Exploring User-Generated Content to Detect Community Problems:
The Ontological Model of ALLEGRO
Carlos Periñán-Pascual
Universitat Politècnica de València, Paranimf 1, 46730 Gandia (Valencia), Spain
Keywords: User-Generated Content, Problem Detection, Text Classification, Keyword Recognition, Ontology.
Abstract: Social-media services contribute to creating situation awareness, thus offering a snapshot of today's society.
Citizens can use such communication channels to report problems concerning the quality of life of
individuals and the well-being of the community in which they live. Therefore, we can develop applications
that can analyse online user-generated data about a variety of problems from different topics (e.g. education,
health, or politics, among many others) to reconstruct the state of society as interpreted by social-media
users in the given community. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to describe the ontological
model required for representing community problems affecting quality of life and well-being, and how this
ontology supports the natural language processing and text-mining tasks of topic categorisation and
keyword extraction. This ontological model can become a significant component in natural language
understanding applications, particularly in those where machine-learning or neural-network models are
enhanced with external knowledge to perform opinion mining.
Social-media services (e.g. Twitter, Facebook etc.)
have become a global phenomenon of
communication, where users post content in the
form of text, images, video, audio or a combination
of them to convey their opinions, report facts, or
show situations of interest. A current line of research
related to these tools consists in crowdsensing, i.e.
the analysis and interpretation of the massive
amount of user-generated content (UGC) posted
daily in these communication channels. In this
context, this paper results from the ongoing research
conducted in the ALLEGRO project (Adaptive
muLti-domain sociaL-media sEnsinG fRamewOrk),
a general-purpose multi-modal system (i.e. text,
audio, and image) for the development of
applications that can accurately reconstruct the state
of society as interpreted by the collective
intelligence of social-media users. In other words, in
the framework of social-media analytics, we intend
to sense UGC to construct models that can detect
community problems, thus considering users as
witnesses of a given society.
The remainder of this paper is organised as
follows. Section 2 describes relevant works for the
context of this study. Section 3 provides an overview
of the ALLEGRO system and gives a detailed
account of the DIAPASON module, particularly the
ontological model and its role in the pipeline of
natural language processing (NLP) and text-mining
tasks involved in topic categorisation and keyword
recognition. Finally, Section 4 presents some
2.1 Twitter for Smart Societies
In the last few years, the concept of Smart City has
been moving towards the notion of Smart Society
(Valkenburg et al., 2016), where citizens should be
engaged to actively participate in creating a higher
quality of life for themselves and others. To this end,
citizens should be provided with a space to
participate and be involved "if an open,
multipurpose democratised platform is applied in the
public domain, data can empower people to become
active producers of societal value" (Valkenburg et
al., 2016, p. 91).
Periñán-Pascual, C.
Exploring User-Generated Content to Detect Community Problems: The Ontological Model of ALLEGRO.
DOI: 10.5220/0012203300003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 224-230
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In this context, social media can be regarded as a
shared platform for participating citizens so that
people become truly empowered in smart societies.
For this reason, the latest research efforts focus on
extracting knowledge from social media to
contribute to developing smart-city systems, where
taking Twitter as a sensor has gained increasing
interest because of the real-time nature of its data. In
this regard, two controversial issues could seemingly
distort research results: restrictions on data
acquisition and the veracity of information.
However, such issues do not undermine the
adequacy of Twitter as an information-providing
platform for smart-city applications. On the one
hand, the Twitter Streaming API is only able to
return up to 1% of all content published at a given
time, but Ayora et al. (2018) empirically
demonstrated that neither the lack of completeness
nor the latency of Twitter data results in flawed data
that could lead to wrong conclusions. On the other
hand, Doran et al. (2016) presented the reasons for
relying on the collective information conveyed by a
stream of UGC:
(a) users lose credibility within their social
networks when they continuously share posts that
are unlikely to be authentic and truthful, and
(b) false information provided by a few is
unlikely to lead to misleading inferences because
truthful information is usually shared by an
overwhelming majority.
Two projects merit our attention in this
framework of Smart Society, particularly in
developing general-purpose Twitter-based
crowdsensing systems. For example, TwitterSensing
(Costa et al., 2018) detects and classifies events of
interest (e.g. accidents, floods, traffic jams, etc.) not
only to enhance the quality of wireless sensor
networks but also to detect the areas where new
sensors are required. In this case, information from
events that are currently happening is extracted
when tweets are converted into vector
representations using term frequency and inverse
document frequency (TF-IDF), which are then fed
into a Multinomial Naive Bayes classifier.
Adikari and Alahakoon (2021) proposed an AI-
based system to monitor the 'emotional pulse' of the
city by analysing the emotions collectively
expressed by citizens through data from social media
and online discussion forums. The system carries out
three main tasks. First, primary emotions (i.e. anger,
anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sad, surprise, and
trust) are extracted based on a crowdsourced lexicon
for emotion mining (Mohammad & Turney, 2018);
as a result, an emotion profile is created for each
tweet. Second, emotion transitions are modelled
using Markov models. Finally, toxic comments,
which indicate a higher level of negativity than basic
negative emotions, are detected with a deep-learning
multi-label classifier, which employs layers of word
embedding, bidirectional recurrent neural networks
and convolutional neural networks.
On the other hand, most of the latest studies that
integrate social media into a smart-city model focus
on specific domains, such as traffic (Pandhare &
Shah, 2017; Lau, 2017; Salas et al., 2017),
healthcare (Alotaibi et al., 2020) or security (Saura
et al., 2021). For example, Pandhare and Shah
(2017) proposed a system that detects tweets related
to traffic and accidents. After filtering out
stopwords, they determined the importance of the
tokens in a tweet through TF-IDF and then
employed logistic regression and SVM as binary
classifiers (i.e. traffic and non-traffic tweets).
Lau (2017) extracted useful driving navigation
information (e.g. road accidents, traffic jams, etc.)
from social media (i.e. Twitter and Sina Weibo) to
enhance the effectiveness of Intelligent
Transportation Systems, which provide drivers with
real-time navigation information. First, he employed
a topic model-based method (Latent Dirichlet
Allocation) to learn concepts about traffic events
from an unlabeled corpus of UGC (i.e. message
filtering). Second, he applied an ensemble-based
classification method to detect traffic-related events
automatically (i.e. event identification). In particular,
the ensemble classifier relied on a weighted voting
scheme with three base classifiers, i.e. support
vector machines (SVM), Naïve Bayes, and K-
Nearest Neighbour.
Salas et al. (2017) proposed a framework to
analyse real-time traffic incidents using Twitter data,
where the main steps are as follows. First, tweets are
tokenised, and stopwords and special characters are
removed. Second, tweets are classified into traffic-
related and non-traffic-related, and traffic-related
tweets are in turn classified into different event
categories: roadworks, accidents, weather, and social
events; SVM is used as the classifier. Third, the
tweet location is extracted using named-entity
recognition and entity disambiguation based on
Wikipedia. Fourth, the strength of positive or
negative sentiment (ranging from -5 to 5) is
predicted for each tweet. Finally, the level of stress
or relaxation for each tweet (ranging from -5 to 5) is
also determined; therefore, when the user is
complaining, the level of stress in the text is high.
Alotaibi et al. (2020) developed a big-data
analytics tool to detect symptoms and diseases using
Exploring User-Generated Content to Detect Community Problems: The Ontological Model of ALLEGRO
Twitter data in Arabic and thus report the top
diseases in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To this
end, they manually annotated a sample of tweets as
related, i.e. reflecting a health concern, or,
otherwise, unrelated. In turn, health-related tweets
were further labelled as (a) messages about actual
cases of sickness, suffering, and medication, or (b)
posts creating awareness about health problems. The
highest accuracy was obtained by classifying tweets
with Naïve Bayes based on trigrams.
Saura et al. (2021) applied sentiment analysis to
a dataset of about 750,000 tweets to detect positive,
negative and neutral tweets, where linear support
vector classifiers and logistic regression obtained the
best results in accuracy. Then, they employed Latent
Dirichlet Allocation to divide the sample into
security-related topics, automatically grouped into
keywords according to their frequency.
2.2 Citizen-Reporting Tools for Smart
In the context of Citizen Relationship Management,
where the government tends to see citizens as
customers (Kopackova et al., 2019), a wide range of
smartphone applications has been developed to
report everyday non-emergency problems about
urban infrastructure and services (e.g. air pollution,
traffic congestions, potholes in roads, and broken
lights, among many others). Such problematic issues
can decrease citizens' quality of life within their
communities. Therefore, these participatory tools are
beneficial not only for citizens, who can reach the
local government to fix problems in their
neighbourhood, but also for the local government,
who can get information about what citizens want
and need (Kopackova et al., 2019), where the
economic impact for the latter also deserves to be
highlighted, who ‘might find out about issues
sooner, fix them and spend less on paid inspectors
who would travel around the urban areas and look
for potholes, garbage and similar’ (Lendák, 2016, p.
358). These crowdsensing applications, e.g.
and Improve My City,
among others, usually
consist of a mobile application that citizens use for
sensing and a website that shows the sensed events
to the administration in near real-time. Indeed, most
of these applications share similar features in the
data and sensing layers of their architecture. In the
data layer, such applications deal with structured
data submitted to administrators, who will directly
manipulate them to access information. In the
sensing layer, heterogeneous data in the form of text
and/or images are contributed by the user when a
given event occurs; in other words, when citizens
recognise the event (e.g. car accident), they perform
the sensing task (e.g. taking a picture).
3.1 Architecture
ALLEGRO consists of two modules (i.e. Data
Analysis and Data Fusion), which employ a multi-
modal data repository and a knowledge base. The
Data Analysis module is comprised of a dedicated
component for each type of data to be analysed in
UGC, i.e. DIAPASON (text analysis), ADAGIO
(image analysis), and SOUND (audio analysis). In
this regard, microtext analysis is viewed as the initial
process that provides the context of the problem
described in each message so that an instantiation of
a given problem schema can be returned. In case that
messages go with embedded audio and/or image
content, this schema can be supplemented with
context data from audio analysis and/or image
analysis, which are concurrently executed, both to
verify or rebut event-related information detected in
the text or to complete missing information in the
knowledge schema. Then, augmented knowledge
schemas produced in this module are combined in
the Data Fusion module, where the quality of
aggregated data is enhanced by rejecting irrelevant
information, minimising redundancy, resolving
inconsistencies, and completing missing
information. In this context, any of the components
SOUND) relies not only on the same ontology to
model the knowledge extracted from its
corresponding subtype of UGC item (i.e. text,
image, and voice message, respectively) but also on
the same formalism (i.e. problem schema) to
represent the most distinctive aspects of problem
types. Both issues are described and illustrated with
DIAPASON in Section 3.2.
ALLEGRO is a crowdsensing system developed
in the framework of Smart Society. The
contributions of ALLEGRO with respect to the
smart-city systems that extract knowledge from
social media (Section 2.1) and citizen-reporting tools
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
for smart cities (Section 2.2) can be found in three
main aspects:
It encompasses a wider variety of social and
physical problem types in society from the
perspective of the citizens who live in a given
It performs a deeper analysis of collected
unstructured data through topic categorisation
and keyword recognition to make predictions
from automatically extracted information.
It aims to perform multi-modal data fusion
from the knowledge derived from its core
modules—i.e. DIAPASON (text), SOUND
(audio), and ADAGIO (image).
3.2.1 Ontology
One of the primary components in ALLEGRO is
DIAPASON (unifieD hybrId ApProach to microtext
Analysis in Social-media crOwdseNsing), a proof-
of-concept workbench where English and Spanish
short texts from social media can be analysed by
integrating natural language processing, machine
and deep learning, and knowledge engineering
techniques. Indeed, DIAPASON adopts a hybrid
approach to artificial intelligence, where a
knowledge-based system relies on neural-network
models for text classification, thus combining human
intelligence with machine intelligence.
Organising knowledge is a critical issue in smart
cities. In this regard, ontologies play a critical role,
being often defined in knowledge engineering and
artificial intelligence as "a specification of a
representational vocabulary for a shared domain of
discourse definitions of classes, relations,
functions, and other objects" (Gruber, 1993, p. 199).
The DIAPASON ontology consists of four levels of
classes (i.e. problem realm, problem dimension,
problem domain, and problem type) modelled in a
single hierarchy, being P
ROBLEM the superclass at
the top. Thus, knowledge is organised around two
primary realms: S
OCIAL and PHYSICAL. In turn, this
upper level is structured into six dimensions, where
the L
dimensions pertain to the social realm, and the
dimensions to the physical realm. The modelling of
this level results from smart-city frameworks such
as Giffinger et al. (2007), Govada et al. (2017), and
Appio et al. (2019). At the middle level, we
organised each dimension in domains on which
citizens can show an attitude of disapproval towards
some specific aspect of the community. For
example, the class P
HYSICAL subsumes the class
ENVIRONMENT, which represents the problems
about the environmental dimension, which in turn
subsumes the class E
represents the problems about the ecological-hazard
domain. The levels of problem realms, problem
dimensions, and problem domains in the
DIAPASON ontology are currently fully developed.
Finally, the lower level describes types of
community problems that can affect some, most or
all citizens. For example, the classes
subsumed by the class E
address the environmental quality of urban and
urbanised beaches in the framework of Smart Cities
(Ariza et al., 2010; Sardá et al., 2014). The level of
specific problem types in the DIAPASON ontology
is currently under development because of the
numerous elements that can be found. Each specific
problem type is modelled as a distinct class
subsumed by one or more classes at the domain
It should be noted that we formalise each
problem type, which pertains to one or more
domains, using a language-independent problem
schema. For example, the problem schemas of
ARINELITTER and MARINESPILL are presented in
(1) and (2), respectively.
(1) ((plastic-114592610 | bag-102773037 |
bottle-102876657 | glass-103438257 | cap-
102954938 | lid-103661340 | butt-
102927399 | can-102946921 | dirty-
300419289) & (sand-115019030 | sea-
(2) (((oil-114980579 | spill-115049594 | tar-
114911704) | (dead-300095280 & fish-
102512053)) & (sand-115019030 | sea-
Formally, our problem schemas consist of five types
of elements (i.e. concepts, named entities, functions,
operators, and expressions):
Concepts are WordNet synsets (Fellbaum,
1998), i.e. sets of synonymous words. WordNet
is a lexical database that organises nouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs into synsets,
where each synset represents a distinct concept
connected to other synsets through lexical and
semantic relations. In (1) and (2), we introduce
each synset with an English word (e.g. plastic-
114592610) to facilitate the readability of the
Exploring User-Generated Content to Detect Community Problems: The Ontological Model of ALLEGRO
problem-type representation; however, such
words play no role during the processing of
problem schemas.
Named entities are real-world entities (e.g.
individuals, locations, organisations, etc.)
denoted by proper names. From an ontological
perspective, named entities in problem schemas
can take the form of instances (e.g.
$Mediterranean_Sea) or instance categories
(e.g. $sea), which serve to cluster a set of
instances (e.g. Adriatic Sea, Black Sea,
Mediterranean Sea, etc.).
Functions represent lexical, syntactic, and
semantic patterns that can be implemented in
various linguistic realisations to express
pragmatic meaning. To illustrate,
DISAPPOINTED is linguistically projected to
constructions such as I was hoping for..., I'm
sorry to hear..., and it's a real pity..., among
many others.
Operators are categorised into two groups. On
the one hand, conceptual operators (i.e.
modifiers and negation) act on the concepts of
a proposition to give greater semantic
specificity to the description of the problem
type. Modifiers aim to present a particular
quality, entity, event or situation at a higher
(M) or lower (P) quantity, degree or intensity
than expected for the state of affairs being
described. In contrast, negation (N) refers to
any construct that introduces the lack of a
given quality, entity, event or situation.
Conceptual operators can be mapped to
linguistic realisations. On the other hand,
logical operators, i.e. conjunction (&),
inclusive disjunction (|) and exclusive
disjunction (^), can connect two or more
elements of the same kind.
Expressions are constructs that include
concepts, named entities, functions, or other
expressions, providing that such elements are
connected through logical operators. Round
brackets determine the scope of expressions.
3.2.2 Text Processing
The goal of DIAPASON is to discover the specific
situations described by UGC that can instantiate one
or more problem types. To this end, a pipeline of
NLP and text-mining tasks is performed:
a) Pre-processing texts. This task, which aims to
have clean texts from the input, is especially relevant
to UGC since the language used in social media is
characterised by departing from the commonly
accepted standard for written text. In the case of
tweets, emojis are converted into lexical units,
hashtags are segmented into tokens, and references
and URL links are automatically removed, among
other standardisation methods.
b) Processing texts. First, each text is tokenised, and
all the tokens are lemmatised. Second, named
entities are recognised and linked to entity types,
which become part of the tokenised input. Third,
nouns, verbs and adjectives are conceptualised by
identifying their corresponding WordNet synsets,
and negation cues and modifiers are projected as
conceptual operators. Such conceptualisation is
performed with unsupervised word sense
disambiguation based on synset embeddings. Fourth,
functions were detected by adopting a rule-based
approach grounded on the lexical, syntactic and
semantic features of the input. Therefore, elements
such as named entities, concepts and functions in
problem schemas play a critical role in this stage.
c) Classifying texts. Identifying which texts describe
which problems is regarded as a text-categorisation
task. To this end, a corpus of labelled instances is
created from the knowledge stored in problem
schemas so that a two-dimensional Convolutional
Neural Network model is constructed from pre-
defined embeddings in LessLex (Colla et al., 2020)
to make predictions on new UGC. Therefore, the
embeddings linked to the WordNet synsets of named
entities, concepts and functions make up the
foundation of this stage.
d) Recognising keywords from texts. Once the
multi-domain categorisation of a single text has been
performed, the system represents the semantics of
each token in the text and each synset in the relevant
problem schemas as embeddings computed from the
language model. As such embeddings are located in
the same high-dimensional vector space, each word
embedding is compared with each synset vector
based on cosine similarity, assuming that the closer
an individual word embedding is to a given synset
vector, the more likely the synset becomes a
descriptor. Finally, keywords are obtained through
the words linked to the selected synsets. Therefore,
keyword recognition is primarily performed through
the embedding-based similarity between UGC and
problem schemas.
As a way of summary, Figure 1 illustrates the
process where NLP and text-mining tasks are
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: Text processing in DIAPASON.
To illustrate, suppose that we intend to explore a
collection of tweets to discover water-related
environmental problems in Australia. For example,
the tweet in (2) could pertain to such a corpus.
(2) #Cigarette butts, the most common source of
#litter in Victorian waterways, can take up to
12 months to break down in freshwater and
up to five years to break down in
After text processing, DIAPASON obtains the
information shown in Table 1 from the metadata and
core data of the UGC unit whose text message is
Table 1: Twitter information extraction: an example.
Tweet ID 1022270465144971264
Timestamp 2018-07-26T02:00:00
e en
Named entit
Victorian waterwa
Synsets [keyword] 102927399 [butt]
114858292 [litter]
115008847 [seawater]
According to Beliga et al. (2015), keyword-
selection methods can be divided into two
categories: keywords can be selected from a
controlled vocabulary of terms (i.e. keyword
assignment) or directly from the source document
(i.e. keyword extraction). In DIAPASON, keyword
recognition adopts the former approach, as keywords
are derived from problem schemas. However, not all
words related to the synsets in problem schemas are
instantiated as keywords, but only those with a
significant semantic association with some lexical
unit in the tweet determined by distributional
Being developed in the framework of Smart Society,
ALLEGRO is an ongoing project based on the
processing of UGC contributed by social sensors. As
UGC can be comprised of different types of data,
e.g. text, audio, image, and video, the Data Analysis
module in ALLEGRO includes a dedicated
component for processing each of these types of
data. In this regard, DIAPASON, which has been
devised for text analysis, is provided with an
ontology that is being constructed to cover a wide
variety of community problems from the perspective
of social-media users. This ontology is organised
into four levels of topic specificity, where the lower
level includes classes that represent specific types of
community problems. In turn, problem schemas are
assigned to such specific types, as they serve as
conceptual representations of their semantics.
Indeed, problem schemas play an active role in the
multi-domain categorisation of UGC, as well as in
keyword extraction.
This article was supported under grant PID2020-
112827GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501
100011033, and under grant number 101017861
[project SMARTLAGOON] by the European
Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation
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KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development