The Dark Side of Sharing Knowledge in the Social Media Era:
Faculty Members’ Perspectives
Kamla Ali Al-Busaidi
and Ibtisam Al-Wahaibi
Infomration Systems Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Business Communications Unit, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Keywords: Social Media Platform, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Management, Information Systems Security.
Abstract: This pilot study examines the dark side of social media platforms (SMPs) for knowledge sharing (KS) from
knowledge management (KM) and information systems security(ISS) perspectives. SMPs have become a
mainstream technology with several potential opportunities for KS especially during the COVID 19 pandemic.
However, the literature indicates a dark side to SMPs, and knowledge workers may encounter several
challenges that might negatively affect their use. Hence, this study specifically assesses the negative effects
of knowledge power loss, codification efforts, privacy breaches and cyberattacks on KS through SMPs. Based
on 42 faculty members and structure equation modelling-based analysis, the results indicate that only
knowledge power loss is the main negative influencer of knowledge workers’ use of SMPs for KS. Further
analysis indicated that knowledge power loss negatively affects sharing implicit not explicit knowledge. This
study provides initial insights for researchers and practitioners.
Human resources play a crucial role in todays digital
and knowledge-based economy. Social media
platforms (SMPs) are recognized as one of the
information and communications technologies (ICT)
that facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration
among knowledge workers particularly during the
COVID-19 pandemic (Sakusic et al., 2021). In a time
when digital transformation and virtual connections
were essential for survival in organizations
worldwide (Swart et al., 2022). Drucker (2013)
emphasized that the productivity of knowledge
workers is the most asset in the 21st century.
Knowledge sharing systems, which fall under the
category of knowledge management systems (KMS),
are defined as systems that enable the seamless
dissemination of individual and organizational
knowledge (Davenport and Prusak, 1998). Among
knowledge workers, social media platforms are
widely used technologies due to their various
functionalities including email, chat and discussion
forums tools, content and document management,
search capabilities, and virtual meetings. These
platforms make it effortless for knowledge workers to
share and reshare knowledge and information. SMPs
as knowledge sharing systems have several potential
advantages such as improved reach and richness (Al-
Busaidi and Al-Wahaibi, 2022), improved
connectivity and knowledge collaboration
(Ghalavand et al., 2022), improved learning and
creativity (Al-Busaidi et al, 2017), and improved
relationships with coworkers (Yoganathan et al.,
2021). However, they also have potential threats
including productivity loss , power loss, privacy
breaches, cybercrimes, and many others(Freni et al.,
2010, Chen et al., 2021; Ghalavand et al., 2022). The
success of knowledge management including
knowledge sharing depends mainly on the
willingness of knowledge workers to share their
valuable knowledge and expertise. With these
potential threats, their willingness may be uncertain.
Consequently, this pilot study aims to assess the
threats of social media platforms that may influence
knowledge workers‘ knowledge sharing practices,
based on knowledge management practices and
information systems security. Based on knowledge
management practices, knowledge workers may be
hesitant to share knowledge due to the fear of losing
knowledge power and the effort required for
codification (Kankanhalli et al. 2005). From the
perspective of information systems security, Chen et
al. (2021) indicated that users can encounter several
Al-Busaidi, K. and Al-Wahaibi, I.
The Dark Side of Sharing Knowledge in the Social Media Era: Faculty Members’ Perspectives.
DOI: 10.5220/0012204700003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 219-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
threats with social media platforms including privacy
breaches and cyberattacks. Understanding the
negative factors on sharing knowledge through SMPs
is critical for analysing and understanding an
organization’s status in any SMPs deployment (Al-
Busaidi, 2014; Phadermrod et al., 2019).
The literature on KM, ISS and SMPs has highlighted
several potential threats of using social media
platforms to share knowledge among knowledge
workers in organizations. According to the KM
literature, knowledge workers may experience a loss
of knowledge power and face time loss due
to codification efforts (Kankanhalli et al. 2005).
Additionally, Chen et al. (2021) have pointed out that
social media platforms raise several security concerns
including privacy breaches and cyber-attacks.
2.1 Knowledge Power Loss
Knowledge is a powerful asset not only for
organizations but also individuals. The concept of
knowledge power loss refers to the perception of the
knowledge workers that their unique value and power
will be diminish due to the sharing of knowledge
(Davenport & Prusak (1998), Kankanhalli et al.
2005). Employees, who view their knowledge as
private and powerful, are likely to be unwilling to
share it, as they believe doing so would result in
losing their competitive advantage (Bock et al.,
2005). Consequently, knowledge power loss hinders
knowledge sharing (Kankanhalli et al. 2005) because
individuals fear that losing their knowledge power
will make them replaceable.
Hypothesis 1 (H1): knowledge power loss concern is
negatively associated with sharing knowledge
through social media platforms.
2.2 Codification Efforts
Codification efforts refer to the amount of effort and
time required for knowledge workers to organize and
codify knowledge into the system (Kankanhalli et al.
2005). Common risks associated with knowledge
sharing include wasting time on private conversations
and un-related issues (Hysa & Spalek, 2019).
Time waste and decreased productivity are identified
as major threats to the use of SMPs, as irrelevant posts
and information overload negatively impact
employees’ time and productivity (Al-Busaidi, 2014;
Nusrat et al., 2021).
Hypothesis 2 (H2): Codification efforts/time concern
is negatively associated with sharing knowledge
through social media platforms.
2.3 Privacy Breach
Privacy threats such as location privacy and absence
privacy (i.e. users’ presence or absence at a specific
location during a given period) are common risks
(Freni et al., 2010). Using SMPs for work activities
poses privacy risks as it may lead to the in disclosure
of confidential project data by employees (Hysa &
Spalek, 2019). Ghalavand et al.( 2021) indicated that
physicians' use of SMPs in healthcare settings may
violate patients' privacy. Additionally, Chen et al.
(2021) suggested that privacy breaches can occur
through various activities, such as SMPs providers
sharing or selling users’ data, or coworkers
accidentally revealing private users’ data without
their knowledge. Thus,
Hypothesis 3: Privacy breach concern is negatively
associated with sharing knowledge through social
media platforms.
2.4 Cyberattack
With the emergence of the Internet and SMPs, cyber-
attacks are ever-increasing (Arora et al., 2022). The
widespread use of SMPs and the amount of
information shared put users at risk of identity theft
and hacking (Hoy and Milne, 2010, Al-Busaidi,
2014). Insufficient security controls may also result
in several cyberattacks that exploit human
vulnerabilities. Some common cyber-attacks using
SMPs to exploit human vulnerabilities include in
scams, malicious content, social weakness jacking
and spam as identified by the FBI, Symantec, and
TrendMicro (Chen et al., 2021). Employees consider
fear of internet piracy as one of the main inhibitors of
using SMPs (Al-Busaidi et al, 2017).
Hypothesis 4: Cyberattack concern is negatively
associated with sharing knowledge through social
media platforms.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
3.1 Research Methodology
3.1.1 Data Collection and Questionnaire
The data was collected through online questionnaire
using the SurveyMonkey website. An online
invitation was sent to academic institutions
(universities and colleges) in the Sultanate of Oman.
Forty-two faculty members participated in the study.
The questionnaire was developed based on the
literature. The measurements for the knowledge
sharing construct were adopted from Bock et al.
(2005). The measurements for knowledge loss and
codification effort constructs were adopted from
Kankanhalli et al (2005), and the measurements for
privacy breaches and cyberattacks constructs were
adopted from Chen et al. (2021). A 5-point Likert
scale was used to rate the measurements: 1= Strongly
Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4-Agree and 5-
Strongly agree.
3.1.2 Participants
This pilot study included responses from 42
academicians. Approximately 54.76% of participants
were from the private sector, while 45.24% were
from the public sector. Around 35.71% were Omani.
Approximately 59.52% were female, while 40.48%
were male. Approximately 42.86% of participants
had a master’s degree, while 47.62% had doctoral
degree; the remaining participants did not identify
their degree. Approximately 4.76% of participants
were below 30 years old, 35.71% were in their 30s,
45.24% were in their 40s, and 14.29% were 50 years
old and above. Participants classified their level of
expertise as: 0% as novice, 14.29% as advanced
beginner, 9.52% as competent, 47.62% as proficient,
and 38.10% as an expert. Participants indicated their
frequency of using social media platforms for sharing
knowledge with co-workers as always(45.24% of
participants), very often (38.10%), sometimes
(16.67%), and rarely (0%).
3.2 Analysis and Results
3.2.1 Analysis Method
Smart PLS 4.0 software was used for data analysis.
Construct measures were evaluated for internal
consistency reliability and validity, which was
measured by the average variance extracted (AVE) is
representing the amount of variance a latent
construct captures from its indicators. The
recommended level for internal consistency
reliability at least 0.70 and is at least 0.50 for AVE
(Chin, 1998). Table 1 indicates that the constructs’
reliability and AVE are above the recommended
levels for all the constructs. Table 2 illustrates that the
constructs’ discriminant validity is satisfied, which is
assessed by the square root of the AVE of each
construct, which should exceed the correlations
shared between this construct and the other (Fornell
and Larcker, 1981).
Table 1: Constructs’ Reliability and Validity.
Power Loss
( KPL)
0.958 0.852
0.944 0.809
0.935 0.826
0.981 0.927
0.902 0.649
Table 2: Constructs’ Discriminant Validity.
KPL 0.923
CET 0.658 0.899
PRB 0.611 0.835 0.909
CYA 0.413 0.726 0.769 0.963
KSH -0.468 -0.192 -0.263 -0.090 0.806
3.2.2 Constructs’ Significance Results
With PLS, R2 values are used to evaluate the
predictive relevance of a structural model for the
dependent latent variables, and the path coefficients
are used to assess the effects of the independent
variables (Chin, 1998). A 95% confidence level was
used to assess the significance of all statistical tests.
Table 3 shows the significance of the constructs and
the results of hypotheses testing. The R2 value of the
dependent construct “Knowledge Sharing” through
Social Media Platforms was 0.247, indicating that the
model explains 24.7% of the variance in knowledge
The Dark Side of Sharing Knowledge in the Social Media Era: Faculty Members’ Perspectives
workers’ knowledge sharing through Social Media
Platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
The pilot study found the only significant
construct on sharing knowledge through social media
platforms by knowledge workers during the COVID
19 pandemic lockdown is the knowledge power loss
construct = -0.553; p-value = 0.003); Therefore,
hypothesis 1 is supported. The effects of codification
efforts/time loss =0.344, p-value =0.245), privacy
breach (β =-0.283, p-value =0.423), and cyber-attack
= 0.114, p-value =0.662) were not significant on
sharing knowledge through social media platforms by
knowledge workers during the COVID 19 pandemic
lockdown; hence hypotheses 2, 3 and 4 were not
supported. Further analysis, which separated implicit
knowledge sharing measurements from explicit
knowledge measurements indicated that the negative
effect of knowledge power loss is only on sharing
implicit knowledge =-0.588, p-value =0.009), but
not tacit knowledge (β =-0.305, p-value =0.330).
Table 3: Constructs Paths Significance.
Hypoth. OS SM SD TS P-V
KPL ->
0.472 0.255 2.165 0.030*
CET ->
0.344 0.194 0.296 1.162 0.245
PRB ->
0.228 0.353 0.801 0.423
CYA ->
0.114 0.151 0.262 0.437 0.662
Hypoth.= Hypothesis; OS= Original sample; SM=
Sample mean; SD= Standard Deviation; TS= T
statistics; P-V= P values
This pilot study examined the effect of various factors
including knowledge power loss, codification efforts,
privacy breach and cyberattack on sharing knowledge
through SMPs during the COVID-19 pandemic by
faculty members. The findings revealed that only
knowledge power loss has a significant negative
effect on sharing knowledge through SMPs. The
COVID-19 pandemic may have heightened job
insecurity among knowledge workers, leading to an
intensified perception of knowledge power loss. As a
result, employees may be inclined to conceal their
knowledge to maintain a competitive advantage
(Nguyen et al., 2022). These findings have
implications for both practitioners and researchers.
Decision makers should address this issue to foster a
knowledge-sharing culture within their organizations,
particularly regarding the implicit tacit knowledge,
which is highly valuable (Chugh, 2012).
However, it is important to note that this study has
certain limitations. The sample size was relatively
small, and a larger sample size would enhance the
significance of the other factors. Additionally, this
study solely focused on the negative aspects that
affect using SMPs for knowledge sharing. Therefore,
it is essential to also consider the positive aspects.
Furthermore, this study was conducted in a Middle
Eastern country, and future research could compare
findings across different countries and culture.
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The Dark Side of Sharing Knowledge in the Social Media Era: Faculty Members’ Perspectives