Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
Samy Shaawat
1 a
, Adham Hammad
1 b
, Karim Farhat
1 c
, Mina Thabet
1 d
and Walid Gomaa
1,2 e
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Computer Science Engineering, Egypt-Japan University of Science and
Technology, Alexandria, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
Network Analysis, Reddit, Social Media, Egyptian Community, Degree Analysis, Degree Distribution
Analysis, Clustering Coefficient Analysis.
This paper presents a network analysis of the Reddit community focused on Egypt. We collected and con-
structed a comprehensive dataset consisting of 23,185 users and 105 Egyptian subreddits. Through network
analysis criteria such as degree analysis, degree distribution analysis, and clustering coefficient analysis, we
explored the structural properties, connectivity patterns, and local clustering within the Egyptian Reddit net-
work. The findings provide insights into the community dynamics, influential users, and information flow
within the network. Our study contributes to a better understanding of online communities in the context of
Egypt and sheds light on the relationships and interactions within the Egyptian Reddit community. By lever-
aging network analysis techniques, we uncover the importance of individual nodes, the distribution of node
degrees, and the formation of tightly knit groups.This study contributes significantly to the understanding of
online communities specific to Egypt, shedding light on relationships and interactions within the Egyptian
Reddit community.
Social media platforms have become an integral part
of our lives, enabling us to connect, share, and learn
from each other. Among these platforms, Reddit
stands out as one of the most popular and influential
online communities in the world.(Widman, 2022)
Reddit is a social bookmarking website that allows
users to submit, rate, and comment on various types of
content, such as news, images, videos, and text posts.
Users can join and create subreddits, which are spe-
cialized forums dedicated to specific topics or inter-
ests. According to Semrush, Reddit had more than
430 million monthly active users as of October 2021,
making it the fourth most visited site in the U.S. and
the sixth most visited worldwide.(Diaz and Mellon,
Reddit is a rich source of data and insights for re-
searchers who want to study online communities, so-
cial network analysis, and user behavior. However,
most of the existing studies on Reddit have focused
on the global or English-speaking subreddits, while
neglecting the regional or non-English subreddits that
represent diverse and vibrant communities around the
world. This oversight hampers our understanding of
the unique dynamics and contributions of these re-
gional communities.
Our research addresses this gap by focusing on
the Egyptian Reddit community, a dynamic online
community centered around topics related to Egypt.
This community comprises several subreddits cover-
ing various aspects of Egyptian culture, politics, soci-
ety, and entertainment.(Smith, 2021)
The research problem at the heart of our study is
to investigate the structure and dynamics of the Egyp-
tian Reddit community, which is largely unexplored
in the existing literature. Specifically, we aim to un-
derstand how this community functions, the patterns
of user interaction within it, and its role in shaping
discussions related to Egypt.
Our study aims to address the research problem
of the largely unexplored Egyptian Reddit community
by investigating its structure, dynamics, and contribu-
tions. Specifically, we seek to analyze the network
structure of this community, identifying key nodes,
Shaawat, S., Hammad, A., Farhat, K., Thabet, M. and Gomaa, W.
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community.
DOI: 10.5220/0012205000003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 2, pages 258-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
influencers, and clusters of interest. Additionally,
we aim to examine user behavior patterns within the
Egyptian Reddit community, including content shar-
ing, engagement, and the dissemination of informa-
tion. Furthermore, our research endeavors to under-
stand the cultural significance of Egyptian Reddit sub-
reddits by investigating how they contribute to discus-
sions on various aspects of Egyptian culture, politics,
society, and entertainment, both within the commu-
nity and in the broader online discourse. (Stoltenberg
et al., 2019)
The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 is
an introduction. Section 2 gives a literature review
about on social network analysis, Reddit analysis,
and network analysis in online communities. Sec-
tion 3 presents the core of our work given the overall
methodology, an overview of the network, showing
the connections between users in the Egyptian Red-
dit community through visual representation. We dis-
cuss the network’s construction and provide informa-
tion about the number of users and shared subreddits.
In Section 4 we give our empirical work and the cor-
responding analyses. Section 5 concludes the paper
with pointers to future work.
Social media networks like Reddit, Facebook, and
Twitter contain a wealth of data that can provide
insights into human behavior and social connec-
tions. (Telatnik, 2021)
Community Identification on Reddit
Smith et al. analyzed the network structure of Reddit
to identify different types of user communities. Their
purpose was to understand the diverse connections
and communities on Reddit. This research provides
a general overview of how people interact and form
communities on the platform, and it is easily under-
standable for general readers. (Smith et al., 2019)
User Engagement in Reddit Communities
Xu et al. studied the degree distributions of Red-
dit communities to understand their connectivity pat-
terns. They wanted to explore the range of user en-
gagement levels within Reddit communities. By do-
ing so, they provide insights into how active users are
in different communities on Reddit. (Xu et al., 2019)
Temporal Dynamics of Twitter Networks
Johnson examined how networks change over time on
Twitter. The purpose was to understand the dynamics
of social media networks and how some communi-
ties persist while others are more temporary. This re-
search showcases the constant evolution of social me-
dia networks in a way that is easy to grasp. (Johnson,
Connectivity Patterns in Twitter
Park et al. analyzed local and global connectivity pat-
terns in the Twitter hashtag network. They aimed to
provide an intuitive understanding of how hashtags
are connected on Twitter, demonstrating the layered
connectivity patterns within the platform. (Park et al.,
Age-Related Differences in Facebook
Cho and Lee studied clustering coefficients across dif-
ferent Facebook networks to understand how human
connections differ across age groups on social media.
Their purpose was to examine the differences in how
people of different ages connect on Facebook. This
research offers insights into age-related differences in
social media usage. (Cho and Lee, 2021)
Political Polarization on Brexit-Related
Facebook Pages
Williams and Housley analyzed Facebook pages re-
lated to Brexit to understand the level of polarization
in communities. They wanted to examine how polit-
ical polarization manifests in social networks. This
work provides a straightforward look at the ways po-
litical polarization is reflected in online communi-
ties. (Williams and Housley, 2021)
Global Events and Reddit Community
Ahmed et al. analyzed the network structure of Reddit
discussions about current events in Egypt. Their pur-
pose was to understand how world events shape social
connections on platforms like Reddit. This research
offers an accessible view of how global events influ-
ence online communities. (M.Ahmed et al., 2022)
Idea Spread in Reddit Discussions
Xu and Ke used natural language processing tech-
niques to extract topics from Reddit comments
and constructed networks connecting comments dis-
cussing the same topics. They aimed to understand
how ideas spread and become popular within Reddit.
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
This research gives insights into the dynamics of idea
sharing within the platform. (Z.Xu and Q.Ke, 2022)
Cross-Platform Social Media
Lee et al. took a cross-platform view and constructed
social media networks that connected the same users
across multiple platforms. Their purpose was to
understand how individuals engage across different
social media websites. This work provides an
intuitive understanding of how people connect and
interact on various platforms. (S.Lee et al., 2023)
These previous studies provide insights into hu-
man behavior and social connections on social me-
dia platforms. They explore various aspects such as
community formation, user engagement, network dy-
namics, connectivity patterns, age group differences,
political polarization, and the impact of world events.
3.1 Dataset
In this section, we will explain the process of prepar-
ing and constructing a dataset focused on Egyptian
subreddits. Our goal was to create a comprehensive
dataset for analyzing discussions and content related
to Egypt, utilizing the open API provided by Reddit
and the Python PRAW library.
3.1.1 Dataset Collection and Preprocessing
The initial step in dataset preparation involved col-
lecting data from Reddit, specifically targeting Egyp-
tian subreddits.
Identification of Egyptian Subreddits: Using the
open Reddit API and the Python PRAW library, we
conducted a search for subreddits related to Egypt.
Our search query looked for subreddits where the
term ’Egypt’ (in English) appeared in either the name
or the content. This search resulted in the retrieval of
105 relevant subreddits, which we saved for further
Extraction of Usernames from Subreddits: Using
the authenticated Reddit API, we proceeded to extract
active usernames from the collected Egyptian subred-
dits. We iterated through each subreddit and retrieved
the submissions, including both posts and comments.
From these submissions, we extracted the usernames
of the authors. We included only those usernames that
were associated with at least one submission within
the subreddit, ensuring that we captured usernames of
active participants. We then removed duplicate user-
names, resulting in a final list of unique usernames
associated with the Egyptian subreddits. We saved
this list in a text file named after the corresponding
subreddit. The size of the dataset is shown in table 1,
and the details of the dataset are discussed in the next
Table 1: Dataset Size.
Number of rows 23,184
Number of Columns 24
3.1.2 Dataset Construction
To construct the dataset, we generated text files,
with each file representing a subreddit and contain-
ing the active usernames associated with that subred-
dit. Next, we iterated over all the text files, extracting
usernames and linking them to the subreddits where
they were active. Each username was assigned its own
column in the dataset, and in the respective column,
we marked the subreddits where the user was active.
The dataset consists of 23,185 rows as shown in
the pervious table 1, each representing a unique user-
name. The dataset comprises 24 columns, with the
first column dedicated to usernames, while the re-
maining 23 columns correspond to the subreddits that
each username is subscribed to. The reason for the
23 columns, rather than the total number of subred-
dits (105) in the dataset, is that no username is sub-
scribed to all 105 subreddits. The maximum number
of subreddits to which a username is subscribed is 23.
As a result, the dataset is structured to include only
the columns to represent the subreddit subscriptions
of each username.
Once the dataset was created, we conducted a
thorough quality check to ensure data integrity. We
examined the dataset, searching for null values or du-
plicates. If any were found, we promptly removed
them from the dataset. This process was crucial in
ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the dataset.
3.2 Network Overview
The network constructed from the dataset provides
a visual representation of the connections between
users based on their shared subreddit interests. The
nodes represent individual users, while the undirected
edges depict the presence of common subreddits be-
tween pairs of users. There are no weights assigned
to the edges, and whether there are many or just one
Click to see our Dataset and Network Implementation
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
subreddit in common, they are handled in the same
way. This network structure enables the analysis of
relationships and information flow within the Egyp-
tian Reddit community fig. 1 shows a sample of a net-
work constructed using the collected dataset.
Figure 1: Connected component number 10. It represents
the subreddit named “EgyptianHistoryMemes” and con-
sists of 5 members: IacobusCaesar, Joseph-Memestar, Ro-
roS4321, AnticRetard, and Memetaro-Kujo.
3.2.1 Network Construction
The network is constructed using python modules:
Pandas, NetworkX, and Matplotlib. The Network
successfully constructed as shown in fig. 2 and 3
to analyze the structure and dynamics of the Egyp-
tian Reddit community. This network, comprised of
23,185 users and 105 subreddits
, forms the basis
for further exploration and investigation into users in-
teractions, influential nodes, and community dynam-
ics (Powell and Hopkins, 2015a).
Figure 2: Fully Generated Network (with labels).
3.2.2 Network Metrics
The following are some metrics we used to analyze
the network.
1. Node Count: The dataset comprises 23,185
unique users (nodes) who follow Egyptian subred-
dits. These users form the nodes of the network.
2. Edge Count: The edges in the network indicate
the presence of shared subreddits between pairs of
Figure 3: Fully Generated Network (without labels).
users. The total number of edges in the network
represents the level of interconnectedness, overlap
in subreddit interests among users. There are a
total of 6,877,773 edges.
Table 2: Number of Nodes and Edges.
Network Metrics Value
Number of Nodes 23,185
Number of Edges 6,877,773
3.3 Network Analysis Criteria
Network analysis is a powerful methodology for
studying and understanding complex systems rep-
resented as graphs or networks. It involves ana-
lyzing the structure, relationships, and dynamics of
nodes and edges within the network to gain insights
into the underlying system’s behavior and character-
istics. Network analysis encompasses various tech-
niques and measures that provide valuable informa-
tion about connectivity, centrality, community struc-
ture, and other properties of the network (Powell and
Hopkins, 2015b).
3.3.1 Degree Analysis
Degree analysis, also known as degree centrality, is
a network analysis measure that focuses on the num-
ber of connections or edges that a node (in this case,
Egyptian Reddit users) has in the network. It helps
identify highly connected users who follow a large
number of subreddits, indicating their active engage-
ment and broad range of interests within the Reddit
community. Degree analysis provides insights into
the overall network structure, popular subreddits, and
influential users, revealing patterns of information
sharing and community interactions (Vasques Filho
and O’Neale, 2018).
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
3.3.2 Degree Distribution Analysis
Degree distribution analysis in the network analysis
of Reddit for Egyptians examines the distribution of
node degrees, which represent the number of connec-
tions or edges that users have in the network. By
analyzing the frequency or probability distribution
of these degrees, we can understand the prevalence
and distribution of user engagement and participa-
tion within the Egyptian Reddit network. Skewness
and kurtosis measures provide valuable insights into
the connectivity patterns, centralization, and struc-
tural characteristics of the network, revealing the con-
centration of highly connected users and the overall
distribution of degrees.To calculate the average de-
gree for undirected network, let N be the number of
nodes, and L be the number of edges; then the ex-
pected node degree can be calculate as shown in Eq. 1
(Vasques Filho and O’Neale, 2018).
< K >=
3.3.3 Clustering Coefficients
Clustering coefficient analysis provides insights into
the local connectivity and clustering tendencies
within the Egyptian Reddit community. It helps iden-
tify tightly interconnected clusters or communities
within the network, highlighting users who actively
engage and form connections with fellow Egyptian
users. The clustering coefficient analysis allows us to
understand the local connectivity, community struc-
tures, and interaction patterns within the Egyptian
Reddit community (Clemente and Grassi, 2018).
3.3.4 Network Type
Network type analysis categorizes the network based
on its structural properties. This analysis helps us un-
derstand the fundamental characteristics of the net-
work, such as connectivity patterns and overall struc-
ture. Common network types include random net-
works, small-world networks, clustered networks,
and sparse networks. By identifying the network type,
we gain insights into the connectivity patterns, com-
munity structures, and the behavior within the Egyp-
tian Reddit community (Zaidi, 2012).
3.3.5 Centrality Analysis
Centrality analysis in the network analysis of Reddit
for Egyptians helps identify important nodes based
on measures like Degree centrality, Closeness cen-
trality, Betweenness centrality, and Eigenvector cen-
trality. Degree centrality assesses the number of con-
nections, Closeness centrality measures accessibility,
Betweenness centrality identifies bridge nodes, and
Eigenvector centrality considers connections with in-
fluential nodes. Centrality analysis reveals key nodes
that play significant roles in the structure and infor-
mation flow of the Egyptian Reddit network (Gomez,
3.3.6 Static Community Discovery
Community discovery involves partitioning the net-
work into groups of nodes called communities. These
communities consist of nodes that have stronger con-
nections or similarities within the same community
compared to nodes in different communities. Com-
munity detection algorithms are applied to identify
these meaningful communities, providing insights
into the modular structure and functional units within
the Egyptian Reddit network. The quality of the de-
tected communities is evaluated using metrics such
as modularity and conductance. Visualizations aid in
interpreting the communities, revealing relationships
and interactions between nodes. Further analysis in-
volves studying the characteristics and functions of
nodes within each community, contributing to a com-
prehensive understanding of the network’s structure
and dynamics (Zhu et al., 2020).
3.3.7 Dynamic Community Discovery
Dynamic community discovery network analysis of
Reddit for Egyptians involves identifying and track-
ing communities in evolving graphs that represent the
interactions between users over time. This analysis
captures the changing structure and temporal evolu-
tion of communities within the Egyptian Reddit net-
work. Various approaches, such as the Label Propa-
gation Algorithm, graph partitioning techniques, the
Louvain Method, and the Infomap algorithm, can be
employed to address the challenges of dynamic com-
munity discovery. These approaches help uncover
how communities form, evolve, and interact within
the evolving Egyptian Reddit network (Thompson
et al., 2017).
3.3.8 Connected Components Analysis
Connected components analysis in the network anal-
ysis of Reddit for Egyptians identifies distinct clus-
ters or subgraphs within the larger network. It par-
titions nodes into subsets called connected compo-
nents, where nodes within a component are mutually
reachable. This analysis helps reveal the underly-
ing structure, connectivity patterns, and isolated re-
gions within the Egyptian Reddit network. Determin-
ing component sizes and visualizing the components
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
provide insights into cluster distribution and the main
connected part of the graph, contributing to a better
understanding of connectivity and identifying isolated
regions or clusters (Huang et al., 2009).
3.3.9 Density Analysis
Density analysis in the network analysis of Reddit for
Egyptians quantifies the level of connectivity or spar-
sity within the Egyptian Reddit network. It measures
the ratio of the number of edges present in the graph
to the maximum possible edges as shown in Eq. 2.
Higher density values indicate a more densely con-
nected network, while lower density values suggest
a more sparse or fragmented network. Density anal-
ysis provides insights into the overall connectivity
and structure of the Egyptian Reddit network, high-
lighting the level of engagement and information flow
within the community (Goswami et al., 2018).
DensityRatio =
#Nodes (#Nodes 1)/2
3.3.10 Path Analysis
Path analysis in the network analysis of Reddit for
Egyptians involves studying the routes between nodes
to understand connectivity, reachability, and flow
within the network. It includes finding the shortest
path, analyzing reachability, studying path length dis-
tribution, examining flow and traffic patterns, and un-
covering connectivity patterns like hubs and bridges.
Path analysis provides valuable insights into the struc-
ture and dynamics of the Egyptian Reddit network,
aiding in understanding information flow and com-
munication within the community (Thompson et al.,
2017). Let N be the number of nodes in the network,
then the expected path distance can be calculated as
shown in Eq. 3
< D >=
dist(i, j)
4.1 Degree Analysis
The degree of a node in a graph is the number of edges
connected to that node. In our study, we analyzed the
degrees of nodes in the graph and made the observa-
tion prrovided in table. 3.
The degree analysis of the network revealed inter-
esting observations. The minimum degree of 0 indi-
cated the presence of isolated nodes, while the max-
imum degree of 13019 pointed to highly connected
Table 3: Degree general statistics.
Observation Value
Minimum degree 0
Maximum degree 13,019
Average degree 593.6
Total number of degrees 137,555,46
nodes or hubs. The average degree of 593.602 re-
flected the typical connectivity of nodes, and the to-
tal number of degrees was 13,755,546, illustrating the
overall size and complexity of the network. These
findings offer insights into the network’s structure and
potential real-world applications. To deepen our un-
derstanding, we ask: How does the degree distribu-
tion compare to other regional Reddit communities,
and what role do these highly connected nodes play
in information flow and community cohesion within
this network?
4.2 Degree Distribution Analysis
The degree distribution analysis examines the varia-
tion and patterns of node connectivity in a network. It
provides insights into influential nodes, information
flow, and network structure. This analysis helps un-
cover the distribution characteristics of degrees in the
Figure 4: Degree distribution of the Egyptian reddit net-
Table 4: Degree distribution general statistics.
Observation Value
Range of Degree Distribution 0 to 13,019
Average Degree 593.6
Standard Deviation 257.98
Skewness Positive
Kurtosis Leptokurtic
The degree distribution analysis reveals important
characteristics of the network’s connectivity patterns
as provided in table. 4. The observed range of de-
grees from 0 to 13,019 indicates substantial variation
in the number of edges per node. The average degree
of 593.602 with a standard deviation of 257.982 signi-
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
fies the typical number of connections and the degree
of variation. The positively skewed distribution sug-
gests that most nodes have low degrees, while a few
nodes exhibit high degrees, highlighting an uneven
distribution of edges. And this is as well indicated
in the histogram shown in fig. 4. Additionally, the
leptokurtic distribution shows a sharp peak and heavy
tails, indicating a concentration of nodes around the
average with a presence of nodes with significantly
higher degrees. This analysis not only help us com-
prehend network properties but also lay the ground-
work for addressing the following research questions:
How does this degree distribution compare to other
regional Reddit communities, and what role do highly
connected nodes play in influencing network dynam-
ics, including information dissemination efficiency?
4.3 Clustering Coefficients
The clustering coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, where
0 means that none of the node’s neighbors are con-
nected to each other and 1 means that all the node’s
neighbors are connected to each other. The average
clustering coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, where 0
means that there is no clustering at all and 1 means
that there is perfect clustering. The average clustering
coefficient of the graph was calculated to be 0.976.
Average clustering and average degree were used to
determine Network Type.
Figure 5: Histogram of clustering coefficients for the Egyp-
tian reddit network.
Our observation is that the graph exhibits a re-
markably high level of clustering as shown in fig. 5,
with the majority of nodes forming triangles with
their neighbors, indicating strong local connectivity
and the presence of tightly-knit communities. The
presence of numerous cliques or communities further
underscores the pronounced clustering in the graph.
Additionally, the graph’s connectivity patterns sug-
gest a departure from randomness or sparsity, as there
are abundant common friends among the nodes, im-
plying a dense network structure with interconnected
nodes. This observation highlights the cohesive na-
ture of the graph, with distinct communities and co-
hesive clusters contributing to its overall structure and
connectivity. The high level of clustering observed in
the network of the Egyptian Reddit community could
be attributed to factors such as the shared cultural and
linguistic background of the users, as well as potential
offline interactions and shared experiences. The clus-
tering effect may be intensified by the predominance
of Arabic subreddits, fostering stronger connections
among users with similar interests and cultural affili-
4.4 Network Type
As mentioned before the degree distribution and clus-
tering coefficient can provide insights into the net-
work type, our observations are shown in table 5. fol-
lowing are the measures used to infer the network
4.4.1 Degree Distribution
Start by calculating the degree of each node, which
represents the number of edges connected to it. Then,
examine the degree distribution, which shows the fre-
quency distribution of node degrees. If the degree
distribution follows power-law distribution which im-
plies a ”rich-get-richer” phenomenon, where a small
number of nodes acquire a disproportionately large
number of connections while the majority of nodes
have relatively fewer connections, it indicates a scale-
free network. On the other hand, if the degree dis-
tribution is more uniform or bell-shaped, it suggests
a random network where connections formed ran-
domly, no specific pattern or structure,relatively uni-
form distribution of connections and no dominant
hubs or regular network where there is a structured
pattern of connections, equal number of connections
for each node and often forms clusters or neighbor-
hoods, respectively.
4.4.2 Clustering Coefficient
Calculate the clustering coefficient for each node,
which measures the tendency of nodes to cluster to-
gether. Compute the average clustering coefficient
for the entire graph by averaging the clustering co-
efficients of all nodes. If the average clustering co-
efficient is much higher than expected in a random
graph with the same size and degree distribution, it
indicates highly clustered or small-world network in
which tightly connected clusters and short distances
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
between nodes exist and it enables efficient commu-
nication. If it’s close to the expected value of a ran-
dom graph, it suggests a random network where con-
nections between nodes are formed randomly without
any specific pattern and a close-to-zero average clus-
tering coefficient suggests a sparse or low clustering
network which has few connections between nodes
and limited clustering and it has a low density of con-
nections, long average distances between nodes and
limited inter-connectivity.
Table 5: Network type of the Egyptian reddit network.
Observation Value
Network clustering High
Network connectivity High
Network Type Small World Network.
4.5 Centrality Analysis
In this section, we present a centrality analysis of the
Egyptian reddit network, focusing on a user named
Wil, who exhibits remarkable characteristics in terms
of his Degree Centrality, Betweenness Centrality,
Closeness centrality, and Eigenvector centrality. Wil
is a member of our dataset, specifically identified in
row 19206. Our observations indicate that Wil is
highly influential and well connected within the net-
Wil’s centrality within the network can be as-
sessed through various measures as provided in ta-
ble. 6, providing insights into his active engagement
and influential role. Degree centrality, quantified as
0.561842, indicates that Wil follows 23 out of the
105 subreddits in the network, highlighting his ac-
tive participation and interest in a significant por-
tion of the network’s content. Moving on to be-
tweenness centrality, Wil’s score of 0.269488 sug-
gests his crucial position as a bridge connecting dif-
ferent parts of the network, facilitating communica-
tion and the flow of information between nodes. This
implies that he plays a vital role in maintaining the
network’s connectivity and enabling efficient infor-
mation dissemination. Wil’s high closeness centrality,
measured at 0.692209, demonstrates his proximity to
other nodes in the network, allowing information to
quickly spread through the network via him and en-
abling efficient dissemination of information. More-
over, Wil’s eigenvector centrality score of 0.036501
highlights his connections to other influential nodes
in the network, enhancing his potential for influence
within the network.
Table 6: Centrality metrics of the user named Wil.
Centrality Metric Value
Degree centrality 0.561842
Betweenness centrality 0.269488
Closeness centrality 0.692209
Eigenvector centrality 0.036501
4.6 Static Community Discovery
Static Community discovery was performed using
rigorous methodology. Community detection algo-
rithms, specifically Louvain or Girvan-Newman, were
employed to identify distinct communities within the
network. The quality of the communities was eval-
uated using modularity, while community sizes and
overlap were analyzed. Where available, the detected
communities were validated against groundtruth. For
evolving networks, temporal dynamics were consid-
ered, and the results were interpreted within the net-
work’s context. The analysis was refined iteratively
based on network characteristics.
We observed that the Louvain algorithm, emerges
as a widely used community detection algorithm that
effectively identifies communities in networks. By it-
eratively optimizing the modularity measure, which
quantifies the quality of network division, the Louvain
algorithm demonstrates its ability to partition net-
works into cohesive communities as shown in fig. 6.
This observation underscores the algorithm’s signifi-
cance in the field of network analysis, where it pro-
vides a valuable tool for uncovering underlying com-
munity structures within complex networks.
Figure 6: 50 (Static) communities in the Egyptian Reddit
In fig. 6 the colored circles represent 50 commu-
nities (provided in table. 7) in the Egyptian reddit net-
work and the distance between the circles shows how
different the sizes of these communities are. When
circles are close together, it means the communities
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
Table 7: Static Community Discovery.
No. of
No. of
0 217 25 559
1 758 26 709
2 512 27 368
3 717 28 751
4 916 29 509
5 800 30 1
6 617 31 1
7 416 32 24
8 785 33 1
9 625 34 4
10 2228 35 9
11 777 36 1
12 1316 37 1
13 638 38 5
14 491 39 5
15 728 40 2
16 1267 41 88
17 399 42 3
18 732 43 1
19 766 44 5
20 809 45 1
21 952 46 1
22 751 47 1
23 746 48 637
24 522 49 1
have a similar number of users, mostly consisting of
a large number of usernames and if the circles are far
apart, it means there is a big difference in the number
of users between those communities, typically rep-
resenting communities with a small number of user-
4.7 Dynamic Community Discovery
Dynamic community discovery was conducted using
a systematic approach. Algorithms designed for dy-
namic networks were utilized, applying them to each
time slice with a defined temporal resolution. Com-
munity stability, persistence, evolution, and changes
were analyzed, considering temporal metrics for ad-
ditional insights.
We observed that Label Propagation algorithm,
stands out as an efficient approach for community
detection in graphs, compared to other algorithms,
it is computationally more efficient, flexible in han-
dling different graph types, and does not require prior
knowledge of the number of communities. However,
it may be sensitive to noise and highly connected
nodes and may not capture global community struc-
ture as effectively. This semi-supervised algorithm
leverages the network structure and neighbor labels to
assign community labels to nodes. By propagating la-
bels iteratively throughout the network, the algorithm
reaches a stable state where each node is assigned a la-
bel that maximizes agreement with its neighbors. The
Label Propagation algorithm’s ability to exploit local
connectivity patterns and iteratively refine community
assignments highlights its effectiveness as a powerful
tool for identifying communities in graphs.
The results were visualized as shown in fig. 7, the
colored circles represent 39 communities (provided in
table. 8) in the Egyptian reddit network. The arrange-
ment and distance between the circles show how the
communities change over time or in different states.
When circles are close together, it means the commu-
Figure 7: 39 (Dynamic) Communities in Egyptian reddit
Table 8: Dynamic Community Discovery.
No. of
No. of
0 13468 21 16
1 8189 22 3
2 368 23 1
3 3 24 5
4 1 25 5
5 66 26 3
6 28 27 1
7 2 28 9
8 1 29 1
9 24 30 2
10 1 31 15
11 4 32 2
12 9 33 9
13 1 34 1
14 1 35 153
15 5 36 243
16 208 37 12
17 5 38 1
18 2 39 217
19 88
20 1
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
nities at that time or state have a similar number of
users, mostly consisting of a large number of user-
names. If the circles are far apart, it means there is a
significant difference in the number of users between
those communities, typically representing communi-
ties with a small number of usernames.
4.8 Connected Components Analysis
The graph analysis reveals the presence of 19 con-
nected components, indicating that the graph is di-
vided into distinct groups of nodes with each forming
a connected component, a sample of connected com-
ponent no. 10 is shown in fig. 1. These components
are separate entities and lack direct connections be-
tween them. Among these components, Component
1 stands out with the maximum number of elements,
reaching 23,042. Notably, the elements within com-
ponent 1 do not belong to the same subreddit, suggest-
ing a diverse composition. Additionally, the analysis
highlights that 11 components consist of a single ele-
ment, while 8 components comprise more than one el-
ement. This observation with components sizes’ pro-
vided in table. 9 significantly impacts the density ra-
tio, emphasizing the variation in component sizes and
the presence of both isolated and interconnected sub-
structures within the graph.
Table 9: Connected Components Analysis.
Component Size Component Size
1 23042 11 2
2 1 12 88
3 1 13 3
4 1 14 1
5 4 15 1
6 9 16 5
7 1 17 1
8 1 18 1
9 5 19 1
10 5
4.9 Density Analysis
Density is a measure of how connected a graph is,
calculated as the ratio of the number of edges to the
number of possible edges in a graph.
#PossibleEdges =
(#Nodes) (#Nodes 1)
DensityRatio =
The analysis of the network reveals that it is rel-
atively sparse with fewer edges compared to a fully
connected network. This is supported by the higher
count of disconnected components compared to con-
nected components. The network consists of 23,173
nodes and 6,877,773 edges, indicating the relation-
ships between these entities. The density ratio, cal-
culated as 0.025617 using Eq. 5, confirms the sparse
nature of the network, with lower values indicating
fewer connections. These observations shown in ta-
ble. 10 are crucial for understanding the network’s
connectivity patterns and analyzing the data repre-
sented by its nodes and edges.
Table 10: Density Analysis Observations.
Observation Value
Network sparsity Relatively sparse
Number of Nodes 23,173
Number of Edges 6,877,773
Number of possible edges 268,482,378
Density Ratio 0.025617
4.10 Path Analysis
Many algorithms have been developed for path anal-
ysis, but among these techniques the most important
and popular one is the shortest path analysis. Shortest
path is implemented by using the connected compo-
nents output file and randomly choose two different
usernames from each component. In total there are
19 components, 10 of which each has one element, so
they were ignored and we focused on 9 other compo-
nents which have more than one element. As shown
in table. 11: component 1, along with components 5,
6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 15, have more than one user-
name, these components differ from the others, which
have only one username. Component 1 is unique be-
cause it contains usernames from multiple subreddits,
while the other components have usernames within a
single subreddit and this distinction is important be-
cause it affects the path length between usernames. In
component 1, the path length can be equal to 2 be-
cause there may be an intermediate node between the
source and target usernames, so this means there is
an extra step in the path due to the multiple subreddit
connections within component 1.
In contrast, the other components have a path
length of 1 because the usernames are all in the same
subreddit. This direct path does not require any in-
termediate nodes between the source and target user-
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
Table 11: Shortest path results.
Component Source Target Shortest Path Length
1 gqn cLoUt diDDit 2
5 kendralinnette odedi1 1
6 happyboy13 ProgaPanda 1
9 fatrna ezzouhry AEssam 1
10 lacobusCaesar Memetaro Kujo 1
11 lnTheKurry RealHistoryMashup 1
12 dishonoredgraves LimeAndTacos 1
13 CASCADE 999 Trainer Opposite 1
15 muffled savior 3pr7 1
In this research paper we focused on analyzing the
Reddit network for Egyptians. We followed a step-
by-step methodology to collect and preprocess the
dataset, resulting in a comprehensive dataset with
23,185 unique users and 105 Egyptian subreddits.
The network constructed from the dataset provided
a visual representation of the connections between
users based on their shared subreddit interests. With
6,877,773 edges, the network showed a significant
level of interconnectedness among users.
Through the application of various network anal-
ysis techniques, such as degree analysis, degree dis-
tribution analysis, clustering coefficient analysis, and
network type analysis, we gained insights into the
characteristics of the network. These analyses helped
us understand the degrees of nodes, the distribution
of degrees, the level of clustering within the network,
and the network’s overall structural properties.
Our research contributes significantly to the body
of knowledge surrounding the Egyptian Reddit com-
munity, enriching our understanding of its dynam-
ics and underlying structures. These findings hold
practical relevance for the identification of influential
users, the study of information propagation, and the
exploration of community frameworks. Researchers
and community managers alike can leverage these in-
sights to make more informed decisions and foster
more effective engagement within the Egyptian Red-
dit community.
However, it is essential to acknowledge the limi-
tations of our study. While our analysis provides a ro-
bust foundation for understanding the Egyptian Red-
dit network, the dynamic nature of online communi-
ties means that our findings may not be static over
time. Future research endeavors should consider in-
corporating temporal analysis to capture the evolving
nature of the network. Furthermore, the incorpora-
tion of sentiment analysis could unveil the emotions
and opinions expressed within Egyptian subreddits,
adding depth to our understanding.
Looking beyond the confines of this study, similar
analyses can be extended to other communities and
populations, such as the broader Arab and African
communities, shedding light on the evolving land-
scape of underprivileged countries and regions.
At the end, our research offers valuable in-
sights into the Egyptian Reddit network, illuminat-
ing its inner workings and serving as a launchpad
for future studies and community engagement efforts.
By addressing the unique characteristics of this re-
gional Reddit community, we advance the frontiers
of knowledge in online community analysis and offer
a roadmap for future investigations in this dynamic
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Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community