Table 11: Shortest path results.
Component Source Target Shortest Path Length
1 gqn cLoUt diDDit 2
5 kendralinnette odedi1 1
6 happyboy13 ProgaPanda 1
9 fatrna ezzouhry AEssam 1
10 lacobusCaesar Memetaro Kujo 1
11 lnTheKurry RealHistoryMashup 1
12 dishonoredgraves LimeAndTacos 1
13 CASCADE 999 Trainer Opposite 1
15 muffled savior 3pr7 1
In this research paper we focused on analyzing the
Reddit network for Egyptians. We followed a step-
by-step methodology to collect and preprocess the
dataset, resulting in a comprehensive dataset with
23,185 unique users and 105 Egyptian subreddits.
The network constructed from the dataset provided
a visual representation of the connections between
users based on their shared subreddit interests. With
6,877,773 edges, the network showed a significant
level of interconnectedness among users.
Through the application of various network anal-
ysis techniques, such as degree analysis, degree dis-
tribution analysis, clustering coefficient analysis, and
network type analysis, we gained insights into the
characteristics of the network. These analyses helped
us understand the degrees of nodes, the distribution
of degrees, the level of clustering within the network,
and the network’s overall structural properties.
Our research contributes significantly to the body
of knowledge surrounding the Egyptian Reddit com-
munity, enriching our understanding of its dynam-
ics and underlying structures. These findings hold
practical relevance for the identification of influential
users, the study of information propagation, and the
exploration of community frameworks. Researchers
and community managers alike can leverage these in-
sights to make more informed decisions and foster
more effective engagement within the Egyptian Red-
dit community.
However, it is essential to acknowledge the limi-
tations of our study. While our analysis provides a ro-
bust foundation for understanding the Egyptian Red-
dit network, the dynamic nature of online communi-
ties means that our findings may not be static over
time. Future research endeavors should consider in-
corporating temporal analysis to capture the evolving
nature of the network. Furthermore, the incorpora-
tion of sentiment analysis could unveil the emotions
and opinions expressed within Egyptian subreddits,
adding depth to our understanding.
Looking beyond the confines of this study, similar
analyses can be extended to other communities and
populations, such as the broader Arab and African
communities, shedding light on the evolving land-
scape of underprivileged countries and regions.
At the end, our research offers valuable in-
sights into the Egyptian Reddit network, illuminat-
ing its inner workings and serving as a launchpad
for future studies and community engagement efforts.
By addressing the unique characteristics of this re-
gional Reddit community, we advance the frontiers
of knowledge in online community analysis and offer
a roadmap for future investigations in this dynamic
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics