Figure 7: TCP-Position simulation model vs. real system (P1 to P2).
overall model was developed, which can form the
basis for further analysis regarding controller
parameters together with kinematic joint parameters
as a function of a given trajectory.
It was shown that the static holding torques at the
input to the gearbox are comparable between
simulation model and real system. It was also shown
that the realized trajectory in the simulation model
exhibited only very slight deviations compared to the
predefined trajectory. In comparison with a real
system, however, larger deviations were found.
At the start of the movement of the simulation
model, there are rigid oscillations which are only
slowly eliminated. Thus, the control system appears
to be insufficient. For this purpose, the controller
structure should be adapted by a more precise
modelling of the current, speed and position control
loop, resulting in a more complex controller cascade.
After optimizing the controller structure of the
individual joints, the overall model is ready for
further analysis. In particular, analyses with reference
to specific, predetermined trajectories and their
resulting kinematic parameters at the TCP and in the
joints become possible.
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