to evaluate the performance
of the proposed system, we considered two cases:
case (I) designed to assess the performance of the
model in predicting transaction classes and case (II)
used to determine the performance of the streaming
In case (I), we have used a performance metric
as defined in table 2 in order to validate the perfor-
mance of our classification model. To evaluate case
(II), Spark provides a web UI to monitor and inspect
the status and resource consumption of a Spark appli-
cation in a web browser. It presents different parame-
ters, such as Spark jobs that show the status, duration,
and progress of all jobs and the overall event timeline.
It checks for more information about the environment,
Apache Spark Based Deep Learning for Social Transaction Analysis
Table 2: Evaluation metrics evaluation for the classification
Metrics Definition
Precision PPV = TP / (TP + FP)
Recall TPR = TP / (TP + FN)
F = (2 * PPV * TPR) / (PPV
+ TPR)
Area Under
Recall Curve
TP/(TP+FP) d(TP/P)
Area Under
TP/P d(FP/N)
stage state, etc. The UI improves the production of
visualizations and real time metrics, which make it
easier to troubleshoot and debug during development.
Thus, to evaluate the performance of the streaming
query, we used some metrics provided by the web UI,
as follows :
Input Rate : The aggregate data rate that describes
the number of loaded records per second between
the last trigger and the current trigger.
Process Rate : The aggregate rate at which Spark
processes data that describes the number of loaded
records per second in each trigger.
Batch Duration : The duration of each batch.
4.2 Experimental Results
This sub-section shows the key findings of the sim-
ulation experiments in order to check whether our
approach can process transaction streams and detect
trust-related attacks in real-time using our deep learn-
ing based classification model.
4.2.1 Experimental Results of our Deep
Learning Based Classification Model
We tested our model on a local machine with limited
resources and we expected good results. In fact, we
achieved a good accuracy rate of 99.6%. We also
measured the model performance using Area Under
the ROC Curve (AUROC) to determine the extent to
which the model is capable of distinguishing between
classes and we obtained a value of 0,99. The Area
Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUPRC) also pro-
vides a rate of 0,99. We note that our model cor-
rectly predicted trust-related attacks. Moreover, F-
measures were 99,73% and 99,26% in detecting ma-
licious transactions and benevolent transactions, re-
spectively. Hence, we achieved high scores, as illus-
trated in figure 2, which validate the performance of
our classification model.
Figure 2: Experimental results of our deep learning based
classification model.
4.2.2 Comparison
The majority of the above mentioned works, as re-
ported in Table (1), have been conducted to de-
tect DDoS attacks or intrusions based on Spark,
which showed efficient performance in processing
data streams and developing different ML techniques.
Nevertheless, all trust management works did not
take advantage of Spark to improve the development
of trust related-attack detection model in real-time.
Thus, we aim to detect malicious transactions in real-
time using Apache Spark. To make adequate compar-
isons, we referred only to trust management works,
although they do not support Apache Spark. We com-
pared our model with three previous works, (Abdel-
ghani et al., 2018), (Masmoudi et al., 2019) and (Mas-
moudi et al., 2021), that were conducted to detect
trust-related attacks that represent malicious transac-
tions. These models also used the same dataset (Sig-
comm) but for different purposes. In fact, figure 3
plots the f-measure value for the three models. We
clearly notice the difference between our work and
the works carried out by both (Abdelghani et al.,
2018) and (Masmoudi et al., 2019). Our model has
increased by approximately 5% compared to other
models. In the work conducted by (Masmoudi et al.,
2021), the deep learning model needs a larger dataset
to improve the model performance than the machine
learning model used in (Masmoudi et al., 2021).
4.2.3 Experimental Results of the Stream
Processing Query
To evaluate the stream query, we generated 160 trans-
actions and each one is stored in CSV format. These
transactions were not used before in the training
model in order to validate the efficiency of prediction.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 3: Comparison between different classification mod-
As shown in figure 4, we notice that the Process Rate
remains stable at 1.4 records/sec average rate at the
same Input Rate of 0.5 records/sec average rate. This
means that a job with enough processing capacity can
process input data. For Batch Duration, increasing the
batch size, will lead to high latency. Some streaming
systems have an option of high latency in exchange
for lower throughput. As demonstrated figure 4, our
Batch Duration is oscillating consistently around 700
ms. In fact, the structured streaming achieves both
latency and throughput. As it operates on the data,
it oscillates as structured streaming processes varying
numbers of events over time.
Figure 4: Experimental results of the stream processing
In addition, we compared the performance of our
Structured Streaming with two models that used real-
time metrics in the research community. The first
model proposed by (Abid and Jemili, 2020) was able
not only to process 60635 records in one second, but
also to collect 613027 records per second. These re-
sults are illogical since the obtained rows are over
the capacity of jobs to process input data in order to
achieve high latency. To evaluate our stream process-
ing query, the processing rate is twice greater than the
Input Rate. Thus, our stream is better than that in
(Abid and Jemili, 2020) with low latency. The second
model developed by (Zhou et al., 2018) can collect
an average of 200,000 records per second, while the
first model has an average processing time of 546 ms.
Compared with the two proposed models, our system
achieved better results as the average time to process
input data is only 333 ms.
Different patterns have been utilized to efficiently
and effectively evaluate trustworthiness. Our findings
have surpassed two significant benchmarks. Firstly,
we achieved a high f-measure was 99,73% in de-
tecting malicious nodes, surpassing the performance
of previous studies (Abdelghani et al., 2018), (Mas-
moudi et al., 2019) and (Masmoudi et al., 2021). Sec-
ondly, we focused on developing a practical system
that caters to our specific requirements.
In this regard, we leveraged Apache Spark to en-
able real-time detection. By striking a balance be-
tween processing time and accuracy, we were able to
generate comprehensive reports without compromis-
ing transaction processing. Given the challenge of ob-
taining a real-world environment to create a dataset,
we relied on existing research that focused on extract-
ing effective features for classifying malicious nodes
across various types of trust-related attacks (Mas-
moudi et al., 2021).
In our future work, we aim to prioritize two key
areas. Firstly, we plan to focus on developing solu-
tions for effectively collecting and retrieving sensitive
trust management information. This involves imple-
menting mechanisms that ensure the secure and effi-
cient handling of such data to enhance the overall trust
management process. Secondly, we intend to opti-
mize transaction storage to improve the system’s per-
formance and resource utilization. By devising inno-
vative approaches for storing and accessing transac-
tions, we aim to enhance scalability and reduce stor-
age overhead.
In general, the trustworthiness of social transactions
has been considered as an interesting axis in the re-
search community. For that, to evaluate the trustwor-
thiness of transactions, we proposed in this paper a
new system composed of two phases. First, we built
a new deep learning model based on Apache Spark
to classify transactions into two classes; either ma-
licious or benevolent. Second, we applied a real-
time module using spark streaming library to analyze
transactions. We also made use of the DL model
to make predictions in real-time. Based on our ex-
Apache Spark Based Deep Learning for Social Transaction Analysis
perimental results, we achieved better classification
scores compared with those obtained in (Masmoudi
et al., 2019), (Masmoudi et al., 2021) and (Abdel-
ghani et al., 2018). We also compared our Structured
Streaming process to other similar works, and we got
better results.
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